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Ideologies of change via capitalism and technology
For the concept from future studies, seeAccelerating change.
Not to be confused withSocial acceleration.

Accelerationism is a range ofrevolutionary andreactionary ideologies that call for the drastic intensification ofcapitalist growth,technological change, and other processes of social change to destabilize existing systems and create radical social transformations, referred to as "acceleration".[1][2][3][4][5] It has been regarded as an ideological spectrum divided into mutually contradictoryleft-wing andright-wing variants, both of which support the dramatic change of capitalism and its structures as well as the conditions for atechnological singularity, a hypothetical point in time at which technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible.[6][7][8][9]

Ideas such asGilles Deleuze andFélix Guattari's concept ofdeterritorialization,Jean Baudrillard's proposals for "fatal strategies", and various ideas ofNick Land are crucial influences on accelerationism, which aims to analyze and subsequently promote the social, economic, cultural, andlibidinal forces that constitute the process of acceleration.[10][6]

The term has also, in a manner strongly distinguished from original accelerationist theorists, been used byright-wing extremists such asneo-fascists,neo-Nazis,white nationalists andwhite supremacists to increasingly refer to an "acceleration" of racial conflict throughassassinations,murders andterrorist attacks as a means to violently achieve awhite ethnostate.[11][12][13][14]

Background and precursors


The term "accelerationism" was first used in sci-fi authorRoger Zelazny's third novel, 1967'sLord of Light.[1][15] It was later popularized by professor and authorBenjamin Noys in his 2010 bookThe Persistence of the Negative to describe the trajectory of certainpost-structuralists who embraced unorthodoxMarxist and counter-Marxist overviews of capitalist growth, such as Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari in their 1972 bookAnti-Oedipus,Jean-François Lyotard in his 1974 bookLibidinal Economy and Jean Baudrillard in his 1976 bookSymbolic Exchange and Death.[16]

English right-wing philosopher and writer Nick Land, commonly credited with creating and inspiring accelerationism's basic ideas and concepts,[1][17] cited a number of philosophers who expressed anticipatory accelerationist attitudes in his 2017 essay "A Quick-and-Dirty Introduction to Accelerationism".[18][19] Firstly,Friedrich Nietzsche argued in a fragment inThe Will to Power that "theleveling process of European man is the great process which should not be checked: one should even accelerate it."[20] Then, taking inspiration from this notion forAnti-Oedipus, Deleuze and Guattari speculated on an unprecedented "revolutionary path" to further perpetuate capitalism's tendencies that would later become a central idea of accelerationism:

But which is the revolutionary path? Is there one?—To withdraw from the world market, asSamir Amin advises Third World countries to do, in a curious revival of the fascist "economic solution"? Or might it be to go in the opposite direction? To go still further, that is, in the movement of the market, of decoding and deterritorialization? For perhaps the flows are not yet deterritorialized enough, not decoded enough, from the viewpoint of a theory and a practice of a highly schizophrenic character. Not to withdraw from the process, but to go further, to "accelerate the process," as Nietzsche put it: in this matter, the truth is that we haven't seen anything yet.

— Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, Anti-Oedipus[21]

Land also citedKarl Marx, who, in his 1848 speech "On the Question of Free Trade", anticipated accelerationist principles a century before Deleuze and Guattari by describingfree trade as socially destructive and fuellingclass conflict, then effectively arguing for it:

But, in general, the protective system of our day is conservative, while the free trade system is destructive. It breaks up old nationalities and pushes the antagonism of the proletariat and the bourgeoisie to the extreme point. In a word, the free trade system hastens the social revolution. It is in this revolutionary sense alone, gentlemen, that I vote in favor of free trade.

