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20th century

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One hundred years, from 1901 to 2000
For other uses, see20th century (disambiguation).
Earthrise, taken on December 24, 1968 by astronautWilliam "Bill" Anders during theApollo 8 space mission. It was the first photograph taken ofEarth fromlunar orbit.
2nd millennium
State leaders

The20th century began on 1 January1901 (MCMI), and ended on 31 December2000 (MM).[1][2] It was the 10th and last century of the2nd millennium and was marked by new models of scientific understanding, unprecedented scopes of warfare, new modes of communication that would operate at nearly instant speeds, and new forms of art and entertainment.Population growth was also unprecedented,[3] as the century started with around 1.6 billion people, and ended with around 6.2 billion.[4]

The 20th century was dominated by significant geopolitical events that reshaped the political and social structure of the globe:World War I, theSpanish flu pandemic,World War II and theCold War. Unprecedentedadvances in science and technology defined the modern era, including the advent ofnuclear weapons andnuclear power,space exploration, theshift from analog to digital computing and the continuing advancement of transportation, includingpowered flight and theautomobile. The Earth's sixth mass extinction event, theHolocene extinction, continued, and humanconservation efforts increased.

Major themes of the century includedecolonization,nationalism,globalization and new forms ofintergovernmental organizations.Democracy spread, andwomen were given the right to vote in many countries in the world.Cultural homogenization began through developments in emerging transportation andinformation and communications technology, withpopular music and other influences ofWestern culture,international corporations, and what was arguably a trulyglobal economy by the end of the 20th century. Poverty was reduced and the century saw rising standards of living,world population growth, awareness ofenvironmental degradation andecological extinction.[5][6]Automobiles,airplanes, andhome appliances became common, andvideo andaudio recording saw mass adoption. These developments were made possible by the exploitation offossil fuel resources, which offered energy in an easily portable form, but also caused concern about pollution and long-term impact on theenvironment. Humans started to explorespace, taking their first footsteps on theMoon. Great advances inelectricity generation andtelecommunications allowed for near-instantaneous worldwide communication, ultimately leading to theInternet. Meanwhile, advances inmedical technology resulted in the near-eradication anderadication of many infectious diseases, as well as opening the avenue of biologicalgenetic engineering. Scientific discoveries, such as thetheory of relativity andquantum physics, profoundly changed the foundational models of physical science, forcing scientists to realize that the universe was more complex than previously believed, and dashing the hopes (or fears) at the end of the 19th century that the last few details of scientific knowledge were about to be filled in.



At the beginning of the period, theBritish Empire was the world's most powerful nation,[7] havingacted as the world's policeman for the past century.

World powers and empires in 1914, just before the First World War.

Technological advancements duringWorld War I changed the way war was fought, as new inventions such astanks,chemical weapons, and aircraft modified tactics and strategy. After more than four years oftrench warfare in Western Europe, and up to 17 million dead, the powers that had formed theTriple Entente (France,Britain, andRussia, later replaced by the United States and joined byItaly andRomania) emerged victorious over theCentral Powers (Germany,Austria-Hungary, theOttoman Empire andBulgaria). In addition to annexing many of thecolonial possessions of the vanquished states, the Triple Entente exacted punitive restitution payments from them, plunging Germany in particular intoeconomic depression. The Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires were dismantled at the war's conclusion. TheRussian Revolution resulted in the overthrow of theTsarist regime ofNicholas II and the onset of theRussian Civil War. The victoriousBolsheviks then established theSoviet Union, the world's firstcommunist state.

Fascism, a movement which grew out of post-warangst and which accelerated during theGreat Depression of the 1930s, gained momentum inItaly,Germany, andSpain in the 1920s and 1930s, culminating inWorld War II, sparked byNazi Germany's aggressive expansion at the expense of its neighbors. Meanwhile,Japan had rapidly transformed itself into a technologically advanced industrial power and, along with Germany and Italy, formed theAxis powers. Japan's militaryexpansionism in East Asia and the Pacific Ocean brought it into conflict with the United States, culminating ina surprise attack which drew the US into World War II.

