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List of stars in Lacerta

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This is the list of notablestars in theconstellationLacerta, sorted by decreasing brightness.

Dist. (ly)Sp. classNotes
α Lacα721355811116922h 31m 17.38s+50° 16′ 56.8″3.761.28102A1V
1 Lac121138810993722h 15m 58.17s+37° 44′ 55.4″4.14−2.28627K3IIIsuspectedvariable
5 Lac5V41221331011102222h 29m 31.82s+47° 42′ 24.8″4.34−3.421164M0IIslow irregular variable
β Lacβ321249611053822h 23m 33.64s+52° 13′ 46.2″4.420.84170G9III
HD 21107321107310975422h 13m 52.70s+39° 42′ 53.6″4.50−1.69563K3IIIsuspected variable,Vmax = 4.49m,Vmin = 4.55m
11 Lac1121486811194422h 40m 30.78s+44° 16′ 34.6″4.50−0.33302K3IIIvariable star, ΔV = 0.003m,P = 17.30403 d
6 Lac621342011110422h 30m 29.26s+43° 07′ 24.2″4.52−3.601370B2IV
2 Lac221212011035122h 21m 01.53s+46° 32′ 11.6″4.55−1.42509B6Vsuspectedrotating ellipsoidal variable,Vmax = 4.53m,Vmin = 4.56m
4 Lac421259311060922h 24m 31.00s+49° 28′ 35.0″4.55−4.512117B9Iab
9 Lac921445411167422h 37m 22.47s+51° 32′ 43.3″4.641.03172A8IV
10 Lac1021468011184122h 39m 15.68s+39° 03′ 01.0″4.89−2.671058O9VSpectrum anchor point;[1] suspectedβ Cep variable
15 Lac1521639711291722h 52m 01.95s+43° 18′ 44.5″4.95−0.05326M0III
V424 LacV42421694611328822h 56m 26.00s+49° 44′ 00.8″4.99−3.811874K5Ibvarslow irregular variable
HD 20994520994510910222h 06m 01.96s+45° 00′ 51.8″5.09−1.30619K5III
V416 LacV41621466511179522h 38m 37.87s+56° 47′ 44.6″5.11−0.49430M4IIIslow irregular variable
13 Lac1321537311224222h 44m 05.49s+41° 49′ 09.2″5.110.49274K0III
12 Lac12DD21499311203122h 41m 28.65s+40° 13′ 31.7″5.25−2.901393B2IIIv SBβ Cep and53 Per variable,Vmax = 5.16m,Vmin = 5.28m,P = 0.1930924 d
EW LacEW21705011332722h 57m 04.49s+48° 41′ 02.7″5.34−2.301098B4IIIpeγ Cas variable,Vmax = 5.22m,Vmin = 5.48m
HD 21071521071510952122h 11m 09.78s+50° 49′ 23.8″5.381.69179A5V
HD 21617421617411273122h 49m 46.23s+55° 54′ 09.7″5.430.15371K1III
HD 21109621109610974522h 13m 49.18s+45° 26′ 26.2″5.531.10251A0III
16 Lac16EN21691611328122h 56m 23.63s+41° 36′ 14.0″5.60−2.241203B2IVβ Cep variable and triple star system
HD 21121121121110983122h 14m 44.33s+42° 57′ 14.3″5.721.06279A2Vnn
HD 21393021393011136222h 33m 40.57s+56° 37′ 28.7″5.720.63340G8III-IVslow irregular variable,Vmax = 5.6m,Vmin = 6.8m
8 Lac A821416711154622h 35m 52.28s+39° 38′ 03.6″5.73−0.73639B1Vesuspected variable, ΔV = 0.05m
HD 21683121683111322222h 55m 44.49s+36° 21′ 05.0″5.73−1.31836B7III
HD 21660821660811304822h 53m 40.16s+44° 44′ 57.1″5.792.21170A3m
HD 21594321594311259022h 48m 11.07s+37° 25′ 00.6″5.820.58364G8III:suspected variable,Vmax = 5.82m,Vmin = 6.18m
HD 21664621664611308422h 54m 06.91s+40° 22′ 36.6″5.820.74339K0III
HD 21566421566411241722h 46m 10.11s+44° 32′ 45.5″5.842.21173F0III-IVsuspectedδ Sct variable, ΔV = 0.01m
HD 21366021366011125922h 32m 26.37s+39° 46′ 47.1″5.88−0.54628A6V
14 Lac14V36021620011277822h 50m 21.77s+41° 57′ 12.3″5.91−1.701087B3IV:varβ Lyr variable,Vmax = 5.91m,Vmin = 5.98m,P = 10.075 d
HD 21675621675611317422h 55m 02.58s+37° 04′ 36.5″5.912.83134F5II
HD 21503021503011204122h 41m 35.94s+41° 32′ 56.3″5.930.95323G9III
HD 21535921535911224122h 44m 05.21s+39° 27′ 55.5″5.93−0.56647K5III+...
