Eschatological beliefs surrounding 21 December 2012
For the film based on the phenomenon, see2012 (film).
A date inscription in theMaya Long Count on the east side of Stela C fromQuirigua showing the date for the last Creation. It is read as13. 4Ahau 8Kumku and is usually correlated as 11 or 13 August, 3114 BC on theProleptic Gregorian calendar. The date of13. 4Ahau 3Kʼankʼin is usually correlated as 21 or 23 December 2012.
Various astronomical alignments and numerological formulae were proposed for this date. ANew Age interpretation held that the date marked the start of a period during which Earth and its inhabitants would undergo a positive physical or spiritual transformation, and that 21 December 2012 would mark the beginning of a new era.[8] Others suggested that the date marked theend of the world or a similarcatastrophe. Scenarios suggested for the end of the world included the arrival of the nextsolar maximum; an interaction between Earth andSagittarius A*, asupermassive black hole at thecenter of the galaxy;[9] theNibiru cataclysm, in which Earth would collide with a mythical planet called Nibiru; or even the heating ofEarth's core.
December 2012 marked the conclusion of abʼakʼtun—a time period in the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, used inMesoamerica prior to the arrival of Europeans. Although the Long Count was most likely invented by theOlmec,[16] it has become closely associated with theMaya civilization, whose classic period lasted from 250 to 900 AD.[17] Thewriting system of the classic Maya has been substantially deciphered,[18] meaning that atext corpus of their written and inscribed material has survived from before theSpanish conquest of Yucatán.
Unlike the 260-daytzolkʼin still used today among the Maya, the Long Count was linear rather than cyclical, and kept time roughly in units of 20: 20 days made auinal, 18 uinals (360 days) made atun, 20 tuns made akʼatun, and 20 kʼatuns (144,000 days or roughly 394 years) made up abʼakʼtun. Thus, the Maya date of represents 8 bʼakʼtuns, 3 kʼatuns, 2 tuns, 10 uinals and 15 days.[19][20]
The oldest surviving manuscript of thePopol Vuh, dated to 1701
There is a strong tradition of "world ages" in Maya literature, but the record has been distorted, leaving several possibilities open to interpretation.[21] According to thePopol Vuh, a compilation of thecreation accounts of theKʼicheʼ Maya of the Colonial-era highlands, the current world is the fourth.[22] ThePopol Vuh describes the gods first creating three failed worlds, followed by a successful fourth world in which humanity was placed. In the Maya Long Count, the previous world ended after 13 bʼakʼtuns, or roughly 5,125 years.[23][a] The Long Count's "zero date"[b][c] was set at a point in the past marking the end of the third world and the beginning of the current one, which corresponds to 11 August 3114 BC in theproleptic Gregorian calendar.[27][4] This means that the fourth world reached the end of its 13th bʼakʼtun, or Maya date, on 21 December 2012. In 1957, Mayanist and astronomerMaud Worcester Makemson wrote that "the completion of a Great Period of 13 bʼakʼtuns would have been of the utmost significance to the Maya."[28] In 1966,Michael D. Coe wrote inThe Maya that "there is a suggestion ... that Armageddon would overtake the degenerate peoples of the world and all creation on the final day of the 13th [bʼakʼtun]. Thus ... our present universe [would] be annihilated ... when the Great Cycle of the Long Count reaches completion."[29][d]
Coe's interpretation was repeated by other scholars through the early 1990s.[32] In contrast, later researchers said that, while the end of the 13th bʼakʼtun would perhaps be a cause for celebration,[10] it did not mark the end of the calendar.[33] "There is nothing in the Maya or Aztec or ancient Mesoamerican prophecy to suggest that they prophesied a sudden or major change of any sort in 2012," said Mayanist scholar Mark Van Stone. "The notion of a 'Great Cycle' coming to an end is completely a modern invention."[34] In 1990, Mayanist scholarsLinda Schele and David Freidel argued that the Maya "did not conceive this to be the end of creation, as many have suggested".[35] Susan Milbrath,curator of Latin American Art and Archaeology at theFlorida Museum of Natural History, stated that, "We have no record or knowledge that [the Maya] would think the world would come to an end" in 2012.[10] Sandra Noble, executive director of the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, said, "For the ancient Maya, it was a huge celebration to make it to the end of a whole cycle," and, "The 2012 phenomenon is a complete fabrication and a chance for a lot of people to cash in."[10] "There will be another cycle," said E. Wyllys Andrews V, director of theTulane University Middle American Research Institute. "We know the Maya thought there was one before this, and that implies they were comfortable with the idea of another one after this."[36] Commenting on the new calendar found atXultún, one archaeologist said "The ancient Maya predicted the world would continue—that 7,000 years from now, things would be exactly like this. We keep looking for endings. The Maya were looking for a guarantee that nothing would change. It's an entirely different mindset."[37]
Several prominent individuals representing Maya of Guatemala decried the suggestion that the world would end with the 13th bʼakʼtun. Ricardo Cajas, president of theColectivo de Organizaciones Indígenas de Guatemala, said the date did not represent an end of humanity but that the new cycle "supposes changes in human consciousness". Martín Sacalxot, of the office of Guatemala's Human Rights Ombudsman (Procurador de los Derechos Humanos), said that the end of the calendar has nothing to do with the end of the world or the year 2012.[38]
The European association of the Maya witheschatology dates back to the time ofChristopher Columbus, who was compiling a work calledLibro de las profecías during the voyage in 1502 when he first heard about the "Maia" onGuanaja, an island off the north coast ofHonduras.[39] Influenced by the writings of BishopPierre d'Ailly, Columbus believed that his discovery of "most distant" lands (and, by extension, the Maya themselves) was prophesied and would bring about theApocalypse. End-times fears were widespread during the early years of theSpanish Conquest as the result of popularastrological predictions in Europe of a secondGreat Flood for the year 1524.[39]
