This article is about the natural number (and other integers between 10,000 and 19,999). For other uses, see
10,000 (disambiguation) .
Natural number
10,000 (ten thousand ) is thenatural number following9,999 and preceding 10,001.
Many languages have a specific word for this number: inAncient Greek it isμύριοι (the etymological root of the wordmyriad inEnglish ), inAramaic ܪܒܘܬܐ , inHebrew רבבה [revava ], inChinese 萬/万 (Mandarinwàn ,Cantonese maan6 , Hokkienbān ), inJapanese 万/萬 [man ], inKhmer ម៉ឺន [meun ], inKorean 만/萬 [man ], inRussian тьма [t'ma ], inVietnamese vạn , inSanskrit अयुत [ayuta ], inThai หมื่น [meun ], inMalayalam പതിനായിരം [patinayiram ], and inMalagasy alina .[ 1] In many of these languages, it often denotes avery large but indefinite number .[ 2]
The classicalGreeks used letters of theGreek alphabet to representGreek numerals : they used a capital lettermu (Μ) to represent ten thousand.[citation needed ] This Greek root was used in early versions of themetric system in the form of the decimal prefixmyria- .[ 3]
Depending on the country, the number ten thousand is usually written as 10,000 (including in the UK and US), 10.000, or 10 000.[ 4]
Inscientific notation , it is written as104 or1 E+4 (equivalently1 E4 ) inE notation . It is thesquare of100 and thesquare root of100,000,000 .
The value of amyriad to thepower of itself, 1000010000 = 1040000 .
It has a total of 25divisors , whosegeometric mean is awhole number ,100 (the number of primes below this value is 25).[ 5]
It has areduced totient of500 , and atotient of4,000 , with a total of 16integers having a totient value of 10,000.[ 6] [ 7]
There are a total of1,229 prime numbers less than ten thousand, a count that is itself prime.[ 5] [ 8]
Amyriagon is apolygon withten thousand edges and a total of 25dihedral symmetry groups when including the myriagon itself, alongside 25cyclic groups assubgroups .[ 9]
Inastronomy , Inclimate ,Summary of 10000 Years is one of several pages of theClimate Timeline Tool: Exploring Weather & Climate Change Through the Powers of 10 sponsored by theNational Climatic Data Center of theNational Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration .[ 10] Incomputing , Ingeography , Inphysics ,Myria- (andmyrio- )[ 15] [ 16] [ 17] is an obsoletemetric prefix that denoted a factor of10+4 ,ten thousand , or10,000 .10,000hertz , 10kilohertz , or 10 kHz of theradio frequency spectrum falls in thevery low frequency or VLF band and has awavelength of 30 kilometres.Inorders of magnitude (speed) , thespeed of afast neutron is10000 km/s . Inacoustics ,10,000hertz , 10kilohertz , or 10 kHz of a sound signal at sea level has a wavelength of about 34 mm. Inmusic , a 10 kilohertz sound is aE♭9 in theA440 pitch standard , a bit more than an octave higher in pitch than the highest note on a standard piano. In currency, In distances,10 km, 10,000 m, or1 E+4 m is equal to: In finance, on March 29, 1999, theDow Jones Industrial Average closed at 10006.78, which was the first time the index closed above the 10,000 mark. Infuturology ,Stewart Brand inVisions of the Future: The 10,000-Year Library proposes a museum built around a 10,000-year clock as an idea for assuring that vital information survives future crashes of civilizations.[ 20] In games,Ten Thousand is one name of a dice game calledfarkle . In game shows,The $10,000 Pyramid ran on television from 1973 to 1974. In history,Army of 10,000 MississippiAmerican Civil War military unit, 1861–1862.