HD 21487821487811192522h 40m 18.40s+53° 50′ 45.5″5.940.83344B8V
HD 21471421471411186922h 39m 34.32s+37° 35′ 34.1″6.03−1.18903G3Ib-IICNe.
AR LacAR21033410930322h 08m 40.86s+45° 44′ 31.7″6.112.99137K2III compRS CVn variable and prototypeAR Lac variable,Vmax = 6.08m,Vmin = 6.77m,P = 1.98319204 d
HD 21515921515911209822h 42m 20.81s+53° 54′ 31.6″6.14−1.671190K2
HD 21605721605711264122h 48m 47.88s+54° 24′ 53.6″6.14−0.19601B5Vn
HR 8421HT20985710903322h 05m 16.52s+46° 44′ 41.6″6.16−1.19962M4IIIsemiregular variable,Vmax = 6.08m,Vmin = 6.36m,P = 82 d
HD 21297821297811084922h 27m 26.50s+39° 48′ 36.1″6.16−1.951364B2V
V399 LacV39921022110920522h 07m 25.59s+53° 18′ 26.8″6.17A3Ibα Cyg variable
HD 21710121710111337122h 57m 40.74s+39° 18′ 31.6″6.17−1.941364B2IV-V
HD 21248721248711056622h 23m 54.06s+38° 34′ 23.9″6.182.59170F5IV:suspected variable, ΔV = 0.4m
HD 20999320999310912122h 06m 12.25s+45° 14′ 55.3″6.191.21323A3V
HD 21179721179711017122h 18m 56.17s+37° 46′ 09.0″6.192.10215A9IIIp
HD 21620621620611276122h 50m 10.09s+50° 40′ 36.9″6.23−2.281638G4Ib
HD 209961V36520996110908222h 05m 51.22s+48° 13′ 53.4″6.26−2.641964B2V SBα2 CVn variable, ΔV = 0.08m,P = 1.08635 d
HD 21431321431311162722h 36m 48.69s+35° 39′ 08.7″6.28−0.38700K5
HD 21424021424011155022h 35m 53.38s+50° 04′ 14.8″6.29−2.241655B3Vsuspected variable
V377 LacV37721653811300922h 53m 11.37s+40° 10′ 02.6″6.33−1.621268B7III-IV53 Per variable,Vmax = 6.33m,Vmin = 6.35m,P = 2.6217 d
HD 21427921427911154322h 35m 51.98s+56° 04′ 14.1″6.371.21351A3V
V405 LacV40521222211040822h 21m 50.86s+42° 04′ 41.4″6.38−0.33715B5V53 Per variable
HD 21455821455811175322h 38m 17.41s+45° 10′ 58.6″6.380.36522G2III+...
HD 21524221524211217022h 43m 04.32s+47° 10′ 07.5″6.39−3.893705A1V+...
