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Home > 41st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2024)
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41st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2024)
20 Jul - 3 Aug 2024, Liverpool, United Kingdom
The International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory is an annual conference that attracts scientists from around the world. Originally started as a place for physicists to discuss recent developments in lattice gauge theory, the conference is now the largest of its type and has grown to cover strongly interacting phenomena in many contexts such as particle physics phenomenology and nuclear theory, as well as algorithms, code development and machine architectures.
Particle Physics - Lattice ; Computing and Computers

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

From scattering towards multi-hadron weak decays(p. 16)
by Erben, Felix
Hessian-free force-gradient integrators and their application to lattice QCD simulations(p. 25)
by Schäfers, Kevin
Update on two-level sampling for glueball observables in quenched QCD(p. 62)
by Barca, Lorenzo
Study on the $P$-wave form factors contributing to $ B_s $ to $D_s$ inclusive semileptonic decays from lattice simulations(p. 241)
by Hu, Zhi
Systematic effects in the lattice calculation of inclusive semileptonic decays(p. 245)
by Kellermann, Ryan
The hadronic contribution to the running of $\alpha$ and the electroweak mixing angle(p. 287)
by Conigli, Alessandro
Quark and gluon momentum fractions in the pion and in the kaon(p. 311)
by Chacon, Luis Alberto Rodriguez
Smoothing properties of the Wilson flow and the topological charge(p. 369)
by Della Morte, Michele
Flavor mixing in charmonium and light mesons with optimal distillation profiles
by Urrea-Niño, Juan Andrés
Machine-learning techniques as noise reduction strategies in lattice calculations of the muon $g-2$
by Wittig, Hartmut
Status and outlook of quark flavour physics
by Tsang, Justus Tobias

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 Record created 2024-12-06, last modified 2024-12-06

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