Alomancy, also calledadromancy,ydromancie,idromancie, andhalomancy, is an ancient form ofdivination. Similar to many other forms of divination, the diviner castssalt crystals into the air and interprets the patterns as it falls to the ground or travels through the air.[1][2] The diviner can also interpret patterns that are formed from the residue of a saltsolution as it evaporates in the bowl. The exact interpretations are unknown, but it probably follows a similar method toaleuromancy.[citation needed]
Salt itself is often intertwined withluck, and some of this ancient tradition can be seen in thesuperstitions, such as the perceived misfortune when the salt cellar is overturned, and the custom of throwing salt over the left shoulder for good luck.[3]
One form of alomancy consists of the casting of salt into a fire, which is considered a type ofpyromancy.