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Indo-European ablaut

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Grammatical change of vowels in Indo-European languages
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Sound change andalternation

Inlinguistics, theIndo-European ablaut (/ˈæblt/AB-lowt, fromGermanAblautpronounced[ˈaplaʊt]) is a system ofapophony (regularvowel variations) in theProto-Indo-European language (PIE).

An example of ablaut in English is thestrong verbsing, sang, sung and its related nounsong, a paradigm inherited directly from the Proto-Indo-European stage of the language. Traces of ablaut are found in all modernIndo-European languages, though its prevalence varies greatly.[1][2]

History of the concept


The phenomenon of Indo-European ablaut was first recorded bySanskrit grammarians in the laterVedic period (roughly 8th century BCE), and was codified byPāṇini in hisAṣṭādhyāyī (4th century BCE), where the termsguṇa andvṛddhi were used to describe the phenomena now known respectively as thefull grade andlengthened grade.[3][4][5]

In the context of European languages, the phenomenon was first described in the early 18th century by the Dutch linguistLambert ten Kate, in his bookGemeenschap tussen de Gottische spraeke en de Nederduytsche ("Common aspects of theGothic andDutch languages", 1710).[6][7]

The termablaut is borrowed from German, and derives from the nounLaut "sound", and the prefixab-, which indicates movement downwards or away, or deviation from a norm; thus the literal meaning is "sound reduction".[8][9] It was coined in this sense in 1819 by the German linguistJacob Grimm in hisDeutsche Grammatik,[10] though the word had been used before him.[a] In particular, the 17th-century grammarianSchottelius had used the word negatively to suggest that German verbs lacked the sophistication of the classics,[b] but there is no hint of this disdain in Grimm or in modern scholarly usage.In English, the term became established through the 1845 translation ofBopp'sComparative Grammar.[c]

Ablaut and vowel gradation

Further information:Apophony

Vowel gradation is any vowel difference between two related words (such asphotograph [ˈftəgrɑːf] andphotography [fəˈtɒgrəfi]) or two forms of the same word (such asman andmen). The difference does not need to be indicated in the spelling. There are many kinds of vowel gradation in English and other languages, which are discussed generally in the articleapophony. Some involve a variation in vowel length (quantitative gradation:photograph /photography shows reduction of the first vowel to aschwa), others in vowel coloring (qualitative gradation:man /men) and others the complete disappearance of a vowel (reduction to zero:could notcouldn't).

For the study of European languages, one of the most important instances of vowel gradation is the Indo-European ablaut, remnants of which can be seen in the English verbsride,rode,ridden, orfly,flew,flown. For simply learning English grammar, it is enough to note that these verbs areirregular, but understanding why they have unusual forms that seem irregular (and indeed why they are actually perfectly regular within their own terms) requires an understanding of the grammar of thereconstructed proto-language.

Ablaut is the oldest and most extensive single source of vowel gradation in the Indo-European languages and must be distinguished clearly from other forms of gradation, which developed later, such asGermanic umlaut (man /men,goose /geese,long /length) or the results of modern English word-stress patterns (man /woman,photograph /photography). Confusingly, in some contexts, the terms 'ablaut', 'vowel gradation', 'apophony' and 'vowel alternation' are used synonymously, especially insynchronic comparisons, buthistorical linguists prefer to keep 'ablaut' for the specific Indo-European phenomenon, which is the meaning intended by the linguists who first coined the word.

Ablaut grades


In Proto-Indo-European, the basic, inherent vowel of most syllables was a shorte.Ablaut is the name of the process whereby this shorte changed, becoming shorto, longē, longō or sometimes disappearing entirely to leave no vowel at all.

Thus, ablaut results in the alternation of the following sounds:


If a syllable had a shorte, it is said to be in the "e-grade" or "full grade". When it had no vowel, it is said to be in the "zero grade". Syllables with long vowels are said to be in "lengthened grade". (When thee-grade or theo-grade is referred to, the short vowel forms are meant.)

A classic example of the five grades of ablaut in a single root is provided by the different case forms of two closely related Greek words. In the following table, an acute accent (´) marks the syllable carrying the word stress; a macron (¯) marks long vowels and the syllable inbold is the one illustrating the different vowel gradations.

Ablaut gradePIE
e-grade or
full grade
(noun, accusative)
(noun, nominative)
(noun, genitive)
(adjective, accusative)
(adjective, nominative)

In this unusually neat example, the following can be seen:

  • A switch to the zero-grade when the word stress moves to the following syllable.
  • A switch to the o-grade when the word stress moves to the preceding syllable.
  • A lengthening of the vowel when the syllable is in word-final position before a sonorant.

As with most reconstructions, however, scholars differ about the details of this example.