HD 21207121207111031622h 20m 39.52s+50° 58′ 50.9″6.40−2.121646K2variable star, ΔV = 0.007m,P = 7.92959 d
HD 21028921028910927222h 08m 16.28s+49° 47′ 49.2″6.41−1.261113K5III
V350 LacV35021338911107222h 30m 06.53s+49° 21′ 23.3″6.410.97399K2III SBRS CVn and rotating ellipsoidal variable,Vmax = 6.27m,Vmin = 6.47m,P = 17.748 d
HD 21372021372011124722h 32m 18.69s+54° 02′ 13.2″6.41−0.03633G8III
HD 21519121519111214422h 42m 55.45s+37° 48′ 09.9″6.43−1.411203B1V
HD 21551821551811230022h 44m 49.12s+52° 31′ 01.9″6.43−0.90953K2
HD 21233421233411048722h 22m 50.28s+36° 39′ 32.1″6.450.82436K0
HD 21166021166011005522h 17m 28.31s+49° 07′ 37.0″6.46−0.74898K0
HD 21288321288311079022h 26m 45.56s+37° 26′ 37.4″6.46−2.401929B2V
HD 21652321652311298622h 52m 52.23s+50° 24′ 44.2″6.46−0.47791B8Vsuspected variable
HD 21547321547311230522h 44m 52.97s+39° 12′ 03.9″6.47−0.17695K5
HD 20993220993210907922h 05m 50.44s+45° 06′ 45.0″6.50−0.15698A0Vsuspected variable
8 Lac B821416811154422h 35m 52.10s+39° 37′ 41.4″6.602.16252B2V
HK LacHK20981310900222h 04m 56.61s+47° 14′ 04.5″6.96531K0IIIRS CVn variable,Vmax = 6.77m,Vmin = 7.04m,P = 25.83 d
S LacS21319111097222h 29m 00.91s+40° 18′ 55.8″7.601640M4-6.5eMira variable,Vmax = 7.6m,Vmin = 13.9m,P = 241.5 d
CM LacCM20914710860622h 00m 04.45s+44° 33′ 07.7″8.21741A3mAlgol variable,Vmax = 8.18m,Vmin = 9.15m,P = 1.6046916 d
EV LacEV11246022h 46m 49.73s+44° 20′ 02.4″8.2816.699M4.5Vflare star andBY Dra variable
V364 LacV36421642911292822h 52m 40.81s+38° 44′ 44.6″8.361410A3Algol variable
X LacX21610511267522h 49m 03.18s+56° 25′ 41.5″8.423900G5Classical Cepheid,Vmax = 8.2m,Vmin = 8.64m,P = 5.44499 d
SW LacSW21659811305222h 53m 41.66s+37° 56′ 18.6″8.51236.4K0VvW UMa variable,Vmax = 8.51m,Vmin = 9.49m,P = 0.3207152 d
Z LacZ21497511197222h 40m 52.15s+56° 49′ 46.1″8.571730F6Ib...Classical Cepheid,Vmax = 7.88m,Vmin = 8.93m,P = 10.885613 d
SAO 51891V38322h 20m 07.03s+49° 30′ 11.8″8.57K1Vflare star and BY Dra variable,Vmax = 8.495m,Vmin = 8.569m,P = 2.62 d
BG LacBG10863022h 00m 25.14s+43° 26′ 43.3″8.59G0.7Classical Cepheid,Vmax = 8.51m,Vmin = 9.18m,P = 5.331908 d
HD 213918V36221391811140022h 34m 07.28s+39° 20′ 07.9″8.68Apα2 CVn variable, ΔV = 0.07m,P = 1.43 d
HD 215441GL21544111224722h 44m 07.51s+55° 35′ 21.2″8.815100A0pBabcock's star; α2 CVn variable,Vmax = 8.73m,Vmin = 8.9m,P = 9.4871 d
RT LacRT20931810872822h 01m 30.74s+43° 53′ 25.6″8.84825G9+K1IVIVRS CVn variable,Vmax = 8.84m,Vmin = 9.89m,P = 5.0739496 d
RR LacRR24002411202622h 41m 26.53s+56° 25′ 58.0″8.872090K0Classical Cepheid,Vmax = 8.38m,Vmin = 9.3m,P = 6.416243 d
V LacV24007311262622h 48m 38.00s+56° 19′ 17.5″8.89G5Classical Cepheid,Vmax = 8.38m,Vmin = 9.42m,P = 4.983458 d
IRAS 22272+5435V35423585822h 29m 10.37s+54° 51′ 06.4″9.00G5Iaprotoplanetary nebula, ΔV = 0.49m,P = 130 d
