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Family Stratiomyidae - Soldier flies

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?stratiomyid - Exodontha luteipes

Soldier Fly - Actina viridis - maleFly - Actina viridis - femaleFly - Allognosta fuscitarsis - maleSomething - Allognosta fuscitarsis - maleFly - Actina viridisSoldier fly, Actina viridis? - Actina viridisAllognosta fuscitarsisAllognosta fuscitarsis - female

Australian Sod Fly? - Inopus rubriceps - femaleBlack bug, orange head - Inopus rubriceps - femaleBlack bug, orange head - Inopus rubriceps - femaleSugarcane Soldier Fly - Inopus rubriceps - maleSugarcane Soldier Fly - Inopus rubriceps - maleRed Headed Fly - Inopus rubriceps - femaleStratiomyid?  Male Inopus maybe? - Inopus rubriceps - maleFemale sugarcane soldier fly - Inopus rubriceps - female

Need ID please - Adoxomyia subulata - femaleStratiomyid - Cyphomyia erecta - femaleWasp - Cyphomyia erecta - femaleMale, Adoxomyia? - Adoxomyia tenuicornis - maleCyphomyia erectaAdoxomyia from Lindgren funnel - AdoxomyiaFemale, Dieuryneura stigma? - Dieuryneura stigma - femaleAdoxomyia? - Adoxomyia

Black Soldier Fly - Hermetia illucensBlack Soldier Fly - Hermetia illucensblack soldier fly - Hermetia illucensTabanid? - Hermetia illucensSoldier fly larvae - Hermetia illucensID Request - Large black flies in the central Virginia (Charlottesville) area.  - Hermetia illucensHermetia illucens? - Hermetia illucensHermetia subpellucida

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