Calendar year
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1943 .
1943 (MCMXLIII ) was acommon year starting on Friday of theGregorian calendar , the 1943rd year of theCommon Era (CE) andAnno Domini (AD) designations, the 943rd year of the2nd millennium , the 43rd year of the20th century , and the 4th year of the1940s decade.
Calendar year
Below, the events ofWorld War II have the "WWII" prefix.
January 1 – WWII: The Soviet Union announces that 22 German divisions have been encircled atStalingrad , with 175,000 killed and 137,650 captured.January 4 – WWII: Greek-Polish athlete and saboteurJerzy Iwanow-Szajnowicz is executed by the Germans atKaisariani .January 10 – WWII:Guadalcanal Campaign : American forces of the2nd Marine Division and the25th Infantry Division begin their assaults on theGalloping Horse and Sea Horse onGuadalcanal . Meanwhile, the Japanese17th Army makes plans to abandon the island and after fierce resistance withdraws to the west coast of Guadalcanal.[ 1] January 11 January 12 – WWII:Landing at Amchitka : American forces make an unopposed landing onAmchitka , an island of theAleutian Islands , southwest ofAlaska . The destroyerUSSWorden moves intoConstantine Harbor and disembarks a detachment of Alaska Scouts. During a maneuver, a strong current sweepsWorden onto a pinnacle rock that tears up the hull beneath the engine room – leaving the destroyer powerless. Later,Worden gets the order to abandon the ship and suffers the death of 14 Americans before the crew is rescued. After the island is cleared of Japanese, transports land some 2,100 men by the end of the day.[ 2] January 13 – Anti-Nazi protests inSofia result in 200 arrests and 36 executions.January 14 –24 – WWII:Casablanca Conference :Franklin D. Roosevelt , President of the United States;Winston Churchill , Prime Minister of the United Kingdom; and GeneralsCharles de Gaulle andHenri Giraud of theFree French forces meet secretly at the Anfa Hotel inCasablanca ,Morocco , to plan theAllied European strategy for the next stage of the war.January 15 – WWII: Guadalcanal Campaign –Operation Ke : Japanese forces begin to withdraw from Guadalcanal in theSolomon Islands .January 16 –Iraq declares war on theAxis powers .January 18 January 21 – WWII:Pan Am Flight 1104 –Pan American Airways Martin M-130 flying boat crashes about 7 mi (11 km) southwest ofUkiah, California . All 10 passengers and 9 crew aboard are killed, including AdmiralRobert H. English (at this timeCOMSUBPAC ).January 22 January 23 January 27 – WWII: 50 bombers mount the first all Americanair raid against Germany:Wilhelmshaven is the target.January 29 January 29 –30 – WWII:Battle of Rennell Island – TheImperial Japanese Navy resists the United States Navy's attempt to interrupt thewithdrawal of Japanese forces fromGuadalcanal , in the last majornaval battle of theGuadalcanal Campaign .January 29 –31 – WWII:Battle of Wau – Australian forces, with United States support, resist a Japanese advance in theNew Guinea campaign .January 30 – WWII: German GeneralFriedrich Paulus is promoted to the rank of Field Marshal and instructed to fight to the death inStalingrad , whileKarl Dönitz is promoted to Commander in Chief of the German Navy, replacingErich Raeder .[ 4] February 2 – WWII: In Russia, theBattle of Stalingrad comes to an end, with the surrender of theGerman 6th Army .February 3 – WWII: TheFour Chaplains of the U.S. Army are among those drowned when their ship,Dorchester , is struck by a Germantorpedo in the North Atlantic.February 5 – Lt. GeneralFrank M. Andrews is selected to command the U.S. armies in Europe, while GeneralDwight D. Eisenhower is assigned command in North Africa. Andrews will serve only 3 months, before dying in an airplane crash.February 6 – WWII: RCN corvetteHMCSLouisburg is bombed and sunk offOran ,Algeria by Italian aircraft.February 7 – WWII: North Atlanticconvoy SC 118 is attacked byU-boats , who sink 8 ships.[ 5] February 9 February 10 –March 3 –Mohandas Gandhi (under arrest by forces of theBritish Raj inPune as a member of theQuit India Movement ) keeps a hunger strike to protest his imprisonment.February 13 – WWII:Operation Longcloth : Chindit forces (some 3,000 men) of the77th Indian Infantry Brigade under Brigadier GeneralOrde Wingate cross theChindwin River and proceed intoBurma .[ 6] February 14 – WWII:Rostov-on-Don andVoroshilovgrad in Russia are liberated.February 14 –17 – WWII:Battle of Sidi Bou Zid : In theTunisia Campaign , GermanPanzer divisions commanded byHans-Jürgen von Arnim are victorious over the United States Army.February 16 – WWII: TheSoviet Union reconquersKharkiv , but is later driven out in theThird Battle of Kharkiv .February 18 February 19 –24 – WWII:Battle of Kasserine Pass : German GeneralErwin Rommel 'sAfrika Korps and otherAxis forces launch an offensive againstAllied defenses inTunisia ; it is the United States' first major battle defeat of the war. On February 22, an Anglo-American force halts the German advance nearThala , forcing the Germans to retreat; US bombers harass the retreating Panzers.February 20 February 21 – WWII: North Atlanticconvoy ON 166 is attacked byU-boats , which sink eleven ships.[ 10] February 22 February 23 –24 –Cavan Orphanage Fire : 35 girls and a cook from St Joseph'sOrphanage , anindustrial school atCavan , Ireland, are killed in a fire in their dormitories. A subsequent inquiry absolves thePoor Clares of blame.February 24 – WWII:First major protest march in Athens against rumours of forced mobilization of Greek workers for work in Germany, resulting in clashes with the Axis occupation forces and collaborationist police. Demonstrators attack the Labour Ministry and burn its files.