[ 21] TheArmy of the Ten Thousand were a group ofAncient Greek mercenaries who marched againstArtaxerxes II of Persia . ThePersian Immortals were also called theTen Thousand or10,000 Immortals , so named because their Number of 10,000 was immediately re-established after every loss. The 10,000 Day War: Vietnam byMichael Maclear ISBN 0-312-79094-5 also alternate titlesThe ten thousand day war: Vietnam, 1945–1975 (10,000 days is 27.4 years).Tomb of Ten Thousand Soldiers – defeat of theTang dynasty army of China in theNanzhao kingdom in 751.In Islamic history, 10,000 is the Number of besieging forces led by Muhammad's adversary,Abu Sufyan , during theBattle of the Trench . 10,000 is the number ofMuhammad 's soldiers during theconquest of Mecca . Inlanguage ,the Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese phraselive for ten thousand years was used to bless emperors in East Asia. Μύριοι is anAncient Greek name for 10.000 taken into the modern European languages as 'myriad' (see above). Hebrew, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean have words with the same meaning. In literature,Man'yōshū (万葉集 Man'yōshū ,Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves ) is the oldest existing, and most highly revered, collection ofJapanese poetry .Ten Thousand a Year 1839 bySamuel Warren .Ten Thousand a Year 1883?. A drama in three acts. Adapted from the celebrated novel of the same name, by the author of theDiary of a Physician , and arranged for the stage byRichard Brinsley Peake .[ 22] Anabasis , by the Greek writer Xenophon (431–360 B.C.), about theArmy of the Ten Thousand – Greek mercenaries taking part in the expedition of Cyrus the Younger, a Persian prince, against his brother, King Artaxerxes II.The Ten Thousand: A Novel of Ancient Greece byMichael Curtis Ford . 2001.ISBN 0-312-26946-3 Historic fiction about theArmy of the Ten Thousand .The World of the Ten Thousand Things: Poems 1980–1990 byCharles Wright ISBN 0-374-29293-0 ISBN 0-374-52326-6 .Ten Thousand Lovers byEdeet Ravel ISBN 0-06-056562-4 . In philosophy,Lao Zi writes aboutten thousand things in theTao Te Ching . InTaoism , the "10,000 Things" is a term meaning all of phenomenalreality .[ 23] Inpiphilology , ten thousand is the current world record for the Number of digits ofpi memorized by a human being. In psychology,Ten Thousand Dreams Interpreted , or what's in adream : a scientific and practical, by Miller, Gustavus Hindman (1857–1929).Project Gutenberg .[ 24] In religion, In software,TheYear 10,000 problem is the collective name for all potential software bugs that will emerge as the need to express years with five digits arises. In sports,In athletics,10,000 meters ,10 kilometers ,10 km , or10K (6.2 miles) is the final standard track event in along-distance track event and a distance in otherracing events such asrunning ,cycling , andskiing . In bicycle racing, annualTour of 10,000 Lakes Stage Race inMinneapolis .[ 29] In baseball, on July 15, 2007, thePhiladelphia Phillies became the first team in American professional sports history to lose 10,000 games. Selected numbers in the range 10001-19999 [ edit ] 10007 = smallest five-digit prime number,twin prime with 1000910008 = palindromic in bases 5 (3100135 ), 22 (KEK22 ), 28 (CLC28 ) and 33 (96933 ) and aHarshad number in bases 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14 and 1610009 = twin prime with 1000710018 =centered heptagonal number 10080 = 21sthighly composite number ;[ 30] number of minutes in a week10111 = palindromic prime in bases 3 (1112121113 ) and 27 (DND27 )10143 = number of partitions of 33[ 31] 10176 = smallest (provable) generalizedRiesel number inbase 10 :10176*10n -1 is always divisible byone of the prime numbers {7, 11, 13, 37 [ 32] 10201 = 1012 ,palindromic square (in the decimal system)10206 =pentagonal pyramidal number [ 33] 10223 = sixth last number to be eliminated (in 2016) bySeventeen or Bust (now a sub-project ofPrimeGrid ) in theSierpiński problem 10239 =Woodall number [ 34] 10252 =Padovan number [ 35] 10267 =cuban prime [ 36] 10301 = palindromic prime in bases 10 (1030110 ), 27 (E3E27 ), 30 (BDB30 ) and 44 (5E544 )10333 =star prime ,[ 37] palindromic in bases 9 (151519 ), 31 (ANA31 ) and 35 (8F835 )10368 = 3-smooth number (27 ×34 )10395 =double factorial of 1110416 =square pyramidal number [ 38] 10425 =octahedral number [ 39] 10430 =weird number [ 40] 10433 = palindromic prime in base 44 (5H544 )10440 = 144thtriangular number 10499 =twin prime with 1050110500 =Harshad number in bases 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15 and 1610501 = palindromic prime in bases 10 (1050110 )[ 41] and 58 (37358 )10512 = Harshad number in bases 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13 and 1610538 =10538 Overture is a hit single byElectric Light Orchestra 10560 = Harshad number in bases 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 1610570 = weird number[ 40] 10585 =Carmichael number [ 42] 10601 = palindromic prime in bases 10 (1060110 )[ 41] and 30 (BNB30 )10609 = 1032 ,tribonacci number [ 43] 10631 = palindromic prime in base 30 (BOB30 )10646 =ISO 10646 is the standard forUnicode 10648 = 223 , the smallest 5-digit cube10660 =tetrahedral number [ 44] 10671 =tetranacci number [ 45] 10700 = 10700 kHz or 10.7 MHz is a standardintermediate frequency for analogsuperheterodyne FM broadcast band receivers10744 =amicable number with 1085610752 = the second16-bit word of aTIFF file if thebyte order marker is misunderstood10792 = weird number[ 40] 10800 = number of bricks used for theuttaravedi in theAgnicayana ritual10837 = star prime[ 37] 10856 = amicable number with 1074410905 =Wedderburn–Etherington number [ 46] 10922 =repdigit in base 4 (22222224 ), and palindromic in base 8 (252528 )10946 =Fibonacci number ,[ 47] Markov number [ 48] 10958 = the smallest positive integer that cannot be represented by an equation using increasing order of integers from 1 to 9 and basic arithmetic operations[ 49] 10981 = number of reduced trees with 22 nodes[ 50] 10989 = reverses when multiplied by 910990 = weird number[ 40] 11025 = 1052 , the sum of the first 14 positive integer cubes11083 = palindromic prime in 2 consecutive bases: 23 (KLK23 ) and 24 (J5J24 )11111 =Repunit [ 51] 11297 = Number of planar partitions of 16[ 52] 11298 =Riordan number 11311 = palindromic prime in decimal[ 41] 11340 = Harshad number in bases 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 1611353 =star prime [ 37] 11368 = pentagonal pyramidal number[ 33] 11410 =weird number [ 40] 11411 = palindromic prime in decimal[ 41] 11424 = Harshad number in bases 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 1611440 = square pyramidal number[ 38] 11480 = tetrahedral number[ 44] 11574 = approximate number of days in a billion seconds11593 = smallest prime to start a run of nine consecutive primes of the form 4k + 111605 = smallest integer to start a run of five consecutive integers with the same number of divisors11664 = 3-smooth number (24 ×36 ).11690 = weird number[ 40] 11717 = twin prime with 1171911719 = cuban prime,[ 36] twin prime with 1171711726 = octahedral number[ 39] 11781 =triangular number ,hexagonal number ,octagonal number , and also 58-gonal, 216-gonal, 329-gonal, 787-gonal and 3928-gonal number[ 53] [ 54] [ 55] 11826 = smallest number whosesquare ispandigital withoutzeros 11953 = palindromic prime in bases 7 (465647 ) and 30 (D8D30 )12000 = 12,000 of each of thetwelve tribes of Israel made up the144,000 servants of God who were 'sealed' according to theBook of Revelation in theNew Testament [ 56] 12048 =number of non-isomorphic set-systems of weight 1212097 = cuban prime[ 36] 12101 = Friedman prime12107 = Friedman prime12109 = Friedman prime12110 = weird number[ 40] 12167 = 233 12172 = number of triangle-free graphs on 10 vertices[ 57] 12198 =semi-meandric number [ 58] 12251 = number of primes≤ 2 17 {\displaystyle \leq 2^{17}} [ 59] 12285 = amicable number with 1459512287 =Thabit number 12288 = 3-smooth number (212 ×3).12289 =Proth prime ,Pierpont prime 12310 = number of partitions of 34[ 31] 12321 = 1112 ,Demlo number , palindromic square12341 = tetrahedral number[ 44] 12345 = smallest whole number containing all numbers from 1 to 512407 = cited onQ.I. as the smallest uninteresting positive integer regarding arithmetical mathematics[ notes 1] [ 60] 12421 = palindromic prime[ 41] 12496 = smallestsociable number 12500 = 22 ×55 [ 61] 12529 = square pyramidal number[ 38] 12530 = weird number[ 40] 12542 = there is a match puzzle called MOST + MOST = TOKYO, where each letter represents a digit. When one solves the puzzle, TOKYO = 12542, as 6271 + 6271 = 12542[ 62] 12670 = weird number[ 40] 12721 = palindromic prime[ 41] 12726 =Ruth–Aaron pair 12758 = most significant Number that cannot be expressed as the sum of distinct cubes12765 = Finnishinternet meme ; the code accompanying no-prize caps in aCoca-Cola bottle top prize contest. Often spelled outyksi –kaksi –seitsemän –kuusi –viisi ,ei voittoa , "one – two – seven – six – five, no prize".12769 = 1132 , palindromic in base 312821 = palindromic prime[ 41] 14190 = tetrahedral number[ 44] 14200 = number ofn-Queens Problem solutions for n – 1214341 = palindromic prime[ 41] 14400 = 1202 , the sum of the first 15 positive integers cubes14595 = amicable number with 1228514641 = 1212 = 114 , palindromic square (base 10)14644 = octahedral number[ 39] 14701 =Markov number [ 48] 14741 = palindromic prime[ 41] 14770 =weird number [ 40] 14883 = number of partitions of 35[ 31] 14884 = 1222 , palindromic square in base 1114910 = square pyramidal number[ 38] 17073 = number of free 11-ominoes17163 = the most significant number that is not the sum of the squares of distinct primes17272 = weird number[ 40] 17296 = amicable number with 18416[ 79] 17344 =Kaprekar number [ 80] 17389 = 2000th prime number17471 = palindromic prime[ 41] 17496 = 3-smooth number (23 ×37 )17570 = weird number[ 40] 17575 = square pyramidal number[ 38] 17576 = 263 , palindromic in base 517689 = 1332 , palindromic in base 1117711 =Fibonacci number [ 47] 17971 = palindromic prime[ 41] 17977 = number of partitions of 36[ 31] 17990 =weird number [ 40] 17991 = Padovan number[ 35] 19019 = square pyramidal number[ 38] 19141 =unique prime inbase 12 19302 = Number of ways to partition {1,2,3,4,5,6,7} and then partition each cell (block) into subcells[ 83] 19320 = number of trees with 16 unlabeled nodes[ 84] 19390 = weird number[ 40] 19391 = palindromic prime[ 41] 19417 =prime sextuplet , along with 19421, 19423, 19427, 19429, and 1943319441 = cuban prime[ 36] 19455 = smallest integer that cannot be expressed as a sum of fewer than 548 ninth powers19513 = tribonacci number[ 43] 19531 =repunit prime in base 519600 = 1402 , tetrahedral number19601 /13860 ≈√2 19609 = firstprime followed by aprime gap of over fifty[ 71] 19670 =weird number [ 40] 19683 = 273 , 39 . Furthermore, there is a math puzzle regarding the word logic, such that LOGIC = (L+O+G+I+C)3 . The solution to this is (1+9+6+8+3) (1+9+6+8+3) (1+9+6+8+3), which is (27)(27)(27), which equals to 19683. This is one of two digits for which this works, although the other solution has O and I are the same digit: 17576, as (1+7+5+7+6) (1+7+5+7+6) (1+7+5+7+6) = (26)(26)(26) = 17576.[ 85] 19729 is the number of digits in2 ↑↑ 5 {\displaystyle 2\uparrow \uparrow 5} (Tetration )19739 = fourth nice Friedman prime19871 = octahedral number[ 39] 19891 = palindromic prime[ 41] 19927 = cuban prime[ 36] 19991 = palindromic prime[ 41] There are1033 prime numbers between 10000 and 20000, a count that is itself prime. It is196 prime numbers less than the number of primes between 0 and 10000 (1229 , also prime).
