The creation of this special interest group was suggested in 2007 byMoshe Vardi andDana Scott, and Vardi was the primary author of a more detailed proposal for its creation. It was founded in 2014, withPrakash Panangaden as its founding chair, and with Andrzej Murawski as the founding editor of the newsletter.[1][4]
In 2015, SIGLOG established, in cooperation withEATCS,EACSL and theKurt Gödel Society, theAlonzo Church Award for Outstanding Contributions to Logic and Computation.[5] The list of past award winners is maintained by the EACSL.[6][7]
2016Rajeev Alur andDavid Dill "for their invention of timed automata, a decidable model of real-time systems, which combines a novel, elegant, deep theory with widespread practical impact."
2017Samson Abramsky, Radha Jagadeesan, Pasquale Malacaria,Martin Hyland, Luke Ong, and Hanno Nickau "for providing a fully-abstract semantics for higher-order computation through the introduction of game models, thereby fundamentally revolutionising the field of programming language semantics, and for the applied impact of these models."
2018 Tomás Feder andMoshe Y. Vardi "for fundamental contributions to the computational complexity of constraint-satisfaction problems."
2019 Murdoch J. Gabbay and Andrew M. Pitts for "their ground-breaking work introducing the theory of nominal representations, a powerful and elegant mathematical model for computing with data involving atomic names."
2021Georg Gottlob, Christoph Koch, Reinhard Pichler, Klaus U. Schulz, and Luc Segoufin for "fundamental work on logic-based web data extraction and querying tree-structured data."
2022Dexter Kozen for "his fundamental work on developing the theory and applications of Kleene Algebra with Tests, an equational system for reasoning about iterative programs".
^Siekmann, Jörg M. (2014), "Computational logic", inGabbay, Dov M.; Siekmann, Jörg M.; Woods, John (eds.),Handbook of the History of Logic, vol. 9: Computational Logic, North-Holland/Elsevier, pp. 15–30. See in particularp. 29.