Angelo Polizano,Stanzas Begun for the Tournament of the Magnificent Giuliano de Medici, publication year uncertain, published sometime from 1475–1478Italy[2]
Benet Burgh,Parvus Cato; Magnus Cato, collection of maxims written about1440 and attributed toDionysius Cato; the book was widely used as an elementary textbook;Latin andEnglish[3]
Jami,Nahafat al-Uns ("Breath of Familiarity"), biographies,Persian[2]
The Chorle and the Birdie, published anonymously, written about1400 and circulated widely as manuscripts[3]
The Horse, the Goose, and the Sheep, published anonymously, publication year uncertain, probably written soon after1436[3]
Stans Puer ad Mensam, publication year uncertain; the most popular version of this Medieval "courtesy" book educating boys on proper mealtime etiquette[3]
Angelo Polizano,Stanzas Begun for the Tournament of the Magnificent Giuliano de Medici, publication year uncertain, published sometime from 1475–1478Italy[2]
Luigi Pulci,Morgante, a now lost 23-canto version (see also1481, 1482 and the final, 28-cantoMorgante Maggiore 1483);Italy
Jami,Salaman u Absal ("Salaman and Absal"), allegory,Persian[2]
Girolamo Angeriano, born sometime from about this year to about 1490 (died1535),Italian,Latin-language poet;[7] sources differ on his birth year, with some stating 1470,[7][8] others giving "c. 1480"[9][10] and another c. 1490[11]
Michelangelo Buonarroti, commonly known as "Michelangelo", full name: Michelangelo Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (died1564),Italian painter, sculptor, architect, poet, and engineer
Pietro Crinito, also known as "Petrus Crinitus", (died1507), FlorentineItalian humanist scholar and poet who also wroteLatin-language verses[7]
^Grant, William Leonard,Neo-Latin literature and the pastoral, p 144, University of North Carolina Press, 1965, ("Equally unimportant are two eclogues of Girolamo Angeriano of Naples (ca. 1490-1535),"), retrieved via Google Books (quote appears on search results page with multiple results, not page devoted to the book), 2009-05-21
^abDates of birth and death, and cause of the latter, from‘Baldassarre Castiglione’,Italica, Rai International online. Accessed 2009-05-22.Archived 2009-05-27.