One way to think of this system is to suppose that Proto-Indo-European originally had only one vowel, shorte, and over time, it changed according to phonetic context, so the language started to develop a more complex vowel system. Thus, it has often been speculated that an original e-grade underwent two changes in some phonetic environments: under certain circumstances, it changed too (the o-grade) and in others, it disappeared entirely (the zero-grade).

However, that is not certain: the phonetic conditions that controlled ablaut have never been determined, and the position of the word stress may not have been a key factor at all.[citation needed] There are many counterexamples to the proposed rules:*deywós and its nominative plural*deywóes show pretonic and posttonic e-grade, respectively, and*wĺ̥kʷos has an accented zero grade.

Lengthened grades


Many examples of lengthened grades, including those listed above, are not directly conditioned by ablaut. Instead, they are a result of sound changes likeSzemerényi's law andStang's law, which causedcompensatory lengthening of originally short vowels. In the examples above, Szemerényi's law affected the older sequences *ph2-tér-s and *n̥-péh2-tor-s, changing them to *ph2-tḗr and *n̥-péh2-tōr. Thus, these forms were originally in the regular, unlengthened e-grade and o-grade. Such lengthened vowels were, however, latergrammaticalised and spread to other words in which the change did not occur.

Nevertheless, there are examples of true lengthened grades, in which shorte alternates with longē. Examples are the verbs with"Narten" inflection, and nouns like*mḗh₁-n̥s "moon", genitive*méh₁-n̥s-os. Alternations of this type were rare, however, and thee ~o ~ alternation was the most common by far. The longō grade was rarer still and may not have actually been a part of the ablaut system at all.

Zero grade


The zero grade ofablaut may appear difficult for speakers of English. In the case of *ph2trés, which may already have been pronounced something like[pɐtrés], it is not difficult to imagine it as a contraction of an older *ph2terés, pronounced perhaps[pɐterés], as this combination of consonants and vowels would be possible in English as well. In other cases, however, the absence of a vowel strikes the speaker of a modern western European language as unpronounceable.

To understand, one must be aware that there were a number of sounds that were consonants in principle but could operate in ways analogous to vowels: the four syllabic sonorants, the threelaryngeals and the two semi-vowels:

  • Thesyllabic sonorants arem,n,r andl, which could be consonants much as they are in English, but they could also be held on as continuants and carry a full syllable stress and then are transcribed with a small circle beneath them. There are many modern languages who show these sounds in syllable nuclei, including Indo-European ones (e.g.Czech).
  • The laryngeals could be pronounced as consonants, in which case they were probably variations on theh sound and so normally transcribed as h1, h2 and h3. However, they could also carry a syllable stress, in which case they were more like vowels. Thus, some linguists prefer to transcribe them ə1, ə2 and ə3. The vocalic pronunciation may have originally involved the consonantal sounds with a very slight schwa before and/or after the consonant.
  • In pre-vocalic positions, the phonemesu andi were semi-vowels, probably pronounced like Englishw andy, but they could also become pure vowels when the following ablaut vowel reduced to zero.

Whenu andi came in postvocalic positions, the result was a diphthong. Ablaut is nevertheless regular and looks like this:


Thus, any of these could replace the ablaut vowel when it was reduced to the zero-grade: the pattern CVrC (for example,*bʰergʰ-) could become CrC (*bʰr̥gʰ-).

However, not every PIE syllable was capable of forming a zero grade; some consonant structures inhibited it in particular cases, or completely. Thus, for example, although thepreterite plural of a Germanic strong verb (see below) is derived from the zero grade, classes 4 and 5 have instead vowels representing the lengthened e-grade, as the stems of these verbs could not have sustained a zero grade in this position.[citation needed]

Zero grade is said to be frompre-Proto-Indo-Europeansyncope in unaccented syllables,[citation needed] but in some cases the lack of accent does not cause zero grade:*deywó-, nominative plural*-es "god". There does not seem to be a rule governing the unaccented syllables that take zero grade and the ones that take stronger grades.[citation needed]



It is still a matter of debate whether PIE had an original a-vowel at all. In later PIE, the disappearance of the laryngeal h2 could leave an a-colouring and this may explain all occurrences ofa in later PIE. However, some argue controversially that the e-grade could sometimes be replaced by an a-grade without the influence of a laryngeal, which might help to explain the vowels in class 6Germanic verbs, for example.

Subsequent development


Although PIE had only this one, basically regular, ablaut sequence, the development in the daughter languages is frequently far more complicated, and few reflect the original system as neatly as Greek. Various factors, such asvowel harmony, assimilation with nasals, or the effect of the presence of laryngeals in the Indo-European (IE) roots as well as their subsequent loss in most daughter languages, mean that a language may have several different vowels representing a single vowel in the parent language.

