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1130 papal election

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Papal election
Dates and location
14 February 1130
monastery of S. Gregorio,Rome
Key officials
DeanPietro Senex
Elected pope
Gregorio Papareschi
Name taken:Innocent II
← 1124
1143 →

The1130 papal election (held February 14) was convoked after the death ofPope Honorius II and resulted in a doubleelection. Part of thecardinals, led by Cardinal-ChancellorAymeric de la Chatre, elected Gregorio Papareschi asPope Innocent II, but the rest of them refused to recognize him and elected Cardinal Pietro Pierleoni, who took the name ofAnacletus II. Although Anacletus had the support of the majority of the cardinals, the Catholic Church considers Innocent II as the legitimate Pope, and Anacletus II asAntipope.

The double election was a result of the growing tensions inside theCollege of Cardinals concerning the policy of theHoly See towards theHoly Roman Empire, initiated by theConcordat of Worms (1122), which ended theinvestiture controversy. Several, particularly older, cardinals considered the compromise achieved inWorms as desertion of the principles of theGregorian Reform, and inclined to accept it only as a tactical move. They supported the traditional alliance of the Papacy with theNormans in southern Italy. Some of them were connected to old monastic centers in Southern Italy such asMontecassino. One of their leaders was Cardinal Pierleoni, representative of one of the most powerful families of Rome.[1]

The opposite faction was headed by Aymeric de la Chatre, who was named cardinal and chancellor of the Holy See shortly after signing the Concordat of Worms and was one of the main architects of the new policy. He and his adherents looked at the compromise as a good solution both for the Church and the Emperor, and did not trust the Norman vassals of the Holy See, who expressed some expansionist tendencies. It seems that at least some major representatives of this faction had strong connections to the "new spirituality", meaning the new religious orders such asregular canons. Besides, they were allied with the Roman family of Frangipani, opponents of the Pierleoni family.[2]

In the last weeks of the lifetime of Pope Honorius II the cardinals, fearing the possible schism, made an agreement that the new pope would be elected by the commission of eight of them, including two cardinal-bishops, three cardinal-priests and three cardinal-deacons.[3]



TheCollege of Cardinals had probably 43 (or 42) members in February 1130. It seems that no more than 37 (36) were present at Rome on the death of Honorius II:[4]

