


Leading the pack

Experience Dolby Atmos and ultimate room correction on any hardware, for free.


True Dolby Atmos with only a PC

Experience incredible flexibility with Cavern, the powerful audio processor that enables object-based sound on systems where it was previously unimaginable. Cavern is the first ever PC audio processor that supports Dolby Digital Plus Atmos, and has the tools to convert your content to any channel layout in a channel-based format.

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Sound quality no money can buy

Get ready to be blown away by the incredible audio quality achieved withQuickEQ, Cavern's lightning-fast automatic calibrator that outperforms even actual cinema processors with ease. Don't settle for mediocre sound quality. Upgrade to Cavern and discover the full hidden potential of your audio setup!

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Beyond adaptation

The development goal for Cavern is simple: make it the ultimate all-in-one audio processor. This goal led to the creation of theatre and stage listener adaptation, an automatic volume and panning recalibration based on occupied seats in real-time. What used to be only possible with extremely expensive acoustic room treatment, Cavern can do it in software.

Help the development of Cavern

Cavern has improved the listening experience for countless users. Thanks to generous donations, this project has been able to continue its development. If you've been satisfied with the results provided by Cavern, consider contributing with a small donation.

