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ARD (broadcaster)

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Group of German public broadcasters
Logo since December 2019
TypeBroadcast radio, television and online
Key people
Florian Hager (HR), Chairman
Launch date
5 June 1950; 74 years ago (1950-06-05)
Official website
ARD-Hauptstadtstudio (ARD Capital Studio) in Berlin

ARD[a] is a joint organisation ofGermany's regionalpublic-service broadcasters. It was founded in 1950 inWest Germany to represent the common interests of the new, decentralised, post-war broadcasting services – in particular the introduction of a joint television network.

The ARD has a budget of €6.9 billion, 22,612 employees and is the largest public broadcaster network in the world.[2][3][4] The budget comes primarily from a mandatorylicence fee which every household, company and public institution, regardless of television ownership, is required by law to pay. For an ordinary household the fee is €18.36 per month, as of 2023. Households living onwelfare are exempt from the fee. The fees are not collected directly by the ARD, but by theBeitragsservice (formerly known as Gebühreneinzugszentrale GEZ), a common organisation by the ARD member broadcasters, the second public TV broadcasterZDF, andDeutschlandradio.

ARD maintains and operates a national television network, calledDas Erste ("The First [Channel]") to differentiate it fromZDF, a.k.a. "das Zweite" ("The Second [Channel]"), which started in 1963, as a separate public TV broadcaster. The ARD network began broadcasting on 31 October 1954 under the name ofDeutsches Fernsehen ("German Television"), becomingErstes Deutsches Fernsehen ("First German Television") with a corporate redesign in 1984; it adopted its current short name (Das Erste) in 1994. ARD's programmes are aired over its own terrestrial broadcast network, as well as via cable, satellite and IPTV.

ARD also produces twofree-to-air channels (one andTagesschau24) and participates in the production ofPhoenix (current events, news and documentaries),KiKa (kids-oriented),3sat (cultural-oriented),arte (Franco-German cultural programming), andFunk (teenage-oriented, online only).

ARD's programming is produced by its regional members (see alsoInstitutions and member organizations) (Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR),Hessischer Rundfunk (HR),Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (MDR),Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR),Radio Bremen,Rundfunk Berlin–Brandenburg (RBB),Saarländischer Rundfunk (SR),Südwestrundfunk (SWR) andWestdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR)), which operate 54 regional and local radio stations and seven regional TV networks, some of which have opt-outs at during the day.[clarification needed]Deutsche Welle, Germany's international broadcaster, is also a member of ARD.




  • German:"Arbeitsgemeinschaft – der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten – der Bundesrepublik Deutschland"
  • 'Consortium' ("Working group") – of the public-law broadcasting institutions – of the Federal Republic of Germany'

public-law broadcasting institutions meansbroadcasters which are not privately owned (German:Privatradio and Privatfernsehen) and are not governmental radio or TV. ARD is not 'owned by' anybody, particularly not by "Germany" (meaning its government/federal state). ARD members like BR (Bayerischer Rundfunk) are not owned by theirLand (state and its government, hereBavaria), either. With theRundfunkfreiheit (freedom of broadcasting), they have an independent position (within a legal framework).

1940s and 1950s


The winningAllies of World War II determined that German radio afterWorld War II would notbroadcast the same propaganda as the pre-warReichs-Rundfunk-Gesellschaft ("Reich Broadcasting Company"). Afederal structure, the renunciation of state influence and the avoidance of economic dependence were to be the key of the radio and TV institutions underpublic law (öffentlich-rechtliche Rundfunk- und Fernsehanstalten, public radio and television organisations). The legal form of the new entity wasAnstalt des öffentlichen Rechts ("Institution under Public Law"), a non-government and nonprofit organisation with its own administration under the control of two commissions, theRundfunkrat (Broadcasting Council, responsible for the programmed content) and theVerwaltungsrat (Administration Council, responsible for management and infrastructure), in which different stakeholders from German public life were represented.