In the 1900s, German scholarErnst Förstemann interpreted the last page of theDresden Codex as a representation of the end of the world in a cataclysmic flood. He made reference to the destruction of the world and an apocalypse, though he made no reference to the 13th bʼakʼtun or 2012 and it was not clear that he was referring to a future event.[40] His ideas were repeated by archaeologistSylvanus Morley,[41] who directly paraphrased Förstemann and added his own embellishments, writing, "Finally, on the last page of the manuscript, is depicted the Destruction of the World ... Here, indeed, is portrayed with a graphic touch the final all-engulfing cataclysm" in the form of a great flood. These comments were later repeated in Morley's book,The Ancient Maya, the first edition of which was published in 1946.[39]
It is not certain what significance the classicMaya gave to the 13th bʼakʼtun.[42] Most classic Maya inscriptions are strictly historical and do not make any prophetic declarations.[42] Two items in the Maya classical corpus do mention the end of the 13th bʼakʼtun: Tortuguero Monument 6 and La Corona Hieroglyphic Stairway 12.
TheTortuguero site, which lies in southernmostTabasco, Mexico, dates from the 7th century AD and consists of a series of inscriptions mostly in honor of the contemporary ruler Bahlam Ahau. One inscription, known as Tortuguero Monument 6, is the only inscription known to refer to bʼakʼtun 13 in any detail. It has been partially defaced; Sven Gronemeyer and Barbara MacLeod have given this translation:
It will be completed the 13thbʼakʼtun. It is 4Ajaw 3Kʼankʼin and it will happen a 'seeingʼ[?]. It is the display ofBʼolon-Yokte' in a great "investiture".[43]
The Tortuguero monument connects the end of the 13th bʼakʼtun with the appearance of Bʼolon Yokteʼ Kʼuh, shown here on the Vase of Seven Gods.
Very little is known about the god Bʼolon Yokteʼ. According to an article by Mayanists Markus Eberl and Christian Prager inBritish Anthropological Reports, his name is composed of the elements "nine", ʼOK-teʼ (the meaning of which is unknown), and "god". Confusion in classical period inscriptions suggests that the name was already ancient and unfamiliar to contemporary scribes.[44] He also appears in inscriptions fromPalenque,Usumacinta, andLa Mar as a god of war, conflict, and the underworld. In onestele he is portrayed with a rope tied around his neck, and in another with an incense bag, together signifying a sacrifice to end a cycle of years.[45]
Based on observations of modern Maya rituals, Gronemeyer and MacLeod claim that the stela refers to a celebration in which a person portraying Bolon Yokteʼ Kʼuh was wrapped in ceremonial garments and paraded around the site.[46][47] They note that the association of Bolon Yokteʼ Kʼuh with bʼakʼtun 13 appears to be so important on this inscription that it supersedes more typical celebrations such as "erection of stelae, scattering of incense" and so forth. Furthermore, they assert that this event was indeed planned for 2012 and not the 7th century.[48] Mayanist scholarStephen Houston contests this view by arguing that future dates on Maya inscriptions were simply meant to draw parallels with contemporary events, and that the words on the stela describe a contemporary rather than a future scene.[49]
In April–May 2012, a team of archaeologists unearthed a previously unknown inscription on a stairway at theLa Corona site inGuatemala. The inscription, on what is known as Hieroglyphic Stairway 12, describes the establishment of a royal court inCalakmul in 635 AD, and compares the then-recent completion of 13 kʼatuns with the future completion of the 13th bʼakʼtun. It contains no speculation or prophecy as to what the scribes believed would happen at that time.[50]
Maya inscriptions occasionally mention predicted future events or commemorations that would occur on dates far beyond the completion of the 13th bʼakʼtun. Most of these are in the form of "distance dates"; Long Count dates together with an additional number, known as a Distance Number, which when added to them makes a future date. On the west panel at theTemple of Inscriptions in Palenque, a section of text projects forward to the 80th 52-yearCalendar Round from the coronation of the rulerKʼinich Janaabʼ Pakal. Pakal's accession occurred on, equivalent to 27 July 615 AD in the proleptic Gregorian calendar. The inscription begins with Pakal's birthdate of (24 March,603 AD Gregorian) and then adds the Distance Number to it,[51] arriving at a date of 21 October 4772 AD, more than 4,000 years after Pakal's time.[34][51][52]
Another example is Stela 1 atCoba which marks the date of creation as13., or nineteen units above the bʼakʼtun. According to Linda Schele, these 13s represent "the starting point of a huge odometer of time", with each acting as a zero and resetting to 1 as the numbers increase.[35][c] Thus this inscription anticipates the current universe lasting at least 2021×13×360 days,[26] or roughly 2.687×1028 years; a time span equal to 2 quintillion times theage of the universe as determined by cosmologists. Others have suggested that this date marks creation as having occurred after that time span.[26][53]
In 2012, researchers announced the discovery of a series of Maya astronomical tables inXultún, Guatemala which plot the movements of the Moon and other astronomical bodies over the course of 17 bʼakʼtuns.[37][54][55]