[ 11] [ 12] February 28 A low level attack on a Japanese ship during theBattle of the Bismarck Sea Jewish prisoners being deported from theKraków Ghetto March – Exiled French aviatorAntoine de Saint-Exupéry 's self-illustrated children'snovella ,The Little Prince , is published inNew York City , the all-timebest-selling book originating in French.March –December –History of computing hardware : British prototype Mark IColossus computer is constructed (the world's first totallyelectronic programmable computing device) to assist incryptanalysis of German signals atBletchley Park .[ 15] March 1 –Heinz Guderian becomes Inspector-General of the Armoured Troops for theGerman Army .March 1 –2 – WWII:Koriukivka massacre – 6,700 inhabitants ofKoriukivka are murdered inUkraine , by aGerman SS unit.March 2 – WWII:Battle of the Bismarck Sea – United States and Australian forces sink Japanese convoy ships, then strafe survivors in the water.[ 16] [ 17] March 3 – 173 people are killed in a crush while trying to enter anair-raid shelter atBethnal Green, London .March 4 March 4 –6 – WWII:Battle of Fardykambos – Greek partisans and armed civilians force the surrender of an Italian army battalion.March 5 March 9 –10 – WWII: North Atlanticconvoy SC 121 is attacked byU-boats sinking seven ships.[ 21] March 9 –Şükrü Saracoğlu forms the new government of Turkey (14th government; Şükrü Saracoğlu had served twice as a prime minister).March 10 –Banco Bradesco is founded inMarília ,São Paulo , Brazil.March 12 March 13 –The Holocaust :Nazi German forces liquidate the Jews of theKraków Ghetto , inOccupied Poland .March 14 – WWII: British submarineHMSThunderbolt is sunk offSicily by an Italiancorvette , the second time this vessel has been lost with all hands.[ 22] [ 23] March 15 – WWII:March 16 – WWII:Battle of the Mareth Line : Allied forces of the British8th Army under GeneralBernard Montgomery launch an offensive against theMareth Line held by the Italo-German1st Army .[ 24] March 16 –19 – WWII: 22 ships fromConvoys HX 229/SC 122 and one U-boat are sunk in the largest North Atlantic U-boat "wolfpack " attack of the war.March 17 (Saint Patrick's Day ) –Éamon de Valera ,Taoiseach of theRepublic of Ireland , makes the speech "The Ireland That We Dreamed Of ", commonly called the "comely maidens" speech, inDublin Castle .March 22 – WWII:Khatyn massacre – The entire population ofKhatyn ,Belarus is burnt alive by German occupation forces.March 23 – The drugsVicodin andLortab are first produced in Germany.March 26 – WWII:Battle of the Komandorski Islands : In theAleutian Islands , the battle begins whenUnited States Navy forces intercept Japanese troops attempting to reinforce a garrison atKiska . During the engagement, heavy cruiserUSSSalt Lake City is severely damaged by Japanese cruiser gunfire. Lasting for three and a half hours, it will be the longest continuous gunnery duel in modern naval history.March 27 – WWII: BritishRoyal Navy escort carrier HMS Dasher (D37) is destroyed by an accidental explosion in theFirth of Clyde , killing 379 of the crew of 528.March 28 – In Italy the transportCaterina Costa , full of weapons and ammunition, explodes in the port ofNaples , killing 600.This photograph, from theStroop Report , shows captured fighters in theWarsaw Ghetto Uprising . TheMöhne Dam breached followingOperation Chastise , carried out by the"Dambusters" of theRAF . May 6 – WWII: Six U-boats are sunk, after sinking 12 ships fromConvoy ONS 5 , in the last major North Atlantic U-boat "wolfpack " attack of the war.May 9 –12 – Japanese troops carry out theChangjiao massacre in Changjiao,Hunan , China.May 11 – WWII: American troops invadeAttu in theAleutian Islands , in an attempt to expel occupying Japanese forces.May 12 – TheThird Washington Conference ("Trident") begins in Washington, D.C., withFranklin D. Roosevelt andWinston Churchill taking part.May 13 – WWII: GermanAfrika Korps and Italian troops in North Africa surrender toAllied forces.May 14 – WWII:May 15 – WWII:May 16 –17 – WWII:Operation Chastise (the 'Dambuster Raid') takes place:No. 617 Squadron RAF usebouncing bombs to breach German dams in theRuhr Valley .May 16 –Holocaust : TheWarsaw Ghetto Uprising ends. 13,000 Jews have been killed in the ghetto and almost all the remaining 50,000 residents are deported toMajdanek andTreblinka extermination camps .May 17 – WWII:May 19 –Winston Churchill addresses ajoint session of the United States Congress .May 23 – WWII: Thebattleship USS New Jersey (BB-62) is commissioned atPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania .May 24 – WWII: AdmiralKarl Dönitz orders most of the U-boats to withdraw from theAtlantic Sea . Allied anti-submarine tactics are causing huge losses. Only 41 U-boats are operational for duty, Dönitz orders the suspension of all Atlantic operations.[ 28] May 27 – The port city ofMaizuru is founded in Japan.May 29 –Norman Rockwell 's illustration of 'Rosie the Riveter ' first appears, on the cover ofThe Saturday Evening Post .May 30 – WWII:June 1 –BOAC Flight 777 , a scheduled passenger flight, is shot down over theBay of Biscay by GermanJunkers Ju 88s ; all 17 persons aboard perish, including actorLeslie Howard .June 3 June 4 – A militarycoup d'état inArgentina oustsRamón Castillo .June 8 – WWII:Japanese battleshipMutsu is destroyed by an accidental magazine explosion, inHashirajima anchorage.June 8 –9 – WWII:Battle of Porta : TheRoyal Italian Army is defeated by theGreek People's Liberation Army .June 20 –23 – TheDetroit race riot of 1943 in the United States kills 34 people (25 African Americans, 9 whites), wounds hundreds more and damages and destroys property worth millions.