Modeling Gross Primary Production of Agro-Forestry Ecosystems by Assimilation of Satellite-Derived Information in a Process-Based Model
:1. Introduction
- determine the ecophysiological parameters exploiting site level EC measurements;
- determine the spatially variable parameters necessary for modeling poplar productivity over large areas through assimilation of RS data into the optimized BIOME-BGC.
- a modified version of BIOME-BGC (named PROSAILH-BGC) which was developed by coupling BIOME-BGC with the vegetation radiative transfer models PROSPECT and SAILH. The aims of this coupling were twofold:i) to improve the description of the radiative transfer regime within the canopy andii) to allow assimilation of remotely-sensed vegetation indexes time series, such as MODIS NDVI, into the process-based model.
- an inverse modeling approach developed for the optimization of the key [25] ecophysiological parameters of the PROSAILH-BGC. In this first-step optimization, model parameters were optimized for poplar plantations by inverting the model against EC data measured at the experimental field site.
- a technique developed for assimilation of MODIS NDVI data into the process model. For this purpose we inverted the PROSAILH-BGC against the MODIS NDVI (second-step optimization) in order to retrieve key drivers [25] of modeled GPP (e.g. start and end of growing season, maximum leaf carbon during the year).
- the evaluation of model accuracy: daily and yearly GPP modeled after two-step optimization were compared to site observations.
2. Data
2.1. Experimental Field Site Information
2.2. Micrometeorological Data
2.3. Remotely Sensed Data
3. Methods
3.1. BIOME-BGC Description
3.2. PROSAILH-BGC Description
3.3. Basic Model Parameterization
3.4. PROSAILH-BGC Optimization
- In the first step the model was optimized against GPP observations to estimate the ecophysiological parameters (Figure 2) for poplars for a further large-scale application. The target variables selected for optimization were C:NLeaf, the percentage of leaf nitrogen in RUBISCO (PLNR), FRC:LC and gs,MAX. We selected these parameters because they exert a significant influence on the modeled carbon fluxes, as pointed out by the sensitivity analysis described in [25]. In this step phenological observations (ONDAY, OFFDAY) and LCMAX were fixed to the observed values.Model ecophysiological parameters and their relative standard errors were estimated by using a bootstrapping algorithm with N = 500 resampling as described in [49]. The median of the distribution generated by bootstrapping for each parameter represents the estimated parameter value, while the standard deviation is a good measure of the error associated with the parameters.
- In the second step we estimated phenological and standing biomass related parameters by inverting the model against remotely sensed NDVI time series. The algorithm determines ONDAY, OFFDAY and LCMAX which minimize the cost function calculated using NDVIMODIS as observation and the NDVIPROSAILH-BGC as modeled data (Figure 3). These parameters were chosen because of their importance for the model application at spatial scale. In fact, process-based models, and in particular BIOME-BGC, are sensitive to parameters describing the development of the canopy such as phenological data and parameters related to maximum LAI [25]. Thus, in this step we evaluate the accuracy of the proposed method in retrieving these important data, usually lacking over large areas.
3.5. Evaluation of Model Accuracy
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Radiative Regime Description of PROSAILH-BGC
4.2. First-step Optimization - PROSAILH-BGC Eecophysiological Parameter Estimates
4.3. Second-Step Optimization - Phenological and Standing Biomass Parameter Estimates
5. Summary and Conclusions
Appendix I
ECOPHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS - Clone I-214 (Populus x canadensis Moench) | ||
78 | (yday) | yearday to start new growth (when phenology flag = 0) |
315 | (yday) | yearday to end litterfall (when phenology flag = 0) |
0.12 | (prop.) | transfer growth period as fraction of growing season |