Many assertions about the year 2012 form part ofMayanism, a non-codified collection of New Age beliefs about ancient Maya wisdom and spirituality.[56][57][58][59] The term is distinct from "Mayanist," used to refer to an academic scholar of the Maya.[60][61]ArchaeoastronomerAnthony Aveni says that while the idea of "balancing the cosmos" was prominent in ancient Maya literature, the 2012 phenomenon did not draw from those traditions. Instead, it was bound up with American concepts such as the New Age movement, 2012millenarianism, and the belief insecret knowledge from distant times and places.[62] Themes found in 2012 literature included "suspicion towards mainstreamWestern culture", the idea of spiritual evolution, and the possibility of leading the world into the New Age by individual example or by a group's joined consciousness. The general intent of this literature was not to warn of impending doom but "to foster counter-cultural sympathies and eventually socio-political and 'spiritual' activism".[63] Aveni, who has studied New Age andsearch for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) communities, describes 2012 narratives as the product of a "disconnected" society: "Unable to find spiritual answers to life's big questions within ourselves, we turn outward to imagined entities that lie far off in space or time—entities that just might be in possession of superior knowledge."[64]
In 1975, the ending of bʼakʼtun 13 became the subject of speculation by several New Age authors, who asserted it would correspond with a global "transformation of consciousness". InMexico Mystique: The Coming Sixth Age of Consciousness,Frank Waters tied Coe's original date of 24 December 2011[d] to astrology and the prophecies of theHopi,[65] while bothJosé Argüelles (inThe Transformative Vision)[66] andTerence McKenna (inThe Invisible Landscape)[67][68] discussed the significance of the year 2012 without mentioning a specific day. Some research[69] suggests that both Argüelles and McKenna were heavily influenced in this regard by the Mayanism of American authorWilliam S. Burroughs, who first portrayed the end of the Mayan Long Count as an apocalyptic shift of human consciousness in 1960'sThe Exterminator.[70]
In 1983, with the publication ofRobert J. Sharer's revised table of date correlations in the 4th edition of Morley'sThe Ancient Maya,[d] each became convinced that 21 December 2012 had significant meaning. By 1987, the year in which he organized theHarmonic Convergence event, Argüelles was using the date 21 December 2012 inThe Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology.[71][72] He claimed that on 13 August 3113 BC the Earth began a passage through a "galactic synchronization beam" that emanated from thecenter of our galaxy, that it would pass through this beam during a period of 5200tuns (Maya cycles of 360 days each), and that this beam would result in "total synchronization" and "galactic entrainment" of individuals "plugged into the Earth's electromagnetic battery" by (21 December 2012). He believed that the Maya aligned their calendar to correspond to this phenomenon.[73] Anthony Aveni has dismissed all of these ideas.[74]
In 2001, Robert Bast wrote the first online articles regarding the possibility of a doomsday in 2012.[75] In 2006, authorDaniel Pinchbeck popularized New Age concepts about this date in his book2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, linking bʼakʼtun 13 to beliefs incrop circles,alien abduction, and personal revelations based on the use ofhallucinogenic drugs andmediumship.[76][77] Pinchbeck claims to discern a "growing realization that materialism and the rational, empirical worldview that comes with it has reached its expiration date ... [w]e're on the verge of transitioning to a dispensation of consciousness that's more intuitive, mystical and shamanic".[8]
There is no significant astronomical event tied to the Long Count's start date.[78] Its supposed end date was tied to astronomical phenomena byesoteric,fringe, andNew Age literature that placed great significance onastrology, especially astrological interpretations associated with the phenomenon ofaxial precession.[79][80] Chief among these ideas is the astrological concept of a "galactic alignment".
In theSolar System, the planets and theSun lie roughly within the same flat plane, known as theplane of the ecliptic. From our perspective onEarth, theecliptic is the path taken by the Sun across the sky over the course of the year. The twelveconstellations that line the ecliptic are known as thezodiacal constellations, and, annually, the Sun passes through all of them in turn. Additionally, over time, the Sun's annual cycle appears to recede very slowly backward by one degree every 72 years, or by one constellation approximately every 2,160 years. This backward movement, called "precession", is due to a slight wobble in the Earth's axis as it spins, and can be compared to the way aspinning top wobbles as it slows down.[81] Over the course of 25,800 years, a period often called aGreat Year, the Sun's path completes a full, 360-degree backward rotation through the zodiac.[81] In Western astrological traditions, precession is measured from theMarch equinox, one of the two annual points at which the Sun is exactly halfway between its lowest and highest points in the sky. At the end of the 20th century and beginning of the 21st, the Sun's March equinox position was in the constellationPisces moving back intoAquarius. This signaled the end of oneastrological age (the Age of Pisces) and the beginning of another (theAge of Aquarius).[82]
Similarly, the Sun's Decembersolstice position (in the northern hemisphere, the lowest point on its annual path; in the southern hemisphere, the highest) was in the constellation ofSagittarius, one of two constellations in which the zodiac intersects with theMilky Way.[83] Every year, on the December solstice, the Sun and the Milky Way, appear (from the surface of the Earth) to come into alignment, and every year precession caused a slight shift in the Sun's position in the Milky Way. Given that the Milky Way is between 10° and 20° wide, it takes between 700 and 1,400 years for the Sun's December solstice position to precess through it.[84] In 2012 it was about halfway through the Milky Way, crossing thegalactic equator.[85] In 2012, the Sun's December solstice fell on 21 December.[86]
The Milky Way nearCygnus showing the lane of theDark Rift, which the Maya called theXibalba be or "Black Road"
Mystical speculations about theprecession of the equinoxes and the Sun's proximity to the center of the Milky Way appeared inHamlet's Mill (1969) byGiorgio de Santillana and Hertha von Deschend. These were quoted and expanded upon byTerence andDennis McKenna inThe Invisible Landscape (1975).
