Now available:LaTeXML 0.8.8!
In the process of developing theDigital Library of Mathematical Functions,we needed a means of transformingtheLaTeX sources of our material into XML which would be usedfor further manipulations, rearrangements and construction of the web site.In particular, a true ‘Digital Library’ should focus on thesemanticsof the material, and so we should convert the mathematical material into bothcontent and presentation MathML.At the time, we found no software suitable to our needs, so we begandevelopment ofLaTeXML in-house.
The approach is to emulate TeX as far as possible (in Perl), convertingtheTeX or (LaTeX) document intoLaTeXML’s XML format. That formatis modelled on the typical document structure found inLaTeX, and inspired byHTML, MathML, OpenMath and others. That abstract document is then furthertransformed into HTML of various flavors, with MathML and SVG,or into JATS or ePub or ….Of course, emulatingTeX is kinda hard,there are many cleverLaTeX package developers,and the Web moves quickly,so there are gaps in fidelity and coverage.
ofLaTeXML’s work include:
from theLaTeX manual, p.205.(TeX,)
The Digital Library of Mathematical Functions was theprimary instigator for this project.
were produced usingLaTeXML, as well.
See also
an online editor/showcaseof things thatLaTeXML can do.
is now offering preprints in HTML format usingLaTeXML (currently experimental).