Academic art,academicism, oracademism, is a style ofpainting andsculpture produced under the influence of Europeanacademies of art. This method extended its influence throughout theWestern world over several centuries, from its origins in Italy in the mid-16th century, until its dissipation in the early 20th century. It reached its apogee in the 19th century, after the end of theNapoleonic Wars in 1815. In this period, the standards of the FrenchAcadémie des Beaux-Arts were very influential, combining elements ofNeoclassicism andRomanticism, withJean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres a key figure in the formation of the style in painting. The success of the French model led to the founding of countless other art academies in several countries. Later painters who tried to continue the synthesis includedWilliam-Adolphe Bouguereau,Thomas Couture, andHans Makart among many others. In sculpture, academic art is characterized by a tendency towards monumentality, as in the works ofAuguste Bartholdi andDaniel Chester French.
The academies were established to replace medieval artists'guilds and aimed to systematize the teaching of art. They emphasized the emulation of established masters and the classical tradition, downplaying the importance of individual creativity, valuing instead collective,aesthetic andethical concepts. By helping raise the professional status of artists, the academies distanced them from artisans and brought them closer to intellectuals. They also played a crucial role in organizing theart world, controlling culturalideology, taste, criticism, theart market, as well as the exhibition and dissemination of art. They wielded significant influence due to their association with state power, often acting as conduits for the dissemination of artistic, political, and social ideals, by deciding what was considered "official art". As a result, they faced criticism and controversy from artists and others on the margins of these academic circles, and their restrictive anduniversalist regulations are sometimes considered a reflection ofabsolutism.
Overall, academicism has had a significant impact on the development of art education and artistic styles. Its artists rarely showed interest in depicting the everyday or profane. Thus, academic art is predominantlyidealistic rather thanrealistic, aiming to create highly polished works through the mastery of color and form. Although smaller works such asportraits,landscapes andstill-lifes were also produced, the movement and the contemporary public and critics most valued largehistory paintings showing moments from narratives that were very often taken from ancient or exotic areas of history andmythology, though less often the traditionalreligious narratives.Orientalist art was a major branch, withmany specialist painters, as were scenes fromclassical antiquity and theMiddle Ages. Academic art is also closely related toBeaux-Arts architecture, as well asclassical music anddance, which developed simultaneously and hold to a similar classicizing ideal.
Although production of academic art continued into the 20th century, the style had become vacuous, and was strongly rejected by the artists of set of newart movements, of whichRealism andImpressionism were some of the first. In this context, the style is often called "eclecticism", "art pompier" (pejoratively), and sometimes linked with "historicism" and "syncretism". ByWorld War I, it had fallen from favor almost completely with critics and buyers, before regaining some appreciation since the end of the 20th century.
The first academy of art was founded inFlorence byCosimo I de' Medici, on 13 January 1563, under the influence of the architectGiorgio Vasari, who called it theAccademia e Compagnia delle Arti del Disegno (Academy and Company for the Arts of Drawing) as it was divided in two different operative branches. While the company was a kind of corporation that every working artist in Tuscany could join, the academy comprised only the most eminent artists of Cosimo's court, and had the task of overseeing all Florentine artistic activities, including teaching, and safeguarding local cultural traditions. Among the founding members wereMichelangelo,Bartolomeo Ammannati,Agnolo Bronzino andFrancesco da Sangallo. In this institution, students learned the "arti del disegno" (a term coined by Vasari) and heard lectures onanatomy andgeometry.[1][2][3] The Accademia's fame spread quickly, to the point that, within just five months of its founding, importantVenetian artists such asTitian,Salviati,Tintoretto andPalladio applied for admission, and in 1567, KingPhilip II of Spain consulted it about plans forEl Escorial.[4]
Another academy, the Accademia de i Pittori e Scultori di Roma (Academy of Painters and Sculptors of Rome), better known as theAccademia di San Luca (named after the patron saint of painters,St. Luke), was founded about a decade later inRome. It served an educational function and was more concerned withart theory than the Florentine one, attaching great importance to attending theoretical lectures, debates and drawing classes.[5] Twelve academics were immediately appointed as teachers, establishing a series of disciplinary measures for studies and instituting a system of awards for the most capable students.[6]
In 1582, the painter and art instructorAnnibale Carracci opened his very influentialAccademia dei Desiderosi (Academy of the Desirous) inBologna without official support; in some ways, this was more like a traditional artist's studio, but that he felt the need to label it as an "academy" demonstrates the attraction of the idea at the time.[7]
The emergence of art academies in the 16th century was due to the need to respond to new social demands. Several states, which were moving towardsabsolutism, realized that it was necessary to create an art that specifically identified them and served as a symbol of civic unity, and was also capable of symbolically consolidating the status of their rulers. In this process, theCatholic Church, then the greatest political force and social unifier in Europe, began to lose some of its influence as a result of the greatersecularization of societies.Sacred art, by far the largest field of artistic expression throughout theMiddle Ages, came to coexist with an expanding profane art, derived fromclassical sources, which had been experiencing a slow revival since the 12th century, and which, by the time of theRenaissance, had been established as the most prestigious cultural reference and model of quality.[8][9]
This re-emergence ofclassicism required artists to become more cultured, in order to competently transpose this reference to thevisual arts. At the same time, the old system of artistic production, organized byguilds—class associations of an artisanal nature, linked more to mechanical crafts than to intellectual erudition—began to be seen as outdated and socially unworthy, as artists began to desire equality with the intellectual versed in theliberal arts, since art itself began to be seen not only as a technical task, as it had been for centuries, but mainly as a way of acquiring and transmitting knowledge. In this new context, painting and sculpture began to be seen as theorizable, just as other arts such as literature and especially poetry were already. However, if on the one hand the artists did rise socially, on the other they lost the security of market insertion that the guild system provided, having to live in the uncertain expectation of individual protection by somepatron.[10]
Standardization: French academicism and visual arts
Charles Le Brun,Apotheosis of Louis XIV, 1677. An example of art at the service of the State.
