Alexander "Sasha"Abramovich Belavin (Russian:Алекса́ндр Абра́мович Бела́вин, born 1942)[1] is a Russian physicist, known for his contributions tostring theory.
He is aprofessor at theIndependent University of Moscow and а researcher at theLandau Institute for Theoretical Physics. He is also a member of the editorial board of theMoscow Mathematical Journal.
Belavin participated in the discovery of theBPST instanton (1975) which aided the understanding of thechiral anomaly and gave new directions withinquantum field theory. With G. Avdeeva he showed evidence of new coupling regimes forgauge field theory (1973). He also developed theBelavin S-matrices, exactly solvable models in two-dimensional relativistic theories (1981). He co-authored theBPZ paper (1984) withAlexander Polyakov andAlexander Zamolodchikov ontwo-dimensional conformal field theory, which became important for string theory. WithVadim Knizhnik he obtained theBelavin–Knizhnik theorem on dual amplitudes in string theory (1986).
In February 2022, he signed an open letter by Russian scientists condemning the2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.[3]