— Karl Marx, On the Question of Free Trade[22]

Nick Srnicek and Alex Williams, prominent left accelerationists, additionally creditVladimir Lenin with recognizing capitalist progress as important in the subsequent functioning ofsocialism:[7]

Socialism is inconceivable without large-scale capitalist engineering based on the latest discoveries of modern science. It is inconceivable without planned state organisation which keeps tens of millions of people to the strictest observance of a unified standard in production and distribution. We Marxists have always spoken of this, and it is not worth while wasting two seconds talking to people who do not understand even this (anarchists and a good half of theLeft Socialist-Revolutionaries).

— Vladimir Lenin, “Left Wing” Childishness

Robin Mackay, co-editor of#Accelerate: The Accelerationist Reader and a former CCRU member, additionally citesRussian cosmism,science fiction (particularlyTerminator,Predator, andBlade Runner),cyberpunk, 90's cyberculture, andelectronic music as influences on the movement.[6]Iain Hamilton Grant, another former CCRU member, stated "Neuromancer got into the philosophy department, and it went viral. You’d find worn-out paperbacks all over the common room.”[1]

Contemporary accelerationism


The Guardian has referred to#Accelerate: The Accelerationist Reader, an anthology edited by Robin Mackay and Armen Avanessian, as "the only proper guide to the movement in existence." They also identified theUniversity of Warwick, particularly theCybernetic Culture Research Unit (CCRU) which included people such as Land, Mackay,Mark Fisher, andSadie Plant, as significant to the movement.[1][23] Fisher described the CCRU's accelerationism as “a kind of exuberant anti-politics, a ‘technihilo' celebration of the irrelevance of human agency, partly inspired by the pro-markets, anti-capitalism line developed byManuel DeLanda out ofBraudel, and from the section of Anti-Oedipus that talks about marketization as the 'revolutionary path'."[24]

Nick Land and right accelerationism


In "A Quick-and-Dirty Introduction to Accelerationism", Land attributed the increasing speed of the modern world, along with the associated decrease in time available to think and make decisions about its events, to unregulated capitalism and its ability to exponentially grow and self-improve, describing capitalism as "a positive feedback circuit, within whichcommercialization andindustrialization mutually excite each other in a runaway process." He argued that the best way to deal with capitalism is to participate more to foster even greater exponential growth and self-improvement viacreative destruction, accelerating technological progress along with it. Land also argued that such acceleration is intrinsic to capitalism but impossible for non-capitalist systems, stating that "capital revolutionizes itself more thoroughly than any extrinsic 'revolution' possibly could."[19] In an interview withVox, he stated "Modernity has Capitalism (the self-escalating techno-commercial complex) as its motor. Our question was what ‘the process’ wants (i.e. spontaneously promotes) and what resistances it provokes." He also said that “the assumption” behind accelerationism was that “the general direction of [techno-capitalist] self-escalating change was towarddecentralization.”[25] Mackay summarized Land's position as "since capitalism tends to dissolve hereditary social forms and restrictions [...], it is seen as the engine of exploration into the unknown. So to be ‘on the side of intelligence’ is to totally abandon all caution with respect to the disintegrative processes of capital and whatever reprocessing of the human and of the planet they might involve."[6] This view has been referred to as "right-accelerationism".[6][19]

Fanged Noumena, an anthology of Land's work, has been described as “contain[ing] some of accelerationism's most darkly fascinating passages."[1] In “Meltdown”, a CCRU work and one of the writings compiled, Land envisioned a technocapital singularity inChina, resulting in revolutions inartificial intelligence,human enhancement,biotechnology, andnanotechnology. This upends the previous status quo, and the formerfirst world countries struggle to maintain control and stop the singularity, verging oncollapse. He described newanti-authoritarian movements performing a bottom-up takeover of institutions through means likebiological warfare enhanced withDNA computing. He claimed that capitalism's tendency towards optimization of itself and technology, in service ofconsumerism, will lead to the enhancement and eventuallyreplacement of humanity with technology, asserting that "nothing human makes it out of the near-future." Eventually, the self-development of technology will culminate in the "melting [of]Terra into a seething K-pulp (which unlikegrey goo synthesizesmicrobial intelligence as it proliferates)." He also criticized traditional philosophy as tending towardsdespotism, instead praisingDeleuzoguattarianschizoanalysis as "already engaging with nonlinear nano-engineering runaway in 1972."[26][27]