If Italy was to be credited with founding this new type of institution, France was responsible for taking the model to a first stage of great order and stability. The country's first attempts to establish academies like the Italian ones also took place in the 16th century, during the reign of KingHenry III, especially through the work of the poetJean-Antoine de Baïf, who founded an academy linked to theFrench Crown. Like its Italian counterparts, it was primarilyphilological-philosophical in nature, but it also worked on concepts relating to the arts and sciences. Although it developed intense activity with regular debates and theoretical production, defending classical principles, it lacked an educational structure and had a brief existence.[11]
The Accademia di San Luca later served as the model for the FrenchAcadémie royale de peinture et de sculpture (Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture), founded in 1648 by a group of artists led byCharles Le Brun, and which later became theAcadémie des Beaux-Arts (Academy of Fine Arts). Its objective was similar to the Italian one, to honor artists "who were gentlemen practicing a liberal art" from craftsmen, who were engaged in manual labor. This emphasis on the intellectual component of artmaking had a considerable impact on the subjects and styles of academic art.[12][13][14]
After an ineffective start, the Académie royale was reorganized in 1661 by KingLouis XIV, whose aim was to control all the country's artistic activity,[15] and in 1671, it came under the control ofFirst Minister of StateJean-Baptiste Colbert, who confirmed Le Brun as director. Together, they made it the main executive arm of a program to glorify the king'sabsolutist monarchy, definitively establishing the school's association with the State and thereby vesting it with enormous directive power over the entire national art system, which contributed to making France the new European cultural center, displacing the hitherto Italian supremacy. But while for the Italian Renaissance, art was also a survey of the natural world, for Le Brun it was above all the product of an acquired culture, inherited forms and an established tradition.[16][17]
During this period, academic doctrine reached the peak of its rigor, comprehensiveness, uniformity, formalism and explicitness, and according to art historian Moshe Barasch, at no other time in the history ofart theory has the idea of perfection been more intensely cultivated as the artist's highest goal, with the production of the ItalianHigh Renaissance as the ultimate model. Thus, Italy continued to be an invaluable reference, so much so that a branch was established in Rome in 1666, theFrench Academy, withCharles Errard as its first director.[16]
At the same time, a controversy occurred among the members of the Académie, which would come to dominate artistic attitudes for the rest of the century. This "battle of styles" was a conflict over whetherPeter Paul Rubens orNicolas Poussin was a suitable model to follow. Followers of Poussin, called "poussinistes", argued that line (disegno) should dominate art, because of its appeal to the intellect, while followers of Rubens, called "rubenistes", argued that color (colore) should be the dominant feature, because of its appeal to emotion.[18] The debate was revived in the early 19th century, under the movements ofNeoclassicism typified by the art ofJean Auguste Dominique Ingres, andRomanticism typified by the artwork ofEugène Delacroix. Debates also occurred over whether it was better to learn art by looking at nature, or at the artistic masters of the past.[19]
TheRoyal Danish Academy of Fine Arts inCopenhagen, founded in 1754, may be taken as a successful example in a smaller country, which achieved its aim of producing a national school and reducing the reliance on imported artists. The painters of theDanish Golden Age of roughly 1800–1850 were nearly all trained there, and drawing on Italian andDutch Golden Age paintings as examples, many returned to teach locally.[22] The history ofDanish art is much less marked by tension between academic art and other styles than is the case in other countries.[citation needed]
In the 18th and 19th centuries, the model expanded to America, with theAcademy of San Carlos in Mexico being founded in 1783, thePennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in the United States in 1805,[23] and theImperial Academy of Fine Arts in Brazil in 1826.[24] Meanwhile, back in Italy, another major center of irradiation appeared, Venice, launching the tradition of urban views and "capriccios", fantasy landscape scenes populated by ancient ruins, which became favorites of noble travelers on theGrand Tour.[23]
Despite being challenged by most, someEnlightenment figures likeDiderot (portrayed, 1767) subscribed to much of the academic ideal.