ElectorFactionCardinalatial TitleElevated[5]ElevatorNotes
Pietro SenexAnacletanBishop of Porto1102Paschalis IIDean of the College of Cardinals
GuillaumeInnocentineBishop of PalestrinaMarch 1123Callixtus IICommittee member
Matthieu, O.S.B.ClunyInnocentineBishop of AlbanoDecember 1126Honorius II
Giovanni of Camaldoli,O.S.B.Cam.InnocentineBishop of OstiaDecember 1126Honorius II
Corrado della SuburraInnocentineBishop of Sabina1113/14Paschalis IICommittee member; futurePope Anastasius IV (1153–54)
BonifacioAnacletanPriest of S. Marcoca. 1100Paschalis IIprior cardinalium[6]
Gregorio de CeccanoAnacletanPriest of SS. XII Apostolica. 1102 (deposed 1112, reinstated in March 1123)Paschalis II (reinstated by Callixtus II)FutureAntipope Victor IV (1138)
Pietro Pierleoni, O.S.B.ClunyAnacletanPriest of S. Maria in Trastevere1111/12Paschalis IICommittee member; elected PopeAnacletus II (1130–38)
Petrus PisanusAnacletanPriest of S. Susanna1112/13Paschalis IICommittee member
DesideriusAnacletanPriest of S. Prassede1115Paschalis II
Giovanni CremenseInnocentinePriest of S. Crisogonoca. 1116/17Paschalis II
Saxo de AnagniaAnacletanPriest of S. Stefano in Celiomonte1117Paschalis II
Crescenzio di AnagniAnacletanPriest ofSS. Marcellino e Pietro1117Paschalis II
SigizoAnacletanPriest of S. Sisto1117 or 1120[7]Paschalis II (or Callixtus II)
Pietro RuffinoInnocentinePriest of SS. Silvestro e MartinoMarch 1118Gelasius IICommittee member; nephew of Paschalis II
PietroAnacletanPriest of S. Marcello1120Callixtus II
Gerardo Caccianemici, C.R.S.F.InnocentinePriest of S. Croce in GerusalemmeMarch 1123Callixtus IIFuture Pope Lucius II (1144–45)
MatteoAnacletanPriest of S. Pietro in VincoliMarch 1123Callixtus II
ComesAnacletanPriest of S. SabinaMarch 1123Callixtus IISeveral sources erroneously identify him with Cardinal-Deacon Comes of S. Maria in Aquiro (1116–1126)[8]
GregorioAnacletanPriest of S. Balbina1125Honorius II
AldericoAnacletanPriest of SS. Giovanni e Paolo1125Honorius II
PetrusInnocentinePriest of S. Anastasia1126Honorius II
AnselmoInnocentinePriest of S. Lorenzo in Lucina1127/28Honorius II
LectifredoAnacletanPriest of S. Vitaleca. 1128Honorius II
JoselmoInnocentinePriest of S. Cecilia1128/29Honorius II
EnricoAnacletanPriest of S. Prisca1129 (?)Honorius II (?)Several sources indicate that he was created only by Anacletus II[9]
Gregorio, O.S.B.AnacletanDeacon of S. EustachioBefore 1110Paschalis IIProtodeacon (?)
Gregorio Papareschi,C.R.Lat.InnocentineDeacon of S. Angelo in Pescheria1115/16Paschalis IICommittee member; electedPope Innocent II (1130–43)
RomanoInnocentineDeacon of S. Maria in Portico1119Callixtus II
Ionathas (Gionata)AnacletanDeacon of SS. Cosma e DamianoDecember 1120Callixtus IICommittee member
AngeloAnacletanDeacon of S. Maria in DomnicaMarch 1123Callixtus II
Giovanni DauferioAnacletanDeacon of S. Nicola in CarcereMarch 1123Callixtus II
Gregorio TarquiniInnocentineDeacon of SS. Sergio e BaccoMarch 1123Callixtus II
Aymeric de la Chatre, C.R.S.M.R.InnocentineDeacon of S. Maria NuovaMarch 1123Callixtus IICommittee member;Chancellor of the Holy Roman Church
Stefano StornatoAnacletan (?)[10]Deacon of S. Lucia in Orthea1125Honorius II
Alberto TeodoliInnocentineDeacon of S. TeodoroSeptember 1127Honorius II
Guido del CastelloInnocentineDeacon of S. Maria in Via Lataca. 1128/29Honorius IIFuturePope Celestine II (1143–44)

Probably six cardinals were absent from Rome:[11]

ElectorFactionCardinalatial TitleElevatedElevatorNotes
Gilles of Paris, O.S.B.ClunyAnacletanBishop of TusculumMarch 1123Callixtus IIPapal legate in Outremer
GuidoInnocentineBishop of Tivolica. 1124Callixtus II
Amico, O.S.B.Cas.AnacletanPriest of SS. Nereo ed Achilleo1117Paschalis IIAbbot of S. Vincenzo al Volturno
Uberto LanfranchiInnocentinePriest of S. ClementeMarch 1123Callixtus IIPapal legate in Spain; futureArchbishop of Pisa (1133–37)
RusticoInnocentinePriest of S. Ciriaco1128Honorius IIArchpriest of theVatican Basilica; papal legate in Upper Italy
Oderisio de Sangro, O.S.B.Cas.AnacletanDeacon of S. Agata1111/12Paschalis IIFormerAbbot of Montecassino (1123–26)

Preparations for the election


The parties of the College of Cardinals were of different sizes. The party of Aymeric was smaller, with 19 members, while that of his opponents 24,[12] but the party of the Chancellor was certainly better organized.[13]