In particular, the zero grade was often subject to modification from changes in the pronunciation of syllabic sonorants. For example, in Germanic, syllabic sonorants acquired anepenthetic-u-, thus converting the original zero grade to a new "u-grade" in many words. Thus, while ablaut survives in some form in all Indo-European languages, it became progressively less systematic over time.

Ablaut explains vowel differences between related words of the same language. For example:

  • Englishstrike andstroke both come from the same IE root*streyg-. The former comes from the e-grade, the latter from the o-grade.
  • GermanBerg (mountain, hill) andBurg (castle) both come from the root*bʰergʰ-, which presumably meant "high". The former comes from the e-grade, the latter from the zero-grade. (Zero-grade followed byr becomesur in Germanic.)

Ablaut also explains vowel differences between cognates in different languages.

  • Englishtooth comes from Germanic*tanþ-s (e.g. Old Englishtōþ, Old High Germanzand), genitive*tund-iz (Gothictunþus, but alsoaiƕa-tundi "thornbush", literally "horse-tooth"). This form is related to Latindens, dentis and Greekὀδούς,ὀδόντος, with the same meaning, and is reflected in the English wordsdentist andorthodontic. One reconstructed IE form is*dónts, genitive*dn̥tés. The consonant differences can be explained by regular sound shifts in primitive Germanic but not the vowel differences: by the regular laws of sound changes, Germanica can originate from PIEo, butun usually goes back to a syllabic.
The explanation is that the Germanic and Greek nominative forms developed from the o-grade, the Latin word and the Germanic genitive from the zero-grade (in which syllabic developed intoen much in the same way as it becameun in Germanic). Going a step further back, some scholars reconstruct*h1dónts, from the zero grade of the root*h1ed- 'to eat' and the participle-ont- and explain it as 'the eating one'.
  • Englishfoot comes from the lengthened o-grade of*ped-. Greekπούς,ποδός and Latinpes, pedis (compare Englishoctopus andpedestrian), come from the (short) o-grade and the e-grade respectively.

For the English-speaking non-specialist, a good reference work for quick information on IE roots, including the difference ofablaut grade behind related lexemes, isWatkins (2000).[14] (Note that in discussions of lexis, Indo-European roots are normally cited in the e-grade, without any inflections.)

Grammatical function


In PIE, there were already ablaut differences within the paradigms of verbs and nouns. These were not the main markers of grammatical form, since the inflection system served this purpose, but they must have been significant secondary markers.

An example of ablaut in the paradigm of the noun in PIE can be found in*pértus, from which the English wordsford and (via Latin)port are derived (both via the zero-grade stem*pr̥t-).

root (p-r)suffix (t-u)

An example in a verb is *bʰeydʰ- "to wait" (cf. "bide").

Perfect (third-person singular)*bʰe-bʰóydʰ-eo-grade(notereduplicating prefix)
Perfect (third plural)*bʰe-bʰidʰ-ḗrzero-grade(note reduplicating prefix)

In the daughter languages, these came to be important markers of grammatical distinctions. The vowel change in the Germanic strong verb, for example, is the direct descendant of that seen in the Indo-European verb paradigm. Examples in modern English are the following:

InfinitivePreteritePast participle

It was in this context of Germanic verbs thatablaut was first described, and this is still what most people primarily associate with the phenomenon. A fuller description ofablaut operating in English, German and Dutch verbs and of the historical factors governing these can be found at the articleGermanic strong verb.

The same phenomenon is displayed in the verb tables ofLatin,Ancient Greek andSanskrit. Examples ofablaut as a grammatical marker in Latin are the vowel changes in the perfect stem of verbs.

Present tensePerfect
agōēgī"to do"
videōvīdī"to see"(vowel lengthening)
sedeōsēdī"to sit"(vowel lengthening)

Ablaut can often explain apparently random irregularities. For example, the verb "to be" in Latin has the formsest (he is) andsunt (they are). The equivalent forms in German are very similar:ist andsind. The same forms were present inProto-Slavic:[15]*estь and*sǫtь, and developed into e.g. Polishjest and.

The difference between singular and plural in these languages is easily explained: the PIE root is*h1es-. In the singular, the stem is stressed, so it remains in the e-grade, and it takes the inflection-ti. In the plural, however, the inflection-énti was stressed, causing the stem to reduce to the zero grade:*h1es-énti*h1s-énti. See main article:Indo-European copula.

Some of the morphological functions of the various grades are as follows:


  • Present tense of thematic verbs; root stress.
  • Present singular of athematic verbs; root stress.
  • Accusative and vocative singular, nominative, accusative and vocative dual, nominative plural of nouns.