Even with its wide spread, the academic system began to be seriously challenged through the actions of intellectuals linked to theEnlightenment. For them, academicism had become an outdated model, excessively rigid and dogmatic; they criticized the methodology, which they believed produced an art that was merely servile to ancient examples, and condemned the institutional administration, which they considered corrupt anddespotic.[25] However, an important Enlightenment figure likeDiderot subscribed to much of the academic ideal, supported thehierarchy of genres (see below), and said that "the imagination creates nothing".[26] At the end of the 18th century, following the turmoil of theFrench Revolution, a real campaign was mounted against the teaching of the Academy, which was identified as a symbol of theAncien Régime. In 1793, the painterJacques-Louis David, closely linked to the revolutionaries, took over the direction of the artistic affairs of thenew republic and, after complying with the request of numerous artists dissatisfied with the institution's bureaucracy and system of privileges, dissolved the Parisian academies and all the other royal academies in the countryside. However, the extinction of the old schools was temporary, as a Committee for the Arts was subsequently organized, which led to the founding in 1795 of a new institution, theInstitut de France, which included an artistic section and was responsible for reorganizing the national arts system.[25]
The challenges to academicism in France, however, were more nominal than real. Art courses returned to operating in broadly the same way as before, the hierarchy of genres was resurrected, the awards and salons were maintained, the branch in Rome remained active, and the State continued to be the biggest sponsor of art.Quatremère de Quincy, the secretary of the new Institut, which had been born as an apparatus of revolutionary renewal, paradoxically believed that art schools served to preserve traditions, not to found new ones.[25] The greatest innovations he introduced were the idea of reunifying the arts under an atmosphere of egalitarianism, eliminating honorary titles for members and some other privileges, and his attempt to make administration more transparent, eminently public and functional. In reinterpreting thePlatonic theory that the arts are questionable because they are imperfect imitations of an abstractideal reality, he considered this idea only in a moral sphere, politicized and republicanized it, relating the truth of the arts to that of social institutions. He also claimed that the political reality of the republic was a reflection of the republic of the arts that he sought to establish. But beyond the ideas, in practice,authoritarianism, which was one of the reasons given for the extinction of the royal academies, continued to be practiced in the republican administration.[27]
Another attack on the academic model came from the earlyRomantics, at the turn of 18th to 19th centuries, who preached a practice centered on individual originality and independence. Around 1816, the painterThéodore Géricault, one of the exponents of French Romanticism, stated:
These schools keep their pupils in a state of constant emulation... I note with sadness that, since the establishment of these schools, there has been a great effect: they have given service to thousands of mediocre talents... Painters enter there too young, and therefore the traces of individuality that survive the Academy are imperceptible. One can see, with real chagrin, about ten or twelve compositions every year that are practically identical in execution, because in their quest for perfection, they lose their originality. One way of drawing, one type of color, one arrangement for all systems...[28]
Since the onset of the Poussiniste-Rubeniste debate, many artists worked between the two styles. In the 19th century, in the revived form of the debate, the attention and the aims of the art world became to synthesize the line ofNeoclassicism with the color of Romanticism. One artist after another was claimed by critics to have achieved the synthesis, among themThéodore Chassériau,Ary Scheffer,Francesco Hayez,Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps, andThomas Couture.William-Adolphe Bouguereau, a later academic artist, commented that the trick to being a good painter is seeing "color and line as the same thing". Thomas Couture promoted the same idea in a book he authored on art method—arguing that whenever one said a painting had better color or better line it was nonsense, because whenever color appeared brilliant it depended on line to convey it, and vice versa; and that color was really a way to talk about the "value" of form.
Another development during this period, calledhistoricism, included adopting historic styles or imitating the work of historic artists and artisans in order to show the era in history that the painting depicted. In thehistory of art, after Neoclassicism which in the Romantic era could itself be considered a historicist movement, the 19th century included a new historicist phase characterized by an interpretation not only ofGreek andRomanclassicism, but also of succeeding stylistic eras, which were increasingly respected. This is best seen in the work of BaronJan August Hendrik Leys, a later influence onJames Tissot. It is also seen in the development of theNeo-Grec style. Historicism is also meant to refer to the belief and practice associated with academic art that one should incorporate and conciliate the innovations of different traditions of art from the past.
The art world also grew to give increasing focus onallegory in art. Theories of the importance of both line and color asserted that through these elements an artist exerts control over the medium to create psychological effects, in which themes, emotions, and ideas can be represented. As artists attempted to synthesize these theories in practice, the attention on the artwork as an allegorical or figurative vehicle was emphasized. It was held that the representations in painting and sculpture should evokePlatonic forms, or ideals, where behind ordinary depictions one would glimpse something abstract, some eternal truth. Hence,Keats' famous musing "Beauty is truth, truth beauty". The paintings were desired to be an "idée", a full and complete idea.Bouguereau is known to have said that he would not paint "a war", but would paint "War". Many paintings by academic artists are simple nature allegories with titles likeDawn,Dusk,Seeing, andTasting, where these ideas are personified by a single nude figure, composed in such a way as to bring out the essence of the idea.
Stylistically, academic art cultivated the ideal of perfection and at the same time selective imitation of reality (mimesis), which had existed sinceAristotle. With perfect mastery of color, light and shadow, forms were created in a quasi-photorealistic manner. Some paintings have a "polished finish" where no brushstroke can be recognized on the finished work. After the oil sketch, the artist would produce the final painting with the academic "fini", changing the painting to meet stylistic standards and attempting to idealize the images and add perfect detail. Similarly,perspective was constructed geometrically on a flat surface and was not really the product of sight.
The trend in art was also towards greateridealism, which is contrary torealism, in that the figures depicted were made simpler and more abstract—idealized—in order to be able to represent the ideals they stood in for. This would involve both generalizing forms seen in nature, and subordinating them to the unity and theme of the artwork.
Hans Makart,The Entry of Charles V into Antwerp, 1878. An illustrative work of the prestigious "historical genre".
The representation of the various emotions was codified in detail by academicism[29] and the artistic genres themselves were subjected to a scale of prestige. Because history and mythology were considered plays ordialectics of ideas, a fertile ground for important allegory, using themes from these subjects was regarded as the most serious form of painting. This hierarchy of genres, originally created in the 17th century, was highly valued, wherehistory painting (also known as the "grande genre")—classical, religious, mythological, literary, and allegorical subjects—was placed at the top, followed by "minor genres"—portraiture,genre painting,landscapes, andstill-lifes.[30][31]
The historical genre, the most appreciated, included works that conveyed themes of an inspirational and ennobling nature, essentially with an ethical background, consistent with the tradition founded by masters such as Michelangelo,Raphael andLeonardo da Vinci.Paul Delaroche is a typifying example of French history painting andBenjamin West of theBritish-American vogue for painting scenes from recent history. Paintings byHans Makart are often larger than life historical dramas, and he combined this with ahistoricism in decoration to dominate the style of 19th-centuryVienna culture. Portraits included large-format depictions of people, suitable for their public glorification, but also smaller pieces for private use. Everyday scenes, also known as genre scenes, portrayed common life in a symbolic manner, landscapes offered perspectives of idealized virgin nature or city panoramas, and still-lifes consisted of groupings of diverse objects in formal compositions.[30][31]
The justification for this hierarchization lay in the idea that each genre had an inherent and specific moral force. Thus, an artist could convey a moral principle with much more power and ease through a historical scene than, for example, through a still-life. Furthermore, following Greek concepts, it was believed that the highest form of art was the ideal representation of the human body, hence landscapes and still-lifes, in which man did not appear, had little prestige. Finally, with a primarily social and didactic function, academic art favored large works and large-format portraits, more suitable for viewing by large groups of spectators and better suited to decorating public spaces.[30][31]
All of these trends were influenced by the theories of theGerman philosopherHegel, who held that history was adialectic of competing ideas, which eventually resolved in synthesis.