Adherents to the idea, following a theory first proposed byMunro Edmonson,[87] alleged that the Maya based their calendar on observations of theGreat Rift or Dark Rift, a band of dark dust clouds in the Milky Way, which, according to some scholars, the Maya called theXibalba be or "Black Road".[88] John Major Jenkins claims that the Maya were aware of where the ecliptic intersected the Black Road and gave this position in the sky a special significance in their cosmology.[89] Jenkins said that precession would align the Sun precisely with the galactic equator at the 2012 winter solstice.[89] Jenkins claimed that the classical Maya anticipated this conjunction and celebrated it as the harbinger of a profound spiritual transition for mankind.[90] New Age proponents of the galactic alignment hypothesis argued that, just as astrology uses the positions of stars and planets to make claims of future events, the Maya plotted their calendars with the objective of preparing for significant world events.[91] Jenkins attributed the insights of ancient Mayashamans about theGalactic Center to their use ofpsilocybin mushrooms,psychoactive toads, and otherpsychedelics.[92] Jenkins also associated theXibalba be with a "world tree", drawing on studies of contemporary (not ancient) Maya cosmology.[93]
Astronomers such asDavid Morrison argue that the galactic equator is an entirely arbitrary line and can never be precisely drawn, because it is impossible to determine the Milky Way's exact boundaries, which vary depending on clarity of view. Jenkins claimed he drew his conclusions about the location of the galactic equator from observations taken at above 11,000 feet (3,400 m), an altitude that gives a clearer image of the Milky Way than the Maya had access to.[73] Furthermore, since the Sun is half a degree wide, its solstice position takes 36 years to precess its full width. Jenkins himself noted that even given his determined location for the line of the galactic equator, its most precise convergence with the center of the Sun already occurred in 1998, and so asserts that, rather than 2012, the galactic alignment instead focuses on a multi-year period centered in 1998.[94][95][96]
There is no clear evidence that the classic Maya were aware of precession. Some Maya scholars, such as Barbara MacLeod,[47] Michael Grofe,[97] Eva Hunt, Gordon Brotherston, and Anthony Aveni,[98] have suggested that some Mayan holy dates were timed to precessional cycles, but scholarly opinion on the subject remains divided.[34] There is also little evidence, archaeological or historical, that the Maya placed any importance on solstices or equinoxes.[34][99] It is possible that only the earliest among Mesoamericans observed solstices,[100] but this is also a disputed issue among Mayanists.[34][99] There is also no evidence that the classic Maya attached any importance to the Milky Way; there is no glyph in their writing system to represent it, and no astronomical or chronological table tied to it.[101]
McKenna expressed "novelty" in a computer program which produces a waveform known as "timewave zero" or the "timewave". Based on McKenna's interpretation of theKing Wen sequence of theI Ching, an ancient Chinese book ondivination,[67] the graph purports to show great periods of novelty corresponding with major shifts in humanity'sbiological andsociocultural evolution. He believed that the events of any given time are resonantly related to the events of other times, and chose theatomic bombing of Hiroshima as the basis for calculating his end date of November 2012.[106] When he later discovered this date's proximity to the end of the 13th bʼakʼtun of the Maya calendar, he revised his hypothesis so that the two dates matched.[63]
The 1975 first edition ofThe Invisible Landscape referred to 2012 (but no specific day during the year) only twice. In the 1993 second edition, McKenna employed Sharer's date[d] of 21 December 2012 throughout.[63][103]
Novelty theory has been criticized for "rejecting countless ideas presumed as factual by the scientific community", depending "solely on numerous controversial deductions that contradict empirical logic", and encompassing "no suitable indication of truth", with the conclusion that novelty theory is a pseudoscience.[107]
The idea that the year 2012 presaged a world cataclysm, the end of the world, or the end ofhuman civilization, became a subject of popular media speculation as the date of 21 December 2012 approached. This idea was promulgated by many pages on theInternet, particularly onYouTube.[108]The Discovery Channel was criticized for its "quasi-documentaries" about the subject that "sacrifice[d] accuracy for entertainment".[109]
Some people interpreted the galactic alignment apocalyptically, claiming that its occurrence would somehow create a combinedgravitational effect between the Sun and thesupermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy (known asSagittarius A*), creating havoc on Earth.[110] Apart from the "galactic alignment" already having happened in 1998, the Sun's apparent path through the zodiac as seen from Earth did not take it near the true galactic center, but rather several degrees above it.[85] Even were this not the case, Sagittarius A* is 30,000light years from Earth; it would have to have been more than 6 million times closer to cause any gravitational disruption to Earth's Solar System.[111][112] This reading of the alignment was included on theHistory Channel documentaryDecoding the Past. John Major Jenkins complained that a science fiction writer co-authored the documentary, and he went on to characterize it as "45 minutes of unabashed doomsday hype and the worst kind of inane sensationalism".[113]
