Urban Koistinen

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Home *People * Urban Koistinen

Urban Koistinen[1]

Urban Koistinen,
a Swedish mathematician and computer scientist. While affiliated with theKTH Royal Institute of Technology inStockholm, he was active in computer chess programming[2], and introducednone rotated bitboard techniques to determinesliding piece attacks in 1997[3]. Urban Koistinen became editor of the SwedishPLY Computer Chess Magazine of theSSDF in 1997[4], and in 2001, he proposed an efficient indexing scheme forendgame bitbases with few men, which was published under theGNU Free Documentation License[5].


Forum Posts

1995 ...

2000 ...

Wu/Beal predates Koistinen byGuy Haworth,CCC, December 04, 2001

2010 ...

External Links

Koistinen/Endgame · GitHub


  1. Koistinen (Urban Koistinen) · GitHub
  2. Re: Datastructures in computer chess byUrban Koistinen,rgcc, May 17, 1999
  3. Re: Rotated bitboards byUrban Koistinen,rgcc, October 31, 1997
  4. PLY/SSDF – the story (Wayback Machine, July 2018)
  5. Computing endgames with few men byUrban Koistinen
  6. Computing endgames with few men byUrban Koistinen
  7. Ren Wu,Don Beal (2001).Fast, Memory-efficient Retrograde Algorithms.ICGA Journal, Vol. 24, No. 3
  8. EGTB: Better algorithm byUrban Koistinen,CCC, April 07, 2001

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