Why Developer Avocados 🥑?

Afewpeople wrote about Developer Avocados online, and how they were born. We’re not going into that here. We loved the idea of “the good kind of fat” and most important:

A Developer Avocado is someone whose primary responsibility is to make life easier for developers.

And that’s what we do!

Who are we?


Julia is a Senior Developer Advocate for Infobip focusing on Developer Experience. Maker and breaker of things, explorer of yet another builder tool. Forever challenging the barriers to entry of tech, she is passionate about learning and teaching, creating resources for the developer community.😉

Laka is the Technology Lead at the Interledger Foundation. In his spare time he volunteers at Mozilla as a Tech Speaker and a Reps Mentor. He does things for T-Shirts. Might also be a coffee snob.😏