Some believers in a 2012 doomsday used the term "galactic alignment" to describe a different phenomenon proposed by some scientists to explain a pattern inmass extinctions supposedly observed in thefossil record.[114] According to theShiva Hypothesis, mass extinctions are not random, but recur every 26 million years. To account for this, it was suggested that vertical oscillations made by the Sun on its250-million-year orbit of the galactic center cause it to regularly pass through the galactic plane. When the Sun's orbit takes it outside the galactic plane which bisects thegalactic disc, the influence of thegalactic tide is weaker. When re-entering the galactic disc—as it does every 20–25 million years—it comes under the influence of the far stronger "disc tides", which, according to mathematical models, increase the flux ofOort cloud comets into the inner Solar System by a factor of 4, thus leading to a massive increase in the likelihood of a devastating comet impact.[115] This "alignment" takes place over tens of millions of years, and could never be timed to an exact date.[116] Evidence shows that the Sun passed through the plane bisecting the galactic disc three million years ago and in 2012 was moving farther above it.[117]
A third suggested alignment was some sort of planetaryconjunction occurring on 21 December 2012; there was no conjunction on that date.[14] Multi-planet alignments did occur in both 2000 and 2010, each with no ill result for the Earth.[118]Jupiter is thelargest planet in the Solar System, being larger than all other planets combined. When Jupiter is nearopposition, the difference in gravitational force that the Earth experiences is less than 1% of the force that the Earth feels daily from the Moon.[119]
Another idea tied to 2012 involved ageomagnetic reversal (often referred to as apole shift by proponents), possibly triggered by a massivesolar flare, that would release an energy equal to 100 billionatomic bombs.[120] This belief was supposedly supported by observations that the Earth'smagnetic field was weakening,[121] which could precede a reversal of the north and southmagnetic poles, and the arrival of the nextsolar maximum, which was expected sometime around 2012.[122]
Most scientific estimates say that geomagnetic reversals take between 1,000 and 10,000 years to complete,[123] and do not start on any particular date.[124] The U.S.National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicted that the solar maximum would peak in late 2013 or 2014, and that it would be fairly weak, with a below-average number ofsunspots.[125] There was no scientific evidence linking a solar maximum to a geomagnetic reversal, which is driven by forces entirely within the Earth.[126]
A solar maximum does affect satellite and cellular phone communications.[127] David Morrison attributed the rise of the solar storm idea to physicist and science popularizerMichio Kaku, who claimed in an interview withFox News that a solar peak in 2012 could be disastrous for orbiting satellites, and to NASA's headlining a 2006 webpage as "Solar Storm Warning", a term later repeated on several doomsday pages.[108]
On 23 July 2012, a massive, potentially damaging,solar storm came within nine days of striking Earth.[128][129]
Some believers in a 2012 doomsday claimed that a planet called Planet X, or Nibiru, would collide with or pass by the Earth. This idea, which had appeared in various forms since 1995, initially predicted Doomsday in May 2003, but proponents abandoned that date after it passed without incident.[130] The idea originated from claims of channelingalien beings and is widely ridiculed.[130][131] Astronomers calculated that such an object so close to Earth would be visible to anyone looking up at the night sky.[130]
Other speculations regarding doomsday in 2012 included predictions by theWeb Bot project, a computer program that purports to predict the future by analyzing Internet chatter. Commentators have rejected claims that the bot is able to predict natural disasters, as opposed to human-caused disasters like stock market crashes.[135]
The 2012 date was also loosely tied to the long-running concept of thephoton belt, which predicted a form of interaction between Earth andAlcyone, the largest star of thePleiades cluster.[136] Critics argued that photons cannot form belts, that the Pleiades, located more than 400 light years away, could have no effect on Earth, and that the Solar System, rather than getting closer to the Pleiades, was in fact moving farther away from it.[137]
Some media outlets tied the fact that thered supergiant starBetelgeuse would undergo asupernova at some point in the future to the 2012 phenomenon.[138] While Betelgeuse was certainly in the final stages of its life, and would die as a supernova, there was no way to predict the timing of the event to within 100,000 years.[139] To be a threat to Earth, a supernova would need to be no further than 25 light years from the Solar System. Betelgeuse is roughly 600 light years away, and so its supernova would not affect Earth.[140] In December 2011, NASA'sFrancis Reddy issued a press release debunking the possibility of a supernova occurring in 2012.[141]
Another claim involvedalien invasion. In December 2010, an article, first published and later referenced in the English-language edition ofPravda[142] claimed, citing a SecondDigitized Sky Survey photograph as evidence, that SETI had detected three large spacecraft due to arrive at Earth in 2012.[143] Astronomer and debunkerPhil Plait noted that by using thesmall-angle formula, one could determine that if the object in the photo were as large as claimed, it would have had to be closer to Earth than the Moon, which would mean it would already have arrived.[143] In January 2011,Seth Shostak, chief astronomer of SETI, issued a press release debunking the claims.[142]