One of the undeniable aspects of that division is that the Anacletans were mainly senior cardinals, veterans of the investiture controversy, created either by Paschalis II or early in the pontificate of Callixtus II, while Innocentine cardinals with few exceptions were created after Concordat of Worms (1122), which established peace with the Emperor. Out of nineteen cardinals created before 1122, only five supported the Chancellor, while out of twenty four appointed from that time onwards as many as fourteen.[14] The other possible reasons for such radical tensions in the College (e.g. national divisions, connections to different spiritual centres) are widely discussed by historians without final conclusion.[15]

In the elected committee the party of Aymeric had 5 members out 8. This was due to the way of their election – each of the three cardinalatial orders had to elect their own representatives. Although adherents of Aymeric were in the minority in the whole College, they had a majority among cardinal-bishops and cardinal-deacons, while their opponents were mainly cardinal-priests.[16] Therefore, the faction of the Chancellor acquired a majority in the electoral body[17]

The church of S. Maria Nuova (today S. Francesca Romana) — the titular deaconry of chancellor Aymeric and the place of consecration of Innocent II

The following cardinals were elected to the committee (the opponents of Aymeric are denoted with †):[18]

  • Cardinal-Bishops (two adherents of Aymeric)
    • Guillaume, Bishop of Palestrina
    • Corrado della Suburra, Bishop of Sabina
  • Cardinal-Priests (two opponents and one adherent of Aymeric)
    • Pietro Pierleoni, O.S.B.Cluny, Priest of S. Maria in Trastevere †
    • Pietro Pisano, Priest of S. Susanna †
    • Pietro Ruffino, Priest of SS. Silvestro e Martino
  • Cardinal-Deacons (two adherents and one opponent of Aymeric)
    • Gregorio Papareschi, C.R.L., Deacon of S. Angelo in Pescheria
    • Aymeric de la Chatre, C.R.S.M.R., Deacon of S. Maria Nuova and Chancellor of the Holy See
    • Gionata, Deacon of SS. Cosma e Damiano †

Death of Honorius II and the election of Innocent II

Pope Honorius II.

Honorius II died in the night 13/14 February 1130 in the Roman monastery of S. Gregorio, after a long illness. Cardinal Aymeric arranged a hasty burial there and immediately called the members of the committee to the monastery to proceed for the election of a new pope. But Cardinals Pierleoni and Gionata, realising that the commission certainly would elect a supporter of the Chancellor, withdrew from it hoping that a lack ofquorum would prevent it from functioning.[19] But Aymeric ignored this fact and the commission assembled with six members only. Despite the protests of Cardinal Pietro Pisano, who was a distinguished canonist, the committee elected one of its members, Cardinal Gregorio Papareschi of S. Angelo, who accepted the election and took the name Innocent II.[20] He was enthroned in theLateran Basilica early in the morning on February 14.[19] His election was almost immediately recognized by six other cardinals: two bishops (Giovanni of Ostia and Mathieu of Albano) and four priests (Joselmo of S. Cecilia, Petrus of S. Anastasia and Giovanni of S. Crisogono; the identity of the fourth one is uncertain, but most probably it was Gerardo of S. Croce).[21] In a short time they were joined also by the next eight cardinals.

The election of Anacletus II

Basilica of S. Marco, the place of the election of Anacletus II.

The majority of the cardinals, however, did not recognize Innocent II under the influence of Pietro Pisano, who, as a distinguished canonist, declared that his election was invalid.[22] On February 14 in the morning the opponents of Aymeric and his candidate assembled under the leadership of Pietro Pierleoni in the church ofS. Marco to elect the new Pope. Initially, Cardinal Pierleoni proposed the election of the Dean of the College Pietro Senex of Porto, but he refused to accept the papal dignity. Then the cardinals unanimously elected Pierleoni himself, who took the name of Anacletus II.[19]

It is not known how many cardinals elected Anacletus II. The decree proclaiming his election issued on the same day was subscribed by 14 cardinals:[23]