ARD's founding members wereNordwestdeutscher Rundfunk (NWDR), the station for the former British zone,Südwestfunk (SWF), the station in the French zone, and four stations located in the former American sector—Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR),Süddeutscher Rundfunk (SDR),Hessischer Rundfunk (HR), andRadio Bremen (RB). The new entity was financed by an obligatory fee that every German household with at least one radio receiver paid. Each station received the money collected in its state. Larger ARD members subsidised smaller ones up to a certain extent.

In 1947, American military governorLucius D. Clay declared diversity ofpublic opinion as the main aim of post-warmedia policy. Individuals aligned with the post-war Allied forces in their respective sectors of Germany had a local influence on local regional broadcasters. NDR cites the influence ofHugh Greene on the early years of their organisation.

Reception area of the West German TV channelDeutsches Fernsehen (nowadays Das Erste) (grey) within East Germany beforereunification. ARD was jokingly referred to asAußer (except)Rügen undDresden by East Germans. The main transmitters appear in red. Areas with no reception (black) were jokingly referred to as "Valley of the Clueless" (Tal der Ahnungslosen).

After the creation of individual broadcasting agencies for most German federal states these principles were further consolidated byLänder broadcasting laws, decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht), and state treaties between theLänder. ARD members are thus (at least nominally) free of government influence and rely for only a small part of their income on advertising (1995: ten percent). They are financed mainly fromlicence fees from radio and TV owners, which are set through a complex political process. The mandated aim of the ARD corporations is not only toinform and to entertain but also to encourage the integration of various parts of society and allowminorities a say in programming.

In the 1950s the ARD radio services became the major factor of the mass media system in West Germany. As early as 1952 the ARD radio stations had ten million listeners. However, the radio stations operated on a regional level, and it was only the development of a television umbrella that helped the ARD to establish itself nationwide. The broadcasting of a countrywide TV broadcast service was the goal of the ARD from the outset and the go-ahead for this was given at the end of 1952. The same year ARD was admitted as a fully active member of theEuropean Broadcasting Union and the "German sound archive", nowGerman Broadcasting Archive (DRA,DeutschesRundfunkarchiv), was established as a joint facility of the ARD.

In 1955 the founding memberNWDR ("Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunk", English: "North-West German Broadcasting") split into today's NDR and WDR. The year before (1954) the smaller SFB was split off. The first dailynews feature, theTagesschau, went on the air fromHamburg in 1952. The famous 8:00 pm chime and announcement"Hier ist das Erste Deutsche Fernsehen mit der Tagesschau" ("This is the first German television channel with the Tagesschau") remains an ARD hallmark today. The broadcast attracts an average of 8 million viewers.



After starting with a mere two-hour schedule per night, television became more widespread in Germany in the 1960s. Color broadcasts were introduced in 1967. Without competition from private broadcasters (other than the francophoneEurope 1 and the multilingualRTL (Radio-Television Luxembourg) radio programs), the ARD stations made considerable progress in becoming modern and respected broadcasters.ZDF (ZweitesDeutschesFernsehen, Second German Television), a second public television broadcaster with a centralized national organization structure, began its programming in 1963, but ARD would encounter no private competition in Germany until 1984. The ARD stations have also been a significant force inGerman politics; suchinvestigative news magazines asMonitor andPanorama still reach millions of viewers every week. Theenvironmental movement increased in popularity during the 1980s largely as a result of the disclosures made by ARD.

When private/commercial German-language broadcasters were admitted in Germany by federal law in the mid-1980s, ARD television made subtle changes, adapting somewhat by producing programs oriented to a larger audience for their national networks and shifting many cultural and news programs to the regional networks and to newly created niche channels.