[ 31] June 21 – WWII: As part ofOperation Animals , BritishSpecial Operations Executive saboteurs destroy the railway bridge over the Asopos River in "Operation Washing ", and guerrillas of theGreek People's Liberation Army ambush and destroy a German convoy at theBattle of Sarantaporos .[ 32] June 22 – WWII: TheU.S. Army 45th Infantry Division lands in North Africa, prior to training atArzew , French Morocco.June 30 June (late) –The Holocaust : The last trainload of Jewish prisoners is moved fromBełżec extermination camp inOccupied Poland (for gassing atSobibór ), and for the remainder of the year theNazis make efforts to obliterate the site.[ 33] [ 34] The U.S.Liberty ship SSRobert Rowan explodes during theAllied invasion of Sicily , July 11, 1943. Thebombing of Hamburg during 1943. Wladyslaw Sikorski, Polish military and political leader of the Polish government in exile during World War 2 Mussolini Mackenzie King ,Franklin D. Roosevelt andWinston Churchill at the1943 Quebec Conference .August 1 –Operation Tidal Wave : 177B-24 Liberator bombers from theU.S. Army Air Force bomb oil refineries atPloiești, Romania .August 2 – WWII:John F. Kennedy 'sPT boat PT-109 is run down by Japanese destroyerAmagiri .August 3 –Patton slapping incident : U.S. GeneralGeorge S. Patton Jr. slaps a soldier suffering from battle fatigue, at a field hospital inSicily . On August 10, he slaps another soldier suffering from the same condition.August 4 – WWII: Theaircraft carrier USS Intrepid (CV-11) is launched atNewport News, Virginia .August 5 – WWII:August 6 – WWII:Battle of Vella Gulf : Americans defeat a Japanese convoy offKolombangara , as theU.S. Army drives the Japanese out of Munda airfield onNew Georgia .August 11 –17 – WWII:Operation Lehrgang : German and Italian forces evacuate from Sicily to the Italian mainland. The evacuation includes some 40,000 Wehrmacht troops, 9,000 vehicles, 30 tanks, and 90 heavy guns. Also, a total of 62,000 Italian troops are successfully evacuated. Despite Allied air attacks, losses are very low due to sufficient Axis anti-aircraft coverage.[ 37] August 14 August 17 – WWII:August 21 –1943 Australian federal election :John Curtin 'sLabor government defeats theCountry /UAP Coalition , led by formerPrime Minister Arthur Fadden . Labor achieves its greatest ever electoral result, including winning every seat (except one) outside of the eastern states. Notably, this election marked the first time that a woman has been elected to both theSenate and theHouse of Representatives . Fadden will step down from the Opposition leadership, handing it over toRobert Menzies , who will go on to dissolve the UAP and form theLiberal Party shortly after.August 23 – WWII: TheBattle of Kursk ends, with a strategic defeat for the German forces.August 24 –Heinrich Himmler is named Reichsminister of the Interior in Germany.August 26 – WWII:Louis Mountbatten is named Supreme Allied Commander for Southeast Asia.August 28 – WWII: KingBoris III of Bulgaria dies under suspicious circumstances; his 6-year-old son,Simeon II , ascends to the throne.August 29 – WWII:Occupation of Denmark – Germany dissolves the Danish government, after it refuses to deal with a wave of strikes and disturbances to the satisfaction of the German authorities.September 3 – WWII:Allied invasion of Italy September 5 – WWII:US landing at Nadzab : The503rd Parachute Regiment under ColonelGeorge Jones lands and occupiesNadzab , just east of the port city ofLae , in northeasternPapua New Guinea .September 7 –Gulf Hotel fire : A fire at the Gulf Hotel inHouston, Texas kills 55.September 8 September 9 –Bertolt Brecht 's playLife of Galileo (German :Leben des Galilei ) receives its first theatrical production, at theSchauspielhaus Zürich .September 12 – WWII:Gran Sasso raid – German paratroopers rescue Mussolini from imprisonment, inUnternehmen Eiche ("Operation Oak").September 16 – WWII:Salerno Mutiny – Soldiers of theBritish Army 'sX Corps refuse postings to new units.September 17 – WWII: Villefranche-de-Rouergue Mutiny – A group of pro-Partisan soldiers, led byFerid Džanić and others within the13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar (1st Croatian) , training inOccupied France , rise againstNazi German troops in the Division; the revolt is rapidly suppressed.September 21 –26 – WWII:Massacre of the Acqui Division – German soldiers of the1st Mountain Division (Wehrmacht) kill over 5,100Italian military internees resisting disarmament on the Greek island ofCephalonia .September 22 –October 2 – WWII:Landing at Scarlet Beach on theHuon Peninsula ofNew Guinea by Allied forces, the first time Australian troops have made an opposed amphibious landing since theGallipoli Campaign of1915 .September 23 – WWII: TheItalian Social Republic ("Republic of Salò") is founded in northern Italy as apuppet state ofNazi Germany .September 25 – WWII: The Russian city ofSmolensk is liberated by Soviet forces as part of the successfulSmolensk operation against German defenders.September 27 – WWII:Four days of Naples begins: a popular uprising drives German occupying