The phenomenon spread widely after coming to public notice, particularly on the Internet, and hundreds of thousands of websites made reference to it.[108] "Ask an Astrobiologist", aNASA public outreach website, received over 5,000 questions from the public on the subject from 2007,[136] some asking whether they should kill themselves, their children or their pets.[108] In May 2012, anIpsos poll of 16,000 adults in 21 countries found that 8 percent had experienced fear or anxiety over the possibility of the world ending in December 2012, while an average of 10 percent agreed with the statement "the Mayan calendar, which some say 'ends' in 2012, marks the end of the world", with responses as high as 20 percent in China, 13 percent in Russia, Turkey, Japan and Korea, and 12 percent in the United States.[144] At least one suicide was directly linked to fear of a 2012 apocalypse,[145] with others anecdotally reported.[146]Jared Lee Loughner, the perpetrator of the2011 Tucson shooting, followed 2012-related predictions.[147] A panel of scientists questioned on the topic at a plenary session at theAstronomical Society of the Pacific contended that the Internet played a substantial role in allowing this doomsday date to gain more traction than previous similar panics.[146]
Pic de Bugarach,Camps-sur-l'Agly, France; a target of "esoterics" who believed that some great transition would occur in 2012Şirince,İzmir Province, Turkey, a village of around 560 inhabitants, has a "positive energy" according to some doomsday cultists, who say that it is close to an area whereRoman Catholics believe theVirgin Mary ascended to heaven.
Beginning in 2000, the small French village ofBugarach, population 189, began receiving visits from "esoterics"—mystic believers who had concluded that the local mountain,Pic de Bugarach, was the ideal location to weather the transformative events of 2012. In 2011, the local mayor, Jean-Pierre Delord, began voicing fears to the international press that the small town would be overwhelmed by an influx of thousands of visitors in 2012, even suggesting he might call in the army.[148][149] "We've seen a huge rise in visitors", Delord toldThe Independent in March 2012. "Already this year more than 20,000 people have climbed right to the top, and last year we had 10,000 hikers, which was a significant rise on the previous 12 months. They think Pic de Bugarach is 'un garage à ovnis' [a garage forUFOs]. The villagers are exasperated: the exaggerated importance of something which they see as completely removed from reality is bewildering. After 21 December, this will surely return to normal."[150] In December 2012, the French government placed 100 police and firefighters around both Bugarach and Pic de Bugarach, limiting access to potential visitors.[151] Ultimately, only about 1,000 visitors appeared at the height of the "event". Tworaves were foiled, 12 people had to be turned away from the peak, and 5 people were arrested for carrying weapons.[152] Jean-Pierre Delord was criticised by members of the community for failing to take advantage of the media attention and promote the region.[153]
The Turkish village ofŞirince, nearEphesus, expected to receive over 60,000 visitors on 21 December 2012, as New Age mystics believed its "positive energy" would aid in weathering the catastrophe.[154] Only a fraction of that number actually arrived, with a substantial component being police and journalists, and the expected windfall failed to materialise.[155]
Similarly, the pyramid-like mountain ofRtanj, in theSerbianCarpathians, attracted attention, due to rumors that it would emit a powerfulforce shield on the day, protecting those in the vicinity. Hotels around the base were full.[156]
In Russia, inmates of a women's prison experienced "a collectivemass psychosis" in the weeks leading up to the supposed doomsday, while residents of a factory town near Moscow reportedly emptied a supermarket of matches, candles, food and other supplies. The Minister of Emergency Situations declared in response that according to "methods of monitoring what is occurring on the planet Earth", there would be no apocalypse in December.[157] When asked when the world would end in a press conference, Russian PresidentVladimir Putin said, "In about4.5 billion years."[158]
In May 2011, 5,000-7,000Hmong ethnic people inDien Bien province,Vietnam held a protest on the grounds that the end of the world was coming, and the Hmong people would be evacuated to their own Hmong country by "supernatural force". The Vietnamese media and government believe that this is a trick of the Hmong ethnic separatist forces.[160]
In China, up to a thousand members of the Christian cultAlmighty God were arrested after claiming that the end of bʼakʼtun 13 marked the end of the world, and that it was time to overthrowCommunism.[161][162] Shoppers were reported to be hoarding supplies of candles in anticipation of coming darkness, while online retailerTaobao sold tickets to boardNoah's Ark to customers.[163] Bookings for wedding ceremonies on 21 December 2012 were saturated in several cities.[163] On 14 December 2012, a man inHenan provinceattacked and wounded twenty-three children with a knife. Authorities suspected the man had been "influenced" by the prediction of the upcoming apocalypse.[164] Academics in China attributed the widespread belief in the 2012 doomsday in their country to a lack of scientific literacy and a mistrust of the government-controlled media.[164]
On 6 December 2012,Australian Prime MinisterJulia Gillard delivered a hoax speech for the radio stationtriple J in which she declared "My dear remaining fellow Australians; the end of the world is coming. Whether the final blow comes from flesh-eating zombies, demonic hell-beasts or fromthe total triumph of K-Pop, if you know one thing about me it is this—I will always fight for you to the very end."[165] Radio announcerNeil Mitchell described the hoax as "immature" and pondered whether it demeaned her office.[166]
Jasper Tsang, president of Hong Kong’s Legislative Council, adjourned the legislature's sitting on 20 December 2012 by announcing that he "would not permit the world to end" as the legislature had to meet again in January 2013, to the laughter of MPs.
