Inlinguistics, theultima is the lastsyllable of a word, thepenult is the next-to-last syllable, and theantepenult is third-from-last syllable. In a word of three syllables, the names of the syllables are antepenult-penult-ultima.
Ultima comes from Latinultima (syllaba) "last (syllable)". Penult and antepenult are abbreviations forpaenultima andantepaenultima. Penult has the prefixpaene "almost", and antepenult has the prefixante "before".
InLatin andAncient Greek, only the three last syllables can be accented. In Latin, a word'sstress is dependent on theweight or length of the penultimate syllable. In Ancient Greek, the place and the type of accent are dependent on the length of the vowel in the ultima.
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