  • Bishop Pietro Senex of Porto,
  • Priests Gregorio de Ceccano of SS. Apostoli, Saxo of S. Stefano, Pietro of S. Marcello, Comes of S. Sabina, Gregorio of S. Balbina, Crescenzio of SS. Marcellino e Pietro, Lectifredo of S. Vitale, Pietro Pisano of S. Susanna, Matteo of S. Pietro in Vincoli and Enrico of S. Prisca,
  • Deacons Gregorio of S. Eustachio, Gionata of SS. Cosma e Damiano and Angelo of S. Maria in Domnica.

It is not known whether the remaining five adherents of Pierleoni, who are believed to have been present at Rome, participated in the electoral proceedings.[24] There is no doubt, however, that the lesser clergy of Rome was represented in the election. The electoral decree of Anacletus II bears the subscriptions of some of them, including Subdeacon Gregorio,primicerius scholae cantorum, who was appointed Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria in Aquiro the following February 21, and Rainiero, Archpriest of the PatriarchalLiberian Basilica.[25]

Division of the College of Cardinals


The double election resulted with the open split of the College of Cardinals into two parties. Their compositions can be established in the following way:

  • Liber Pontificalis mentions the names of 16 cardinals who supported Innocent II from the very beginning.[26] To them should be added two other cardinals (Guido of Tivoli and Rustico of S. Ciriaco), whose attitude is attested by the fact that they subscribed the bulls of Innocent II.[27]
  • The obedience of Anacletus II may be reconstructed basing on the letter addressed to king Lothair III of Germany by his cardinals soon after his coronation.[28] This letter bears the subscriptions of 27 cardinals, including five created by Anacletus II on February 21, a Friday of theember week.[29] To them should be added also cardinal Oderisio of S. Agata, who later subscribed the bulls issued by Anacletus II.[30]

Therefore, at the beginning of the schism 18 cardinals belonged to the College of Innocent II, and 28 to the College of Anacletus II.

The Innocentine cardinals, who are not mentioned byLiber Pontificalis, and the Anacletan, who did not subscribe the letter to king Lothair, are denoted with †.

Obedience of Innocent IIObedience of Anacletus II
1. Guillaume, bishop of Palestrina
2. Giovanni of Camaldoli, O.S.B.Cam., bishop of Ostia
3. Matthieu, O.S.B.Cluny, bishop of Albano
4. Corrado della Suburra, bishop of Sabina
5. Guido, bishop of Tivoli †
6. Giovanni Cremense, priest of S. Crisogono
7. Pietro Ruffino, priest of SS. Silvestro e Martino
8. Gerardo Caccianemici, C.R.S.F., priest of S. Croce in Gerusalemme
9. Uberto Lanfranchi, priest of S. Clemente
10. Pierre, priest of S. Anastasia
11. Anselmo, priest of S. Lorenzo in Lucina
12. Joselmo, priest of S. Cecilia
13. Rustico, priest of S. Ciriaco †
14. Romano, deacon of S. Maria in Portico
15. Gregorio Tarquini, deacon of SS. Sergio e Bacco
16. Aymeric, C.R.S.M.R., deacon of S. Maria Nuova
17. Alberto Teodoli, deacon of S. Teodoro
18. Guido del Castello, deacon of S. Maria in Via Lata
1. Pietro Senex, bishop of Porto
2. Gilles de Paris, O.S.B.Cluny, bishop of Tusculum
3. Bonifazio, priest of S. Marco
4. Gregorio de Ceccano, priest of SS. XII Apostoli
5. Comes, priest of S. Sabina
6. Pietro Pisano, priest of S. Susanna
7. Desiderio, priest of S. Prassede
8. Amico, O.S.B.Cas., priest of SS. Nereo ed Achilleo
9. Sasso de’ Anagni, priest of S. Stefano al Monte Celio
10. Sigizo, priest of S. Sisto
11. Crescenzio di Anagni, priest of SS. Marcellino e Pietro
12. Pietro, priest of S. Marcello
13. Matteo, priest of S. Pietro in Vincoli
14. Gregorio, priest of S. Balbina
15. Alderico, priest of SS. Giovanni e Paolo
16. Lectifredo, priest of S. Vitale
17. Enrico, priest of S. Prisca
18. Gregorio, O.S.B., deacon of S. Eustachio
19. Oderisio di Sangro, O.S.B.Cas., deacon of S. Agata †
20. Gionata, deacon of SS. Cosma e Damiano (appointed priest of S. Maria in Trastevere on February 21)
21. Angelo, deacon of S. Maria in Domnica
22. Giovanni Dauferio, deacon of S. Nicola in Carcere (appointed priest of S. Pudenziana probably on March 22)
23. Stefano Stornato, deacon of S. Lucia in Orthea (appointed priest of S. Lorenzo in Damaso on February 21)

