Welcome to PyPy’s documentation!

Welcome to the documentation for PyPy, afast, compliant alternativeimplementation of thePython language.

All of the documentation and source code is available under the MIT license,unless otherwise specified. ConsultLICENSE.

Using PyPy


#pypy on irc.libera.chat
Many of the core developers are hanging out here. You are welcome to joinand ask questions (if they are not already answered in theFAQ). You can find logs of the channelhere.
Development mailing list
Development and conceptual discussions
Commit mailing list
Updates to code and documentation
Development bug/feature tracker
Filing bugs and feature requests
Meeting PyPy developers
The PyPy developers are organizing sprints and presenting results atconferences all year round. They will be happy to meet in person withanyone interested in the project. Watch out for sprint announcements onthedevelopment mailing list.

Twitter handle#pypyproject

Watch us ontwitch