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Mikula Beutl – SEO Consulting


Latest Articles:

How to Quickly Switch out a Domain in Google to Rank again

This guide is the safest way to do a domain switch, you get all you need to change a blocked domain.

Optimizing User Journeys to Improve User Flow

What is a user flow and a user journey? There’s a macro view of a customer experience that we can analyze and partially control.

5 FREE Tools to do an SEO Audit

A small selection of very useful tools to start your first SEO audit, includes some BONUS tools.

6 Efficient Link Building Strategies

There are so many link building strategies out there, we aim to give you an introductory selection, a piece of the large puzzle.

Mikula Beutl - SEO Consulting
Pfeiffergasse 3/44
1150 Vienna, Austria

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