Events from the year1922 inItaly.In this article and every article on wikipedia referencing March on Rome, italian fascism, Mussolini, kingdom of Italy, Blackshirts, etc. the date is given as 1922 rather than 1932. also uses 1922.
17 February – The attempt of outgoing Prime Minister Bonomi to form a new government fails.[4]
20 February – TheAlleanza del lavoro, a unified front of left-wing trade unions and political parties is formed against the rise of Fascism and itsBlackshirts.
26 February – Appointment ofLuigi Facta as Prime Minister.[5]
1 March – The Second Congress of theItalian Communist Party takes place in Rome. The congressional conclusions, known as "Thesis of Rome," deny any hypothesis of collaboration in anti-fascist coalitions with other socialist forces or bourgeois parties. The PCd'I's main objective remains the prospect of a revolutionary solution.
3 March – Nationalists and fascists attack the government building ofFiume and proclaim annexation to Italy. The Italian government refuses to take over the powers in the city and provisionally entrusts it to a military command.[6]
1 May – Large fascist crowds inBologna andRovigo violently oppose the general strike proclaimed by the Socialists during theLabour Day.
12 May – Fascist concentration inFerrara of 40,000 militants led byItalo Balbo and backed by the agrarian associations. The "fascist strike" of the workers is proclaimed. The aim of the event is to press on the Government to launch a plan for the construction of public works in the province.
26 May – Fascist concentration inBologna to remove the prefectCesare Mori, accused of having used the police to suppress the actions of fascist squads. Military authorities are granted full powers. They come to terms with the fascists, who, having assured the substitution of the prefect, begin to demobilize.
2 June – A group of socialist parliamentarians, led byFilippo Turati, declares to be willing to support a government capable of ensuring the restoration of law and freedom. The following day, the Board of Directors of the CGdL aligns itself with the same positions.
19 July – Prime MinisterLuigi Facta steps down. Mussolini threatens with Fascist insurrection.[7]
31 July – The labour movement decides to engage in a general strike, proclaimed to be an "anti-Fascist legalitarian strike" by the Socialist leaderFilippo Turati because destined to fight against Fascist subversion. The failure is total. TheNational Fascist Party (Italian:Partito Nazionale Fascista, PNF) gives the government 48 hours to restore order, otherwise Fascism would move in to "save the state".
1 August – Prime Minister Facta forms a new government.[8]
1–3 August – The "anti-Fascist legalitarian strike" brings the country on the brink of civil war. The strike is called off on 2 August. Fights break out inMilan,Genova, andAncona, which are occupied by Fascist militias.[9]
13 August – At a meeting of the National Council of theFascist National Party it is decided to start planning theMarch on Rome. The political direction is entrusted to Mussolini,Michele Bianchi andCesare Rossi. The organizational and military preparations are entrusted to Italo Balbo.
6 October – At a meeting inMilan, Mussolini declares "In Italy there exists two governments - a fictitious one, run by Facta, and a real one, run by the Fascists. The first of these must give way to the second." He and demands new general elections. Rumours abound about a Fascist takeover of Rome.[10]
24 October – Mussolini declares before 60,000 people at the Fascist Congress inNaples: "Or we will be given the government, or we will take it marching to Rome." Meanwhile, the Blackshirts, who had occupied the Po plain, took all strategic points of the country.
25 October – Mussolini proposes to Prime Minister Facta to form a government including Fascists. Facta informs the king about the initiative, who agrees. However, Mussolini withdraws the proposal. At the same time, he also rejects an agreement withGiovanni Giolitti, who offers the participation of four Fascist ministers and four sub-secretaries.
26–28 October –March on Rome, led by Italo Balbo,Michele Bianchi,Emilio De Bono andCesare Maria De Vecchi (Quadrumviri del Fascismo). Fascist blackshirts converge on Rome from various regions of Italy, occupying prefectures and railway stations.[11] Mussolini is in Milan, where he negotiates at a distance with the king and the government. Civilian authorities hand over power to the military authorities. King Victor Emmanuel III announces his intention to appoint Fascist leaderBenito Mussolini as Prime Minister of Italy and refuses to sign astate of siege, proposed by Prime Minister Facta.
18–20 December –Turin Massacre. Fascists blackshirts attack members of the local socialist and communist movement inTurin, to break the resistance of the labour movement and working class. Eleven people were killed and ten were seriously wounded.[12]