Philippe Joseph Henri Lemaire,Napoleon, protector of industry, 1854. A symbol of glorified "civilizing imperialism".
Napoleon was the "swan song" of the concept of art as a vehicle of moral values and a mirror ofvirtue. He actively patronized and employed artists to portray his personal glory, that of his Empire and of his political and military conquests. After him, the fragmentation and weakening of ideals began to become visible and irreversible.[32] With the cooling of thelibertarian ardor of the first Romantics, with the final failure of Napoleon's imperialist project, and with the popularization of an eclectic style that blended Romanticism and Neoclassicism, adapting them to the purposes of thebourgeoisie, which became one of the greatest sponsors of the arts, the emergence of a general feeling of resignation appeared, as well as a growing prevalence of individual bourgeois taste against idealistic collective systems. Soon the preferences of this social class, now so influential, penetrated higher education and became worthy objects of representation, changing the hierarchy of genres and proliferating portraits and all the so-called minor genres, such as everyday scenes and still-lifes, which became more pronounced as the century progressed.[33]
William-Adolphe Bouguereau,The Crab, 1869. Scenes from common life as a subject worthy of academic representation.
The bourgeoisie's support for academies was a way of demonstrating education and acquiring social prestige, bringing them closer to the cultural and political elites. Finally,Neo-Gothic revivalism, the development of a taste for thepicturesque as an autonomous aesthetic criterion, the revival ofHellenisticeclecticism, the progress ofmedievalist,orientalist andfolkloric studies, the growing participation of women in art production, the valorisation ofhandicrafts andapplied arts, opened up other fronts of appreciation for the visual arts, finding other truths worthy of appreciation that had previously been neglected and relegated to the margins of official culture.[19][34][35] As a result of this great cultural transformation, the academic educational model, in order to survive, had to incorporate some of these innovations, but it broadly maintained the established tradition, and managed to become even more influential, continuing to inspire not only Europe, but also America and other countries colonized by Europeans, throughout the 19th century.[36]
Another factor in this academic revival, even in the face of a profoundly changing scenario, was the reiteration of the idea of art as an instrument of political affirmation by nationalist movements in several countries.[36]
The 19th century was the heyday of the academies, in the sense that their output became extremely well accepted among a much wider—but often less cultured and less demanding—public, giving academic art a popularity as great as that enjoyed today bycinema, and with an equally popular theme, covering everything from traditional historical subjects to comic vignettes, from sweet and sentimental portraits to medievalist or picturesque scenes from exotic Eastern countries, something unthinkable during the Ancien Régime.[37]
By the second half of the 19th century, academic art had saturated European society. Exhibitions were held often, with the most popular exhibition being theParis Salon, and beginning in 1903, theSalon d'Automne. Thesesalons were large scale events that attracted crowds of visitors, both native and foreign. As much a social affair as an artistic one, 50,000 people might visit on a single Sunday, and as many as 500,000 could see the exhibition during its two-month run. Thousands of paintings were displayed, hung from just below eye level all the way up to the ceiling in a manner now known as "Salon style". A successful showing at the salon was a seal of approval for an artist, making his work saleable to the growing ranks of private collectors.Bouguereau,Alexandre Cabanel andJean-Léon Gérôme were leading figures of this art world.[38][39]
During the reign of academic art, the paintings of theRococo era, previously held in low favor, were revived to popularity, and themes often used in Rococo art such asEros andPsyche were popular again. The academic art world also admired Raphael, for the idealism of his work, in fact preferring him over Michelangelo.
In England, the influence of the Royal Academy grew as its association with the State consolidated. In the first half of the 19th century, the Royal Academy already exercised direct or indirect control over a vast network of galleries, museums, exhibitions and other artistic societies, and over a complex of administrative agencies that included theCrown,parliament and other state departments, which found their cultural expression through their relations with the academic institution.[40][41] TheRoyal Academy Summer Exhibition gained momentum at the time and has been staged annually without interruption to the present day.
