阴金猪年 (female Iron-Pig) −302 or −683 or −1455 — to — 阳水鼠年 (male Water-Rat) −301 or −682 or −1454
Year429 BC was a year of thepre-Julian Roman calendar. At the time, it was known as theYear of the Consulship of Tricipitinus and Fidenas (or, less frequently,year 325Ab urbe condita). The denomination 429 BC for this year has been used since the early medieval period, when theAnno Dominicalendar era became the prevalent method in Europe for naming years.
TheAthenians under Xenophon march intoThrace to attackChalcis. They destroy crops outsideSpartolus and begin negotiating with pro-Athenian factions in Chalcis, but the anti-Athenian factions ask for help fromOlynthus. An army from Chalcis, Spartolus, and Olynthus meet the Athenians inbattle, but theirhoplites are defeated. Reinforcements soon arrive from Olynthus, and they launch a second attack on the Athenians. The Athenians are routed, with all of their generals and 430 other men killed.
The Macedonian king,Perdiccas II, once again betrays the Athenians and sends 1000 troops to support a Spartan assault onAcarnania but they arrive too late to help. In response to this, KingSitalkes ofThrace invadesMacedonia with a vast army that includes independent Thracian tribes (such as theDii) andPaionian tribes (Agrianes andLaeaeans). His progress is slowed when the promised support fromAthens fails to materialise. So Perdiccas once again uses diplomacy to ensure the survival of Macedonia. He promises the hand of his sister in marriage to the nephew of Sitalkes, who then persuades Sitalkes to leave Macedonia.
Theplague in Athens that is killing thousands of the city's inhabitants, claimsPericles.Cleon, who has headed the opposition to Pericles's rule, succeeds to power in Athens following Pericles's death.