forces from the city.Chiang Kai-shek ,Franklin D. Roosevelt andWinston Churchill at theCairo Conference , November 25, 1943.The firstLebanese flag hand drawn and signed by the deputies of the Lebanese parliament, November 11, 1943. TheFrench Mandate ends andLebanon gains independence in November 1943. Joseph Stalin ,Franklin D. Roosevelt andWinston Churchill on the verandah of the Soviet Embassy inTehran during theTehran Conference November 1 – WWII:Operation Goodtime :United States Marines land onBougainville Island in theSolomon Islands .November 2 – WWII:November 3 –4 –The Holocaust :Aktion Erntefest ("Operation Harvest Festival") – The largest single day massacre of Jews in the entire war takes place when over 43,000 Jews are murdered by theSS , theOrdnungspolizei and the "Trawniki men " (Ukrainian collaborators) inSonderdienst formations at theMajdanek ,Trawniki andPoniatowa concentration camps in theGeneral Government territory ofoccupied Poland .November 5 – WWII:November 6 – WWII: The Ukrainian capital ofKiev is liberated by Soviet forces from its German occupiers as part of theBattle of Kiev .November 9 – An agreement for the foundation of theUnited Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration is signed by 44 countries in theWhite House , Washington, D.C.November 10 – TheLübeck martyrs , four men of religion, are executed for supposedly treasonable views.November 14 –Leonard Bernstein , substituting at the last minute for ailing principal conductorBruno Walter , directs theNew York Philharmonic in its regular Sunday afternoon broadcast concert, overCBS Radio. The event receives front-page coverage inThe New York Times the following day.November 15 –Porajmos : GermanSS leaderHeinrich Himmler orders thatGypsies be put "on the same level as Jews and placed inNazi concentration camps ."November 16 – WWII:November 18 – WWII:Battle of Berlin – The BritishRoyal Air Force opens its bombing campaign against Berlin with 440 planes, causing only light damage and killing 131. The RAF loses 9 aircraft and 53 aviators.November 19 –The Holocaust : Inmates ofJanowska concentration camp , nearLwów (at this time inGerman-occupied Poland ), stage a failed uprising, after which theSS liquidates the camp, resulting in at least 6,000 deaths.November 20 – WWII:Battle of Tarawa :United States Marines land onTarawa andMakin atolls in theGilbert Islands (Kiribati from1979 ) and take heavy fire from Japanese shore guns.November 22 –26 – WWII:Cairo Conference ("Sextant") –President of the United States Franklin D. Roosevelt ,Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Winston Churchill andChairman of the National Government of China Chiang Kai-shek meet atCairo , Egypt, to discuss ways to defeat Japan in thePacific War .November 22 –Lebanon gains independence, upon the ending of theFrench Mandate .November 23 – TheDeutsches Opernhaus on Bismarckstraße, in the Berlin district ofCharlottenburg , is destroyed in an air raid (it is reopened in1961 , as theDeutsche Oper Berlin ).November 25 – WWII: Americans and Japanese fight the navalBattle of Cape St. George , betweenBuka andNew Ireland .November 26 – WWII: Britishtroopship HMTRohna is sunk off the north African coast by aLuftwaffe Henschel Hs 293 radio controlledglide bomb , killing 1,015.[ 43] [ 44] November 27 – The1943 Tosya–Ladik earthquake in Turkey kills thousands.[ 45] November 28 – WWII:Tehran Conference : U.S. PresidentFranklin D. Roosevelt , British Prime MinisterWinston Churchill and Soviet leaderJoseph Stalin meet inTehran , to discuss war strategy. OnNovember 30 , they establish an agreement concerning a plannedJune 1944 invasion of Europe, codenamedOperation Overlord .November 29 – The second session ofAVNOJ , the Anti-Fascist Council of National Liberation ofYugoslavia , is held inJajce ,Bosnia and Herzegovina , to determine the post-war ordering of the country.December 2 – WWII:Bari chemical warfare disaster : A surpriseLuftwaffe air raid on Bari , Italy sinks 28Allied ships in the harbor, including the AmericanLiberty ship SS John Harvey , releasing its secret cargo ofmustard gas bombs, inflating the number of casualties.[ 46] December 3 December 4 December 7 –Chiara Lubich starts the humanitarianFocolare Movement inTrento , Italy.December 13 – WWII:Massacre of Kalavryta – The occupying117th Jäger Division (Wehrmacht) machine-guns all adult males fromKalavryta , Greece, subsequently burning the town.December 15 – WWII: American and Australian forces begin theBattle of Arawe as a diversion before a larger landing atCape Gloucester onNew Britain , in Papua New Guinea.December 20 – Amilitary coup is staged inBolivia .December 20 –28 – WWII: Italian Campaign –Battle of Ortona : Canadian infantry defeat elite German paratroops.December 24 December 26 – WWII:Battle of the North Cape –German battleshipScharnhorst is torpedoed and sunk in a night action north of the Arctic Circle by British battleshipHMSDuke of York and her escorts with the loss of all but 36 of the German crew of 1,943 (including AdmiralErich Bey );[ 48] [ 49] this is the war's last action between big-guncapital ships of Britain and Germany.December 30 –Subhas Chandra Bose sets up a pro-Japanese Indian government atPort Blair , India.December 31 – TheTimes Square Ball inTimes Square , New York City isn't dropped a second time. Instead, there was amoment of silence at midnight, followed by the sound of bells playing from sound trucks at the base ofOne Times Square .