Land has continually praisedChina's economic policy as being accelerationist, moving toShanghai and working as a journalist writing material that has been characterized as pro-government propaganda.[1][26][27][25] He has also spoken highly ofDeng Xiaoping andSingapore'sLee Kuan Yew, calling Lee an "autocratic enabler of freedom."[25][28]

Dark enlightenment


Land's involvement in theneoreactionary movement has contributed to his views on accelerationism. InThe Dark Enlightenment, he advocates for a form of capitalistmonarchism, with states controlled by aCEO. He viewsdemocratic andegalitarian policies as only slowing down acceleration and the technocapital singularity, stating "Beside thespeed machine, or industrial capitalism, there is an ever more perfectly weighted decelerator [...] comically, the fabrication of this braking mechanism is proclaimed asprogress. It is the Great Work of the Left.”[25][29] He has advocated for accelerationists to support the neoreactionary movement, though many have distanced themselves from him in response to his views on race.[1]

Left-wing accelerationism


Left-wing accelerationism (also referred to as left-accelerationism or L/Acc) is often attributed to Fisher.[30] Left-wing accelerationism seeks to explore, in an orthodox and conventional manner, how modern society has the momentum to create futures that are equitable and liberatory.[31][failed verification] While both strands of accelerationist thinking remain rooted in a similar range of thinkers, left accelerationism appeared with the intent to use technology for the goal of achieving an egalitarian future.[30][29] Fisher, writing on his blogk-punk, had become increasingly disillusioned with capitalism as an accelerationist,[1] citing working in the public sector inBlairite Britain, being a teacher and trade union activist, and an encounter with Slovenian philosopherSlavoj Žižek, whom he considered to be using similar concepts to the CCRU but from a leftist perspective.[24] At the same time, he became frustrated with traditional left wing politics, believing they were ignoring technology that they could exploit.[1]

In "Terminator vs Avatar", Fisher claimed that while Marxists criticizedLibidinal Economy for asserting that workers enjoyed the upending of primitive social orders, nobody truly wants to return to those. Therefore, rather than reverting to pre-capitalism, society must move through and beyond capitalism. Fisher praised Land's attacks on the academic left, describing the academic left as "careerist sandbaggers" and "a ruthless protection ofpetit bourgeois interests dressed up as politics." He also critiqued Land's interpretation of Deleuze and Guattari, stating that while superior in many ways, "his deviation from their understanding of capitalism is fatal" in assuming noreterritorialization, resulting in not foreseeing that capitalism provides "a simulation of innovation and newness that cloaks inertia and stasis." CitingFredric Jameson's interpretation ofThe Communist Manifesto as "see[ing] capitalism as the most productive moment of history and the most destructive at the same time", he argued for accelerationism as an anti-capitalist strategy, criticizing the left's moral critique of capitalism and their "tendencies towards Canutism" as only helping thenarrative that capitalism is the only viable system.[32]

Nick Srnicek befriended Fisher, sharing similar views, and the2008 financial crisis, along with dissatisfaction with the left's "ineffectual" response ofthe Occupy protests, led to Srnicek co-writing "#Accelerate: Manifesto for an Accelerationist Politics" with Alex Williams in 2013.[1][33] They posited that capitalism was the most advanced economic system of its time, but has since stagnated and is now constraining technology, withneoliberalism only worsening its crises. At the same time, they considered the modern left to be "unable to devise a new political ideological vision" as they are too focused on localism and direct action and cannot adapt to make meaningful change. They advocated using existing capitalist infrastructure as "a springboard to launch towards post-capitalism", taking advantage of capitalist technological and scientific advances to experiment with things like economic modeling likeProject Cybersyn. They also advocated for "collectively controlled legitimate vertical authority in addition to distributed horizontal forms of sociality" and attaining resources and funding for political infrastructure, contrasting standard leftist political action which they deem ineffective. Moving past the constraints of capitalism would result in a resumption of technological progress, not only creating a more rational society but also "recovering the dreams which transfixed many from the middle of the Nineteenth Century until the dawn of the neoliberal era, of the quest of Homo Sapiens towards expansion beyond the limitations of the earth and our immediate bodily forms."[1][7][34] They expanded further inInventing the Future, which, while dropping the term "accelerationism", pushed forautomation, reduction and distribution of working hours,universal basic income, and diminishment of work ethic.[1][35]