New cardinals elevated on February 21, 1130:
1. Pietro, priest of S. Eusebio
2. Gregorio, deacon of S. Maria in Aquiro
3. Hermann, deacon of S. Angelo in Pescheria
4. Silvio, deacon of S. Lucia in Septisolio
5. Romano, deacon of S. Adriano

Stefano Stornato joined the obedience of Innocent II no later than 1132; Lectifredo of S. Vitale[31] and Giovanni Dauferio[32] did the same in 1133, Pietro Pisano in 1137,[33] and Desiderio of S. Prassede shortly before the end of the schism in 1138.[34] It seems that ca. 1135 Comes of S. Sabina also abandoned Anacletus II.[35]

The schism

Bernard of Clairvaux, the main contributor to Innocent's victory in the subsequent schism
Roger II, main ally of Anacletus II, was namedking of Sicily in exchange for this support

Both popes were consecrated and crowned on the same day, February 23. Innocent II received episcopal consecration from Cardinal Giovanni of Ostia in the churchS. Maria Nuova, the titular deaconry of Chancellor Aymeric. Anacletus II was consecrated by Cardinal Pietro of Porto in theVatican Basilica, which means that Anacletus took the advantage in the city from the very beginning. Almost all Roman aristocracy (with the significant exception of the Frangipani family), the majority of the lesser clergy and the people of Rome recognized Anacletus II and at the end of May Innocent II had to flee to France.[36] After his defection to France even the Frangipani submitted to Anacletus.

In France, however, Innocent II found a strong ally in the person ofBernard of Clairvaux. Under Bernard's influence, almost all European monarchs and episcopates recognized the exiled Innocent II. Anacletus II, although he controlled Rome and the Patrimony of St. Peter, received the support only of the Normans of southern Italy,Scotland,Aquitaine, some cities in northern Italy (incl. Milan), and perhaps Outremer[37] and probably also Poland.[38]

Both elections were irregular, because they contradicted the rules established by the decreeIn Nomine Domini in 1059, but both sides defended the legality of the respective pontificates. The adherents of Anacletus argued that he was elected by the majority of the cardinals, lower clergy and the people of Rome. The partisans of Innocent II answered that Innocent II was elected by majority of the cardinal-bishops, who according to the decreeIn Nomine Domini had to play the preeminent role in the election. Their opponents answered with another version of the decree (false, but very popular at the time),[citation needed] which stated that the pope was elected by "cardinals" (meaning cardinal-priests and deacons), while cardinal-bishops could only express their approval or disapproval. Both parties[citation needed] used, by analogy, theBenedictine rule, which stated that in the case of a double election for abbot, the valid election was the one made by "the sounder part" (sanior pars) of the electors – but there was no consensus which part of the College was "sounder" in this case.[39]