After some years of dramatic military success, Germany wasdefeated in 1945, having beeninvaded by theSoviet Union andPolandfrom the East and by the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, andFrancefrom the West. After the victory of theAllies in Europe, thewar in Asia ended with theSoviet invasion of Manchuria and thedropping of two atomic bombs on Japan by the US, the first nation to developnuclear weapons and the only one to use them in warfare. In total, World War II left some 60 million people dead.

Themushroom cloud of the detonation ofLittle Boy, thefirst nuclear attack in history, on 6 August 1945 overHiroshima, igniting thenuclear age with the international security dominating thread ofmutual assured destruction in the latter half of the 20th century.

Following World War II, theUnited Nations, successor to theLeague of Nations, was established as an international forum in which the world's nations could discuss issues diplomatically. It enactedresolutions on such topics as the conduct of warfare, environmental protection, internationalsovereignty, and human rights.Peacekeeping forces consisting of troops provided by various countries, with various United Nations and other aid agencies, helped to relieve famine, disease, and poverty, and to suppress some local armed conflicts. Europe slowly united, economically and, in some ways, politically, to form theEuropean Union, which consisted of 15 European countries by the end of the 20th century.

After the war, Germany wasoccupied and divided between theWestern powers and the Soviet Union.East Germany and the rest ofEastern Europe became Sovietpuppet states under communist rule. Western Europe was rebuilt with the aid of the AmericanMarshall Plan, resulting in a majorpost-war economic boom, and many of the affected nations became close allies of the United States.

With the Axis defeated and Britain and France rebuilding, the United States and the Soviet Union were left standing as the world's only superpowers. Allies during the war, they soon became hostile to one another as their competing ideologies ofcommunism anddemocratic capitalism proliferated in Europe, which became divided by theIron Curtain and theBerlin Wall. They formed competing military alliances (NATO and theWarsaw Pact) which engaged in a decades-long standoff known as theCold War. The period was marked by anew arms race as the USSR became the second nation to develop nuclear weapons, which were produced by both sides in sufficient numbers toend most human life on the planet had a large-scale nuclear exchange ever occurred.Mutually assured destruction is credited by many historians as having prevented such an exchange, each side being unable tostrike first at the other without ensuring an equally devastatingretaliatory strike. Unable to engage one another directly, the conflict played out in a series ofproxy wars around the world—particularly inChina,Korea,Cuba,Vietnam, andAfghanistan—as the USSR sought toexport communism while the US attempted tocontain it. The technological competition between the two sides led to substantial investment inresearch and development which produced innovations that reached far beyond the battlefield, such asspace exploration and the Internet.

The international community grew in the second half of the century significantly due to a new wave of decolonization, particularly in Africa. Most of the newly independent states, were grouped together with many other so calleddeveloping countries. Developing countries gained attention, particularly due to rapid population growth, leading to a recordworld population of nearly 7 billion people by the end of the century.

In the latter half of the century, most of theEuropean-colonized world in Africa and Asia gained independence in a process ofdecolonization. Meanwhile,globalization opened the door for several nations to exert a strong influence over many world affairs. The US's global military presence spreadAmerican culture around the world with the advent of theHollywood motion picture industry andBroadway,jazz, rock music, and pop music, fast food andhippy counterculture,hip-hop,house music, anddisco, as well asstreet style, all of which came to be identified with the concepts of popular culture andyouth culture.[8][9][10] Afterthe Soviet Union collapsed under internal pressure in 1991, most of the communist governments it had supported around the worldwere dismantled—with the notable exceptions of China,North Korea,Cuba,Vietnam, andLaos—followed bydifficult transitions intomarket economies.[11]

Nature of innovation and change


Due to continuing industrialization and expanding trade, many significant changes of the century were, directly or indirectly, economic and technological in nature. Inventions such as thelight bulb, theautomobile,mechanical computers, and thetelephone in the late 19th century, followed bysupertankers;airliners;motorways;radio communication andbroadcasting;television;digital computers;air conditioning;antibiotics;nuclear power;frozen food;microcomputers; theInternet and theWorld Wide Web; andmobile telephones affected people'squality of life across the developed world. The quantity of goods consumed by the average person expanded massively. Scientific research, engineering professionalization and technological development—much of it motivated by theCold War arms race—drove changes in everyday life.