Land rebuked its ideas in a 2017 interview withThe Guardian, stating "the notion that self-propelling technology is separable from capitalism is a deep theoretical error."[1]

Effective accelerationism

Main article:Effective accelerationism

Effective accelerationism (abbreviated to e/acc) takes influence fromeffective altruism, a movement to maximize good by calculating what actions provide the greatest overall/global good and prioritizing those rather than focusing on personal interest/proximity. Proponents advocate for unrestricted technological progress "at all costs", believing thatartificial general intelligence will solve universal human problems like poverty, war, and climate change, while deceleration and stagnation of technology is agreater risk than anyposed by AI. For example,James Brusseau advocates reconfiguring AI ethics to promote acceleration, arguing that problems caused by AI innovation are to be resolved by still more innovation as opposed to limiting or slowing the technology.[36] This contrasts with effective altruism (referred to as "longtermism" to distinguish from e/acc), which tends to consider uncontrolled AI to be the greater existential risk and advocates for government regulation and carefulalignment.[37][38]

Other views


In a critique, Italian MarxistFranco Berardi considered acceleration “the essential feature of capitalist growth” and characterized accelerationism as "point[ing] out the contradictory implications of the process of intensification, emphasizing in particular the instability that acceleration brings into the capitalist system." However, he also stated “my answer to the question of whether acceleration marks a final collapse of power is quite simply: no. Because the power of capital is not based on stability.” He posited that the “accelerationist hypothesis” is based on two assumptions: that accelerating production cycles make capitalism unstable, and that potentialities within capitalism will necessarily deploy themselves. He criticized the first by stating “capitalism is resilient because it does not need rational government, only automatic governance”; and the second by arguing that while the possibility exists, it is not guaranteed to happen as it can still be slowed or stopped.[39]

Benjamin Noys is a staunch critic of accelerationism, initially calling it "DeleuzianThatcherism".[29] He accuses it of offering false solutions to technological and economic problems, considering those solutions “always promised and always just out of reach."[1][40] He has also said "Capitalism, for the accelerationist, bears down on us as accelerative liquid monstrosity, capable of absorbing us and, for Land, we must welcome this."[29][40]

InThe Question Concerning Technology in China,Yuk Hui critiqued accelerationism, particularlyRay Brassier’s “Prometheanism and its Critics” from#Accelerate: The Accelerationist Reader, stating “if such a response to technology and capitalism is applied globally, [...] it risks perpetuating a more subtle form of colonialism.” He argues that accelerationism tries to universally apply a western conception of technology based onPrometheus despite other cultures having different myths and relations to technology.[41] In "A Politics of Intensity: Some Aspects of Acceleration in Simondon and Deleuze", Yuk Hui and Louis Morelle analyzed Deleuze andSimondon from an accelerationist perspective.[42]

Slavoj Žižek considers accelerationism to be “far too optimistic”, critiquing it as retroactivelydeterministic and contrasting it withFreud’sdeath drive and its lack of a final conclusion. He argues that accelerationism considers just one conclusion of the world’s tendencies and fails to find other “coordinates" of the world order.[43]

Benjamin H. Bratton's bookThe Stack: On Software and Sovereignty has been described as concerning accelerationist ideas, focusing on how information technology infrastructures undermine modern political geographies and proposing an open-ended "design brief".Tiziana Terranova's "Red Stack Attack!" links Bratton's stack model and left-wing accelerationism.[44]

