Ambashtha orAmbastha is acaste or sub-caste or a community ofHindus inIndia. According to Hindu scriptures, the term Ambastha refers to the offspring of aBrahmin father and aVaishya mother, whose traditional occupation was the practice of medicine.[1][2]
The term Ambastha is now used to describe a particular sub-caste within theChitraguptavanshi Kayastha community, now found mainly inNorth-Indian region (Bihar andJharkhand).[3]
In the ancient Indian epicMahabharata, a warrior tribe named Ambastha has been mentioned. During Alexander's invasion, they had 60000 infantry, 6000 horsemen and 500 chariots. They have been described as inhabitants of northwestern part of Indian subcontinent (near Lahore), and they were conquered by Nakula and paid tribute to Yudisthira. They fought in the Kurukhetra war (initially for the Pandavas but later for Drona). They took to different professions like priesthood, farming and medicine, and are assumed to have migrated to eastern India later on.[3][4]
The term Ambastha also get mentioned in Hindu textManusmriti as the offspring of a union between Brahmin male and Vaishya female.[1]
Ridgeon mentions about the myth related to the origin of the fourvarnas in theRigveda,[1] and says that in order to explain "the great number of castes, a theory was developed that unions between men and women of different varnas produced offspring of various castes".[1]
Citing the Hindu textParasara, Leslie mentions that the Ambastha is supposed to treat the Brahmins only, and hence considered as "a clean caste, definitely below the brahman, but certainly well within thetwice-born group".[5] This differentiates the Ambasthas from the average Vaidyas, who were considered "unclean" and were denied the status accorded to the Ambastha.[5]
According toBindeshwari Prasad Sinha the ancient Ambasthas migrated to Bihar and created a sub-division of the greater Kayastha caste of this region.[6][3]
In theBrihaddharma Purana the Ambashthas and theBaidyas/Vaidyas were considered as the same caste in its list of 36 castes but another text, theBrahma Vaivarta Purana considered them as two separate sub-castes. Bharatmallik (17th century), the author of theChandraprabha andBhattitika has introduced himself as both Vaidya and Ambashtha, which indicates both the castes may have been considered as one in early medieval Bengal.[7]
But Bihar was not the original homeland of the Ambashthas. The Ambashthas were a famous tribe from Western Punjab and have been mentioned in the Mahabharata.