TheAlaskan hare (Lepus othus), also known as thetundra hare, is a species ofmammal in the familyLeporidae.[2] They do not dig burrows and are found in the opentundra of westernAlaska and theAlaska Peninsula in the United States. They are solitary for most of the year except during mating season, when they produce a single litter of up to eight young. Predators includebirds of prey (such as thesnowy owl),lynx,mustelids andwolves, among other animals, as well as humans (typically hunted for food).
The Alaskan, or tundra, hare (Lepus othos) is one of the largest species ofhares.[3][4] They are one of two species of hares native to thestate of Alaska, the other being the more widespreadsnowshoe hare (Lepus americanus).[4] Both male and female adult Alaskan hares normally measure between 50–70 centimetres (20–28 in) in length, with the tail measuring up to an additional 8 centimetres (3.1 in). Their hind feet are 20 centimetres (7.9 in) long, which is thought to allow them to move easily in snowy conditions. It has also been reported that they utilize their feet for defense against predators, notably birds of prey, which attack from overhead.Lepus othos typically weighs between 2.9 to 7.2 kg (6.4 to 15.9 lb), with an average of 4.8 kg (11 lb), thus making it one of the largestlagomorphs, alongside the similarly-sized Eurasianbrown hare (L. europaeus),Arctic hare (L. arcticus) and the Asiandesert hare (L. tibetanus).[5] The Alaskan hare's ears are fairly short, compared to other hares.[3] This is thought to be an evolutionary adaptation in order to conserve heat throughout the colder months. A hare’s ears play an important role inthermoregulation. In the summer, Alaskan hares have a brown fur coat with white underparts. In the winter, they grow a white fur coat with black-tipped ears.[3][5] Alaskan hares are known to be carriers ofFrancisella tularensis, abacterium that causes an infectious disease known as tularemia, which can be transmitted to pets and humans. Tularemia symptoms include infectious or weepy sores, swollenlymph nodes, and fever orflu-like symptoms.[6]
The Alaskan hare is mostly solitary, and the species usually only congregates in groups during mating season in April and May.[5] They will normally have one litter per year of between four and eight leverets, with the young born during June and July. The leverets are active shortly after birth, and are born with full coats and open eyes.[5][3]
The closest relatives of the Alaskan hare are theArctic hare,Lepus arcticus, of northern Canada and Greenland, and themountain hare,Lepus timidus, of northern Eurasia,[2] from which the Alaskan hare is geographically isolated.[1]
They do not live in burrows, but instead nest in open sites. They are most commonly found in uplandtundra or in rocky or brushy areas which provide camouflage and protection from predators.[5] Their range includes western and southwesternAlaska, including theAlaska Peninsula.[1][4] They are herbivores, eating a variety of foliage and fruits, with foraging taking place primarily at dawn and dusk.[5] Alaskan hares also feed on green plants in the summer, and bark and twigs in the winter.[3] Predators include foxes,polar bears,wolverines, weasels, andbirds of prey.[5] They are taken opportunistically by humans for food or for their fur.[7] Their fur can be and is used to line shoes and robes in Alaska.[3]