Y LacY23573910934022h 09m 02.90s+51° 02′ 45.1″9.13-3.2 ± 0.28500 ± 800F8Classical Cepheid,Vmax = 8.76m,Vmin = 9.5m,P = 4.323776 d
HD 21653623573922h 35m 48.0s+44° 28′ 40″9.23K0has a planet (b)
U LacU21592411254522h 47m 43.43s+55° 09′ 30.3″9.402880M4Iab:esemiregular variable
IRAS 22223+4327V44822h 24m 31.43s+43° 43′ 10.9″9.69F9Iaprotoplanetary nebula, ΔV = 0.21m,P = 89 d
ADS 16402 A22h 57m 45.9211s+38° 40′ 27.200″10.03.4523F8 / G0Vcomponent of the ADS 16402binary star system;
ADS 16402 B22h 57m 46.83s+38° 40′ 29.8″10.43.7522F8 / G0Vcomponent of the ADS 16402binary star system; has thetransitingplanetHAT-P-1b
SS LacSS10898122h 04m 41.55s+46° 25′ 38.1″10.123300B9VAlgol variable
VY LacVY21616022h 49m 59.13s+49° 00′ 16.0″10.13A2Beta Lyrae variable
CO LacCO24005811243622h 46m 30.00s+56° 49′ 31.6″10.40B9VAlgol variable,Vmax = 10.28m,Vmin = 10.89m,P = 1.5422075 d
DE LacDE10942022h 10m 07.77s+40° 55′ 10.6″10.432490F6.5δ Sct variable,Vmax = 10.08m,Vmin = 10.43m,P = 0.2536934 d
VX LacVX22h 41m 00.56s+38° 19′ 20.0″10.51F0Algol variable
CZ LacCZ11021322h 19m 30.77s+51° 28′ 14.9″10.77F1RR Lyr variable,Vmax = 10.77m,Vmin = 11.26m,P = 0.432205 d
RW LacRW22h 44m 57.10s+49° 39′ 27.6″10.81F2Algol variable
AW LacAW22h 17m 57.89s+54° 28′ 02.3″10.95B2Beta Lyrae variable
V345 LacV34522h 18m 43.34s+54° 40′ 33.4″11.32B5Algol variable
HAT-P-4022h 22m 03.0s+45° 27′ 27″11.71634Taika; has a transiting planet (b)
PP LacPP22h 42m 38.66s+53° 25′ 02.8″11.85G5W UMa variable
DI LacDI21423922h 35m 48.48s+52° 42′ 59.7″14.9sd:Be+...nova
CP LacCP22h 15m 41.09s+55° 37′ 01.4″17.7G5nova,Vmax = 2.0m,Vmin = 17.7m
DK LacDK22h 49m 46.91s+51° 17′ 19.3″19.4nova
DK LacDK22h 2m 19.94s+38° 1′ 26.78″9.112nova
PSR B2217+4722h 19m 48.14s+47° 54′ 53.9″pulsar
Table legend:

 • Name =Proper name
 • B =Bayer designation
 • F or/and G. =Flamsteed designation orGould designation
 • Var =Variable star designation
 • HD =Henry Draper Catalogue designation number
 • HIP =Hipparcos Catalogue designation number
 • RA =Right ascension for theEpoch/Equinox J2000.0
 • Dec =Declination for the Epoch/Equinox J2000.0

 • vis. mag. = visual magnitude (m ormv), also known asapparent magnitude
 • abs. mag. =absolute magnitude (Mv)
 • Dist. (ly) = Distance inlight-years from Earth
 • Sp. class = Spectral class of the star in thestellar classification system
 • Notes = Common name(s) or alternate name(s); comments; notable properties [for example: multiple star status, range of variability if it is a variable star, exoplanets, etc.]

See also



  1. ^Garrison, R. F. (December 1993),"Anchor Points for the MK System of Spectral Classification",Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society,25: 1319,Bibcode:1993AAS...183.1710G, archived fromthe original on 2019-06-25, retrieved2012-02-04
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