Mesoamerican countries that once formed part of the Maya civilization—Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador—all organized festivities to commemorate the end of bʼakʼtun 13 at the largest Maya sites. On 21 December 2011, the Maya town ofTapachula inChiapas activated an eight-foot digital clock counting down the days until the end of bʼakʼtun 13.[167] On 21 December 2012, major events took place atChichén Itzá in Mexico andTikal in Guatemala.[5][6][7] In El Salvador, the largest event was held atTazumal, and in Honduras, atCopán. In all of thesearchaeological sites, Maya rituals were held at dawn led byshamans and Mayapriests.[168][169][170]
The Mayan fire ceremony held at dawn inTikal on 21 December 2012, took place in the main plaza in front of theTemple of the Great Jaguar.
On the final day of bʼakʼtun 13, residents of Yucatán and other regions formerly dominated by the ancient Maya celebrated what they saw as the dawn of a new, better era.[171] According to official figures from Mexico'sNational Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), about 50,000 people visited Mexican archaeological sites on 21 December 2012. Of those, 10,000 visited Chichén Itzá inYucatán, 9,900 visitedTulum inQuintana Roo, and 8,000 visitedPalenque inChiapas. An additional 10,000 people visitedTeotihuacan nearMexico City, which is not a Maya site.[172] The main ceremony in Chichén Itzá was held at dawn in the plaza of theTemple of Kukulkán, one of the principal symbols of Maya culture. The archaeological site was opened two hours early to receive thousands of tourists, mostly foreigners who came to participate in events scheduled for the end of bʼakʼtun 13.[5][172]
A fire ceremony and indigenous peoples' civil rights rally at Iximche on 21 December 2012
The fire ceremony at Tikal was held at dawn in the main plaza of theTemple of the Great Jaguar. The ceremony was led by Guatemalan and foreign priests. The President of Guatemala,Otto Pérez, and of Costa Rica,Laura Chinchilla, participated in the event as special guests. During the ceremony the priests asked for unity, peace and the end of discrimination and racism, with the hope that the start of a new cycle will be a "new dawn". About 3,000 people participated in the event.[168][173]
Most of these events were organized by agencies of the Mexican and Central American governments, and their respective tourism industries expected to attract thousands of visitors.[6][168] Mexico is visited by about 22 million foreigners in a typical year. In 2012, the national tourism agency expected to attract 52 million visitors just to the regions of Chiapas, Yucatán, Quintana Roo,Tabasco andCampeche.[167] A Maya activist group in Guatemala, Oxlaljuj Ajpop, objected to the commercialization of the date. A spokesman from the Conference of Maya Ministers commented that for them the Tikal ceremony is not a show for tourists but something spiritual and personal. The secretary of the Great Council of Ancestral Authorities commented that living Maya felt they were excluded from the activities in Tikal. This group held a parallel ceremony, and complained that the date has been used for commercial gain. In addition, before the main Tikal ceremony, about 200 Maya protested the celebration because they felt excluded. Most modern Maya were indifferent to the ceremonies, and the small number of people still practising ancient rites held solemn, more private ceremonies.[6][168]
Osvaldo Gomez, a technical advisor to the Tikal site, complained that many visitors during the celebration had illegally climbed the stairs of theTemple of the Masks, causing "irreparable" damage.[174]
In the United States, sales of private undergroundblast shelters increased noticeably after 2009, with many construction companies' advertisements calling attention to the 2012 apocalypse.[181] InMichigan, schools were closed for the Christmas holidays two days early, in part because rumours of the 2012 apocalypse were raising fears of repeat shootings similar to that atSandy Hook.[182] Americanreality TV starsHeidi Montag andSpencer Pratt revealed that they had spent most of their $10 million of accumulated earnings by 2010 because they believed the world would end in 2012.[183]
The 2012 phenomenon was discussed or referenced by several media outlets. Several TV documentaries, as well as some contemporary fictional references to the year 2012, referred to 21 December as the day of a cataclysmic event.
Hundreds of books were published on the topic.[108] The bestselling book of 2009,[187]Dan Brown'sThe Lost Symbol, featured a coded mock email number (2456282.5) that decoded to theJulian date for 21 December 2012.[188]
In theUbisoft game franchise ofAssassin's Creed, the overarching plot-line of the games starring the first protagonist,Desmond Miles, was also inspired by the phenomenon. After escaping capture by theKnights Templar, Desmond rejoins the Assassins Brotherhood to help them fight the Templars and prevent the predicted end of the world - in this case caused by a cyclical solar flare.
