Reference Materials
Public Safety Reference
Law Enforcement
Jail Administration
Local Government Audit Presentations
- Best Practices - Use of Restraints on Pregnant Women in Custody
- Center for Innovative Public Policies (CIPP)
- APPA Career Center
- Guidelines for Developing a Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee
- Guidelines for Developing LGBTI Policy in Jails
- National Jail Leadership Command Academy (NJLCA)
- PREA Jail Toolkit
- Data-Informed Jails: Challenges and Opportunities
Emergency Services
Use of Force Policies
President's E.O. #13929 on Use of Force Certification
Freedom to Protest: Guidance for Managing Demonstrations in Tennessee Towns and Cities
Summary: MTAS guidance on freedom of speech, freedom to assemble and how to handle demonstrations. This is a video resource. (Created June 25, 2020; 7:07 minutes in length)