Informational television programs and the orientation of "Deutschlandfunk" (Germany's national public radio station, associated with, but not a member of the ARD) programs towards the GDR were of importance to the eventual collapse of the GDR.[citation needed] Established in 1974, the ARD bureau inEast Berlin made ARD television the most important source of information for GDR citizens,[citation needed] eighty percent of whom could watch what they referred to as "Westfernsehen". Notwithstanding obstruction on the part of GDR authorities and the repeated expulsion of their correspondents, the ARD-Tagesschau and Deutschlandfunk transmitted a report about theLeipzigMonday Demonstrations (which started on 4 September 1989) as early as September 1989.



After theunification and the closure of theDeutscher Fernsehfunk, two new regional broadcasters were established in the East, becoming ARD members in 1992. These were originally theMitteldeutscher Rundfunk (MDR, English: "Central German Broadcasting"), and Ostdeutscher Rundfunk Brandenburg (ORB, English: "East German Broadcasting Brandenburg"). The existing NDR service expanded into the north-east, where it also coveredMecklenburg-Vorpommern. The ORB service has since merged with the former Sender Freies Berlin (SFB, English "Radio Free Berlin") to become Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB, English: "Berlin-Brandenburg Broadcasting") in 2003.

Another merger took place between two member organisations of the ARD in 1998. The former Süddeutscher Rundfunk (SDR, English: "Southern German Broadcasting") and Südwestfunk (SWF, English: "Southwestcast") becameSüdwestrundfunk (SWR, English: "Southwest Broadcasting") on 1 October 1998.





Today, ARD member stations usually produce their radio programming. Some ARD member stations usually collaborate for common radio services (an example is Nordwestradio, a culture-oriented radio station co-produced by Radio Bremen and NDR). Most ARD stations, however, will have at least a news-oriented radio station, a classical music station, a youth-oriented station, and a cultural station. At night some stations will relay common night programming produced on a rota system by the ARD stations themselves. There are four common night programming services: Hitnacht (light music), Nachtkonzert (classical music), Infonacht (all news), and Popnacht (pop music). Most services are on theFM broadcast band, though some services are also available onDAB.

A similar network intended for national coverage is calledDeutschlandradio, however, Deutschlandradio is not an ARD member – instead, Deutschlandradio is controlled by both ARD and ZDF. Deutschlandradio provides two terrestrial radio services:Deutschlandfunk (DLF), a news-oriented service, andDeutschlandfunk Kultur, a culture-oriented service. It also provides a science-orientated internet channel:Deutschlandfunk Nova.

ARD's best-known radio station outside Germany isDeutsche Welle, which broadcasts its radio services around the world in many languages, mostly on analogue shortwave radio, online, and FM partner stations. Deutsche Welle has no FM distribution in Germany.

"Archivradio"[5] is an ARD internet radio station that streams raw audio from German sound archives, mainly the ARD radio archives and the DRA. The program is accompanied by a web portal run by the ARD-member SWR, with background information on the original sounds aired.



The main television channels of the ARD are the nationwideDas Erste and seven regional channels operated by the different regional broadcasting institutions. These channels were available on the analogue terrestrial transmitters until the shutdown of the analogue transmitters started in 2003. Das Erste and the third programmes, like the radio stations, are principally funded by licence fees, with a very limited amount of on-air advertising.

Das Erste broadcasts nationwide 24 hours a day. However, the schedule does include four and a half hours of joint programming with ZDF each weekday, in the form of the news programmesMorgenmagazin (on air 5.30–9.00) andMittagsmagazin (13.00–14.00), which the two organizations take weekly turns to produce.Audience share (March 2008):12.5%, from 14 to 49 years 6.9%.

The regional members of ARD all, jointly (NDR/rb and SWR/SR) or separately, operate their own regional channels, known collectively asdie Dritten ("the Third Programmes") – before recent rebranding, most of these stations had names like West 3 and Hessen 3. The schedules of these regional channels also include sub-regional opt-outs at certain times, in particular for local news.