In cinema,Roland Emmerich's 2009 science fiction disaster film2012 was inspired by the phenomenon, and advance promotion prior to its release included astealth marketing campaign in which TV spots and websites from the fictional "Institute for Human Continuity" called on people to prepare for the end of the world. As these promotions did not mention the film itself, many viewers believed them to be real and contacted astronomers in panic.[189][190] Although the campaign was heavily criticized,[108] the film became one of the most successful of its year, grossing nearly $770 million worldwide.[191] An article inThe Daily Telegraph attributed the widespread fear of the phenomenon in China to the film, which was a smash hit in that country because it depicted the Chinese building "survival arks".[192]Lars von Trier's 2011 filmMelancholia featured a plot in which a planet emerges from behind the Sun on a collision course with Earth.[193]
The phenomenon also inspired several rock and pop music hits. As early as 1997, "A Certain Shade of Green" byIncubus referred to the mystical belief that a shift in perception would arrive in 2012 ("Are you gonna stand around till 2012 A.D.? / What are you waiting for, a certain shade of green?"). More recent hits include "Time for Miracles" (2009) performed byAdam Lambert, "2012 (It Ain't the End)" (2010) performed byJay Sean featuringNicki Minaj, "Till the World Ends" (2011) performed byBritney Spears and "2012 (If The World Would End)" (2012) performed byMike Candys featuringEvelyn & Patrick Miller. Towards mid-December 2012, an internethoax related to South Korean singerPsy being one of theFour Horsemen of the Apocalypse was widely circulated around social media platforms. The hoax purported that once Psy's "Gangnam Style" YouTube video amassed a billion views, the world would end.[194] Indian composerA. R. Rahman, known forSlumdog Millionaire, released his single "Infinite Love" to "instill faith and optimism in people" prior to the hypothesised doomsday.[195] The artwork forAll Time Low's 2012 albumDon't Panic satirizes various cataclysmic events associated with the phenomenon.
A number of brands ran commercials tied to the phenomenon in the days and months leading to the date. In February 2012, American automotive companyGeneral Motors aired an advertisement during the annualSuper Bowlfootball game in which a group of friends droveChevrolet Silverados through the ruins of human civilization following the 2012 apocalypse. On 17 December 2012,Jell-O ran an ad saying that offering Jell-O to the Mayan gods would appease them into sparing the world. John Verret, Professor of Advertising atBoston University, questioned the utility of tying large sums of money to such a unique and short-term event.[196]
^The number 13 plays an important role in Mesoamerican calendrics; thetzolkʼin, or sacred calendar, was divided into 13 months of 20 days each. The Mayanmay cycle consisted of 13 kʼatuns. The reason for the number's importance is uncertain, though correlations to the phases of the moon and to the human gestation period have been suggested.[24][25]
^The Mayan calendar, unlike the Western calendar, used a zero.[18]
^abRather than "", the Mayan Long Count represented the date of creation as ""[26]
^abcdCoe's initial date was "24 December 2011". He revised it to "11 January AD 2013" in the 1980 2nd edition of his book,[30] not settling on 23 December 2012 until the 1984 3rd edition.[31] The correlation of bʼakʼtun 13 as 21 December 2012 first appeared in Table B.2 of Robert J. Sharer's 1983 revision of the 4th edition of Sylvanus Morley's bookThe Ancient Maya. There is an arise in the theory that 2012 resulted in aConsciousness Shift. (Morley 1983, p. 603, Table B2).
^Robert K. Sitler (February 2006). "The 2012 Phenomenon: New Age Appropriation of an Ancient Mayan Calendar".Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions.9 (3):24–38.doi:10.1525/nr.2006.9.3.024.ISSN1092-6690.OCLC357082680.
^Andrew K. Scherer (2007). "Population structure of the classic period Maya".American Journal of Physical Anthropology.132 (3):367–380.doi:10.1002/ajpa.20535.PMID17205548.
^abcWagner, Elizabeth (2000). "Maya Creation Myths and Cosmography". In Grube, Nikolai (ed.).Maya: Divine Kings of the Rainforest. Konemann. p. 283.ISBN978-3-8290-4150-8.
^Eberl and Prager 2005, pp. 29–30, citing Hieroglyphic Stairway E7-H12 at Palenque, plate 104 in Karl Herbert Mayer,Maya Monuments: Sculptures of Unknown Provenance, Supplement 4 [in which the Sajal Niil is depicted in his costume], and Stele 1 from La Mar.
^Hoopes, John W. (2011b). "Mayanism Comes of (New) Age". In Joseph Gelfer (ed.).2012: Decoding the Counterculture Apocalypse. London: Equinox Publishing. pp. 38–59.ISBN978-1-84553-639-8.
^See in particular, chapter 6 ("The Great Cycle: Its Projected Beginning"), chapter 7 ("The Great Cycle – Its Projected End") and the Appendix, inWaters 1975, pp. 256–264, 265–271, 285
^Michael Szpir."Perturbing the Oort Cloud".American Scientist. The Scientific Research Society. Archived fromthe original on 21 February 2017. Retrieved25 March 2008.
^Merrill, Ronald T.; McElhinny, Michael W.; McFadden, Philip L. (1998).The magnetic field of the earth: paleomagnetism, the core, and the deep mantle.Academic Press.ISBN978-0-12-491246-5.
^Abby Cessna (2 November 2009)."Geomagnetic Reversal".Universe Today. Retrieved6 April 2011.
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^Connor, Steve (17 October 2009)."Relax, the end isn't nigh".The Independent. London.Archived from the original on 20 October 2009. Retrieved20 October 2009.
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