As the century progressed, challenges to this primacy began to emerge, demanding that its relations with the government be clarified, and the institution began to pay more attention to market aspects in a society that was becoming more heterogeneous and cultivating multiple aesthetic tendencies. Subsidiary schools were also opened in various cities to meet regional demands. By the middle of the 19th century, the Royal Academy had already lost control over British artistic production, faced with the multiplication of independent creators and associations, but continued, facing internal tensions, to try to preserve it. Around 1860, it was again stabilized through new strategies of monopolizing power, incorporating new trends into its orbit, such as promoting the previously ignored technique ofwatercolor, which had become vastly popular, accepting the admission of women, requiring new members in an enlarged membership to renounce their affiliation to other societies and reforming its administrative structure to appear as a private institution, but imbued with a civic purpose and a public character. In this way, it managed to administer a significant part of the British artistic universe throughout the 19th century, and despite the opposition of societies and groups of artists such as thePre-Raphaelites, it managed to remain a disciplinary, educational and consecrating agency of the greatest importance, able to largely accompany the progress ofmodernism, contradicting a common view that academies are invariably reactionary.[40][41]
In Germany, the academic spirit initially encountered some resistance to its full implementation. Already at the end of the 18th century, theorists such asBaumgarten,Schiller andKant had promoted the autonomy of Aesthetics through the concept of "art for art's sake", and had emphasized the importance of the artist's self-education, against themassification imposed bycivilization and its institutions, seeing the collectivizing structure and impersonal nature of academia as a threat to their desires for creative freedom,individualistic inspiration, and absolute originality. In this vein,art criticism began to take on distinctlysociological colors.[42]
Part of this reaction was due to the activity of theNazarenes, a group of painters who sought a return to a Renaissance style and medieval practices in a spirit of austerity and fraternity. Under their influence, masterclasses were introduced—paradoxically within the academies themselves—which sought to group promising students around a master, who was responsible for their instruction, but with much more concentrated attention and care than in the more generalist French system, based on the assumption that such more individualized treatment could provide a stronger and deeper education. This method was first instituted at theDüsseldorf Academy and progressed slowly, but over the course of the 19th century, it became common to all German academies, and was also imitated in other northern European countries. Interesting results of the masterclasses were the beginning of a tradition of large-scale mural painting and the steering of the localavant-garde along lessiconoclastic lines than the Parisian ones.[43]
The influence of the Royal Academy extended across the ocean and strongly determined the foundation and direction of American art from the end of the 18th century until the middle of the 19th century, when the country began to establish its cultural independence. Some of the leading local artists studied in London under the guidance of the Royal Academy and others, who settled in England, continued to exert influence in their home country through regular submissions of works of art. This was the case withJohn Singleton Copley, the dominant influence in his country until the beginning of the 19th century, and also withBenjamin West, who became one of the leaders of the English neoclassical-romantic movement and one of the main European names of his generation in the field of history painting. He made a number of fellow disciples, such asCharles Willson Peale,Gilbert Stuart andJohn Trumbull, and his influence was similar to that of Copley on American painting.[44]
The first academy to be created in the United States was thePennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, founded in 1805 and still active today. The initiative came from the painterCharles Peale and the sculptorWilliam Rush, along with other artists and traders. Its progress was slow, and its peak was only reached at the end of the 19th century, when it began to receive significant financial support, opened a gallery and formed its own collection, becoming an anti-modernist bastion.[45] The most decisive step toward the formation of an American academic culture was taken when theNational Academy of Design was founded in 1826 bySamuel F. B. Morse,Asher B. Durand,Thomas Cole, and other artists dissatisfied with the orientation of the Pennsylvania Academy. It soon became the most respected artistic institution in the country.[46][47] Its method followed the traditional academic model, focusing on drawing from classical and live models, in addition to offering lectures on anatomy, perspective, history and mythology, among other subjects. Cole and Durand were also the founders of theHudson River School, an aesthetic movement that began a great painting tradition, lasting for three generations, with a remarkable unity of principles, and which presented the national landscape in an epic, idealistic and sometimes fanciful light. Its members includedAlbert Bierstadt andFrederic Edwin Church, the most celebrated landscape painters of their generation.[48][49]
In the field of sculpture, however, the greatest influence came from the Italian academies, especially through the example ofAntonio Canova, who was the main figure of European neoclassicism, educated in part at theVenice Academy and in Rome.[50][51] Italy offered a historical and cultural backdrop of irresistible interest to sculptors, with priceless monuments, ruins and collections, and working conditions were infinitely superior to those of theNew World, where there was a shortage of both marble and capable assistants to help the artist in the complex and laborious art of stone carving and bronze casting.Horatio Greenough was just the first in a large wave of Americans to settle between Rome and Florence. The most notable of these wasWilliam Wetmore Story, who after 1857 assumed leadership of the American colony that had been created in Rome, becoming a reference for all newcomers. Despite their stay in Italy, the group continued to be celebrated in their country, and their artistic achievements received continuous press coverage until the neoclassical vogue dissipated in North America from the 1870s onwards. By this time, the United States had already established its culture and created the general conditions to promote consistent and high-level local sculptural production, adopting an eclectic synthesis of styles.[52][53][54] These sculptors also strongly absorbed the influence of the French Académie, several of them were educated there, and their production populated most public spaces and the facades of major American buildings, with works of strong civic and great formalism that became icons of local culture, such as thestatue of Abraham Lincoln byDaniel Chester French and thememorial to Robert Gould Shaw byAugustus Saint-Gaudens.[55]
In 1875, theArt Students League took over as the leading American art academy, founded by students inspired by the model of the French Académie, establishing the guidelines for national art education untilWorld War II, while also opening its classes to women. Offering better working conditions than its Parisian model, the League was created by artists who saw in the French academic environment an appeal to culture and civilization and believed that this model would discipline the nationaldemocratic impulse, transcending regionalisms and social differences, refine the taste ofcapitalists and contribute to elevating society and improving its culture.[55]
Academic art not only held influence in Western Europe and the United States, but also extended its influence to other countries. The artistic environment of Greece, for instance, was dominated by techniques from Western academies from the 17th century onward: this was first evident in the activities of theIonian school, and later became especially pronounced with the dawn of theMunich school. This was also true forLatin American nations, which, because their revolutions were modeled on theFrench Revolution, sought to emulate French culture. An example of a Latin American academic artist isÁngel Zárraga ofMexico. Academicart in Poland flourished underJan Matejko, who established theKraków Academy of Fine Arts. Many of these works can be seen in theGallery of 19th-Century Polish Art at Sukiennice inKraków.
The academies had as a basic assumption the idea that art could be taught through its systematization into a fully communicable body of theory and practice, minimizing the importance of creativity as an entirely original and individual contribution. Instead, they valued the emulation of established masters, venerating the classical tradition, and adopted collectively formulated concepts that had not only an aesthetic character, but also an ethical origin and purpose.
Young artists spent four years in rigorous training. In France, only students who passed an exam and carried a letter of reference from a noted professor of art were accepted at the academy's school, theÉcole des Beaux-Arts (School of Fine Arts). Drawings and paintings of the nude, called "académies", were the basic building blocks of academic art and the procedure for learning to make them was clearly defined. First, students copied prints after classical sculptures, becoming familiar with the principles of contour, light, and shade. The copy was believed crucial to the academic education; from copying works of past artists one would assimilate their methods of artmaking. To advance to the next step, and every successive one, students presented drawings for evaluation.
