TheAN/ALQ-99 is an airborneelectronic warfare system, previously found on theEA-6B and now utilised by theEA-18G Growler military aircraft. The ALQ-99E version of the system was carried on theEF-111A Raven aircraft as an escort or standoff jammer.
The AN/ALQ-99 system on EA-6B Prowler Aircraft. The EA-6B in the foreground carries 3 under-wing jamming pods for transmitting and a single fixed pod on its tail for receiving.
The ALQ-99 is an airborne integrated jamming system designed and manufactured byEDO Corporation. Receiver equipment and antennas are mounted in a fin-tip pod while jamming transmitters and exciter equipment are located in under-wing pods. The system is capable of intercepting, automatically processing and jamming received radio frequency signals.[1] The system receivers can also be used to detect, identify anddirection find those signals, providingsignals intelligence (SIGINT) either automatically or manually.[2]
An EF-111A Raven in the foreground carrying a fixed tail pod for receiving and a fixed transmitting pod on underside. Note that while the EA-6B carries removable transmitter pods, the EF-111 has the transmitter built into the underside of the aircraft.
The AN/ALQ-99 has a maximum power output of 10.8kW in its older versions and of 6.8 kW in its newer versions.[3] It uses aram air turbine to supply its own power.[4][5]
The AN/ALQ-99 is capable of jamming frequencies from 64 MHz to 20 GHz. Jamming frequency ranges are set forth in 10 bands:
Tail fin housing assembly for the AN/ALQ-99 equipment, seen during an EF-111A conversion
The AN/ALQ-99 has been used during the Vietnam War (1972–1973),Operation El Dorado Canyon (1986 American raid in Libya), 1991Gulf War,Operation Northern Watch (1992–2003),Operation Southern Watch (1997–2003),1999 Balkans War, 2003Second Gulf War, and 2011Operation Odyssey Dawn. The poor reliability of the ALQ-99 and frequent failures of the Built-In Test (BIT) have caused crew to fly missions with undetected faults. The ALQ-99 also interferes with the aircraft'sAESA radar, reduces the top speed of the aircraft and imposes a high workload on the two-person crew when employed in the EA-18G Growler.[7]
AN/ALQ-99A – Entered service in 1972. Covered bands 1, 2, 4, and 7.[6]
AN/ALQ-99B/C Expanded Capability (XCAP) – Introduced in 1973. Expanded coverage to include bands 5, 6, 8, and 9.[6]
AN/ALQ-99D Improved Capability (ICAP I) – Introduced in 1975. Expanded coverage to include band 3 and introduced the AYA-6B, an improved computer which allowed faster response times and more automation of the systems
AN/ALQ-99E – The version mounted on the EF-111A, a heavily modified variant of theF-111A introduced in 1977. The jamming equipment was mostly stored on the underside of the aircraft in the bomb bay, while the receiving equipment was mounted to the vertical stabilizer, similarly to the EA-6B. It featured a 70% commonality with the AN/ALQ-99F ICAP II. Introduced increased computer automation, allowing the jamming systems to be handled by a single crewmate, as opposed to a crew of 3 on the EA-6B. The ALQ-99E underwent several improvements through the late 1980's and early 1990's, including expanded coverage to include band 10, increased computer memory and processing power, and the improved Universal Exciter.[6]
AN/ALQ-99F Improved Capability (ICAP II) – Introduced in 1980. Featured the AYK-14 computer, with 4 times the memory and increased processing power.[8]
AN/ALQ-99G ICAP II Block 82 – Introduced in 1982. Allowed limited capability for the EA-6B to carry theAGM-88 HARM missile.[8]
AN/ALQ-99H ICAP II Block 86 – Introduced in 1988. Improved the EA-6B's ability to carry the AGM-88 HARM missile.[8]
AN/ALQ-99I ICAP II Block 89 – Introduced in 1996. Introduced the improved Universal Exciter and increased processing power.
AN/ALQ-99J ICAP II Block 89A – Introduced in 2000. Included the Universal Exciter and expanded coverage to include band 10.
AN/ALQ-99 ICAP III – Introduced in 2003, initially for the EA-6B. Provided increased processing power and equipment standardization.[6] Carried by the E/A-18G Growler.[9]