Syzygy Bases
Home *Knowledge *Endgame Tablebases * Syzygy Bases
Syzygy Bases,[2]
a compact six piece endgame database developed byRonald de Man, published on April 01, 2013. Since August 2018,seven piece Syzygy Bases are available after an effort byBojun Guo started in March 2018[3]. The generator is released under theGNU General Public License Version 2, thethread safe probing code is released without restrictions[4].
File Types
Syzygy Bases consist of two sets of files,WDL files (extension .rtbw) storing win/draw/loss information considering thefifty-move rule for access duringsearch, andDTZ files (extension .rtbz) withdistance-to-zero information for access at theroot. WDL has full data for two sides but DTZ50 omitted data of one side to save space. Each endgame has a pair of those types.
File Sizes
Men | WDL | DTZ | Total |
3-5 | 378.1MiB | 561.9 MiB | 939.0 MiB |
6 | 67.8GiB | 81.4 GiB | 149.2 GiB |
7 | 8.5TiB | 8.3 TiB | 16.7 TiB |
Syzygy EGTB is significantly smaller than any existentDTM EGTB. It is 7 times as small as Gaviota for 5 men, 8 times as small as Nalimov for 6 men, and 8 times as small as Lomonosov for 7 men. However, when all DTM EGTBs have full data from two sides, Syzygy EGTB omits data from one side for DTZ data to save space.Ronald de Man estimated if we keep them all, Syzygy's 6 men size may increase by 158 GB, become 307 GB in total, double in size, and be 4 times as small as Nalimov's 6 men.
Up to 6-man
On the first release (Apr 01, 2013) the generator was ready to generate all endgames up to 6 men. It is multithreading and processes completely in RAM. Generating all 6 men requires a system with at least 32 GB of RAM and may run in 5 days (the period was measured with a computer 6-core i3930K @ 4.2Ghz, 64 GB).
Ronald de Man wasn't initially interested in the creation of 7-men Syzygy Based[5] since the generation would require about 1 TB of RAM, too expensive at that time. Generation time would be about 64 x per table, which means around 175 x time total[6]. His original generator could not create them. But in 2018, he supportedBojun Guo in his 5-month attempt to generated them[7]. His hardware was estimated at over US$ 90K. In August of 2018 their creation was completed[8][9].
After the completion of the 7-man, some people were curious about the feasibility of building the 8-man. Ronald de Man estimated that without modifying much the generator, the task requires computers with 64 TB RAM and 2000 TB hard disks[10] (cost about $640K and $40K respectively in 2020[11]). The generator can be modified to work on much cheaper computers with 64 GB RAM but that may need a few thousand years of computing[12].
Syzygy endgame files may contain 128-bit checksum keys at the end of those files. It also has its own code for checksums (based on Google's cityhash library).
During the Search
During thesearch, with the WDL tables stored onSSD[13], it is possible to probe the tables at alldepths without much slowdown. They have been tested in Ronald de Man's engineSjaak (playing onFICS as TrojanKnight(C)) for a couple of months quite successfully, don't probe inquiescence search.
At the Root
At theroot, since pure DTZ50-optimal play (i.e. minimaxing the number of moves to the nextcapture orpawn move by either side) can be very unnatural, it might be desirable to let the engine search on the winning moves until it becomes clear that insufficient progress is being made and only then switch to DTZ-optimal play (e.g. by detectingrepetitions and monitoring thehalfmove clock)[14].
Pros & Cons
- Small sizes. It is about 8 times as small as the second-best EGTBs. Having small sizes is the main success key of Syzygy Bases since it is much easier to create, store, provide, and download than other EGTBs
- Free and more popular (than other EGTBs) to find on the Internet
- SupportDTZ50 metric. That metric can help engines to have better results thanDTM which is supported widely by other EGTBs
- Hard to integrate with chess engines.Ronald de Man has not provided probing code as an independent library but as a part ofStockfish chess engines. The probe code has integrated too deeply with that chess engine code and it requires a lot of effort to de-integrate, modify and integrate with other chess projects
- Hard to understand and contribute to the project. ETGB itself is a hard topic. Syzygy EGTB has also integrated many advanced techniques/tricks. It is written in old-style C language. All make it very hard to understand and/or modify to improve or for other purposes
- DTZ50 metric may lead the engines to win in much longer and ugly ways, compared withDTM one
Data publish
Ronald de Man has provided only open-source code for generators/probers but not endgame files themselves. Using his tools some people have generated endgames and published them via DVD or online.