Male art students painting "from life" at theÉcole des Beaux-Arts (School of Fine Arts) in Paris. Photographed late 1800s.
If approved, they would then draw from plaster casts of famous classical sculptures. Only after acquiring these skills were artists permitted entrance to classes in which a live model posed. Painting was not taught at the École des Beaux-Arts until after 1863. To learn to paint with a brush, the student first had to demonstrate proficiency in drawing, which was considered the foundation of academic painting. Only then could the pupil join the studio of an academician and learn how to paint. Throughout the entire process, competitions with a predetermined subject and a specific allotted period of time measured each student's progress.
The most famous art competition for students was thePrix de Rome, whose winner was awarded a fellowship to study at theAcadémie française'sschool at the Villa Medici inRome for up to five years.[56] To compete, an artist had to be of French nationality, male, under 30 years of age, and single. He had to have met the entrance requirements of the École des Beaux-Arts and have the support of a well-known art teacher. The competition was grueling, involving several stages before the final one, in which 10 competitors were sequestered in studios for 72 days to paint their final history paintings. The winner was essentially assured a successful professional career.
As noted, a successful showing at the Salon, the exhibition of work founded by the École des Beaux-Arts, was a seal of approval for an artist. Artists petitioned the hanging committee for optimal placement "on the line", or at eye level. After the exhibition opened, artists complained if their works were "skyed", or hung too high. The ultimate achievement for the professional artist was election to membership in the Académie française and the right to be known as an academician. This depended on his consistency in exhibitions at the salons and the permanence of his production at a level of excellence.[57]
One effect of the move to academies was to make training more difficult forwomen artists, who were excluded from most academies until the last half of the 19th century.[a][59][60] This was partly because of concerns over the perceived impropriety presented bynudity during training.[59] In France, for example, the powerful École des Beaux-Arts had 450 members between the 17th century and the French Revolution, of which only 15 were women. Of those, most were daughters or wives of members. In the late 18th century, the French Academy resolved not to admit any women at all.[b] As a result, there are no extant large-scale history paintings by women from this period, though some women likeMarie-Denise Villers andConstance Mayer made their name in other genres such as portraiture.[62][63][64][65]
In spite of this, there were important steps forward for female artists. In Paris, the Salon became open to non-Academic painters in 1791, allowing women to showcase their work in the prestigious annual exhibition. Additionally, women were more frequently being accepted as students by famous artists such asJacques-Louis David andJean-Baptiste Greuze.[66]
The emphasis in academic art on studies of the nude remained a considerable barrier for women studying art until the 20th century, both in terms of actual access to the classes and in terms of family and social attitudes tomiddle-class women becoming artists.[67]
Academic art was first criticized for its use ofidealism, byRealist artists such asGustave Courbet, as being based on idealistic clichés and representing mythical and legendary motives while contemporary social concerns were being ignored. Another criticism by Realists was the "false surface" of paintings—the objects depicted looked smooth, slick, and idealized—showing no real texture. The RealistThéodule Ribot worked against this by experimenting with rough, unfinished textures in his painting.
Stylistically, theImpressionists, who advocated quicklypainting outdoors exactly what the eye sees and the hand puts down, criticized the finished and idealized painting style. Although academic painters began a painting by first making drawings and then paintingoil sketches of their subject, the high polish they gave to their drawings seemed to the Impressionists tantamount to a lie, who disavowed the devotion to mechanical techniques.
Realists and Impressionists also defied the placement of still-life and landscape at the bottom of the hierarchy of genres. Most Realists and Impressionists and others among the early avant-garde who rebelled against academism were originally students in academicateliers.Claude Monet,Gustave Courbet,Édouard Manet, and evenHenri Matisse were students under academic artists. Other artists, such as theSymbolist painters and some of theSurrealists, were kinder to the tradition.[citation needed] As painters who sought to bring imaginary vistas to life, these artists were more willing to learn from a strongly representational tradition. Once the tradition had come to be looked on as old-fashioned, theallegorical nudes and theatrically posed figures struck some viewers as bizarre and dreamlike.
Asmodern art and its avant-garde gained more power, academic art was further denigrated, and seen as sentimental, clichéd, conservative, non-innovative,bourgeois, and "styleless". The French referred derisively to the style of academic art asL'art pompier (pompier means "fireman") alluding to the paintings ofJacques-Louis David (who was held in esteem by the academy), which often depicted soldiers wearing fireman-like helmets.[68] It also suggests half-puns in French withpompéien ("fromPompeii") andpompeux ("pompous").[69][70] The paintings were called "grandes machines", which were said to have manufactured false emotion through contrivances and tricks.
