The domainch, as with other ccTLDs, is based on theISO 3166-2 code for Switzerland derived fromConfoederatio Helvetica (Helvetic Confederation),[2] theLatin name for the country, which was used because of its neutrality with regard to the four officiallanguages of Switzerland.
Second-level domain names must be at least three letters long. Two-letter subdomain names are restricted to theSwiss cantons, as well as the domain of theFederal Chancellery of Switzerland.
The only exception has been the former domain of theExpo.02 which was held in Switzerland,[citation needed]
.ch has been of a rising interest to Chinese domain investors for several reasons. According to, the domain .ch still has many valuable English keywords and short letter and number combinations left.
A contributing factor may be because the majority of .ch registrations are in German, leaving many English words available.
In addition, with two million domains under .ch being registered, most of the reserved domains have the European market in mind, allowing valuable domains for other languages such as Chinese keywords in the Latin script being registered at a normal price.[3]