Laboria Cuboniks, a feminist group, advocated for the use of technology forgender abolition in "Xenofeminism: A Politics for Alienation", which has been described as "regrounding left accelerationism in itscyberfeminist antecedents."[45]Aria Dean, proposing an alternative to both right and left accelerationism, synthesizedracial capitalism with accelerationism in "Notes on Blacceleration", arguing that the binary between humans and capital is already blurred by the scars of theAtlantic slave trade.[46]

Other uses of the term


Since "accelerationism" was coined in 2010, the term has taken on several new meanings. Several commentators have used the labelaccelerationist to describe a controversial political strategy articulated by Slavoj Žižek.[47][48] An often-cited example of this is Žižek's assertion in a November 2016 interview withChannel 4 News that were he an American citizen, he would vote for former U.S. presidentDonald Trump as the candidate more likely to disrupt the politicalstatus quo in that country.[49]Steven Shaviro described variants that “embrace the idea that the worse things get, the better the prospect for a revolution to overthrow everything”, though he considers it very rare.[50] Mackay noted a misconception that accelerationism involves a Marxist "acceleration ofcontradictions" within capitalism and stated that no accelerationist authors have advocated such a thing.[6]Chinese dissidents have referred toXi Jinping as "Accelerator-in-Chief" (referencing state media calling Deng Xiaoping "Architect-in-Chief ofReform and Opening"), believing that Xi'sauthoritarianism is hastening the demise of theChinese Communist Party and that, because it is beyond saving, they should allow it to destroy itself in order to create a better future.[51]

Far-right accelerationist terrorism


Despite its originally Marxist philosophical and theoretical interests, since the late 2010s, international networks of neo-fascists, neo-Nazis, White nationalists, and White supremacists have increasingly used the term "accelerationism" to refer to right-wing extremist goals, and have been known to refer to an "acceleration" of racial conflict through violent means such as assassinations, murders, terrorist attacks and eventual societal collapse to achieve the building of a White ethnostate.[12][13][14] Far-right accelerationism has been widely considered as detrimental to public safety.[52] The inspiration for this distinct variation is occasionally cited asAmerican Nazi Party andNational Socialist Liberation Front memberJames Mason's newsletterSiege, where he argued forsabotage,mass killings, and assassinations of high-profile targets to destabilize and destroy the current society, seen as a system upholding aJewish andmulticulturalNew World Order.[12] His works were republished and popularized by theIron Marchforum andAtomwaffen Division, right-wing extremist organizations strongly connected to various terrorist attacks, murders, andassaults.[12][53][54][55] Far-right accelerationists have also been known to attackcritical infrastructure, particularly thepower grid, attempting to cause a collapse of the system orbelieving that 5G was causing COVID-19, with some encouragingpromotion of 5G conspiracy theories as easier than convincing potential recruits thatthe Holocaust never happened.[56][57] According to theSouthern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which tracks hate groups and filesclass action lawsuits against discriminatory organizations and entities, "on the case of white supremacists, the accelerationist set sees modern society as irredeemable and believe it should be pushed to collapse so a fascist society built on ethnonationalism can take its place. What defines white supremacist accelerationists is their belief that violence is the only way to pursue their political goals."[55]

Brenton Harrison Tarrant, the perpetrator of the 15 March 2019Christchurch mosque shootings that killed 51 people and injured 49 others, strongly encouraged right-wing accelerationism in a section of his manifesto titled "Destabilization and Accelerationism: Tactics". Tarrant's manifesto influencedJohn Timothy Earnest, the perpetrator of both the 24 March 2019Escondido mosque fire at Dar-ul-Arqam Mosque inEscondido, California, and the 27 April 2019Poway synagogue shooting which resulted in one dead and three injured; and it also influencedPatrick Crusius, the perpetrator of the 3 August 2019El Paso Walmart shooting that killed 23 people and injured 23 others. Tarrant and Earnest, in turn, influenced Juraj Krajčík, the perpetrator of the2022 Bratislava shooting that left dead two patrons of a gay bar.[58][12][25]Sich Battalion urged its members to buy a copy of Tarrant's manifesto, encouraging them to "get inspired" by it.[59]