René Préval Janis Joplin Princess Margriet of the Netherlands Sharon Tate January 1 –Don Novello , American comedian and actorJanuary 2 –Barış Manço , Turkish singer, television personality (d.1999 )January 4 –Doris Kearns Goodwin , American writer[ 52] January 5 –James Goldstein , LA businessman,NBA basketball aficionadoJanuary 6 –Terry Venables , English footballer and manager (d.2023 )January 7 –Sadako Sasaki , Japaneseatomic bomb sickness victim (d.1955 )January 9 –Scott Walker , American-born singer, composer and record producer (d.2019 )[ 53] January 10 –Jim Croce , American surburbia musician (d.1973 )[ 54] January 14 January 15 January 17 January 18 January 19 January 22 January 24 January 25 January 26 –Soad Hosny , Egyptian actress (d.2001 )Blythe Danner Joe Pesci Horst Köhler George Harrison February 3 February 4 –Alberto João Jardim , Portuguese politicianFebruary 5 February 7 –Gareth Hunt , English actor (d.2007 )February 8 –Creed Bratton , American actor, musicianFebruary 9 February 10 –Walter B. Jones Jr. , American politician (d.2019 )February 11 –Mohammad Rafiquzzaman , Bangladeshi lyricistFebruary 12 –Wacław Kisielewski , Polish pianist (d.1986 )February 14 –Maceo Parker , American musician (James Brown ,P-Funk )February 15 –Elke Heidenreich , German author, TV presenter and journalistFebruary 18 –Graeme Garden , Scottish writer, comedian and actorFebruary 19 February 20 February 21 February 22 February 23 –Fred Biletnikoff , American football player, coachFebruary 24 –Hristo Prodanov , Bulgarian mountaineerFebruary 25 February 26 February 27 –Morten Lauridsen , American composerFebruary 28 –Donnie Iris , American rock singer, guitarist (The Jaggerz ,Wild Cherry ,Donnie Iris and the Cruisers )Lynn Redgrave David Cronenberg Ratko Mladić Mario Molina Mario Monti George Benson Eric Idle SirJohn Major Christopher Walken John Eliot Gardiner Gary Wright April 2 –Caterina Bueno , Italian singer (d.2007 )April 4 –Isabel-Clara Simó , Spanish journalist and writer (d.2020 )April 5 April 6 −Susan Tolsky , American actress and voice actressApril 8 April 10 April 11 –Harley Race , American professional wrestler, promoter and trainer (d.2019 )April 13 –Doreen Tracey , British-born American actress (d.2018 )April 15 April 16 –Petro Tyschtschenko , German businessmanApril 17 –Bobby Curtola , Canadian singer (d.2016 )April 19 –Claus Theo Gärtner , German actorApril 20 –John Eliot Gardiner , English conductorApril 21 –Napsiah Omar , Malaysian educator, politician (d.2018 )April 22 April 23 April 24 –Richard Sterban , American singer (The Oak Ridge Boys )April 25 April 26 –Gary Wright , American singer, songwriter, musician and composer (d.2023 )April 28 –John O. Creighton , American astronautApril 29 – SirIan Kershaw , English historianApril 30 Michael Palin Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson Betty Williams James Chaney May 1 May 2 –Mustafa Nadarević , Yugoslav and Bosnian actor and comedian (d.2020 )May 3 –Jim Risch , American politicianMay 5 –Michael Palin , English comedian, actor, and television presenter (Monty Python's Flying Circus )May 6 –Grange Calveley , British writer, artist (d.2021 )May 7 May 8 –Danny Whitten , American musician (d.1972 )May 10 –Richard Darman , American federal government official, businessman (d.2008 )May 13 –Kurt Trampedach , Danish artist (d.2013 )May 14 May 16 –Dan Coats , American politician and diplomatMay 17 May 20 –Imata Kabua , Marshallese politician, 2ndPresident of the Marshall Islands (d.2019 )May 22 –Betty Williams , Northern Irish political activist, co-recipient of theNobel Peace Prize (d.2020 )May 24 –Gary Burghoff , American actor (M*A*S*H )May 25 –Jessi Colter , American singer, composerMay 26 –Erica Terpstra , Dutch swimmer, politician and president of the Dutch Olympic CommitteeMay 27 May 29 –Ion Ciubuc , Moldovan politician (d.2018 )May 30 –James Chaney , African-American civil rights worker (d.1964 )May 31 Malcolm McDowell Poul Nyrup Rasmussen Barry Manilow Klaus von Klitzing Florence Ballard Kurtwood Smith Geraldo Rivera Robbie Robertson Christine McVie Kay Bailey Hutchison Mick Jagger Giovanni Goria July 3 July 4 July 5 July 6 July 7 July 8 July 9 July 10 July 11 July 12 July 14 July 15 –Jocelyn Bell Burnell , British astrophysicistJuly 16 –Reinaldo Arenas , Cuban writer (d.1990 )July 17 July 18 –Jerry Chambers , American basketball playerJuly 19 July 20 July 21 July 22 –Kay Bailey Hutchison , American attorney, television correspondent, politician and diplomatJuly 23 July 24 –John Bryson , American businessman and Former 37th US Secretary of Commerce (2011–12)July 25 –Erika Steinbach , German politicianJuly 26 –Mick Jagger , English rock singer (The Rolling Stones )July 28 July 29 –Bob Brunning , British musician (d.2011 )July 30 –Giovanni Goria , Prime Minister of Italy (d.1994 )Princess Christina of Sweden Robert