Social change

Martin Luther King Jr., anAfrican Americancivil rights movement leader (Washington, August 1963)

Starting from the century, strong discrimination based on race and sex was significant in most societies. Although theAtlantic slave trade had ended in the 19th century, movements for equality for non-white people in the white-dominated societies ofNorth America, Europe, andSouth Africa continued. By the end of the 20th century, in many parts of the world, women had the same legal rights as men, and racism had come to be seen as unacceptable, a sentiment often backed up by legislation.[12] When theRepublic of India wasconstituted, the disadvantaged classes of thecaste system in India became entitled toaffirmative action benefits in education, employment and government.

Attitudes toward pre-marital sex changed rapidly in many societies during thesexual revolution of the 1960s and 1970s. Attitudes towards homosexuality also began to change in the later part of the century.[13][14]

Trauma brought on by events like World War I and World War II, with theirmilitary death tolls aloneat bare minimum being 29,697,963, and theSpanish Flu, whose death count alone exceeded that, helped make society in many countries moreegalitarian and less neglectful of the poor.[15]

Earth at the end of the 20th century

The Blue Marble, Earth as seen fromApollo 17 in December 1972. The photograph was taken by LMPHarrison Schmitt. The second half of the 20th century saw humanity's firstspace exploration.

Economic growth and technological progress had radically altered daily lives. Europe appeared to be at a sustainable peace for the first time in recorded history[citation needed]. The people of theIndian subcontinent, a sixth of the world population at the end of the 20th century, had attained anindigenous independence for the first time in centuries. China, an ancient nation comprising a fifth of the world population, was finallyopen to the world, creating a new state after the near-complete destruction of the old cultural order. With the end of colonialism and the Cold War, nearly a billion people in Africa were left in new nation states.

The world was undergoing its second major period ofglobalization; the first, which started in the 18th century, having been terminated by World War I. Since the US was in a dominant position, a major part of the process wasAmericanization. The influence of China and India was also rising, as the world's largest populations were rapidly integrating with the world economy.

Terrorism, dictatorship, and the spread ofnuclear weapons were pressingglobal issues. The world was still blighted by small-scale wars and other violent conflicts, fueled by competition over resources and by ethnic conflicts.

Disease threatened to destabilize many regions of the world. New viruses such as theWest Nile virus continued to spread.Malaria and other diseases affected large populations. Millions were infected with HIV, the virus which causes AIDS. The virus was becoming anepidemic in southern Africa.

Based on research done by climate scientists, the majority of the scientific community consider that in the long term environmental problems pose a serious threat.[16] One argument is that ofglobal warming occurring due to human-caused emission ofgreenhouse gases, particularlycarbon dioxide produced by the burning offossil fuels.[17] This prompted many nations to negotiate and sign theKyoto treaty, which set mandatory limits on carbon dioxide emissions.

World population increased from about 1.6 billion people in 1901 to 6.1 billion at the century's end.[18][19]

Wars and politics

Main articles:International relations of the Great Powers (1814–1919),Diplomatic history of World War I,International relations (1919–1939),Diplomatic history of World War II,Cold War, andInternational relations since 1989
Map of territorial changes in Europe afterWorld War I (as of 1923).

The number of people killed during the century by government actions was in the hundreds of millions. This includes deaths caused by wars, genocide, politicide and mass murders. The deaths from acts of war during the two world wars alone have been estimated at between 50 and 80 million.[citation needed] Political scientistRudolph Rummel estimated 262,000,000 deaths caused bydemocide, which excludes those killed in war battles, civilians unintentionally killed in war and killings of rioting mobs.[20] According toCharles Tilly, "Altogether, about 100 million people died as a direct result of action by organized military units backed by one government or another over the course of the century. Most likely a comparable number of civilians died of war-induced disease and other indirect effects."[21] It is estimated that approximately 70 million Europeans died through war, violence and famine between 1914 and 1945.[22]

Richard Nixon andLeonid Brezhnev aboard theUSSSequoia, June 19, 1973
Hong Kong, under British administration from 1842 to 1997, is one of the originalFour Asian Tigers.