Decisive for the verdict about the legality of both pontificates were not the legal arguments, but the attitude of the Catholic world, which had almost universally recognized Innocent II.[40] His main supporters were Abbot Bernard of Clairvaux, Archbishop of MagdeburgNorbert of Xanten and KingLothair III of Germany. The few secular lords who had initially supported Anacletus gradually abandoned his cause as lost; only KingRoger II of Sicily, who had received the crown from Anacletus in exchange for support,[citation needed] stood at his side to the very end. Although Anacletus II was able to retain the control of the city of Rome and the Patrimony of St. Peter until his death in January 1138, his successor quickly made his submission to Innocent II, who is now regarded as true Pope.[41]


  1. ^Robinson, pp. 71–72
  2. ^Robinson, pp. 71–73
  3. ^Robinson, p. 74; Bloch, p. 946
  4. ^The College of Cardinals is reconstructed according to Klewitz, p. 211–229; Hüls, pp. 84 ff; and Brixius, pp. 17–19, 31–40. The one disputed cardinal is Enrico of S. Prisca (Klewitz, p. 211 note 3 denies that he was already a cardinal at the time of the election; Hüls, p. 200 says only that he appears for the first time on February 14, 1130 among signatories of the electoral decree of Anacletus but does not indicate by which pope he had been created; Brixius, p. 35 no. 19 lists him among the members of the Sacred College on the death of Honorius II but adds that he may have been created by Anacletus II). Brixius, p. 39 no. 38 lists also the 44th cardinal, Petrus, priest of S. Eusebio and adherent of Anacletus II, but see Klewitz, pp. 211–212 note 3, and Brixius’ own remarks,op. cit., pp. 18–19 and 82. Chroust, p. 352, also says that Petrus of S. Eusebio belonged to the College at the time of the election and identifies him with cardinal-deacon Petrus of S. Maria in Via Lata under Honorius II, but this identification is undoubtedly erroneous (see Hüls, p. 239).
  5. ^Dates of promotions based mainly on Hüls, p. 84–87
  6. ^Francesco Liverani,Delle opere di monsignor Francesco Liverani Volume IV (Macerata: Alessandro Mancini 1859), pp. 258–264, at p. 262.
  7. ^Klewitz, p. 217, and Brixius, p. 39 no. 42, count Sigizo among the creations of Paschalis II. Hüls, p. 64 and 86, indicates that he was created only by Callixtus II in 1120, basing on his place in the order of seniority that can be assumed from the order of the cardinalatial subscriptions on the papal bulls. The only evidence for his creation by Paschalis II isLiber Pontificalis, which mentions him among the participants ofpapal election, 1118; however, it has been proven that this account contains several inaccuracies (Hüls, pp. 63–64, see also Klewitz's own remarks,op. cit., p. 100). Bloch, p. 950, note 3, seems to accept that Sigizo was created by Paschalis II.
  8. ^This identification, though accepted by Brixius, p. 32 no. 8, and Klewitz, p. 214, is impossible because Comes of S. Maria in Aquiro subscribed papal bulls until February 6, 1126 (Hüls, p. 231; Jaffé, p. 823), while Comes of S. Sabina appears for the first time on April 15, 1123 (Hüls, p. 205, Jaffé, p. 781).
  9. ^This is according to Klewitz, p. 211 note 3, and Bloch, p. 948. However, it is rather unlikely because Enrico of S. Prisca signed as cardinal the electoral decree of Anacletus on February 14, the same day that Anacletus had been elected, which would mean that he must have been created immediately after his election. It is not impossible, but it seems more reasonable to accept the year 1129 as date of his creation as cardinal of S. Prisca, given by S. MirandaThe Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church and by Chroust, p. 351 (his predecessor Gerardus of S. Prisca died in April 1129). It must be added, however, that his identification with Cardinal-DeaconEnrico de Mazara of S. Teodoro, proposed by Chroust, p. 351, is certainly erroneous, as has been proved by Klewitz, p. 211 note 3.