0.38 | (prop.) | litterfall as fraction of growing season |
1.0 | (1/yr) | annual leaf and fine root turnover fraction |
0.70 | (1/yr) | annual live wood turnover fraction |
0.008 | (1/yr) | annual whole-plant mortality fraction |
0.0 | (1/yr) | annual fire mortality fraction |
1.2 | (ratio) | (ALLOCATION) new fine root C: new leaf C |
2.2 | (ratio) | (ALLOCATION) new stem C: new leaf C |
0.16 | (ratio) | (ALLOCATION) new live wood C: new total wood C |
0.22 | (ratio) | (ALLOCATION) new croot C: new stem C |
0.5 | (prop.) | (ALLOCATION) current growth proportio |
25.06 | (kgC/kgN) | C:N of leaves |
55.0 | (kgC/kgN) | C:N of leaf litter, after retranslocation |
42.0 | (kgC/kgN) | C:N of fine roots |
50.0 | (kgC/kgN) | C:N of live wood |
550.0 | (kgC/kgN) | C:N of dead wood |
0.38 | (DIM) | leaf litter labile proportion |
0.44 | (DIM) | leaf litter cellulose proportion |
0.18 | (DIM) | leaf litter lignin proportion |
0.34 | (DIM) | fine root labile proportion |
0.44 | (DIM) | fine root cellulose proportion |
0.22 | (DIM) | fine root lignin proportion |
0.77 | (DIM) | dead wood cellulose proportion |
0.23 | (DIM) | dead wood lignin proportion |
0.041 | (1/LAI/d) | canopy water interception coefficient |
0.54 | (DIM) | canopy light extinction coefficient |
2.0 | (DIM) | all-sided to projected leaf area ratio |
12.30 | (m2/kgC) | canopy average specific leaf area (projected area basis) |
2.0 | (DIM) | ratio of shaded SLA:sunlit SLA |
0.038 | (DIM) | fraction of leaf N in Rubisco |
0.006 | (m/s) | maximum stomatal conductance (projected area basis) |
6E-5 | (m/s) | cuticular conductance (projected area basis) |
0.01 | (m/s) | boundary layer conductance (projected area basis) |
-0.34 | (MPa) | leaf water potential: start of conductance reduction |
-2.2 | (MPa) | leaf water potential: complete conductance reduction |
1100.0 | (Pa) | vapor pressure deficit: start of conductance reduction |
3600.0 | (Pa) | vapor pressure deficit: complete conductance reduction |
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PROSAIL Parameters | Values | |
N | - | 1.37 |
CAB | μg cm-2 | 45 |
Cw | g cm-2 | 0.0092 |
CM | g cm-2 | 0.0065 |
LAI | m2 m-2 | variable |
θL | deg | 56.5 |
SL | - | 0.005 |
αs | - | 1 |
Parameter | Unit | θor | θopt |
FRC:LC | - | 0.333 | 1.969 (±0.420) |
Leaf C:N | kgC kgN-1 | 15.59 | 20.93 (±2.50) |
PLNR | - | 0.088 | 0.1050 (±0.011) |
gs,MAX | m s-1 | 0.006 | 0.0041 (±0.001) |
Year | ONDAY. | OFFDAY | LCMAX | |
DOY | DOY | kgCm-2 | ||
2002 | Obs. | 91 | 267 | 0.164 |
Second-step | 88 | 260 | 0.159 | |
Internal phenology | 100 | 289 | - | |
2003 | Obs. | 78 | 315 | 0.155 |
Second-step | 70 | 309 | 0.147 | |
Internal phenology | 107 | 297 | - |
Year | GPPmeasured gC m-2yr-1 | GPPReference Model 1 gC m-2yr-1 | GPPReference Model 2 gC m-2yr-1 | GPPPROSAILH-BGC 1-step gC m-2yr-1 | GPPPROSAILH-BGC 2-step gC m-2yr-1 |
2002 | 1,578 | 1,253 | 1,330 | 1,414 | 1,550 |
2003 | 1,473 | 1,084 | 1,265 | 1,299 | 1,391 |
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Share and Cite
Migliavacca, M.; Meroni, M.; Busetto, L.; Colombo, R.; Zenone, T.; Matteucci, G.; Manca, G.; Seufert, G. Modeling Gross Primary Production of Agro-Forestry Ecosystems by Assimilation of Satellite-Derived Information in a Process-Based Model.Sensors2009,9, 922-942.
Migliavacca M, Meroni M, Busetto L, Colombo R, Zenone T, Matteucci G, Manca G, Seufert G. Modeling Gross Primary Production of Agro-Forestry Ecosystems by Assimilation of Satellite-Derived Information in a Process-Based Model.Sensors. 2009; 9(2):922-942.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMigliavacca, Mirco, Michele Meroni, Lorenzo Busetto, Roberto Colombo, Terenzio Zenone, Giorgio Matteucci, Giovanni Manca, and Guenther Seufert. 2009. "Modeling Gross Primary Production of Agro-Forestry Ecosystems by Assimilation of Satellite-Derived Information in a Process-Based Model"Sensors 9, no. 2: 922-942.
APA StyleMigliavacca, M., Meroni, M., Busetto, L., Colombo, R., Zenone, T., Matteucci, G., Manca, G., & Seufert, G. (2009). Modeling Gross Primary Production of Agro-Forestry Ecosystems by Assimilation of Satellite-Derived Information in a Process-Based Model.Sensors,9(2), 922-942.