Quick facts


Physics with CUORE [ref]

Background goal in 0νββ region of interest0.01 counts/keV/kg/yr
Expected energy resolution5 keV at 2615 keV
Expected sensitivity to 0νββT1/2 = 9.5 × 1025 yr in 5 years (90% C.L.)

CUORE Detectors [ref]

Number of bolometers988, arranged into 19 towers with 13 floors of 4 crystals each
Detector compositionTeO2 crystals, with natural isotopic abundance of tellurium
Crystal dimensions5 × 5 × 5 cm3
Detector mass742 kg, with 206 kg of130Te

CUORE Cryostat [ref]

ConfigurationDilution refrigerator with pulse tube cryocoolers
Internal shieldingRoman lead shield on sides and below detector, and modern low-radioactivity lead shield above detector
External shieldingModern low-radioactivity lead shield and borated polyethylene neutron shield


Physics with CUORE-0 [ref]

0νββ half-life limitT1/2 > 2.7 × 1024 yr (90% C.L.)
0νββ half-life limit (with Cuoricino)T1/2 > 4.0 × 1024 yr (90% C.L.)
Effective Majorana neutrino mass limit (with Cuoricino)mββ < 270–760 meV (90% C.L.)
Energy resolution in 0νββ region of interest5.1 ± 0.3 keV FWHM
Background level in 0νββ region of interest0.058 ± 0.004 (stat.) ± 0.002 (syst.) counts/keV/kg/yr
Final isotopic (130Te) exposure9.8 kg yr

CUORE-0 Detectors [ref]

Number of bolometers52, arranged into 1 tower with 13 floors of 4 crystals each
Detector compositionTeO2 crystals, with natural isotopic abundance of tellurium
Crystal dimensions5 × 5 × 5 cm3
Instrumented detector mass39.1 kg, with 10.9 kg of130Te

CUORE-0 Cryostat [ref]

ConfigurationDilution refrigerator
Internal shieldingRoman lead shield cylindrical shield around detector and disks above and below the detector
External shieldingModern low-radioactivity lead shield, borated polyethylene neutron shield, and acrylic anti-radon box flushed with nitrogen gas


Physics with Cuoricino [ref]

0νββ half-life limitT1/2 > 2.8 × 1024 yr (90% C.L.)
Effective Majorana neutrino mass limitmββ < 300–710 meV (90% C.L.)
Energy resolution in 0νββ region of interest6.3 ± 2.5 keV FWHM for 5 × 5 × 5 cm3 crystals
Background level in 0νββ region of interest0.169 ± 0.006 counts/keV/kg/yr
Final isotopic (130Te) exposure19.75 kg yr

Cuoricino Detectors

Number of bolometers62, arranged into 11 floors of four 5 × 5 × 5 cm3 crystals each and 2 floors of nine 3 × 3 × 6 cm3 crystals each.
Detector compositionAll the TeO2 crystals feature natural isotopic abundance of tellurium, with the exception of two 3 × 3 × 6 cm3 crystals enriched in130Te (82%) and two 3 × 3 × 6 cm3 crystals enriched in128Te (75%)


Detector working temperatureT ≈ 10 mK
Crystal heat capacityC ≈ 2 × 10-9 J/K at 10 mK
Thermal coupling of crystal to heat bathG ≈ 2 × 10-9 W/K at 10 mK
Bolometer time constantτ = C/G ≈ 1 s at 10 mK
Thermistor resistanceR ≈ 100 MΩ at 10 mK
Typical pulse rise timet ≈ 0.05 s
Typical pulse decay timet ≈ 0.2 s
Thermistor voltage signalΔV ≈ 0.3 mV/MeV
Crystal temperature riseΔTcrystal ≈ 0.1 mK/MeV


0νββ decayQ-value2527.515 ± 0.013 keV [ref][ref][ref]
130Te isotopic abundance34.167% [ref]
130Te atomic mass129.9062244 ± 0.0000021 u [ref]
Expected 0νββ half-life for mββ =50 meVT1/2 = 1.0–5.6 × 1026 yr