  10. ^This is according to Brixius, pp. 39–40 no. 43; Chroust, pp. 351–352; Salvador Miranda:The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church - Consistory of 1125 (no. 5); and Lorenzo Cardella,Memorie storiche de' Cardinali della Santa Romana Chiesa, vol. 1 pt. 1, p. 289. All these sources say that Anacletus II promoted him to the title of S. Lorenzo in Damaso, and that no later than 1132 he joined the obedience of Innocent II, who annulled this promotion. Klewitz, p. 219 note 38 explicitly denies this statement and counts him among Innocentine cardinals. Bloch, p. 950 note 2 says that he "almost certainly" belonged to Innocentine party and suggests that he may have been absent from the election. Hüls, pp. 228–229 says only in general that during the subsequent schism he supported Innocent II and adds that some authors mention his short episode in the obedience of Anacletus II. Cardinal Stefano of S. Lucia is attested in the obedience of Innocent II only from June 25, 1132 (Jaffé, p. 841); therefore, his identification with Anacletan Cardinal Stefano of S. Lorenzo in Damaso (attested only in 1130) seems to be quite likely.
  11. ^For the absence of Gilles of Tusculum, Guido of Tivoli, Amico and Oderisio see Bloch, p. 949 and p. 950 note 2. For the legation of Uberto see Klewitz, pp. 224 and 250, and Hüls, p. 162. For the legation of Rustico, see Hüls, p. 158. The absence of Oderisio, Rustico and Guido of Tivoli is mentioned also by Brixius, p. 19.
  12. ^or 23, if one excludes Enrico of S. Prisca.
  13. ^Robinson, pp. 74–75 suggests that the opponents of the Chancellor formed themselves into one party only during the election.
  14. ^The division of the College of Cardinals based on accounts in Klewitz, pp. 211–229, and Brixius, pp. 17–19 with corrections concerning the date of creation of Comes of S. Sabina. The question of the cardinalate of Enrico of S. Prisca and the initial attitude of Stefano Stornato is presented according to Brixius, while that of cardinalate of Pietro of S. Eusebio according to Klewitz. See also Bloch, pp. 946–950, who essentially follows Klewitz. For the party of Anacletus II see also Chroust, pp. 348–355
  15. ^See Robinson, pp. 70–73.
  16. ^Klewitz, p. 251.
  17. ^It is believed that the committee itself was a device of the Chancellor. Robinson, p. 74
  18. ^Bloch, p. 947, note 1; Robinson, p. 74; Klewitz, p. 252
  19. ^abcRobinson, p. 75
  20. ^Bloch, p. 946; Robinson, p. 75
  21. ^Bloch, p. 946, who does not identify the fourth cardinal-priest. Gerardo of S. Croce seems to be the most likely one because he was named legate of Innocent II in Germany already on February 18, seePatrologia Latina. Volumen 179, col. 53–54 no. I–II. The other possibility is Anselmo of S. Lorenzo in Lucina.
  22. ^Bloch, p. 946
  23. ^Chroust, p. 349
  24. ^Bloch, p. 949
  25. ^Chroust, pp. 349–350, 352
  26. ^The account from Liber Pontificalis is available onDocumenta Catholica Omnia – Innocentius II (Vita Operaque Auctore Cardinali Aragonio). See also Brixius, p. 17
  27. ^Brixius, p. 17–18; and Bloch, p. 950 note 2, who adds here also Stefano Stornato; see also Jaffé, p. 840
  28. ^The letter is included inRegesta ImperiiArchived 2017-05-28 at theWayback Machine. Its exact date is uncertain, though undoubtedly after the creation of five new cardinals on February 21.Regesta Imperii gives the date of May 15–18, 1130. Hüls,passim, gives February 1130. Brixius, pp. 77–78, suggests the date between February 21 and March 27, because cardinal Giovanni Dauferio still appears in this letter as deacon of S. Nicola, while on March 27 he signed the bull as priest of S. Pudenziana. Bloch, p. 949 indicates that the letter was written in May 1130 and puts into question the identity of Giovanni Dauferio of S. Nicola with Giovanni of S. Pudenziana; however, he does not explain the absence of the name of Giovanni of S. Pudenziana from the letter to king Lothair III.
