In theUK, this field is more often termedangiology, and in theUnited States the termvascular medicine is more frequent. The field of vascular medicine (angiology) is the field that deals with preventing, diagnosing, and treatinglymphatic andblood vessel related diseases.[2]
Vascular medicine (angiology) training is well established in some European countries. The first European educational Working Group was born in 1991 in Milan (EWMA) becoming in 1998 a European Scientific AssociationVAS Vascular Independent Research and Education European Organization with several European educational programmes: European Fellowship, European Master, CESMA-UEMS European Diploma and Postgrad Courses. In theUnited States there are several independent vascular medicine training programs and twelve NIH funded three-year programs as well. These programs are suitable for eitherInternal medicine specialists as afellowship or forcardiologists. In 2005, the first vascular medicine boards were administered by theAmerican Board of Vascular Medicine. For current education and training in vascular medicine, seeSociety for Vascular Medicine.