ARD has three additional channels as part of theirARD Digital package:

ARD is also involved in several joint venture channels:

  • 3sat withZDF,ORF andSRG: a cultural channel
  • KI.KA with ZDF: a children's channel
  • Arte with ZDF andFrance Télévisions: a Franco-German cultural channel
  • Phoenix with ZDF: a news and documentary channel, focussed on showing press conferences and political debates in the German parliament live, in addition to historical and political features.

The international broadcasterDeutsche Welle also produces television services; however, these services are mostly available via satellite.



TheTagesschau, produced by the ARD on a nightly basis, is available on the ARD website as a podcast (available as audio-only or as audio and video). Other audio programs from the ARD's members (e.g.,BR,MDR) andDeutsche Welle are available as podcasts, through their respective websites.

Institutions and member organizations

Regional broadcaster (translation)AbbreviationMain office location(s)Income 2004 (Millions of Euro)Year of establishmentRegion of coverage
Bayerischer Rundfunk (Bavarian Broadcasting)BRMunich8061949Bavaria
Deutsche Welle ("German Wave")DWBonnFinanced through taxes1953International
Hessischer Rundfunk (Hessian Broadcasting)HRFrankfurt3831948Hesse
Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (Central German Broadcasting)MDRLeipzig5611991Saxony,Saxony-Anhalt,Thuringia
Norddeutscher Rundfunk (North German Broadcasting)NDRHamburg8921956Hamburg,Lower Saxony andSchleswig-Holstein since 1955;Mecklenburg-Vorpommern since 1991.
Radio BremenRBBremen411945Bremen
Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (Berlin-Brandenburg Broadcasting)RBBBerlin,Potsdam3402003Berlin,Brandenburg
Saarländischer Rundfunk (Saarland Broadcasting)SRSaarbrücken641957Saarland
Südwestrundfunk (Southwest Broadcasting)SWRStuttgart,Mainz,Baden-Baden9221998Baden-Württemberg,Rhineland-Palatinate
Westdeutscher Rundfunk (West German Broadcasting)WDRCologne1,0671956North Rhine-Westphalia
ARD member broadcaster map
ARD broadcasters before German reunification

ARD has 30[6]correspondents' offices[7] in 26[8] countries.[9][10]

ARD operates several other companies and institutions, sometimes jointly with ZDF:Degeto Film, a television rights trader and production company; theGerman Broadcasting Archive (DRA – Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv); the Institute for Broadcasting Technology (IRT – Institut für Rundfunktechnik), responsible for research and development; the Fee Collection Service(Beitragsservice), and others.

ARD is a supporter of theHybrid Broadcast Broadband TV (HbbTV) initiative that is promoting and establishing an open European standard for hybrid set-top boxes for the reception of broadcast TV and broadband multimedia applications with a single user interface.

