


HYBRID BODY Anthropology, Anthropobiology, Business Anthropology, Chronicles


Hybrid body


Dr Judith Nicogossian, Anthropobiologist

Hello, I amDr Judith Nicogossian, Anthropobiologist, Business Anthropologist, Health Anthropologist, Researcher, Keynote Speaker and Chronicler working at different levels on the “HYBRIDBODY“, in order to examine what is at stake with the techniques and technologies we are developing today and what their impact is on our body, including both its biological side and its cultural side (uses, needs and beliefs).

“Innovation” is thought as an evolutionary process (an “innevolution”) within a more and more technologized changing environnement. Today environmental constraints raise the change of the definition of innovation and the necessity to commit ourselves towards positive innovations. Inspirational models exist. Up to what point humanity is really inventing, innovating, evolving ?

What will be tomorrow?

It raises a bunch of questions
… for which my pleasure will be to identify clear answers ! : -)

What is at stake in this blog is to approach the living body but also anepistemology of the human body, its practices, beliefs, and values, its signs and mythologies. Its discourse(s) of truth. Its lies. This work on theliving human body is not only anatomical ormedical, but “archeological” andecological. It takes place in two plans, thevisible (what we can see) and thediscursive ones (what we can hear), and at two levels, thereal one (#sciences) and theimaginary one (#art).

  • What is Progress? How to EVOLVE with (new) technologies?
  • What is BIOPOWER ?  What impact technologies have on our bodies and on our societies?
  • What are the incentives and obstacles of the ACCULTURATION processes towards the use of a new technology ?
  • What the future holds within the new DIGITAL era? The BIG DATA?
  • Are we all becoming HYBRID? PHYGITAL?
  • What to think of AI? (and more disturbing what AI speaks about ourselves?)

MY WORK gathers different research interests

  • ECONOMICAL: Innovation (ex E-health), Medical (biotech), Legal (reglementation), (Bio)Ethics
  • POLITICAL: Health system; Power & Counter-power; Acculturation/ Deculturation/ Métissage ; Identity (Cyber-security, Gender studies, Transhumanism; Bio-hacking; Able/ Disable)
  • ANTHROPOBIOLOGICAL : Adaptability, Evolutionary medicine, Epigenetics – (Neuro)Plasticity – Functional vicariance, Bio-diversity
  • COMMUNICATION : body langage and non-verbal communication; quality of the relationships (ex doctor-patient, human-inhuman …); understanding of barriers and levers

This blog aims at makinginterdisciplinary connections between anthropology, medicine, business, ethnography, history, philosophy, law  to raise bio-ethical issues and build a critical discourse of the “new version” of the human body in our Western Societies, the human body in becoming betweenthe human and the inhuman, the living and the machine.

The hybrid body belongs to the TECHNO-IMAGINARY of our time with a greatvisual ethnographic interest; its representations and counter-imaginaries, all other representations, are grasping our imaginations between fear and desire. Thenceforth I am usingvideos andimages possibly connected to this topic with any suggestions welcome.

Feel free to contact me

CONSULTING : seeJudith Nicogossian (LinkedIn)

LEADING STUDIES : Upon request I design and conduct qualitative and quantitative research. My approach is grounded in leading empirical queries gathering recruited people – through methods like collecting thoughts, standpoints, and affect imaginaries. This methodology has led to impressive results in the field of INNOVATION and in HEALTH. We process through unstructured face to face interviews, focus groups and “full immersion observation”. I also have recently specialized in leading “coconstructive studies” and conducting “remote studies” (the Future of Medical Anthropology Research ?).

This exploratory approach allows me to work fast in an efficient way and to deliver high quality results – to deliver concrete tools and potential for scientific and general public exploitation.

CONFERENCESTALKS: seeMy conferences

COURSES : seeCourses & Seminars

And also throughASSOCIATION FRANÇAISE D’ANTHROPOLOGIE (AFA): seeAFA – école de Grenoble

Sand and ocean


SeeCONFERENCESfor more details

Clear water at the beach


SeeCOURSES & SEMINARSfor more details

Seminars :
PHITECOUniversité de Technologie de Compiègne (UTEC) –Le soi façonné, techniques et technologies de soi– supervised by Florent Levillain (27-31 janvier 2020)
GDRI 836 CNRS/ Paris Descartes (STAPS) – Body Ecology by Adaptive and Physical ActivitiesCorps hybride et émersiologieB. Andrieu (03/2017)
ISCC/ Paris-Sorbonne / CNRS – Le corps augmenté et ses symptômes “La possibilité plastique du corps hybride J.P Assoun, J.M Besnier & C. Lindenmeyer (01/2017)

·Module Ethics, Quality and regulation (HEALTH BIOTECH) for the Masters Santé Biotech, supervised by Michèle Kanhonou,ESILV (Léonard de Vinci University) Paris La défense_ 2020-2021

·Module Anthropologie de la santé (HEALTH COMMUNICATION) for the Masters Santé Communication, “Apport de l’anthropologie pour la santé du 3ème millénaire”, “Cure/ care/ core”, “Human Factor”, “Les parcours Patients” “Bienveillance/ surveillance” supervised by Muriel Doucet,EFAP L’école des nouveaux métiers de la communication, Paris 16 ème – 2019 – 2020 – 2021

·Anthropology of Therapeutic Hypnosis
Medical degree in Therapeutic Hypnosis, DU Hypnose, supervised by Pr. J.-P. Alibeu and J.-P. Boyer, Faculté de médecine de la Tronche, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018.

