In thepapal conclave held on 29 and 30 December 1370, after the death ofPope Urban V , CardinalPierre Roger de Beaufort was electedpope under the nameGregory XI . He thus became seventh and the last pope of the period ofAvignon Papacy .
List of participants [ edit ] Urban V died on December 20, 1370, atAvignon . He was the first pope who resided inRome since 1304, although only for a short time (1367 until the beginning of 1370, when he returned to Avignon). At the time of his death, there were 20 livingcardinals . Eighteen of them participated in the conclave:[ 1]
Elector Title Elevated Elevator Notes[ 2] Guy de Boulogne Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina ;commendatario of S. Cecilia and S. CrisogonoSeptember 20, 1342 Pope Clement VI Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals Raymond de Canillac , C.R.S.A.Bishop of Palestrina December 17, 1350 Pope Clement VI (Cardinal-nephew )Guillaume de la Sudrie , O.P.Bishop of Ostia e Velletri September 18, 1366 Pope Urban V Gilles Aycelin de Montaigu Bishop of Frascati September 17, 1361 Pope Innocent VI Philippe de Cabassole Bishop of Sabina September 22, 1368 Pope Urban V Pierre de Monteruc Priest of S. Anastasia December 23, 1356 Pope Innocent VI (Cardinal-nephew )Archpriest of the Sacred College of Cardinals;Vice-Chancellor of the Holy Roman Church Guillaume de la Jugié Priest of S. Clemente September 20, 1342 Pope Clement VI (Cardinal-nephew )Cardinal-protector of the Order ofFranciscans Jean de Blauzac Priest of S. Marco September 17, 1361 Pope Innocent VI Guillaume d'Aigrefeuille , O.S.B.Priest of S. Stefano al Monte Celio May 12, 1367 Pope Urban V Camerlengo of the Sacred College of Cardinals Stephen Langham Priest of S. Sisto September 22, 1368 Pope Urban V Bernard du Bosquet Priest of SS. XII Apostoli September 22, 1368 Pope Urban V Jean de Dormans Priest of SS. IV Coronati September 22, 1368 Pope Urban V Chancellor of the Kingdom of France Etienne de Poissy Priest of S. Eusebio September 22, 1368 Pope Urban V Grand penitentiary Francesco Tebaldeschi Priest of S. Sabina September 22, 1368 Pope Urban V Pietro Corsini Priest of S. Lorenzo in Damaso June 7, 1370 Pope Urban V Pierre Roger de Beaufort (electedPope Gregory XI )
Deacon of S. Maria Nuova May 28, 1348 Pope Clement VI (Cardinal-nephew )Protodeacon of the Sacred College of Cardinals; Archpriest of the patriarchalLateran Basilica and of the patriarchalLiberian Basilica ; Cardinal-protector of theKingdom of Naples Rinaldo Orsini Deacon of S. Adriano December 17, 1350 Pope Clement VI Archpriest of the patriarchalVatican Basilica Hugues de Saint-Martial Deacon of S. Maria in Portico September 17, 1361 Pope Innocent VI
Nine electors were created by Pope Urban V, five by Clement VI and four by Innocent VI.
Post of theCamerlengo of the Holy Roman Church , the most important duringsede vacante , was occupied byArnaud Aubert ,[ 3] archbishop of Auch and nephew of Pope Innocent VI (but not a Cardinal).
Two Cardinals, both created by Urban V, did not participate in this conclave, because they were in Italy:[ 1]
The election of Pope Gregory XI [ edit ] Palais des Papes , AvignonEighteen cardinals present in Avignon entered the conclave on December 29. In the first ballot on the next day in the morning CardinalPierre Roger de Beaufort , nephew ofClement VI , protodeacon of the Sacred College, was unanimously elected Pope.[ 4] He initially opposed his election but eventually accepted and took the name ofGregory XI . On January 2, 1371, he was ordained to thepriesthood , and on January 3 he was consecratedbishop of Rome by thedean of the College of Cardinals Guy de Boulogne , and crowned by the new protodeacon Rinaldo Orsini in the cathedralNotre Dame des Doms in Avignon.[ 5]
^a b Miranda, Salvador ."Conclave of December 29 - 30, 1370 (Gregory XI)" .The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church .Florida International University .OCLC 53276621 . Retrieved2019-06-02 .^a b Notes according to biographical entries of the respective cardinals onThe Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church: consistories of the 14th Century by Salvador Miranda ^ Niccolò del Re,La Curia romana: lineamenti storico giuridici , Città del Vaticano, 1998, p. 296 ^ G. Mollat The Popes at Avignon 1305-1378, London 1963, p. 59^ Miranda, Salvador ."ROGER DE BEAUFORT, Pierre (1329/1331-1378)" .The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church .Florida International University .OCLC 53276621 . Retrieved2019-06-02 .
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