  29. ^For the dates of creations of the new cardinals see Brixius, Pp. 7–15
  30. ^Bloch, p. 49; and Brixius, pp. 18–19 (Brixius indicates that only four cardinal-deacons were newly created, while Bloch says that as many as seven cardinals belonged to that category, adding Enrico of S. Prisca and probably Stefano of S. Lorenzo, though without mentioning the name of the latter one); see also Jaffé, pp. 911–912.
  31. ^He is attested in the obedience of Innocent II from December 21, 1133 until May 18, 1140 (Jaffé, p. 840; Brixius, p. 36 no. 27). According to Brixius, p. 36 no. 27 and p. 48 no. 10, Lectifredo was deposed by Anacletus already in 1130, because on December 5 and December 10, 1130 the bulls of Antipope were subscribed by cardinal Matteo of S. Vitale. However, Jaffé, p. 911-912 does not mention this cardinal on the list of subscribers of the bulls of Anacletus. It seems that Brixius misread this list, because in Jaffé, p. 912 there is a cardinal-priest Matteo listed next to Lectifredo of S. Vitale as subscriber of the bulls on December 5 and 10, 1130, but he is certainly not assigned to the title of S. Vitale, but listed as cardinal-priest without the title. Both these bulls (Jaffé, p. 917 no. 8417 and 8419) are published inPatrologia Latina. Volumen 179, col. 717–719, though with inaccurate dates; among their signatories appearsMatthaeus, presbiter et cardinalis, without the titular church, so Brixius' statement can be almost certainly rejected as erroneous.
  32. ^He subscribed the bulls of Innocent II on December 21, 1133 and January 11, 1134 as deacon of S. Nicola in Carcere (Jaffé, p. 841); later, he was promoted again to the title of S. Pudenziana by Innocent II (Brixius, p. 35–36 no. 24).
  33. ^Robinson, p. 138. He subscribed the bulls of Innocent II from January 12, 1138 (Brixius, p. 38–39 no. 37; Jaffé, p. 840).
  34. ^He subscribed the bulls of Innocent II between April 22, 1138 and June 21, 1138 (Brixius, p. 33 no. 10; Jaffé, p. 840)
  35. ^He subscribed the bulls of Innocent II only after the end of the schism in 1138, but already ca. 1135/37 Anacletus II appointed new cardinal-priest of S. Sabina, which indicates that up to that time Comes must have been deposed by antipope (Brixius, p. 32 no. 8 and p. 47 no. 2).
  36. ^Bloch, p. 951–952
  37. ^Anacletus II. Genealogie Mittelalter. Mittelalterliche Genealogie im Deutschen Reich bis zum Ende der Staufer. Materialsammlung. 2005. Archived fromthe original on 2011-06-29.
  38. ^The allegation of Poland's support for Anacletus is based on indirect evidence only, seeDzieje Kościoła w Polsce, ed. A. Wiencek, Kraków 2008, p. 68 and 74.
  39. ^For the arguments used in the polemics, see Robinson, p. 75–77
  40. ^Robinson, p. 77
  41. ^Innocent II. The Catholic Encyclopedia. 1907–1914.


  • Hüls, Rudolf (1977).Kardinäle, Klerus und Kirchen Roms: 1049–1130 (in German). Bibliothek des Deutschen Historischen Instituts in Rom.ISBN 978-3-484-80071-7.
  • Klewitz, Hans-Walter (1957).Reformpapsttum und Kardinalkolleg. Die Entstehung des Kardinalkollegiums. Studien über die Wiederherstellung der römischen Kirche in Süditalien durch das Reformpapsttum. Das Ende des Reformpapsttums (in German). Hermann Gentner Verlag, Darmstadt.
  • Brixius, Johannes Matthias (1912).Die Mitglieder des Kardinalkollegiums von 1130–1181 (in German). Berlin: R. Trenkel.
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