As of February 2015, all 3-5 and most important 6-men Syzygy Bases are commercially available on 4DVDs byChessBase asEndgame Turbo 4 for their productsDeep Fritz 14,Komodo Chess 8,Houdini 4 orChessBase 12/13[15][16].
Free Download
Some free FTP servers, such asBojun Guo andLichess servers, allow downloading.
3-6 men
The sizes of those men are small enough to download and store on modern computers. Users should download them in full sets (3, 4, 5, 6 men).
7 men
All 7 men files' size is over 16.7 TiB, over the storage of typical modern computers. They also require a long time to download. Thus some users choose to download one or a few endgames only, based on their statistics of use in endgames. Below are the top 20 of those endgames by their order. The first one, KRPPvKRP, has a significantly higher frequency of use than the others and should always be downloaded:
Rank | Name | Rank | Name | Rank | Name | Rank | Name |
1 | KRPPvKRP | 6 | KNPPvKNP | 11 | KBPPvKNP | 16 | KRBPPvKR |
2 | KBPPvKBP | 7 | KNPPvKBP | 12 | KRPPvKRB | 17 | KBPPvKPP |
3 | KPPPvKPP | 8 | KRBPvKRP | 13 | KRPPvKPP | 18 | KRPPPvKP |
4 | KRPPPvKR | 9 | KQPPvKPP | 14 | KBPPvKRP | 19 | KRBPvKRB |
5 | KQPPvKQP | 10 | KQPPPvKP | 15 | KRNPvKRP | 20 | KRPPvKRN |
Probe Code and Tools
Ronald de Man did not provide the probe code as an independent library. Instead, he published it firstly as an already integrated code forStockfish chess engines. It is C++ code and it has been rewritten and updated several times by theStockfish team.
Fathom is a stand-alone Syzygy based probing tool andAPI byBasil Falcinelli, introduced in November 2015 along with hisGull 3 release[17] . Unlike the original tbprobe code, Fathom does not necessarily require the callee to providemove generation functionality. The new modifications and extensions to Ronald de Man's original code which can be "redistributed and/or modified without restrictions", are released under the permissiveMIT License. The API consists of three functions[18] :
- tb_init initializes the tablebase
- tb_probe_wdl probes the Win-Draw-Loss (WDL) table for a given position
- tb_probe_root probes the Distance-To-Zero (DTZ) table for the given position.
Jon Dart has a fork of Fathom with some bug fixes and enhancements[19], also supporting 7-man[20].
Pyrrhic is a cleaned up Fathom byAndrew Grant, introduced in August 2020[21][22].
Elo gained by Stockfish
Stockfish with ClassicalEvaluation
Fishtest team revealed a test withStockfish (SF10dev) at 10+0.1, with all Syzygy WDL files on RAM, testing using none(0), 4, 5, and 6 men TB in a round-robin tournament[23].
Rank | Name | Elo | +/- | Games | Score | Draws |
1 | syzygy6 | 13 | 2 | 82591 | 51.8% | 59.5% |
2 | syzygy5 | 2 | 2 | 82590 | 50.3% | 59.4% |
3 | syzygy4 | -7 | 2 | 82591 | 49.0% | 59.3% |
4 | syzygy0 | -7 | 2 | 82592 | 48.9% | 59.4% |
Stockfish NNUE
Elo gains by Stockfish NNUE with Sygyzy 6 men have decreased[24]. With version 15, it gains only 2.7 Elo.