Culture and entertainment

Main article:20th century in literature
I and the Village, 1911, byMarc Chagall, amodern painter
  • As the century began, Paris was the artistic capital of the world, where both French and foreign writers, composers and visual artists gathered. By the middle of the century New York City had become the artistic capital of the world.
  • Theater, films, music and the media had a major influence on fashion and trends in all aspects of life. As many films and much music originate from the United States, American culture spread rapidly over the world.
  • 1953 saw thecoronation of Queen Elizabeth II, an iconic figure of the century.
  • Visual culture became more dominant not only in films but in comics and television as well. During the century a new skilled understanding of narrativist imagery was developed.
  • Computer games and internet surfing became new and popular form of entertainment during the last 25 years of the century.
  • In literature, science fiction, fantasy (with well-developed fictional worlds, rich in detail), andalternative history fiction gained popularity.Detective fiction gained popularity in theinterwar period. In the United States in 1961Grove Press publishedTropic of Cancer a novel byHenry Miller redefining pornography and censorship in publishing in America.


Main article:20th-century music
Elvis Presley in 1956, a leading figure ofrock and roll androckabilly.

The invention of music recording technologies such as thephonograph record, and dissemination technologies such asradio broadcasting, massively expanded the audience for music. Prior to the 20th century, music was generally only experienced inlive performances. Many new genres of music were established during the 20th century.

Film, television and theatre

Charlie Chaplin in his 1921 filmThe Kid, withJackie Coogan.
See also:History of film

Film as an artistic medium was created in the 20th century. The first modern movie theatre was established inPittsburgh in 1905.[38]Hollywood developed as the center of American film production. While the first films were in black and white,technicolor was developed in the 1920s to allow for color films.Sound films were developed, with the first full-length feature film,The Jazz Singer, released in 1927. TheAcademy Awards were established in 1929. Animation was also developed in the 1920s, with the first full-lengthcel animated feature filmSnow White and the Seven Dwarfs, released in 1937.Computer-generated imagery was developed in the 1980s, with the first full-lengthCGI-animated filmToy Story released in 1995.

See also:History of Television

Video games

Ralph Baer'sMagnavox Odyssey, the first video game console, released in 1972.
Main article:History of video games

Video games—due to the great technological steps forward incomputing since the secondpost-war period—are one of the new forms of entertainment that emerged in the 20th century alongside films.

Art and architecture

TheEmpire State Building is an iconic building of the 1930s.
Main article:20th-century art


  • The popularity of sport increased considerably—both as an activity for all and as entertainment, particularly on television.
  • The modernOlympic Games, first held in 1896, grew to include tens of thousands of athletes in dozens of sports.
  • TheFIFA World Cup was first held in 1930 and was held every four years after World War II.
  • American LeagueBaseball was formed in 1900 and in 1903, both National and American agreed to play in the firstWorld Series with over 100,000 in attendance.[42]
  • Boxing, also known as "Prize Fighting" became popular over this decade althoughbare-knuckle fighting was still popular.


Main article:20th century in science
See also:Big Science


The pioneer ofcomputer science,Alan Turing

Multiple new fields of mathematics were developed in the 20th century. In the first part of the 20th century,measure theory,functional analysis, andtopology were established, and significant developments were made in fields such asabstract algebra andprobability. The development ofset theory andformal logic led toGödel's incompleteness theorems.