Chairs of the ARD

5 August 19502 February 1951Rudolf von ScholtzBR
3 February 19512 August 1951Eberhard BeckmannHR
3 August 19513 February 1952Adolf GrimmeNWDR
4 February 195230 September 1952Walter GeerdesRB
1 October 195231 March 1953Fritz EberhardSDR
1 April 195330 September 1953Friedrich BischoffSWF
1 October 195330 September 1954Rudolf von ScholtzBR
1 October 195431 December 1955Eberhard BeckmannHR
1 January 195631 December 1956Fritz EberhardSDR
1 January 195731 December 1957Walter HilpertNDR
1 January 195831 December 1958Franz StadelmayerBR
1 January 195931 December 1960Friedrich BischoffSWF
1 January 196131 December 1962Hans BauschSDR
1 January 196331 December 1964Klaus von BismarckWDR
1 January 196531 December 1966Werner HessHR
1 January 196731 December 1969Christian WallenreiterBR
1 January 197031 December 1971Gerhard SchröderNDR
1 January 197231 December 1973Helmut HammerschmidtSWF
1 January 197431 December 1975Hans BauschSDR
1 January 197631 December 1977Werner HessHR
1 January 197831 December 1979Friedrich-Wilhelm von SellWDR
1 January 198031 December 1983Reinhold VöthBR
1 January 198431 December 1985Friedrich Wilhelm RäukerNDR
1 January 198631 December 1987Willibald HilfSWF
1 January 198831 December 1988Hans BauschSDR
1 January 198931 December 1990Hartwig KelmHR
1 January 199131 December 1992Friedrich NowottnyWDR
1 January 199331 December 1994Jobst PlogNDR
1 January 199531 December 1996Albert ScharfBR
1 January 199731 December 1998Udo ReiterMDR
1 January 199931 December 2000Peter VoßSWR
1 January 200131 December 2002Fritz PleitgenWDR
1 January 200331 December 2004Jobst PlogNDR
1 January 200531 December 2006Thomas GruberBR
1 January 200731 December 2008Fritz RaffSR
1 January 200931 December 2010Peter Boudgoust [de]SWR
1 January 201131 December 2012Monika PielWDR
1 January 201331 December 2015Lutz Marmor [de]NDR
1 January 201631 December 2017Karola Wille [de]MDR
1 January 201831 December 2019Ulrich WilhelmBR
1 January 202031 December 2021Tom BuhrowWDR
1 January 20224 August 2022Patricia Schlesingerrbb
4 August 202231 December 2022Tom BuhrowWDR
1 January 202331 December 2024Kai Gniffke [de]SWR
1 January 2025Florian Hager [de]HR




StudioBroadcasterArea of responsibility
BrusselsWDRThe largest ARD foreign studio and the only one with its own TV show (Europamagazin [de] (WDR/SWR)). Responsible for Benelux and the EU as well as NATO. The office was established in 1961. After almost two years of construction, a new studio was opened in the new media house in EU City in 2008. DW employees and the head of the ARD liaison office also work there. The radio studio is divided into three groups with the respective leaders WDR, HR and SWR. There is also a radio studio fromDeutschlandradio.
The HagueWDRRadio studio for theNetherlands
GenevaSWRTV and radio studio. Responsible for Switzerland, Liechtenstein, UN organizations,WHO, FIFA,IOC, etc. The studio has existed since the mid-1950s.
IstanbulBR /SWRTurkey,Northern Cyprus, (→ Studio Tel Aviv), including a liaison office inTehran, Iran.
Kyiv[11]WDRTelevision and radio studio. Responsible for Ukraine and, if necessary, other areas in Eastern Europe. Established in 2023 as a result of theRussian invasion of Ukraine.
LondonNDRTelevision and radio studio. Responsible for the UK and Ireland.
MadridSWR /HRTelevision and radio studio. Responsible forSpain,Portugal,Andorra, Gibraltar and since March 2004 also responsible for the Maghreb.[12]
MoscowWDRTelevision and radio studio. Responsible for Russia and all CIS states, as well as Mongolia and Georgia, and also for Ukraine until 2023 (opening of a new ARD studio in Kyiv). Closed briefly in 2022 in the wake of the Ukraine war and a new media law in Russia.
ParisWDRTelevision and radio studio. Responsible for France and Monaco.
PragueMDRTelevision and radio studio, responsible forCzech Republic and Slovakia.
RomeBRTri-media studio: television, online and radio studio. Responsible for Italy, Malta, Greece, Vatican City.
StockholmNDRTelevision and radio studio. Responsible for Scandinavia, Finland and the Baltics. The studio was moved from Riga to Stockholm in 1997.
WarsawWDR /RBBTV and radio studio. Reporting aboutPoland.
ViennaBRAustria, two sub-offices inBelgrade andSarajevo, responsible for Southeast-Europe.

The radio studio in Strasbourg, which was closed in July 2010 and previously operated by SWR, was responsible for theEuropean Parliament. Since then, reporting has been carried out fromBrussels and Paris.

The ARD radio studio inZurich was closed in August 2021. Since then, reporting has been carried out from Geneva.