Support other chess variants
With the request by Yunus Emre Ayhan on September 2024,Ronald de Man modified Syzygy to support Shatranj, a chess variant. Using that code,Bojun Guo has generated all 6-man EGTB[25].
byRonald de Man in a reply toGuy Haworth, April 06, 2013[26] :
I create both WDL and DTZ in one go, so I don't use WDL in the creation of DTZ. The algorithm used is thegrandfather algorithm with 2 plies per iteration (I thinkHGM calls this leapfrogging, but I might be wrong). I tried the outcounting method, but it didn't seem to be competitive (and it makes things more complicated).[27][28]A pure WDL/DTZ pair is not of much use for creating WDL50+/DTZ50+. I create tables in RAM that have all the information necessary for WDL50+ and DTZ50+, then permute them to different indexing schemes and compress them. I do test runs on subsets of the data to find good permutations. (The idea to try permutations is fromJesper Torp Kristensen's master thesis.)[29][30]
Ronald de Man explained some advantages of Syzyzy overNalimov Tablebases, July 06, 2019[31] :
They are smaller, so more is cached in RAM (via the OS's system/page cache), and they are compressed in small blocks which allows decompression on the fly (so no need to use RAM for caching large decompressed blocks). This makes them much faster on the same hardware, which allows probing much closer to the leaves. They also initialise a lot faster (initialising 6-men Nalimov on startup of the engine seems to have taken about half an hour in the past, probably it is faster on modern hardware but still).In addition, 7-man syzygy TBs are now available. With SSDs becoming cheaper and cheaper, having 7-men WDL TBs on SSD starts to become a practical possibility (unfortunately RAM prices are lagging behind).
Ronald de Man in a reply toNguyen Pham, April 15, 2020[32] :
Syzygy WDL is double-sided, DTZ is single-sided.So to know whether a 7-piece position is winning, losing or drawn (or cursed), the engine needs to do only a single probe of a 7-piece WDL table. (It may in addition have to do some probes of 6-piece WDL tables if any direct captures are available.)If the engine needs to know the DTZ value (which is only necessary when a TB root position has been reached), the probing code may have to do a 1-ply search to get to the "right" side of the DTZ table.For 6-piece TBs, DTZ is 81.9GB when storing only the smaller side of each table. Storing both sides might require perhaps 240GB.
Morgan Houppin explained why his chess engineStash doesn't have Syzygy probe code, March 25, 2021[33] :
Syzygy probing is a hell of a mess, and I don't want to plug two thousand lines of foreign code that I don't understand, nor do I have the motivation to fully understand how Syzygy files are stored, and then write the additional two thousand lines of code to read them for a mere 5 Elo gain at TCEC.
Endgame News
In his 2014Chess Endgame News inICGA Journal, Vol. 37, No. 2[34] ,Guy Haworth classified Syzygy Bases asnew data inthree ways:
- 5-valued scale for evaluating positions in the context of theFIDE50-move rule (50mr) which constrains the length of phases of play
- +2 ≡ unconditional win for the side to move
- +1 ≡ ‘win’ which can be frustrated by best play and a 50mr draw-claim
- _0 ≡ unconditional draw
- -1 ≡ ‘loss’ saved by a 50mr draw-claim
- -2 ≡ unconditional loss
- depths for ‘50mr draw’ positions with value ±1
- depths in symmetric, information-preserving ply ‘p’
and further gives some news about early software bugs and glitches concerningChessBase products, and the importance ofMD5 to check the EGT integrity.
See also
- Bitbases
- Edwards' Tablebases
- Gaviota Tablebases
- Felicity Tablebases
- Lomonosov Tablebases
- Nalimov Tablebases
- python-chess
- Scorpio Bitbases
- Thompson's Databases
- Guy Haworth (2014).Chess Endgame News.ICGA Journal, Vol. 37, No. 1
- Guy Haworth (2014).Chess Endgame News.ICGA Journal, Vol. 37, No. 2
- Guy Haworth (2014).Chess Endgame News.ICGA Journal, Vol. 37, No. 3 »Fritz 14
- Guy Haworth (2018).Chess Endgame News: 7-man ‘Syzygy’ DTZ50 EGTs.ICGA Journal, Vol. 40, No. 4
Forum Posts
2013 ...