Later in the 20th century, the development of computers led to the establishment of atheory of computation.[43] Computationally-intense results include the study offractals[44] and a proof of thefour color theorem in 1976.[45]




  • A much better understanding of the evolution of theuniverse was achieved, itsage (about 13.8 billion years) was determined, and theBig Bang theory on its origin was proposed and generally accepted.
  • The age of theSolar System, including Earth, was determined, and it turned out to be much older than believed earlier: more than 4 billion years, rather than the 20 million years suggested byLord Kelvin in 1862.[46]
  • The planets of the Solar System and their moons were closely observed via numerousspace probes.Pluto was discovered in 1930 on the edge of the Solar System, although in the early 21st century, it was reclassified as adwarf planet instead of a planet proper, leaving eight planets.
  • No trace of life was discovered on any of the other planets orbitingthe Sun (or elsewhere in the universe), although it remained undetermined whether some forms of primitive life might exist, or might have existed, somewhere in the Solar System.Extrasolar planets were observed for the first time.


Wheat yields greatly increased from theGreen Revolution in the world'sleast developed countries.
  • Norman Borlaug fathered theGreen Revolution, the set of researchtechnology transfer initiatives occurring between 1950 and the late 1960s that increased agricultural production in parts of the world, beginning most markedly in the late 1960s, and is often credited with saving over a billion people worldwide from starvation.




A stamp commemoratingAlexander Fleming. His discovery ofpenicillin changed the world of medicine by introducing the age of antibiotics.

Notable diseases


Energy and the environment

Oil field in California, 1938. The first modern oil well was drilled in 1848 by Russian engineer F.N. Semyonov, on theApsheron Peninsula north-east ofBaku.
  • Fossil fuels andnuclear power were the dominant forms of energy sources.
  • Widespread use of petroleum in industry—both as a chemical precursor to plastics and as a fuel for the automobile and airplane—led to the geopolitical importance of petroleum resources. The Middle East, home to many of the world's oil deposits, became a center of geopolitical and military tension throughout the latter half of the century. (For example, oil was a factor in Japan's decision to go to war against the United States in 1941, and the oil cartel,OPEC, used an oil embargo of sorts in the wake of theYom Kippur War in the 1970s).
  • The increase infossil fuel consumption also fueled a major scientific controversy over its effect on air pollution,global warming, and globalclimate change.
  • Pesticides,herbicides and othertoxicchemicals accumulated in the environment, including in the bodies of humans and other animals.
  • Population growth and worldwidedeforestation diminished thequality of the environment.
  • In the last third of the century, concern about humankind's impact on the Earth'senvironment made environmentalism popular. In many countries, especially in Europe, the movement was channeled into politics throughGreen parties. Increasing awareness ofglobal warming began in the 1980s, commencing decades of social and political debate.

Engineering and technology

First flight of theWright brothers'Wright Flyer on December 17, 1903, inKitty Hawk, North Carolina; Orville piloting with Wilbur running at wingtip.

One of the prominent traits of the 20th century was the dramatic growth of technology. Organized research and practice of science led to advancement in the fields of communication, electronics, engineering, travel, medicine, and war.

  • Basichome appliances includingwashing machines,clothes dryers, furnaces,exercise machines,dishwashers,refrigerators, freezers,electric stoves andvacuum cleaners became popular from the 1920s through the 1950s. Radios were popularized as a form of entertainment during the 1920s, followed by television during the 1950s.
  • The first airplane, theWright Flyer, was flown in 1903. With the engineering of the fasterjet engine in the 1940s, massair travel became commercially viable.
  • Theassembly line made mass production of the automobile viable. By the end of the 20th century, billions of people had automobiles for personal transportation. The combination of the automobile,motor boats and air travel allowed for unprecedented personal mobility. In western nations, motor vehicle accidents became the greatest cause of death for young people. However, expansion ofdivided highways reduced the death rate.
  • Thetriode tube was invented, laying the foundation for amplification and switching technologies that led to silicon-basedsolid-state transistors, which revolutionized modern electronics.
  • Air conditioning of buildings became common
  • New materials, most notablystainless steel,Velcro,silicone,teflon, and plastics such aspolystyrene,PVC,polyethylene, and nylon came into widespread use for many various applications. These materials typically have tremendous performance gains in strength, temperature, chemical resistance, or mechanical properties over those known prior to the 20th century.
  • Aluminum became an inexpensive metal and became second only to iron in use.
  • Thousands ofchemicals were developed for industrial processing and home use.
  • Digital computers came into use, they greatly increased productivity and paved the way for theInternet, which revolutionized global communication and information sharing.

