The groups involved in the coalition have diverse memberships; Harakat Fajr Sham al-Islamiya numbers mostly Syrians from the Aleppo area,[18] while Harakat Sham al-Islam was formed around a core of Moroccan fighters,[19] the Green Battalion mainly had fighters from Saudi Arabia[19] and Jaish al-Mujahireen wal-Ansar was formed by Chechen and other Russian-speaking fighters.[20] On 23 September 2015, Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar left and joinedJabhat al-Nusra.[21]
10 December 2016: The two remaining factions in the allianceHarakat Sham al-Islam led by Abu Mohammed al-Baydawi andHarakat Fajr ash-Sham al-Islamiya led by Abu Abdullah al-Shami have completely merged under Jabhat Ansar al-Din name, the leader is Abu Abdullah al-Shami.[2]
28 January 2017: Jabhat Ansar al-Din dissolved itself and joinedTahrir al-Sham.[4]
1 February 2018: Harakat Fajr ash-Sham al-Islamiya defected from Tahrir al-Sham and resumed working as an independent group under the nameAnsar al-Din Front - Harakat Fajr ash-Sham al-Islamiya.[11]
Harakat Sham al-Islam (Arabic:حركة شام الإسلام, meaning "Islamic Movement of theLevant") is a jihadist group composed of primarily Moroccans that has been active during theSyrian Civil War.[19] The group announced on 25 July 2014 that it became part of the Jabhat Ansar al-Din.[3] It was designated as a terrorist organization by theUS State Department on 24 September 2014,[22] byUnited Nations on 29 February 2016.[23] and byBahrain andMorocco.[24][25]
The group's leader, Shakran, was killed in a battle with Syrian government forces in April 2014,[30] along with the group's military commander, Abu Safiya Al-Masri.[31] On 12 December 2016 they fully dissolved into Jabhat Ansar al-Din.[2]
Harakat Fajr ash-Sham al-Islamiya (Arabic:حركة فجر الشام الإسلامية,Islamic Dawn Movement of the Levant) is a jihadist group that has been active during theSyrian Civil War.[32] The group announced on 25 July 2014 that it became part of the Jabhat Ansar al-Din.[3] On 12 December 2016, the group fully dissolved into Jabhat Ansar al-Din.[2]
On 1 February 2018, Harakat Fajr ash-Sham al-Islamiya leftTahrir al-Sham and began operating under the nameAnsar al-Din Front - Harakat Fajr ash-Sham al-Islamiya.[11]
On 20 June 2018, al-Murabitin Battalion, Osama Battalion, Abu Ali Yemeni Battalion and Abu Hilal Zitan Battalion leftTahrir al-Sham to join the Islamic Dawn Movement of the Levant.[33]
On 2 August 2018, Ansar al-Haqq and Abna Sharia joined.[7]
On 20 August 2018, Fursan al-Iman joined the group.
The group has stated they desire to maintain a policy of neutrality and independence between various groups in fighting against the Syrian government as well as stating a desire to cooperate with these groups as well,[9] prior the formation of the group the member groups did cooperate withISIL in early 2014 in besieging theKweiris airbase.[34]
In an interview in 2015 a representative from the group was asked about their views regarding bothal-Nusra andISIL to which the representative said regarding al-Nusra "The problem is with them, not with us: we are prepared to work with all upright factions whose goals are like ours. It is not hidden from anyone that the goals of the majority of factions are like our goals." He added when asked if al-Nusra has made mistakes on the ground "In my personal opinion indeed we all make mistakes…and perhaps in Jabhat al-Nusra’s point of view it is not necessary to establish a Caliphate while the gangs of Assad exist in Syria." When asked about the group's stance on ISIL he said "We have no relation with IS (Islamic State). We don’t fight them and they don’t fight us. But anyone who says that Jabhat Ansar al-Din is affiliated with IS is lying."[9]