- New 6-piece tablebases byRonald de Man,CCC, April 01, 2013[35]
- New 6-piece tablebase generator bysyzygy,CCRL Discussion Board, April 01, 2013
- Re: PEXT Bitboards byRonald de Man,CCC, June 07, 2013 »BMI2 - PDEP,BMI2 - PEXT
- Syzygy EGTB's via Torrent Thread byJoshua Shriver,CCC, September 11, 2013
- Syzygy tablebases, work in Stockfish? byJose Mº Velasco,CCC, September 23, 2013 »Stockfish
- Building Syzygy bases by higgs,Rybka Forum, October 12, 2013
- tablebase caching / mmap() / page cache byRonald de Man,CCC, October 13, 2013 »Memory
- Syzygy endgame tables: Generation and first impressions byMike Scheidl,CCC, October 15, 2013
- deMan TB Path and Cache byMatthias Gemuh,CCC, October 19, 2013
- syzygy TB (3-4-5 men only) download link ? by MarshallArts,Rybka Forum, October 21, 2013
- rkiss and other dependencies in syzygy byDon Dailey,CCC, October 23, 2013
- Syzygy / egbb discussion byDaniel Shawul,CCC, October 23, 2013 »Scorpio Bitbases
- Manual: How to use Syzygy (or any other) 6-men without SSD byMilos Stanisavljevic,CCC, November 16, 2013
- potential deadlock in syzygy reference implementation byRichard Vida,CCC, November 23, 2013
- Re: A note for C programmers byMarcel van Kervinck,CCC, November 27, 2013
- Stockfish Syzygy: how to interpret mates? byJouni Uski,CCC, December 01, 2013 »Stockfish,Mate Scores
- Problem with 6-piece syzygy-bases using wine byBernhard Bauer,CCC, December 05, 2013[36]
- ChessGUI 0.245f is available byMatthias Gemuh,CCC, December 14, 2013 »ChessGUI
- Syzygybases suitable for win32-systems? byNorbert Raimund Leisner,CCC, December 17, 2013
- Syzygy Tablebases list of importance by chri$,OpenChess Forum, December 21, 2013
- Syzygy options byHarm Geert Muller,CCC, December 27, 2013
- Ideal Syzygy Probe Depth? (using SSD) by Anil V Dharan,CCC, January 14, 2014
- SYZYGY Base question byIngo Bauer,CCC, January 19, 2014
- problem with syzygy tablebases byYouri Matiounine,CCC, February 01, 2014
- Performance of Syzygy and Scorpio byKai Laskos,CCC, February 04, 2014 »Scorpio Bitbases
- A question about syzygy by Enrico Tognoni,CCC, February 26, 2014
- A question about syzygy 6 men and partial use by Enrico Tognoni,CCC, February 26, 2014
- Syzygy on RAM Drive byKai Laskos,CCC, May 23, 2014 »Stockfish,Komodo 7,Houdini 4
- Re: Syzygy tb generator for windows bysyzygy,CCRL Discussion Board, June 01, 2014
- Question about syzygy bases byGabor Szots,CCC, June 02, 2014
- Re: 7-piece syzygy bysyzygy,CCRL Discussion Board, July 03, 2014
- Question on Stockfish and SyzygyCache UCI option by Erfuk Neuni,CCC, December 07, 2014
- USB 3 Storage for Syzygy WDL files byLouis Zulli,CCC, December 13, 2014 »USB 3.0
2015 ...