StudioBroadcasterArea of responsibility
Los AngelesHRUnited States, radio studio in West Coast, reporting primarily on California and Hollywood. Another office exists in San Francisco.
Mexico CitySWR/RBBThe studio in Mexico has existed since 1982 and is responsible for Central America, the Caribbean and northern South America (except Colombia).
New York CityWDRUN/New York/Canada[13] The studio started as a one-man office in 1973, and in 1980 WDR expanded the office into a television studio.
Rio de JaneiroSWRThe main studio for South America has been in Rio de Janeiro since April 2005, before that it was inBuenos Aires. The radio and television studios have been in Rio de Janeiro since 2022.
Washington, D.C.BR/HR/MDR/NDR/SWR/WDRUSA overall/focus on politics Washington

The ARD radio studio in Buenos Aires was closed in 2022. Since then, reporting has been carried out from Rio de Janeiro.

Africa and Middle East

StudioBroadcasterArea of responsibility
JohannesburgSWRIn addition toSouth Africa, the reporting area also includes Namibia, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Eswatini, Mozambique, Angola, Botswana, Zambia and Malawi. The radio also coversMadagascar, La Réunion, Mayotte, Mauritius and the Comoros.[14] The ARD studio is based in a media complex and has had a radio correspondent since 1976 and a TV correspondent since 1977. Apart from the correspondents and assistants, all employees are South African.
CairoWDR /SWRMain studio for theArab World,North Africa to Sudan. In 2010, the ARD radio studios in Cairo (SWR) and Amman (WDR) became a joint studio based in Cairo under the joint management of SWR and WDR. The studio has locations inAmman and temporarily in Beirut or Dubai.
NairobiWDRNairobi is ARD's largest studio on the African continent and has existed since 1973.[15]
RabatHRPure radio office, responsible for 22 countries in West andNorth Africa. Reporting area: Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Cameroon, Cape Verde Islands, Liberia, Mali, Morocco, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Sao Tomé and Principe, Senegal,Sierra Leone, Chad, Togo, Tunisia.
Tel AvivBRIsrael, Palestine

The studio for Turkey and Iran (radio) is in Istanbul, see above. The ARD radio studio in Amman was closed in 2013. It only has a branch office in Cairo, from where reporting has been carried out ever since.


  • ARD's first logo used from the 1950s until 1970
    ARD's first logo used from the 1950s until 1970
  • ARD's second logo used from 1970 until 1984
    ARD's second logo used from 1970 until 1984
  • ARD's third logo used from 1984 until 2003
    ARD's third logo used from 1984 until 2003
  • ARD's fourth logo used from 2003 until 2019
    ARD's fourth logo used from 2003 until 2019
  • ARD's fifth and current logo used since December 2019
    ARD's fifth and current logo used since December 2019



Criticism by political parties


Since it was founded in 2013, the German partyAfD has accused the German broadcasters of being state-driven propaganda machines. This claim is heavily disputed. For example, a 2019 study from Oxford (p. 24) stated that the majority of the audience of German public broadcasters ARD, ZDF and "Deutschland Radio" areleft-winged or left of the center of the political spectrum. The AfD took this to show that the broadcaster is biased and contributing to a left-shift in the political environment. The majority of German newspapers have responded that the AfD have misunderstood the Oxford study, and accused the AfD of spreadingfake news. Another point of evidence offered is that ARD board member and Director for Programming Christine Strobl is not only a member of theCDU party herself, but also the daughter ofWolfgang Schäuble, a prominent CDU member of parliament. As Director for Programming she is in a position to stop or initiate the production of programs, but also potentially editorial decisions.[citation needed]

As of August 2024[update], theMedia and Journalism Research Center evaluated ARD to be "Independent Public Media" under itsState Media Matrix.[16][17]



After the ARD withdrew material critical of the Turkish presidentRecep Tayyip Erdoğan, a journalist from the magazineDer Spiegel compared this behaviour in an opinion article to thePolitburo of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.[18] To get rid of the "annoying image of state radio", the journalist recommends it would certainly be helpful to keep more distance from the government.[19]

