


Version2.3 of the TAP library releasedsince the 10th April 2019!
Seethe modifications for more details

TAP Libraryv2.3

This Java library is a framework aiming to build quickly and easily a TAP service.

Getting started !Download

What is TAP ?

TAP is a protocol defined by theIVOA in theRecommendation of 27 March 2010 (Version 1.0) which lets access table data.

The standardsADQL andUWS are used in this protocol.

Remind me!

Why this library?

In order to help Java developpers to quickly build a TAP service with as less code writing as possible. A service built using this framework will be conform to the IVOA definition of the protocol TAP.

  • Configuration file: a TAP service can be created with just a simple key-value configuration file...nothing else.
  • Metadata management: a TAP service let querying a database whose some tables and columns are accessible. All information (name, ucd, utype, type, description, ...) about them must be provided to the library. Easy ways (e.g. read file, database import) to give these information are provided by the library.
  • Home page: a default home page with an HTML form is provided by this library for the root resource of the service. This home page can be changed.
  • Authentication: thanks to a simple Java interface, the library let developers specify a way to identify a user. No default authentication method is provided.
  • Log: all infos, warnings and errors are reported in a log. Log format is let free to the library users: it can be a file (free format), a database, a set of files, ...
  • Backup: asynchronous jobs (query + result) of the resource/async are stored on the server. Thus they can be restored at service restart.
  • Upload: VOTable(s) can be uploaded and crossmatched with the TAP service tables. This feature can disable by default.

How to use it ?

  • Getting started: to start with this library.
  • Migration help: to migrate from v1.0 to v2.0.
  • Documentation: to have more details about all provided functionnalities.
    The documentation is not yet complete. Content will be added piece by piece.
  • Javadoc: Java documentation of all available classes.
  • What's new ?: Last modifications of the library.

If you have any question about the TAP library, you can send it toGrégory Mantelet (CDS).

This library is free: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License.