  • Verbal nouns
  1. stem-stressed masculine action nouns (Greekgónos "offspring", Sanskritjánas "creature, person"; Greektrókhos "circular course" < "*act of running");
  2. ending-stressed feminine, originally collective, action nouns (Greekgonḗ "offspring", Sanskritjanā́ "birth");
  3. ending-stressed masculine agent nouns (Greektrokhós "wheel" < "*runner").
  • Nominative, vocative and accusative singular of certain nouns (acrostatic root nouns such asdṓm, pluraldómes "house";proterokinetic neuter nouns such as*wódr̥ "water" ordóru "tree").
  • Present tense of causative verbs; stem (not root) stress.
  • Perfect singular tense.


  • Present dual and plural tense of athematic verbs; ending stress.
  • Perfect dual and plural tense; ending stress.
  • Past participles; ending stress.
  • Some verbs in the aorist (the Greek thematic "second aorist").
  • Oblique singular/dual/plural, accusative plural of nouns.

lengthened grade:

  • Nominative singular of many nouns.
  • Present singular of certain athematic verbs (so-calledNarten-stem verbs).
  • Some verbs in the aorist.
  • Some derived verbal nouns (so-calledproto-vrddhi).

Many examples of lengthened-grade roots in the daughter languages are actually caused by the effect oflaryngeals and ofSzemerényi's law andStang's law, which operated within Indo-European times.

See also



  1. ^The earliest attestation known to the main etymological dictionaries is a sole reference in a 16th-century discussion of rhetoric in a handbook of legal language by Johann Peter Zwengel (Neu Groß Formular und vollkommlich Cantzlei Buch, Frankfurt am Main 1568, page 3b), where it apparently refers to a lowering of voice pitch:In bewegung des leibs sind warzunemen die theil der stim (dauon ablaut) sich darnach zubewegen (When moving the body it is important to adjust the voice (lowering it) accordingly).[11] Zwengel's name was misprinted as Zweigel by Schoppe, and the error has been copied in etymological dictionaries to the present day.[12][8][9]
  2. ^In 1673, Schottelius used bothablaut and the adjectiveablautend in hisHorrendum bellum grammaticale Teutonum antiquissimorum (Horrendous grammatical war of the ancient Teutons, e.g. page 43 or page 90).[13] His usage comes closer to that of Grimm than Zwengel's, referring to a variety of phonemic irregularities, including in what he called "ungleichfließende Verben" (i.e. strong verbs). However the connotation is negative, implying degenerate sounds:Wil man nun diesen so alten Isländischen Uhrkunden Glauben beilegen, dan ergibt sichs, woher in Wandagischen Zeiten den Teutschen, und sonderlich dem Teutschen Pöbelvolke, sei das Maul so krum und voll geworden, und die Zunge und Lippen so scheef und knobbicht gewachsen, daß man so unartig, ablautend und übel sprechen und ausreden müssen ("If these old Icelandic documents are to be believed, it seems that in the time of the folk migrations the mouths of the Germans, and especially of the rabble, had grown so twisted and full and their tongues and lips so squint and knobbly that they had to speak and enunciate in such an unschooled, degenerate (ablautend) and distasteful manner", page 90). Schoppe compares this to words like "Abschaum, Abraum, Abwurf", where theab- prefix is derogatory in the sense of "low-grade". Schoppe questions whether Grimm would have been aware of Schottelius's usage.[12]
  3. ^A translator's footnote reads: "In our language, it seems to us that the uncouthness of such compounds as Upsound, Offsound, and Insound, could hardly be compensated by any advantage to be derived from their use; and we therefore purpose, in the course of this work, where any of these terms occur in the original, to retain them in their German shape. Of these terms, Ablaut and Umlaut are those which chiefly, if not alone, are used by our author."[9]


  1. ^Fortson, §4.12.
  2. ^Beekes, §12.2.1.
  3. ^Burrow, §2.1.
  4. ^Coulson, p. xv.
  5. ^Whitney, p. xii.
  6. ^Cornelis Dekker,The Origins of Old Germanic Studies in the Low Countries, p.342ff.
  7. ^Reproduced inGoogle Books
  8. ^abKluge 1963.
  9. ^abcHarper 2001.
  10. ^Trübner 1939.
  11. ^Reproduced inGoogle Books
  12. ^abSchoppe 1923.
  13. ^Reproduced inGoogle Books.
  14. ^Watkins, Calvert, ed. (2000) [1985].The American Heritage Dictionary of Indo-European Roots (2nd ed.). Boston, MA / New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.ISBN 978-039598610-3.
  15. ^Derksen, Rick,Etymological Dictionary of the Slavic Inherited Lexicon, 2008, p. 146.



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