Anim Zemirot (Hebrew:אנעים זמירות, lit. "I shall sweeten songs"[citation needed])IPA:[ʔanˈʕiːmzǝmiːˈroːθ] is a Jewish liturgical poem recited in mostAshkenazicsynagogues duringShabbat and holiday morning services; in most communities, it is said at the end of services, and in a small number of communities it is recited at the beginning of services or before the Torah reading. Formally, it is known asShir Hakavod (שיר הכבוד, lit. "Song of Glory")IPA:[ˈʃiːrhakkɔːˈvoːð], but it is often referred to asAnim Zemirot, after the first two words of the poem.
Anim Zemirot is recited responsively, with the first verse read aloud by theShaliach Tzibbur (שליח ציבור, lit. messenger of the congregation), the second verse recited by the congregation in unison, and so on. The poem is believed to have been written byJudah ben Samuel of Regensburg, the 12th-centuryGerman scholar andpietist.
The main body ofAnim Zemirot consists of 31 original verses, followed by two verses fromTanach: the first fromChronicles 29:11 and the second fromPsalms 106:2. From the fifth to the twenty-eighth verse, the verses each begin with the successive letter in theHebrew alphabet, except for the letterreish (ר) andtav (ת), both of which appear twice. As there are an odd number of verses within the main body, the congregation traditionally recites the last verse of the main body along with theshaliach tzibbur. In later editions, there are an additional three verses; usually, the first two are then recited alone by the members of the congregation and theshaliach tzibbur recites the verse from Psalms aloud to indicate the completion ofAnim Zemirot and in many communities this is followed by akaddish yatom (קדיש יתום, Mourners' kaddish).
TheHoly Ark is opened for the recital ofAnim Zemirot, befitting its formal title of "The Song of Glory." There is an account that this name originated because of an old tradition to recite the last four verses ofPsalm 24 prior to recitingAnim Zemirot.[1] According to theLevush, the recital ofAnim Zemirot has been restricted so that it not become overly familiar and mundane.[2] While most congregations recite it on Shabbat and Jewish holidays, theVilna Gaon was of the opinion that it should be recited only on holidays. A small minority of congregations recite it only onRosh Hashanah andYom Kippur.[3]
In many synagogues, it has become the custom forAnim Zemirot to be recited by a child.[4]