De Niro Surayud Chulanont August 2 –Max Wright , American actor (d.2019 )August 3 August 4 August 5 –Nelson Briles , American baseball player (d.2005 )August 6 –Jim Hardin , American baseball pitcher (Baltimore Orioles ,New York Yankees ,Atlanta Braves ) (d.1991 )August 8 –Luc Rosenzweig , French journalist (d.2018 )August 9 –Ken Norton , African-American boxer, actor (d.2013 )August 10 August 11 August 13 –Roberto Micheletti ,President of Honduras August 15 –Glória Maria , Brazilian journalist, reporter and television hostAugust 17 August 18 August 19 –Edwin Hawkins , African-American gospel musician, pianist (d.2018 )August 20 –Sylvester McCoy , Scottish actor[ 57] August 22 –Nahas Angula ,Prime Minister of Namibia August 23 August 27 –Tuesday Weld , American actressAugust 28 August 29 –Arthur B. McDonald , Canadian astrophysicist,Nobel Prize laureateAugust 30 August 31 –Leonid Ivashov , Russian generalRoger Waters Jerry Bruckheimer Julio Iglesias Lech Wałęsa September 5 –Dulce Saguisag , Filipino politician, former DSWD Secretary (d.2007 )September 6 September 7 September 9 –Art LaFleur , American actor (d.2021 )September 10 September 11 September 13 –Mildred D. Taylor , American writerSeptember 14 September 16 September 18 –Nina Wayne , American actressSeptember 19 –Joe Morgan , American baseball player (d.2020 )September 20 –Sani Abacha , Nigerian Army officer and dictator (d.1998 )September 21 September 22 –Toni Basil , American musician, video artist ("Mickey ")September 23 September 28 –J. T. Walsh , American actor (d.1998 )September 29 September 30 Chevy Chase R.L. Stine Catherine Deneuve October 1 October 2 October 3 –Jeff Bingaman , American politicianOctober 4 –Buddy Roemer , American politician, investor and banker (d.2021 )October 5 October 6 –Michael Durrell , American actorOctober 7 –Oliver North , American military officer, military historian, political commentator, author and television hostOctober 8 October 11 October 12 October 14 October 15 –Penny Marshall , American actress, director and producer (d.2018 )October 18 October 22 –Catherine Deneuve , French actressOctober 24 October 25 –Roy Lynes , English keyboardistOctober 27 –Carmen Argenziano , American actor (d.2019 )October 28 –Cornelia Froboess , German actressOctober 29 –Don Simpson , American film producer, screenwriter and actor (d.1996 )Joni Mitchell Michael Spence Wallace Shawn Denis Sassou Nguesso Randy Newman November 1 –Jacques Attali , French economistNovember 3 –Bert Jansch , Scottish folk musician (d.2011 )November 4 November 5 November 7 November 8 –Martin Peters , English footballer (d.2019 )November 11 –Doug Frost , Australian swimming coachNovember 12 –Wallace Shawn , American actorNovember 13 November 14 November 17 –Lauren Hutton , American actress, modelNovember 19 –Aurelio Monteagudo , CubanMajor League Baseball player (d.1990 )November 20 November 21 –Larry Mahan , American rodeo cowboyNovember 22 November 23 –Denis Sassou Nguesso ,President of the Republic of the Congo November 24 November 25 –Dante Caputo , Argentine diplomat, politician (d.2018 )November 26 –Marilynne Robinson , American writerNovember 28 November 30 –Terrence Malick , American film directorJim Morrison John Kerry Keith Richards Harry Shearer Queen Silvia of Sweden John Denver Ben Kingsley December 2 December 5 December 8 December 11 –John Kerry , American politician, 68thU.S. Secretary of State December 12 December 13 December 14 December 15 –Lucien den Arend , Dutch sculptorDecember 16 –Steven Bochco , American television producer (d.2018 )December 17 December 18 –Keith Richards , English rock guitarist, songwriter (The Rolling Stones )December 19 December 20 –Jacqueline Pearce , English screen actress (d.2018 )December 21 –Jack Nance , American actor (d.1996 )December 22 –Paul Wolfowitz , American political scientistDecember 23 December 24 December 25 –Hanna Schygulla , German actressDecember 27 –Sam Hinds , 3-Time Prime Minister of GuyanaDecember 28 December 31
George Washington Carver Nikola Tesla Agustin Pedro Justo Taj al-Din al-Hasani Gyula Peidl January 1 –Madeline Barclay , French SOE espionage agent (b.1911 )January 2 January 3 January 4 January 5 –George Washington Carver , African-American botanist (b. c.1864 )January 7 January 8 –Richard Hillary , Australian-born BritishBattle of Britain Spitfire pilot, author (killed on active service in aviation accident) (b.1919 )January 9 –R. G. Collingwood , English philosopher, historian and archaeologist (b.1889 )January 10 –Lewis Hall , American soldier (killed on active service) (b.1895 )January 11 –Agustín Pedro Justo , Argentinian military officer, diplomat and politician, 23rdPresident of Argentina (b.1876 )January 12 –Jan Campert , Dutch journalist, writer (inNeuengamme concentration camp ) (b.1902 )January 13 January 14 –Laura E. Richards , American author (b.1850 )January 15 –Eric Knight , American author (b.1897 )January 16 –Sir William Arbuthnot Lane, 1st Baronet , British surgeon (b.1856 )January 17 January 18 –Urban Jacob Rasmus Børresen , Norwegian admiral and industry leader (b.1857 )January 19 –William Pettigrew , British Christian missionary (b.1869 )January 20 January 21 January 22 –Gyula Peidl , 23rdPrime Minister of Hungary (b.1873 )January 23 –Alexander Woollcott , American critic (b.1887 )January 26 January 29 Senjūrō Hayashi David Hilbert Karl Leopold von Möller BlessedMaria Josefa Karolina Brader February 1 –Foy Draper , American Olympic athlete (killed in action) (b.1911 )February 2 February 4 February 5 –W. S. Van Dyke , American director (b.1889 )February 9 February 10 February 11 –Bess Houdini , American wife ofHarry Houdini (b.1876 )February 14 –David Hilbert , German mathematician (b.1862 )February 15 –Charles Bennett , American actor (b.1889 )February 16 –Paul Ranous Greever , American politician (b.1891 )February 18 –Sir Reginald Pinney , British army general (b.1863 )February 19 –Jan Piekałkiewicz , Polish economist, statistician and politician (b.1892 )February 20 February 22 February 23 February 26 February 27 –Maria Josefa Karolina Brader , SwissRoman Catholic religious professed and blessed (b.1860 )Gustav Vigeland Hans Woellke Sergei Rachmaninoff BlessedMaria Restituta Kafka March 1 –Alexandre Yersin , Swiss-French physician and bacteriologist (b.1863 )March 2 –Gisela Januszewska , Austrian physician (in Theresienstadt concentration camp) (b.1867 )March 3 –Rafael López Nussa , Puerto Rican physician (b.1885 )March 6 –Jimmy Collins , American baseball player,MLB Hall of Famer (b.1870 )March 8 March 9 –Otto Freundlich , German painter, sculptor (killed inMajdanek concentration camp ) (b.1878 )March 10 March 12 March 13 March 19 –Frank Nitti , Italian-born American gangster (suicide) (b.1886 )March 20 March 22 –Hans Woellke , German Olympic athlete (killed by partisans) (b.1911 )March 23 –Mervyn Herbert, Viscount Clive , British peer, army officer (killed on active service in aviation accident) (b.1904 )March 27 –George Monckton-Arundell, 8th Viscount Galway , British politician, 5thGovernor-General of New Zealand (b.1882 )March 28 March 30 –Maria Restituta Kafka , GermanRoman Catholic religious sister and blessed (executed) (b.1894 )March 31 –Pavel Milyukov , exiled Russian politician, founder and leader of theConstitutional Democratic Party (b.1859 )Alexandre Millerand April 1 –Vahida Maglajlić , Yugoslav partisan, national hero (killed in combat) (b.1907 )April 3 –Conrad Veidt , German actor (b.1893 )April 5 –W. G. Howard Gritten , British barrister, writer and conservative politician (b.1870 )April 6 –Alexandre Millerand , French politician, 41stPrime Minister of France and 11thPresident of France (b.1859 )April 7 –Auguste Audollent , French historian, archaeologist (b.1864 )April 8 April 9 –Philip Slier , Dutch Jewish typesetter (inSobibór extermination camp ) (b.1923 )April 11 –Kim Myeong-sik , Korean independence activist (b.1890 )April 13 –Oskar Schlemmer , German painter, sculptor, designer and choreographer (b.1888 )April 16 –Carlos Arniches , Spanish playwright (b.1866 )April 18 –Isoroku Yamamoto , Japanese admiral (b.1884 )April 21 –Rihard Jakopič , Yugoslav painter (b.1869 )April 24 April 30 BlessedGrzegorz Bolesław Frąckowiak Fethi Okyar Rida Pasha al-Rikabi Gordon Coates May 1 –Johan Oscar Smith , Norwegian Christian leader, founder ofBrunstad Christian Church (b.1871 )May 3 –Frank Maxwell Andrews , American general (plane crash) (b.1884 )May 4 May 5 May 7 –Fethi Okyar , Turkish diplomat, politician and 2ndPrime Minister of Turkey (b.1880 )May 8 –Miroslav Šalom Freiberger , Yugoslav rabbi, writer and spiritual leader (killed at Auschwitz concentration camp) (b.1903 )May 14 May 15 –Horst Hannig , German Luftwaffe fighter ace (b.1921 )May 17 May 19 –Kristjan Raud , Soviet painter, drawer (b.1865 )May 20 –John Stone Stone , American physicist, inventor (b.1869 )May 22 –Helen Taft ,First Lady of the United States (b.1861 )May 24 –Johannes Orasmaa , Estonian army general (in labour camp) (b.1890 )May 25 –Ali Rikabi , 1stPrime Minister of Syria , 2-timePrime Minister of Jordan (b.1864 )May 26 –Edsel Ford , American businessman, president of Ford Motor Company (b.1893 )May 27 –Gordon Coates , 21stPrime Minister of New Zealand (b.1878 )May 31 Kermit Roosevelt Karl Landsteiner Kazimierz Junosza-Stępowski SaintIgnacia Nazaria March Mesa Hedley Verity July 2 –Alice Mary Dowd , American educator and poet (b.1855 )July 4 July 5 July 6 July 8 Jean Moulin , French resistance fighter (injuries from suicide attempt in custody) (b.1899 )SirHarry Oakes , American-born British gold mine owner (murdered) (b.1874 ) July 11 –Eugen Lovinescu , Romanian critic, academic and novelist (b.1881 )July 12 –Cecilia Loftus , Scottish-born