しばらく前にリバースプロキシ経由のアクセス元IPを書き換える というエントリでmod_extract_forwarded をインストールする方法を紹介しましたが、これと同じことを CentOS 7 でやろうとしたらハマってしまって思いのほか時間を取られてしまったので後学のためのメモを残しておきます。
CentOS 6.x のときは epel を使えば yum でインストールするだけの楽ちん作業だったので、同じようにいくだろうと読んでいましたが初っ端から大誤算。まずCentOS 7 では epel に mod_extract_forwarded は含まれていません。他のリポジトリも探しましたが同様です。この理由は CentOS 6 -> CentOS 7 に伴って Apache のバージョンが 2.2 -> 2.4 に変更されているのですが、mod_extract_forwarded がそもそも 2.4 に対応していないので、含めようにも含められないというのが真相のようです。
このあたりの事情や、2.4 から導入されたmod_remoteip については下記のエントリが詳しいです。
今回はこの方の書かれたmatsumoto-r/mod_extract_forwarded_for_2.4 をインストールすることにします。
† モジュールのコンパイルとインストール
ソースが GitHub にあるので、これを clone して apxs を使ってビルドとインストールを行います。
yum install httpd-devel -ygit clone https://github.com/matsumoto-r/mod_extract_forwarded_for_2.4.gitcd mod_extract_forwarded_for_2.4apxs -c -i mod_extract_forwarded.c
† 設定ファイルの作成と設定の反映
MEFaccept の部分はリバースプロキシの IP アドレスに読み替えてください。
cat << 'EOS' > /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/01-extract_forwarded.confLoadModule extract_forwarded_module modules/mod_extract_forwarded.so# MEForder can have either of two value 'refuse,accept' or 'accept,refuse' and# specifies the order in which the information in two associated directives,# MEFaccept and MEFrefuse, are intepreted. The MEFaccept and MEFrefuse# directives are each used to spcifiy one or more IP numbers.MEForder refuse,accept# MEFrefuse can be 'all' OR a list of IP numbers and/or domain names of trusted# proxy servers whose IP number can be derived by DNS from the domain name.# The presence of 'all' overrides any particular IP numbers and means that no# proxy servers are to be trusted. Individual IP numbers mean that those proxy# servers having them are not to be trusted. This defaults to 'all'.MEFrefuse all# MEFaccept can be 'all' OR a list of IP numbers and/or domain names of trusted# proxy servers whose IP number can be derived by DNS from the domain name.# The presence of 'all' overrides any particular IP numbers and means that all# proxy servers are to be trusted.# Individual IP numbers mean that those the proxy servers having them are to be# trusted. This defaults to an empty list of trusted IP numbers.MEFaccept 192.168.###.### # Normal mode of use is to say:## MEForder refuse,accept# MEFrefuse all# MEFaccept <space separated list of your trusted proxy servers' IP numbers>## with the MEForder directive saying apply the MEFrefuse rule first then the# MEFaccept rule.# The MEFrefuse rule says do not trust any proxy servers but this is selectively# overridden for particular IP numbers listed by the MEFaccept directive.# MEFaddenv can be 'off', 'on' (the default) or a string. 'off' means that when# spoofing, do not add an environment variable whose value is the IP number of# the connecting machine. 'on' means that when spoofing, add an environment# variable called 'MEF_RPROXY_ADDR' whose value is the IP number of the# connecting machine.# A string means that when spoofing, add an environment variable named by the# string supplied whose value is the IP number of the connecting machine.MEFaddenv on# MEFdebug can be 'on' or 'off' (the default). When turned 'on' information# about how the mod_extract_forwarded module is processing every request to your# Apache 2 server, and any associated internal redirects or subsrequests, is# written to the server's error_log.# The amount of output written and the way it is generated is such that you# would never normally want to turn this feature on.# This feature is intended for debugging operation of the mod_extract_forwarded# module and it is unlikely you will want to do that.MEFdebug offEOS
最後に apache を restart してやれば完了です。
systemctl restart httpdsystemctl status httpd