- Komodo 8 - 5-men Syzygy tablebases byAndreas Strangmüller,CCC, January 10, 2015 »Komodo 8
- Problem with SF6 and Syzygy TB by Forrest Hoch,CCC, April 01, 2015 »Stockfish
- SD Syzygy byTed Summers,CCC, April 26, 2015
- 5 men Syzygy on USB 3.0 Flash Drive byKai Laskos,CCC, May 09, 2015
- Re: how to probe egtb from console? byRonald de Man,CCC, May 15, 2015 »python-chess
- Gull 3 Linux+Syzygy and Fathom released byBasil Falcinelli,CCC, November 20, 2015 »Gull,Fathom
- Syzygy probing code: DTZ in some cursed endgames off by one? byNiklas Fiekas,CCC, December 06, 2015
- Re: Squash anyone? byRonald de Man,CCC, February 07, 2016[37]
- My troubles with MultiPV and Syzygy in Stockfish 7 byÁrpád Rusz,CCC, February 16, 2016
- Stockfish 7 and partial 6 piece syzygy problem? byJouni Uski,CCC, March 01, 2016 »Stockfish
- Re: Stockfish 7 and partial 6 piece syzygy problem? byMarco Costalba,CCC, September 01, 2016
- Arasan Syzygy support (working with Windows, too) byJon Dart,CCC, March 10, 2016 »Arasan
- Question to syzygy author byMarco Costalba,CCC, April 24, 2016
- syzygy question byRobert Hyatt,CCC, May 04, 2016
- question about syzygy probing byMarco Belli,CCC, May 21, 2016
- Natural TB byMarco Costalba,CCC, May 29, 2016 »Stockfish
- syzygy questions byRobert Hyatt,CCC, July 06, 2016
- How texel probes endgame tablebases byPeter Österlund,CCC, July 16, 2016 »Gaviota Tablebases,Texel
- Syzygy and draw by repetition byJon Dart,CCC, July 22, 2016 »Draw,Repetitions
- Syzygy question byJ. Wesley Cleveland,CCC, September 03, 2016
- Suicide chess tablebases (stalemated player wins) byNiklas Fiekas,CCC, October 25, 2016 »Losing Chess
- Syzygy tablebases by Andy Leese,CCC, December 01, 2016
- Help for Syzygy probe? byTed Wong,CCC, December 04, 2016 »Fathom
- 6-men Syzygy from HDD and USB 3.0 byKai Laskos,CCC, April 04, 2017 »Komodo,Playing Strength,USB 3.0
- Fathom memory usage byÁlvaro Begué,CCC, June 22, 2017»Fathom
- RuyDos with support for syzygy tablebases byÁlvaro Begué,CCC, June 23, 2017 »RuyDos
- Natural TB (take 2) byMarco Costalba,CCC, August 22, 2017 »Stockfish
- Probing tablebases through USB 3.0 byJon Fredrik Åsvang,CCC, September 25, 2017 »USB 3.0
- understanding DTZ byAlexandru Mosoi,CCC, October 06, 2017 »DTZ,Fathom
- Is there now coming changes to syzygy databases? byJouni Uski,CCC, November 13, 2017 »DTM,CFish
- How to Download Syzygy Endgame Tablebase Files by Daniel Johnson,CCC, December 23, 2017
- The history of Syzygy tablebases by Isaac Haïk Dunn,CCC, March 06, 2018
- 7-men Syzygy attempt byBojun Guo,CCC, March 10, 2018
- Re: 7-men Syzygy attempt byBojun Guo,CCC, August 19, 2018
- Syzygy implementations of top engines byKai Laskos,CCC, March 14, 2018
- Probing the Syzygy tablebase - beginners question byAndreas Matthies,CCC, April 16, 2018
- DTM50 byRonald de Man,CCC, May 22, 2018
- Re-Pair compression questions byRein Halbersma,CCC, August 17, 2018
- BIG NEWS! The 7 man syzygy tablebase files are complete byDann Corbit,CCC, August 20, 2018
- Technical reason why probing N-men syzygy will also probe N-1 men? bySven Schüle,CCC, October 28, 2018
- 7 Man Syzygy and SSD byMichael B,CCC, December 18, 2018
- Testing the implementation of Syzygy byVincent Tang,CCC, March 02, 2019
- 7-man Syzygy support in Fathom byJon Dart,CCC, April 23, 2019 »Fathom
- Simplest use of syzygy table byVivien Clauzon,CCC, July 28, 2019
- SYZYGY question byRobert Hyatt,CCC, August 11, 2019 »Crafty,En passant
- Syzygy 7-piece - several questions byAndreas Matthies,CCC, August 19, 2019
- Syzygy 7 man advice please by Barry Clements,CCC, August 21, 2019
- Syzygy DTZ data explaination? byNguyen Pham,CCC, September 23, 2019
2020 ...