actress (b.1876 )July 13 July 14 –Mariya Borovichenko , Soviet medical officer (killed in action) (b.1925 )July 16 –Saul Raphael Landau , Polish Jewish lawyer, journalist, publicist and Zionist activist (b.1870 )July 19 July 20 July 21 July 23 –Mario Nicolis di Robilant , Italian general (b.1855 )July 26 –Luis Barros Borgoño , Chilean politician (b.1858 )July 28 –Charles Granval , French actor (b.1882 )July 29 –William Ewart Hart , Australian aviator, dentist (b.1885 )July 30 –Max Eitingon , Belarusian-German medical doctor and psychoanalyst (b.1881 )July 31 KingBoris III of Bulgaria August 1 August 5 August 9 August 12 –Bobby Peel , English cricketer (b.1857 )August 14 –Joe Kelley , American baseball player,MLB Hall of Famer (b.1871 )August 18 –Hans Jeschonnek , German general (suicide) (b.1899 )August 21 –Henrik Pontoppidan , Danish writer,Nobel Prize laureate (b.1857 )August 22 –Virgilio Dávila , Puerto Rican poet, educator, businessman and politician (b.1869 )August 24 August 26 –Ted Ray , British golfer (b.1877 )August 27 August 28 – KingBoris III of Bulgaria (b.1894 )August 29 –Baba Nand Singh ji , Punjabi Sikh religious leader, saint (b.1870 )August 31 –Gustav Bachmann , German naval officer, admiral (b.1860 )Ernst Trygger Carlos Blanco Galindo Pieter Zeeman October 2 October 4 –Irena Iłłakowicz , Polish general (murdered) (b.1906 )October 5 –Leon Roppolo , American jazz clarinetist (b.1902 )October 6 –Ignaz Trebitsch-Lincoln , Hungarian adventurer (b.1879 )October 7 October 8 October 9 –Pieter Zeeman , Dutch physicist,Nobel Prize laureate (b.1865 )October 12 –Max Wertheimer , Austro-Hungarian psychologist (b.1880 )October 14 October 15 –William Penhallow Henderson , American painter, architect and furniture designer (b.1877 )October 18 –Margaret Bartholomew , AmericanCivil Air Patrol officer (aviation accident on mission) (b.1903 )October 19 –Camille Claudel , French sculptor (b.1864 )October 21 –Sir Dudley Pound , British admiral (b.1877 )October 22 –Sir Reginald Hall , British admiral (b.1870 )October 23 October 24 –Hector de Saint-Denys Garneau , Canadian poet, lawyer (b.1912 )October 26 October 30 –Max Reinhardt , Austrian director (b.1873 )Grand Duke Boris Vladimirovich of Russia MetropolitanGurie Grosu Doris Miller November 5 November 7 –Dwight Frye , American character actor (b.1899 )November 9 –Grand Duke Boris Vladimirovich of Russia (b.1877 )November 10 – BlessedLübeck martyrs , GermanRoman Catholic priests (executed):November 13 –Maurice Denis , French painter (b.1870 )November 14 –Gurie Grosu , RomanianOrthodox priest and metropolitan (b.1877 )November 19 –Baruch Lopes Leão de Laguna , Dutch painter (b.1864 )November 22 November 23 –Charles Ray , American actor (b.1891 )November 24 November 25 –Renato Cialente , Italian film actor (b.1897 )November 26 November 28 –Aleksander Hellat , Soviet politician (b.1881 )November 29 –Zsolt Harsányi , Hungarian author, dramatist, translator and writer (b.1887 )John Harvey Kellogg Fats Waller December 1 December 2 –Nordahl Grieg , Norwegian poet, novelist, journalist and activist (killed in action as war correspondent) (b.1902 )December 6 –G. O. Smith , English sportsman (b.1872 )December 7 –Hamilton Lamb , Australian politician, soldier (in Japanese POW camp) (b.1900 )December 8 –Donald Mackintosh , British clergyman,Roman Catholic bishop and reverend (b.1876 )December 9 December 10 –Charles Belcher , American film actor (b.1872 )December 13 –Erich Garske , German political activist (executed) (b.1907 )December 14 –John Harvey Kellogg , American physician, nutritionist (b.1852 )December 15 –Fats Waller , African-American jazz pianist (pneumonia) (b.1904 )December 18 –Hector Gray , British Royal Air Force officer (executed in Japanese Prisoner of War camp) (b.1911 )December 20 –Edward L. Beach Sr. , American naval officer, author (b.1867 )December 22 –Beatrix Potter , British children's author, illustrator (b.1866 )December 23 –Sir Frederic Fisher , British admiral (b.1851 )December 25 –William Irving , German-born American film actor (b.1893 )December 26 –Erich Bey , German admiral (killed in action) (b.1898 )December 27 December 30 –Hobart Bosworth , American film actor, director, writer and producer (b.1867 )^ Frank, Richard (1990).Guadalcanal: The Definitive Account of the Landmark Battle , pp. 553–554. New York: Random House.ISBN 0-394-58875-4 . ^ Kohlhoff, Dean (2011).Amchitka and the bomb; nuclear testing in Alaska . University of Washington Press.ISBN 9780295800509 . ^ Glantz, David M. (1995).When Titans Clashed: How the Red Army Stopped Hitler , pp. 143–147. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas.ISBN 0-70060-899-0 . ^ Levine, Alan (2012).From Axis Victories to the Turn of the Tide: World War II, 1939-1943 . Potomac Books. p. 188. ^ Waters, John M. 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