Faced with the dissatisfaction of a growing number of artists excluded from the official salons of the French Academy, in 1863 EmperorNapoleon III established theSalon des Refusés (Salon of the Refused), which is considered one of the initial milestones of modernism.[71] Even with this concession, the public reaction was negative,[72] and an anonymous review published at the time summarizes the general attitude:
This exhibition is sad and grotesque... save for one or two questionable exceptions, there is not a single work that deserves the honor of being shown in the official galleries. There is even something cruel about this exhibition, people laugh as if everything was nothing more than a farce.[73]
Following the example of Courbet, who in 1855 had opened a solo exhibition he called the Pavillon du Réalisme (Pavilion of Realism), in 1867 Manet, rejected from the official Salon, exhibited independently, and six years later a group of Impressionists founded the Salon des Indépendants (Salon of Independents). As a result of these initiatives, the art market began to open up to alternative schools, while dealers for new creators and private societies began aggressive campaigns to publicize their own artists, opening up various exhibition spaces to capture the interest of the bourgeois consumer public. Independent critics and literati also played an important role in shifting the economic and social center of gravity of the art system, protecting and promoting various non-academic artists and providing a kind of informal public education through the publication of articles in the press, which became a major forum for artistic debate, and one with a wide reach. In this process, the official institution of the Academy, by then renamed the École des Beaux-Arts and having severed its connection with the government, began to lose ground rapidly, beginning its decline as a consecrating and educational institution.[74][75][76]
British art criticClive Bell, linked to theBloomsbury Group of English modernism, stated in 1914 that, by the middle of the 19th century, art had "died", losing all its aesthetic interest, and even tradition had ceased to exist.[77] This denigration of academic art reached its peak through the writings of American art criticClement Greenberg who stated in 1939 that all academic art is "kitsch", in the sense of banal, commercialist, and tried to associate academicism with the problems of industrial capitalism, in addition to linking a new concept of "good taste" with the ethics of left-wing, anti-bourgeoispolitical radicalism. For him, the avant-garde was positive because it was an affective expression of a libertarian social conscience, and was therefore truer and freer, which was repeated ad infinitum afterwards, following the logic: academic = reactionary = bad, versus avant-garde = radical = good.[78][79]
Several other influential critics, such asHerbert Read andErnst Gombrich, devoted great efforts to breaking away from traditional academic standards. In all matters of teaching, not just in art teaching, great importance was given to creativity as the starting point for the learning process, preaching the abandonment of rules and formalisms, and aligning themselves with the proposals of educators and educational philosophers such asMaria Montessori andJean-Ovide Decroly. Even several of the most important modern artists, such asKandinsky,Klee,Malevich andMoholy-Nagy, dedicated themselves to creating schools and formulating new theories for art education based on these ideas, most notably theBauhaus, founded inWeimar, Germany, in 1919 byWalter Gropius. For modernists, creativity was an innate faculty of perception and imagination, possessed by all people, and the less it was influenced by theories and norms, the richer and more fertile it would be. In this context, art education simply aimed to provide the means for this free creativity, guided by feelings and emotions, to be expressed materially as a work of art, a unique and original form that had its own syntax and did not depend on previous references.[80]
Art schools such as theBauhaus (building inDessau, Germany, pictured) formulated theories for art education based onmodernist ideas.
Mannerist, Baroque, Rococo and neoclassical academic production managed to pass relatively unscathed by modernist criticism and secure its place in history, but eclectic academic trends of the second half of the 19th century were ridiculed and devalued to the point that, throughout the 20th century, most of these works were discarded from private collections, saw their market prices plummet and were removed from display in museums, relegated to oblivion in their storerooms.[81][82][83] By the 1950s, all the last practitioners of the old academicism had been cast into obscurity. More than that, pure opposition to academicism had become one of the main cohesive forces of the modern movement, and the only thing that interested critics linked to the avant-garde was the avant-garde itself.[84]
Despite the widespread discredit into which academicism fell, several researchers throughout the 20th century undertook the study of the academic phenomenon. Art historian Paul Barlow stated that despite the wide dissemination of modernism at the beginning of the 20th century, the theoretical bases of its rejection of academicism were surprisingly little explored by its proponents, forming above all a kind of "anti-academic myth", more than a consistent critique.[85] Of all those engaged in this study,Nikolaus Pevsner was perhaps the most important, describing in the 1940s the history of academies on an epic scale, but focusing on the institutional and organizational aspects, disconnecting them from the aesthetic and geographical ones.[86]
Museums such as the Musée d'Orsay in Paris have led to somewhat of a critical revival of the style.
Many authors agree that the birth of modernism can be described as the end of collective values and the denial of art as essentially a vehicle formoral principles. It is true that moralizing and historical works continued to be produced throughout the 20th century, but with a completely different impact, when in theVictorian period morality had come to mean above allchastity.[87][88] Modernism has also been described as responsible for a process of pulverizing hierarchies and for the beginning of the reign of individualism andsubjectivity in art, in a much deeper way than had already been suggested by the Romantics or even by the Mannerists much earlier, creating a multiplicity of personal aesthetics that were not consolidated into a common and uniform language, with little or no concern for inserting production into an organized system or creating socially engaged art. They are even accused of having practiced their own version of the elitist dictatorship that they condemned in academicism.[87][82]
With the goals ofPostmodernism in giving a fuller, more sociological and pluralistic account of history, academic art has been brought back into history books and discussion. Since the early 1990s, the creation of academic art has even experienced a limited resurgence through theClassical Realistatelier movement.[89] In museums and art galleries,L'art pompier (a term supporters mostly avoid) has also enjoyed something of a critical revival, partly caused by theMusée d'Orsay in Paris, where it is displayed on more equal terms with theImpressionists andRealist painters of the period. The opening of this museum in 1986 did not go without heated debate in France, as it was seen by some critics as a rehabilitation of academicism, or even "revisionism".[90] The art historianAndré Chastel, however, considered as early as 1973 that there were "nothing but advantages in replacing a global judgment of disapproval, the legacy of old battles, with a quiet and objective curiosity." Some other institutional agents of this rescue are theDahesh Museum of Art in the United States, which specializes in academic art of the 19th and 20th centuries,[81] as well as theArt Renewal Center, also based in the United States and dedicated to promoting academicism as a basis for the qualified training of future masters.[91] Additionally, the art is gaining a broader appreciation by the public at large, and whereas academic paintings once would only fetch a few hundreds of dollars in auctions, some now fetch millions.[92]
Rehearsal of The Flute Player and The Woman of Diomede at the home of Prince Napoleon in the atrium of his Pompeian house, byGustave Boulanger, 1861, oil on canvas, Musée d'Orsay
The Triumph of Beauty, Charmed by Music, amidst the Muses and the Hours of the Day, designed for the ceiling of theauditorium of thePalais Garnier, byJules-Eugène Lenepveu, 1872, oil on canvas, Musée d'Orsay
Moonlit Dreams, byGabriel Ferrier, 1874, oil on canvas, private collection
^The Royal Academy did not admit women until 1861, despite having two,Angelica Kauffman andMary Moser, among itsfounding members, as evidenced by the group portrait ofThe Academicians of the Royal Academy byJohan Zoffany, now in theRoyal Collection. In it, only the men of the Academy are assembled in a large artist studio, together with nude male models. For reasons of decorum given the nude models, the two women are not shown as present, but as portraits on the wall instead.[58]
^It was only in 1897 that the École des Beaux-Arts officially accepted women. They were then authorized to work in the galleries, to sit the entrance exams and to take painting and sculpture classes in a separate studio from the men. This date of 1897 initially concerned the painting section, but was extended to the architecture section in 1898 and the sculpture section in 1899. In 1900, women were given access to the studios, which allowed them to paint live models.[61]
^Accademia delle Arti del Disegno (in Italian). Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo: Direzione Generale per le Biblioteche, gli Istituti Culturali e il Diritto d'Autore. Accessed October 2014.