Framing manual


Claudia Schwartz from theNeue Zürcher Zeitung reported in February 2019 the ARD wanted to impress upon its audience certain moral views. A manual from the "Berkeley International Framing Institute" (see sources below) was used internally in order to make ARD viewers consider their fees less as a compulsory contribution than as a kind of donation to a good cause.[20]

But the (who published the original document), came to the conclusion that "Many of the proposed frames, which are currently heating the minds of many critics, have never been used in public by the public broadcasters representatives. This also shows that the excitement about the report is too high."[21]

See also



  1. ^German pronunciation:[ˌaːʔɛʁˈdeː]; full name:Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichenRundfunkanstalten der BundesrepublikDeutschland, pronounced[ˈaʁbaɪtsɡəˌmaɪnʃaftdeːɐ̯ˌʔœfn̩tlɪçˈʁɛçtlɪçn̩ˈʁʊntfʊŋkˌʔanʃtaltn̩deːɐ̯ˈbʊndəsʁepuˌbliːkˈdɔʏtʃlant] – "Working group of public broadcasters of the Federal Republic of Germany"; see§ Name


  1. ^"There for you. ARD"(PDF).Archived(PDF) from the original on 2021-07-16.
  2. ^"ARD Finanzbericht"(PDF). ARD. 2014. Archived fromthe original(PDF) on 2020-06-25. Retrieved2017-01-11.
  3. ^"ARD Mitarbeiter". ARD. 2015. Archived fromthe original on 2017-08-01. Retrieved2017-01-11.
  4. ^Anschlag, Dieter (2022-04-05)."2. ARD" Institut für Medien- und Kommunikationspolitik. Retrieved2022-05-06.
  5. ^"Startseite – Archivradio – Wissen – SWR2" Retrieved2018-03-14.
  6. ^"Berichterstattung aus dem Ausland" Retrieved2021-11-18.
  7. ^"Häufige Fragen / Das Korrespondenten-Netz" Retrieved2021-11-18.
  8. ^"Berichterstattung aus dem Ausland" Retrieved2021-11-18.
  9. ^"Auslandsstudios der ARD" ARD. Retrieved2018-03-14.
  10. ^"Auslandsstudios – Organisation – Unternehmen" Retrieved2018-03-14.
  11. ^WDR (2023-02-24)."WDR eröffnet ARD-Studio in Kiew - Presselounge - WDR" (in German). Retrieved2023-02-24.
  12. ^"Spanien und Portugal: Das ARD-Studio Madrid" (in German). Retrieved2023-11-08.
  13. ^"Marion Schmickler" (in German). 2022-08-05. Retrieved2023-11-08.
  14. ^"Angola bis Südafrika: Das ARD-Studio Johannesburg" (in German). Retrieved2023-11-08.
  15. ^"Studio Nairobi" (in German). 2017-09-25. Retrieved2023-11-08.
  16. ^"ARD".State Media Monitor. Media and Journalism Research Center. 2024-08-08. Retrieved2025-01-20.
  17. ^"Typology".State Media Monitor. Media and Journalism Research Center. 2022-05-25. Retrieved2025-01-14.
  18. ^Fleischhauer, Jan (2016-04-12)."ZDF ein Regierungssender: Kontrolliertes Fernsehen – Kolumne".Der Spiegel.
  19. ^Fleischhauer, Jan (2019-02-14)."Manipulation: Schöner sprechen mit der ARD".Spiegel Online. Retrieved2019-02-18.
  20. ^Schwartz, Claudia."Die ARD will mit Framing das Publikum einseifen".Neue Zürcher Zeitung (in German). Retrieved2019-02-18.
  21. ^Beckedahl, Markus (2019-02-17)."Wir veröffentlichen das Framing-Gutachten der ARD" (in German). Retrieved2021-09-27.



External links

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Articles related to ARD (broadcaster)
Television channels
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Joint venture with ZDF
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