- Almost perfect DTM tablebase byDann Corbit,CCC, April 08, 2020
- What is the best way to obtain the 7-piece tablebases? byMark Thellen,CCC, June 15, 2020
- Pyrrhic, Fathom for Humanoids byAndrew Grant,CCC, August 16, 2020 »Pyrrhic
- EGTB compression byDann Corbit,CCC, October 14, 2020[38][39]
- Syzygy bases ... question to "Syzygy Probe Depth" byFrank Quisinsky,CCC, October 21, 2020
- Fathom and 7-men byJoshua Shriver,CCC, November 24, 2020 »Fathom
- Problem with Syzygy tablebase byElias Nilsson,CCC, December 03, 2020
- Can EGTB storage requirements be reduced using this scheme? by mmt,CCC, December 07, 2020
- Syzygy Tablebase Names: A very stupid exercise byAndrew Grant,CCC, May 08, 2021
- syzygy implementation byDesperado,CCC, May 23, 2021
- When will 8 piece tablebase be ready? byAgustin Jorge Pichardo,CCC, May 29, 2021
- Syzygy bases from memory byEd Schröder,CCC, June 16, 2021 »KPK
- Syzygy benefit for current SF byJouni,CCC, September 02, 2021
- Definite occurance ranking of 7-Man EGTB byDaniel Infuehr,CCC, May 24, 2022
- Fathom, munmap issue byPawel Osikowski,CCC, August 19, 2022
- Are tablebases useless for Stockfish15? byJouni,CCC, September 02, 2022
- endgame table generation byDave Gomboc,CCC, September 17, 2022
- very strange behavior with syzygy tables byCarbec,CCC, June 02, 2023
- EGTB encoding byEdmund,CCC, September 18, 2023
- Need a tip for 6-man syzygy ... byFrank Quisinsky,CCC, December 02, 2023
- How is work on 8-man tablebases progressing? byUrban Koistinen,CCC, September 11, 2024
- Porting syzgy/tb to an old version chess (shatranj) byYunus Emre Ayhan,CCC, September 15, 2024
- Problem with Syzygy bases byRebel,CCC, November 21, 2024
External Links
- syzygy1/tb · GitHub byRonald de Man
- jromang · GitHub byJean-Francois Romang has a fork from syzygy1/tb
- python-chess/ at master · niklasf/python-chess · GitHub byNiklas Fiekas,Python implementation of probing code »python-chess
- niklasf/ · GitHub byNiklas Fiekas,GUI and public API for Syzygy probing
- OICS Chess and EGTB Tracker Statistics byJoshua Shriver[40]
- Endgame Tablebases Online byKirill Kryukov
- Index of /tablebases/syzygy (3,4,5) bykingliveson
- bySesse
- GitHub - basil00/Fathom: Syzygy TB probe tool byBasil Falcinelli
- jdart1/Fathom · GitHub byJon Dart (with some bug fixes and enhancements)
- GitHub - ljgw/syzygy-bridge: Java bridge to use the Syzygy Tablebases via JNI byLaurens Winkelhagen »FrankWalter
Online Lookup
- Syzygy Tablebases: newest, fastest, smallest byAlbert Silver,ChessBase News, February 08, 2015
- Syzygy tablebases: maximizing performance byAlbert Silver,ChessBase News, February 10, 2015
- Endgame Turbo 4 byChessBase
- syzygy - Wiktionary
- Syzygy (disambiguation) from Wikipedia
- Syzygy (astronomy) from Wikipedia
- Syzygy (mathematics) from Wikipedia
- Caledonian Antisyzygy from Wikipedia
- Michael Brecker Band -Syzygy,BJD 1987,Bratislava,YouTube Videos
- ↑It’s a real treat for photographers and astronomers alike: our skies are currently witnessing a phenomenon known as a syzygy — when threecelestial bodies (or more) nearly align themselves in the sky. When celestial bodies have similar eclipticlongitude, this event is also known as a triple near-conjunction. Of course, this is just a trick of perspective, but this doesn't make it any less spectacular. In this case, these bodies are threeplanets, and the only thing needed to enjoy the show is a clear view of the sky at sunset. Luckily, this is what happened forESOphoto ambassadorYuri Beletsky, who had the chance to spot this spectacular view from ESO'sLa Silla