^Gauvin Alexander Bailey,Santi di Tito and the Florentine Academy: Solomon Building the Temple in the Capitolo of the Accademia del Disegno (1570–71), Apollo CLV, 480 (February 2002): p. 31–39
^Adorno, Francesco. (1983).Accademie e istituzioni culturali a Firenze(in Italian). Florence: Olschki.
^Pevsner, Nikolaus.Academies of Art: Past and Present. The University Press, 1940. p. 110–111
^Carl Goldstein (1996).Teaching Art: Academies and Schools from Vasari to Albers. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press.ISBN0-521-55988-X.
^Pevsner, Nikolaus.Academies of Art: Past and Present. The University Press, 1940. p. 118–119
^Schwarcz, Lilia Moritz.O Sol do Brasil: Nicolas-Antoine Taunay e as desventuras dos artistas franceses na corte de d. João(in Portuguese). São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2008. p. 65–66
^John Harris, Sir William Chambers Knight of the Polar Star,Chapter 11: The Royal Academy, 1970, A. Zwemmer Ltd
^J. Wadum, M. Scharff, K. Monrad, "Hidden Drawings from the Danish Golden Age. Drawing and underdrawing in Danish Golden Age views from Italy" inSMK Art Journal 2006, ed. Peter Nørgaard Larsen.Statens Museum for Kunst, 2007.
^Eulálio, Alexandre.O Século XIX. InTradição e Ruptura. Síntese de Arte e Cultura Brasileiras. São Paulo: Fundação Bienal de São Paulo, 1984–85, p. 121
^abcSchwarcz, Lilia Moritz.O Sol do Brasil: Nicolas-Antoine Taunay e as desventuras dos artistas franceses na corte de d. João(in Portuguese). São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2008. p. 70–72
^Ledbury, Mark.Denis Diderot. In Murray, Chris.Key Writers on Art: From antiquity to the nineteenth century. Routledge, 2003. p. 108–109
^Schwarcz, Lilia Moritz.O Sol do Brasil: Nicolas-Antoine Taunay e as desventuras dos artistas franceses na corte de d. João(in Portuguese). São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2008. p. 118–119
^Schwarcz, Lilia Moritz.O Sol do Brasil: Nicolas-Antoine Taunay e as desventuras dos artistas franceses na corte de d. João(in Portuguese). São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2008. p. 117–118, 142–144
^Collingwood, W. G.The Art Teaching of John Ruskin. Read Books, 2008. p. 73–74
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^Caffin, Charles H.The Story of American Painting. Kessinger Publishing, 1999. p. 76–77
^Carmel-Arthur, Judith.Canova and Scarpa in Possagno. In Bryant, Richard; Carmel-Arthur, Judith & Scarpa, Carlo (eds).Carlo Scarpa: Museo Canoviano, Possagno. Volume 22 deOpus Series. Axel Menges, 2002. p. 6–12
^Cicognara, conde Leopoldo.Biographical Memoir. In Bohn, Henry G. (ed).The Works of Antonio Canova, in Sculpture and Modelling, engraved in Outline by Henry Moses; with Descriptions by Countess Albrizzi, and a Biographical Memoir by Count Cicognara. London: Henry G. Bohn, 1823. Vol. I, pp. i-vi
^Schwarcz, Lilia Moritz.O Sol do Brasil: Nicolas-Antoine Taunay e as desventuras dos artistas franceses na corte de d. João(in Portuguese). São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2008. p. 66–68
^Stranahan, C.H., "A History of French Painting: An account of the French Academy of Painting, its salons, schools of instructions and regulations", Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1896
^Louis-Marie Descharny,L'Art pompier(in French), 1998, p. 12
^Louis-Marie Descharny,L'Art pompier(in French), 1998, p. 14
^Pascal Bonafoux,Dictionnaire de la peinture par les peintres(in French), p. 238–239, Perrin, Paris, 2012ISBN978-2-262-032784(read online).
^Boime, Albert (1969). "The Salon des Refusés and the Evolution of Modern Art".Art Quarterly.32.
^Maneglier, Hervé,Paris Impérial – la vie quotidienne sous le Second Empire,(in French), Éditions Armand Colin, (1990). p. 173
^Denis, Rafael Cardoso & Trodd, Colin.Introduction: academic narratives. In Denis, Rafael Cardoso & Trodd, Colin.Art and the academy in the nineteenth century. Manchester University Press, 2000. p. 2–3
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^Alexander, Victoria D.Sociology of the arts: exploring fine and popular forms. Wiley-Blackwell, 2003. p. 83–86
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^Bell, Clive.Art. BiblioBazaar, LLC, reprint of 2007. p. 114
^abFarmer, J. David.Foreword in Weisberg, Gabriel P.Against the modern: Dagnan-Bouveret and the transformation of the academic tradition. Rutgers University Press, 2002. pp. xi-xii