Space exploration

Photo of American astronautBuzz Aldrin during thefirst moonwalk in 1969, taken byNeil Armstrong. The relatively youngaerospace engineering industries rapidly grew in the 66 years after the Wright brothers' first flight.
  • TheSpace Race between the United States and theSoviet Union gave a peaceful outlet to the political and military tensions of theCold War, leading to the firsthuman spaceflight with the Soviet Union'sVostok 1 mission in 1961, and man's first landing on another world—theMoon—with America'sApollo 11 mission in 1969. Later, the firstspace station was launched by theSoviet space program. The United States developed the first reusable spacecraft system with theSpace Shuttle program, first launched in 1981. As the century ended, a permanent crewed presence in space was being founded with the ongoing construction of theInternational Space Station.
  • In addition to human spaceflight, uncrewed space probes became a practical and relatively inexpensive form of exploration. The first orbiting space probe,Sputnik 1, was launched by theSoviet Union in 1957. Over time, a massive system of artificial satellites was placed into orbit around Earth. These satellites greatly advanced navigation, communications, military intelligence, geology, climate, and numerous other fields. Also, by the end of the 20th century, uncrewed probes had visited or flown by the Moon,Mercury,Venus,Mars,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,Neptune, and various asteroids and comets, withVoyager 1 being the farthest manufactured object from Earth at 23,5 billion kilometers away from Earth as of 6 September 2022, and together withVoyager 2 both carrying TheVoyager Golden Record containing sounds, music and greetings in 55 languages as well as 116 images of nature, human advancement, space and society.
  • TheHubble Space Telescope, launched in 1990, greatly expanded our understanding of the Universe and brought brilliant images to TV and computer screens around the world.
  • TheGlobal Positioning System, a series of satellites that allow land-based receivers to determine their exact location, was developed and deployed.[50]


