Bower is made by lots of people across the globe, contributions large and small. Be a part of it.
Bower was created at Twitter by@fat and@maccman, originally released as part ofTwitter’s open source effort in 2012. Since its release,numerous individuals have made contributions. Bower is a team effort.
Help make Bower better. We welcome contributions of all kinds. Please take a moment to review theguidelines for contributing.
Bower isBower with a capital B.
The Bower logowas designed byDave DeSandro andIsaac Durazo. It illustrates aflame bowerbird performing its sultry mating dance.
The Bower logo may be used on websites, apps, or printed materials to indicate use of Bower technologies. The logo may not be used as the primary icon, avatar, or logo of your project. The logo may not be used to imply official status or endorsement by the Bower team. The logo may not be manipulated in any way (changing colors, adding shapes). The logo may not be incorporated with other logos.
Bower t-shirts are available on Cotton Bureau. T-shirts get printed every couple of months.
Bower stickers are available on Unixstickers.
Dark brown#543729Red#EF5734Gold#FFCC2FGreen#2BAF2BBlue#00ACEELight gray#CECECE
Bower is named after thebowerbird, afamily of birds wheremales build a structure [the bower] and decorate it with sticks and brightly coloured objects in an attempt to attract a mate. Bower does just that. Bower brings together bits and pieces from across the forest so you can build your structure.