Observatory in northernChile on Sunday, May 26, 2013. Above the round domes of thetelescopes, three of the planets in ourSolar System —Jupiter (top),Venus (lower left), andMercury (lower right) — were revealed after sunset, engaged in their cosmic dance. An alignment like this happens only once every several years. The last one took place in May 2011, and the next one will not be until October 2015. This celestial triangle was at its best over the last week of May, but you may still be able to catch a glimpse of the three planets as they form ever-changing arrangements during their journey across the sky - sourceThree Planets Dance Over La Silla | ESO,Syzygy (astronomy) from Wikipedia
- ↑Re: New 6-piece tablebases byRonald de Man,CCC, April 10, 2013
- ↑Re: 7-men Syzygy attempt byBojun Guo,CCC, August 19, 2018
- ↑New 6-piece tablebases byRonald de Man,CCC, April 01, 2013
- ↑Re: 7-piece syzygy bysyzygy,CCRL Discussion Board, July 03, 2014
- ↑Re: Syzygy tb generator for windows bysyzygy,CCRL Discussion Board, June 01, 2014
- ↑7-men Syzygy attempt byBojun Guo,CCC, March 10, 2018
- ↑Powered by Ronald de Man's Syzygy endgame tablebases, 7-piece tables generated by Bojun Guo and a public API hosted by, August 19, 2018
- ↑Index of /tables/standard/7/ on lichess, August 19, 2018
- ↑Re: What is the best way to obtain the 7-piece tablebases? bysyzygy,CCC, June 22, 2020
- ↑Re: What is the best way to obtain the 7-piece tablebases? byDann Corbit,CCC, June 23, 2020
- ↑Re: How is work on 8-man tablebases progressing? bysyzygy,CCC, September 12, 2024
- ↑Re: SSD and the use of Tablebases byRonald de Man,CCC, May 08, 2013
- ↑Re: New 6-piece tablebases byRonald de Man,CCC, April 05, 2013
- ↑Endgame Turbo 4 byChessBase
- ↑Syzygy Tablebases: newest, fastest, smallest byAlbert Silver,ChessBase News, February 08, 2015
- ↑Gull 3 Linux+Syzygy and Fathom released byBasil Falcinelli,CCC, November 20, 2015
- ↑GitHub - basil00/Fathom: Syzygy TB probe tool byBasil Falcinelli
- ↑jdart1/Fathom · GitHub byJon Dart
- ↑7-man Syzygy support in Fathom byJon Dart,CCC, April 23, 2019
- ↑Pyrrhic, Fathom for Humanoids byAndrew Grant,CCC, August 16, 2020
- ↑GitHub - AndyGrant/Pyrrhic: Fathom, for Humanoids
- ↑ Collection of useful data concerning SF
- ↑Useful data · official-stockfish/Stockfish · GitHub byJoost VandeVondele, August 26, 2023
- ↑Porting syzgy/tb to an old version chess (shatranj) byYunus Emre Ayhan,CCC, September 15, 2024
- ↑Re: New 6-piece tablebase generator bysyzygy,CCRL Discussion Board, April 06, 2013
- ↑Retrograde tablebase methods byBB+,OpenChess Forum, November 26, 2010
- ↑Leapfrog: Retrograde Analysis fromLeapfrog tablebase generator byHarm Geert Muller
- ↑Jesper Torp Kristensen (2005).Generation and compression of endgame tables in chess with fast random access using OBDDs. Master thesis, supervisorPeter Bro Miltersen,Aarhus University
- ↑OBDD - Ordered Binary Decision Diagram from Wikipedia
- ↑Re: DTM50 byRonald de Man,CCRL Discussion Board, July 06, 2019
- ↑Re: Almost perfect DTM tablebase byDann Corbit,CCRL Discussion Board, April 15, 2020
- ↑Re: Stash has lost 2 game because of NO EGTB byMorgan Houppin,CCC, March 25, 2021
- ↑Guy Haworth (2014).Chess Endgame News.ICGA Journal, Vol. 37, No. 2
- ↑Found an interesting research byKirill Kryukov, April, 12, 2013
- ↑Wine (software) from Wikipedia
- ↑N. Jesper Larsson,Alistair Moffat (1999).Offline Dictionary-Based Compression.DCC'99,pdf
- ↑LZ4 (compression algorithm) from Wikipedia
- ↑Zstandard from Wikipedia
- ↑BitTorrent from Wikipedia
- ↑ChessDBCN bynoobpwnftw,CCC, September 09, 2019