·Anthropology of Langage Body
Langage Bodyand the non-verbal communication (followed by a TANGO THERAPY class with Dr. M. Sustersic) _ UNIT in communication, coordinated by Pr. J.-L. Bosson – Faculté de médecine de la Tronche, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017.

· Cours “Corps hybride” (1. Le nu, le vêtu, le connecté; 2. Expérience patient; 3. Les limites plastiques du corps hybride; 4. Le cerveau; 5. L’utérus artificiel; 6. La Réalité virtuelle et la simulation)Enseignant-artiste Hervé JollyÉcole Européenne Supérieure de l’Image (EESI ) Poitiers/ Angoulême – 2017-2018-b 2019

·What is Brain for the Anthropologist?
Faculté de médecine Joseph Fourier – Neurosciences – Laboratoire d’Anatomie (Ladaf) – Regard anthropologique sur le cerveau (cognitif, anatomique, technique et transhumaniste)  – Université Grenoble Alpes,Prof. Jean-Guy Passagia 2014- 2020

·Module Éthique et Sciences humaines –INNOVATION & Biotechles techniques et technologies en santé – Centre des Humanités – supervised byMarianne Chouteau – 3BIM-3BB –INSA Lyon –2016-2019

· “La possibilité plastique du corps hybrideLe corps augmenté et ses symptômesJ.P Assoun, J.M Besnier & C. Lindenmeyer Institut des Sciences de la communication du CNRS (ISCC) / Paris-Sorbonne / CNRS – 2016-2017-2018

·Corps hybride & émersiologie
GDRI 836 CNRS/ Paris Descartes (STAPS) – Body Ecology by Adaptive and Physical Activities“Corps hybride et émersiologie”B. Andrieu (03/2017)

·Méthodologie Recherche avancée de l’information sur Internet (Advanced Internet Research Skills)Faculté de Médecine de la Méditerranée(Marseille, La Timone) supervised by Gilles Boëtsch – 2008-2009-2010

Ocean and sand

Online chronicles

Online chronicles :

Dossier Le patient :
Expérience patient: la médecine préventive
Le patient-expert entre fiction et réalité

Dossier Le cerveau :
Quoi de si spécial dans mon cerveau?
Une intervention du cerveau? Ok. je survis ou… Adieu Margot?
Le cerveau magique: Marguerite a des ailes

Dossier Futur des soins et de la santé :
INTRO SF: Du gène à l’octet
Le futur du patient
Le futur du médecin
Le futur de l’hôpital

Dossier Éthique de l’intelligence artificielle & robotique sociale :
Les grands singes, l’Homo Sapiens et l’IA
Le robot androïde en santé
L’amour d’un robot?

Dossier Réalité virtuelle :
Réalité virtuelle

Dossier Divers :
Les objets connectés
L’utérus artificiel
La thérapie tango
Le nu et le vêtu: quand le vêtement soigne
Partir vivre sur Mars?

Chroniques illustrées:
SiteMNH blog
SiteUsbek & Rica

Scientific publications online :
PHD in Philosophy (Sociology & Linguistics
Thèse de doctorat (anthropologie bio-culturelle)
L’évolution du corps humain : plus proche d’un modèle lamarckien
La couleur du corps, le paradigme du corps artificiel
De l’homme réparé à l’homme augmenté: petite leçon de modernité médical
Les limites plastiques du corps hybride
L’utérus artificiel

Article in Newspapers online :
“Vers un homme augmenté?” (Libération, 11/2015)
“De l’homme réparé à l’homme augmenté : petite leçon de modernité médicale”(Info Respiration, 04/2015)

Interviews :
“Comment la médecine moderne rejoint la science-fiction” (Beast Magazine, 03/2016)
Faut-il prendre le concept de l’augmentation de l’humain au sérieux? (MNH blog – par Anne Adam-Pluen Calvo, 01/2017)
Allons nous tous devenir hybride? (NEON magasine, 02/ 2019)
L’inhumanité des algorithmes en santé agite le monde médical (Le Figaro, par Damien Mascret, 01/2019)

Science-fiction :
Du gène à l’octet (Futuramed, MNH blog)
Entre sexe, amour, travail et cybersécurité (Usbek & Rica)


MNH / NEHS (Paris, 2018)
Ethno-fiction en santé

Forum Libération (Grenoble, 2015)
Faut-il avoir peur du progrès ?”


France Culture, (2018)The Wellness

France Inter, (2020)A quoi ressemblera l’humain dans un siècle?


La norme du corps hybride, l’Harmattan, 2016

Le parfum(soon to be published), 2021

Collaboration avec des illustrateurs

Thanks to the artists I have had the pleasure of collaborating with Eugénie Fauny, Chloe Warner, Claire Castagnet, Laura Perez, Etienne Leroux, Jorge Molongo, Alexandre Gomes, Ange B., and Benjamin Courvoisier! And of course Romain Buteau with whom the adventure continues in the context of illustrating a science fiction book and scientific publications in the “ethno-fiction” format. Big thanks!

They trusted me


Dr Judith Nicogossian

Anthropobiologist – Faculté de médecine
de la Méditerranée / CNRS, France

Sociolinguist– Queensland University
of Technology, Brisbane, Australia


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