


Version2.0 BETA (implementingADQL-2.1) of the ADQL library can be tested on thevalidator's page

ADQL Libraryv1.5

This CDS/ARI library lets parsing, manipulating and translating ADQL queries.

Getting started!Download

What is ADQL ?

ADQL is a SQL-like language which includes astronomical facilities to query a database. This language has been defined by theIVOA in the Recommendation of 30 Oct 2008 (Version 2.0) and is mainly used in the Table Access Protocol (TAP).

Why this library ?

In order to help Java developpers to parse, manipulate and translate ADQL queries quickly and with as few lines of code as possible.

  • Parse: read ADQL queries in text and transform them into a Java object (actually, a syntactic tree).
  • Manipulate: the generated object can be manipulated so than modifying the original query.
  • Translate: an interface and some implementations lets translating ADQL into other languages like SQL.


How to use it ?

  • Getting started: to start with this library.
  • Documentation: to have more details about all provided functionnalities.
  • UML: UML diagrams of all available classes.
  • Javadoc: Java documentation of all available classes.
  • What's new ?: Last modifications of the library.

If you have any question about the ADQL library, you can send it toGrégory Mantelet (CDS).

This library is free: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License.