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OEIS Foundation.^a b c d e f g h Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.)."Sequence A000330 (Square pyramidal numbers)" .TheOn-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences . OEIS Foundation.^a b c d e f g Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.)."Sequence A005900 (Octahedral numbers)" .TheOn-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences . OEIS Foundation.^a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.)."Sequence A006037 (Weird numbers)" .TheOn-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences . OEIS Foundation.^a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.)."Sequence A002385 (Palindromic primes: prime numbers whose decimal expansion is a palindrome)" .TheOn-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences . OEIS Foundation.^a b Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.)."Sequence A002997 (Carmichael numbers)" .TheOn-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences . OEIS Foundation.^a b Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.)."Sequence A000073 (Tribonacci numbers)" .TheOn-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences . 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OEIS Foundation.^ Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.)."Sequence A000013 (Definition (1): Number of n-bead binary necklaces with beads of 2 colors where the colors may be swapped but turning over is not allowed)" .TheOn-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences . OEIS Foundation.^ Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.)."Sequence A000129 (Pell numbers)" .TheOn-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences . OEIS Foundation.^ Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.)."Sequence A112643 (Odd and square-free abundant numbers)" .TheOn-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences . OEIS Foundation.^ "A002182 - OEIS" . Retrieved2024-11-28 .^ Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.)."Sequence A051015 (Zeisel numbers)" .TheOn-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences . OEIS Foundation.^ Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.)."Sequence A001006 (Motzkin numbers)" .TheOn-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences . OEIS Foundation.^ Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.)."Sequence A007530 (Prime quadruples: numbersk such thatk ,k +2,k +6,k +8 are all prime)" .TheOn-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences . OEIS Foundation.^a b "Table of Known Maximal Gaps" . Prime Pages.^ Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.)."Sequence A006958 (Number of parallelogram polyominoes with n cells (also called staircase polyominoes, although that term is overused))" .TheOn-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences . OEIS Foundation.^ Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.)."Sequence A002104 (Logarithmic numbers)" .TheOn-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences . OEIS Foundation.^a b Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.)."Sequence A007597 (Strobogrammatic primes)" .TheOn-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences . OEIS Foundation.^a b Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.)."Sequence A076980 (Leyland numbers)" .TheOn-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences . OEIS Foundation.^ Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.)."Sequence A000108 (Catalan numbers)" .TheOn-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences . OEIS Foundation.^ Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.)."Sequence A088164 (Wolstenholme primes)" .TheOn-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences . OEIS Foundation.^ Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.)."Sequence A000112 (Number of partially ordered sets (posets) with n unlabeled elements)" .TheOn-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences . OEIS Foundation.^ Higgins, Peter (2008).Number Story: From Counting to Cryptography . New York: Copernicus. p. 61 .ISBN 978-1-84800-000-1 . ^ Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.)."Sequence A006886 (Kaprekar numbers)" .TheOn-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences . OEIS Foundation.^ Higgins, ibid. ^a b Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.)."Sequence A001599 (Harmonic or Ore numbers)" .TheOn-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences . OEIS Foundation.^ Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.)."Sequence A000258 (Expansion of e.g.f. exp(exp(exp(x)-1)-1))" .TheOn-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences . OEIS Foundation.^ Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.)."Sequence A000055 (Number of trees with n unlabeled nodes)" .TheOn-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences . OEIS Foundation.^ "Algebra LOGIC 2 Puzzle - Solution" .
100,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 100,000,000 1,000,000,000 10,000,000,000