Vox pointed to Land's shift towards neoreactionarism, along with the neoreactionary movement crossing paths with the alt-right as another fringe right wing internet movement, as the likely connection point between far-right racial accelerationism and the term for Land's otherwise unrelated technocapitalist ideas. They cited a 2018 Southern Poverty Law Center investigation which found users on the neo-Nazi blogThe Right Stuff who cited neoreactionarism as an influence.[25] Land himself became interested in theAtomwaffen-affiliatedtheistic Satanist organizationOrder of Nine Angles (ONA) which adheres to the ideology of Neo-Nazi terrorist accelerationism, describing the ONA's works as "highly-recommended" in a blog post.[60] Since the 2010s, the political ideology and religious worldview of the Order of Nine Angles, founded by theBritish neo-Nazi leaderDavid Myatt in 1974,[12] have increasingly influencedmilitant neo-fascist and neo-Naziinsurgent groups associated with right-wing extremist and White supremacist international networks,[12] most notably the Iron March forum.[12]

Fascist accelerationist organizations

  • Active Club Network is decentralizedClandestine cell system ofwhite nationalists. It promotes mixed martial arts to fight against what it asserts is a system that is targeting the white race, as well as a "warrior spirit" to prepare for a forthcoming race war. Someextremism researchers have characterized the network as a "shadow or stand-by army" which is awaiting activation as the need for it arises.[61][62][63][64][65][66]
  • Atomwaffen Division is a neo-Nazi terror organization found in 2013 byBrandon Russell responsible for multiple murders and mass casualty plots. Atomwaffen has been proscribed as a terror organization in United Kingdom, Canada and Australia.[67]
  • The Base is a neo-Nazi, white supremacistparamilitary hate group and training network, formed in 2018 by Rinaldo Nazzaro and active in the United States, Canada, Australia, South Africa, and Europe. As of November 2021[update] it is considered aterrorist organization in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom.[12]
  • Combat 18 is a neo-Nazi organization that has beenproscribed in Canada and Germany and is tied to the assassination ofWalter Lübcke and the2009 Vítkov arson attack.[68][69][70]
  • TheManson Family was adoomsday cult, led byCharles Manson, responsible for theTate–LaBianca murders, in which seven people were murdered between August 8 and August 10, 1969. Manson was a white supremacist and neo-Nazi[71][72] who prophesized abouta race war in which African-Americans would rise up andexterminate all white people in the United States, with him and his followers hiding in safety. Afterward, the Family would rule over the Black population, with Manson as their "master," as he believed that Black people were not intelligent enough to govern themselves.[73][74] The Tate–LaBianca murders were an attempt to bring this scenario closer to reality, with Manson believing that the killing of people who he considered "pigs" would inspire Black people to do the same.[75]
  • Nordic Resistance Movement is a pan-Nordic neo-Nazi organization that adheres to accelerationism and is tied to ONA and multiple terror plots and murders, like the murder of an antifascist in Helsinki in 2016. There has been an international effort to proscribe NRM as a terrorist organization, and it was banned as such in Finland in 2019.[76][12][77] On 14 June 2024, theUnited States Department of State designated NRM and its leaders as Specially Designated Global Terrorists (SDGT).[78][79][80]
  • Order of Nine Angles is a neo-Nazi satanist organization that has been connected to multiple murders and terror plots. There has been an international effort to proscribe ONA as a terror organization. Further, the ONA is connected to the Atomwaffen and the Base, and the founder of ONADavid Myatt was a one-time leader of the C18.[12]
  • Russian Imperial Movement is a white supremacist organization founded in Russia and proscribed as a terror organization in the United States and Canada for its connection to neo-fascist terrorists. People trained by RIM have gone on to commit a series of bombings and joined the separatist militants in Donbas.[81]

See also



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