See also:List of 20th-century religious leaders



See also



  1. ^Bikos, Konstantin."When Did the 21st Century Start?".Time and Date. Retrieved20 Jan 2024.
  2. ^"The 21st Century and the 3rd Millennium When Did They Begin?". United States Naval Observatory. Archived fromthe original on 2019-10-02. Retrieved2013-06-07.
  3. ^Lutz, Wolfgang; Sanderson, Warren C.; Scherbov, Sergei (2004), Lutz, Wolfgang; Scherbov, Sergei (eds.),"The End of World Population Growth",The End of World Population Growth in the 21st Century, Routledge,doi:10.4324/9781315870571,ISBN 978-1-315-87057-1, retrieved2024-01-15
  4. ^"World Population by Year - Worldometer" Retrieved2024-01-15.
  5. ^Wilson, E.O.,The Future of Life (2002) (ISBN 0-679-76811-4). See also:Leakey, Richard,The Sixth Extinction : Patterns of Life and the Future of Humankind,ISBN 0-385-46809-1
  6. ^"The Sixth Extinction – The Most Recent Extinctions". Archived fromthe original on 2015-12-18.
  7. ^Ferguson, Niall (2004).Empire: The rise and demise of the British world order and the lessons for global power. New York: Basic Books.ISBN 978-0-465-02328-8.
  8. ^Delaney, Tim."Pop Culture: An Overview".Philosophy Now. Retrieved12 September 2022.
  9. ^Bell, P.; Bell, R. (1996).""Americanization": Political and cultural examples from the perspective of "Americanized" Australia"(PDF).American Studies. Retrieved12 September 2022.
  10. ^Malchow, Howard (2011).Special Relations: The Americanization of Britain?. Stanford University Press.ISBN 978-0-804-77399-7.
  11. ^Djukanovic, Bojka (2024).Nordic, Central, and Southeastern Europe 2024–2025. Rowman & Littlefield. p. 3.ISBN 978-1-5381-8587-2.Most of the countries presented in this book had communist regimes until 1989–1991 and have been undergoing the difficult transition to democracy and free-market economies.
  12. ^Fleegler, Robert L.Theodore G. Bilbo and the Decline of Public Racism, 1938–1947Archived 2009-02-06 at theWayback Machine. Retrieved 23 December 2014
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  14. ^Vundru, Raja Sekhar (2020-08-16)."Ambedkar and political reservation".The Indian Express. Retrieved2021-07-30.
  15. ^Barry, John M. (November 2017)."How the Horrific 1918 Flu Spread Across America".Smithsonian Magazine. Retrieved2024-05-08.
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  17. ^IPCC AR5 WG1 2013,"Summary for Policymakers, Observed Changes in the Climate System", pp. 10–11: "Total radiative forcing is positive, and has led to an uptake of energy by the climate system. The largest contribution to total radiative forcing is caused by the increase in the atmospheric concentration of CO2 since 1750." (p. 11). "From 1750 to 2011, CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion and cement production have released 375 [345 to 405] GtC to the atmosphere, while deforestation and other land use change are estimated to have released 180 [100 to 260] GtC." (p. 10).
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  43. ^Boyer, Carl B. (1991).A history of mathematics.Merzbach, Uta C., 1933–, Rogers D. Spotswood Collection. (2nd [rev.] ed.). New York: Wiley.ISBN 978-0471543978.OCLC 23823042.
  44. ^Devaney, Robert L. (1998).A first course in chaotic dynamical systems : theory and experiment (6. printing. ed.). Reading, Mass. [u.a.]: Addison-Wesley.ISBN 978-0-201-55406-9.
  45. ^Kenneth Appel;Wolfgang Haken (26 July 1976)."Every Planar Map is Four-Colorable".Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. Contemporary Mathematics.98.doi:10.1090/conm/098.ISBN 9780821851036.S2CID 8735627.
  46. ^Thomson, Sir William (1862)."On the Age of the Sun's Heat".Macmillan's Magazine.5:288–293.
  47. ^abc"The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1962" Nobel Media AB. RetrievedNovember 5, 2011.
  48. ^abcd"James Watson, Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins, and Rosalind Franklin".Science History Institute. June 2016. Archived fromthe original on 21 March 2018. Retrieved20 March 2018.
  49. ^Engel, Pamela (April 23, 2014)."Watch How Quickly The War On Drugs Changed America's Prison Population".Business Insider.
  50. ^"Global Positioning System History". 2012-10-27. Retrieved2018-02-07.
  51. ^Jacobson, Molly (2022-07-19).""Seventh Lambeth Conference, Resolutions 9-20" (1930) by the Anglican Communion".Embryo Project Encyclopedia.ISSN 1940-5030. Retrieved2024-06-12.



Further reading

  • Brower, Daniel R. and Thomas Sanders.The World in the Twentieth Century (7th Ed, 2013)
  • CBS News.People of the century. Simon and Schuster, 1999.ISBN 0-684-87093-2
  • Grenville, J. A. S.A History of the World in the Twentieth Century (1994).online free
  • Hallock, Stephanie A.The World in the 20th Century: A Thematic Approach (2012)
  • Langer, William.An Encyclopedia of World History (5th ed. 1973); highly detailed outline of eventsonline free
  • Morris, Richard B. and Graham W. Irwin, eds.Harper Encyclopedia of the Modern World: A Concise Reference History from 1760 to the Present (1970)online
  • Pindyck, Robert S. "What we know and don't know about climate change, and implications for policy."Environmental and Energy Policy and the Economy 2.1 (2021): 4–
  • Pollard, Sidney, ed.Wealth and Poverty: an Economic History of the 20th Century (1990), 260 pp; global perspectiveonline free
  • Stearns, Peter, ed.The Encyclopedia of World History (2001)
  • UNESCO (2008). "The Twentieth Century".History of Humanity. Vol. VII.Routledge. p. 600.ISBN 978-0-415-09311-8.

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