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Cytoskeleton, Cell Motility and Motors
- The Biology Project: Cell Biology: Cytoskeleton Tutorial - Tutorial on the cytoskeleton with illustrations. (University of Arizona) (Beginner's Level)
- Cell Biology Web Pages - Hypertext- and image-based overviews of cell and organelle structure and function. (Gwen V. Childs, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences) (Just above Beginner's Level)
- Cell Intelligence - A multimedia presentation of cell movement interpreted with respect to ideas about non-random organization in cell and organelle structure. (Guenter Albrecht-Buehler, Northwestern University)
- Cell Migration Gateway - "The Cell Migration Gateway is a comprehensive and regularly updated resource for anyone interested in cell migration." (Cell Migration Consortium and Nature Publishing Group)
- Cell Mobility and Cytoskeleton - A primer on cell locomotion and the cytoskeleton. (Mark Hill, University of New South Wales, Australia) (Beginner's Level)
- Cell Motion - "This page summarizes the parameters associated with motion and chemotaxis of cells," such as typical cell migration speeds and persistence times. (Leah Edelstein-Keshet, University of British Columbia, Canada)
- Cytoskeleton, Inc.'s Information Resource - Information and technical tips for researchers studying the cytoskeleton. (Cytoskeleton, Inc.)
- Cytoskeleton Research - Portal for information on research on the cytoskeleton.
- Drosophila Gene Families: Cytoskeleton (The Interactive Fly)
- The Interactive Fly: Stress Activated and Cell Motility Feedback Pathway - "The Jun-N-terminal kinase (JNK) activated MAP kinase cascade links the Rho family of GTP-binding proteins to transcription of Jun." (Society for Developmental Biology)
- Kimball's Biology Pages: The Cytoskeleton - Basic information on the cytoskeleton and its roles in establishing cell shape, providing mechanical strength, locomotion, chromosome separation in mitosis and meiosis, and intracellular transport of organelles. (Beginner's Level)
- Lymphocyte Recirculation and Homing in Immunity - Very nice images and diagrams showing how lymphocytes recirculate, locomote and home. (Art Anderson)
- Nature Cell Biology: Focus on Cytoskeleton - "This section contains all of the material on the topic of cytoskeleton dynamics and molecular motors published in Nature Cell Biology to date. This includes Editorials, News and Views, Review articles, and, of course, original research papers."
- Primary Cilium Resource Page - A database on primary cilia. (Sam Bowser)
- Wikipedia - Free online encyclopedia with basic overviews.(Beginner's Level)
See also theCell Adhesion and Extracellular Matrix,Cell Cycle and Cytokinesis andSignal Transduction pages.
Cell Motility Movies
See also theMicroscope Image Galleries and Databases section of theMicroscopy page.
Tumor Cell Invasion and Metastasis
See also theCancer Resources section of theCell Cycle and Cytokinesis page and theAngiogenesis,Cell Adhesion and Extracellular Matrix andSignal Transduction pages.
Wound Healing and Tissue Repair
Cell motilty is integral to tissue repair. Cell movement, extracellular matrix deposition, local tissue contraction and remodeling, cell proliferation and differentiation are all part of the complex process of wound healing, which can involve many different types of cells, including blood platelets, lymphocytes and leukocytes (especially neutrophils and macrophages), fibroblasts, epithelial cells and endothelial cells.
See also theAngiogenesis,Cell Adhesion and Extracellular Matrix,Cell Cycle and Cytokinesis andMolecular and Cell Biology of Development pages.
Individual Cytoskeletal Components: Actin Filaments, Microtubules and Intermediate Filaments
- Mark Hill's Cytoskeleton Page - Information on the actin filament system and probes for study. (Mark Hill, University of New South Wales, Australia)
- A Web Atlas of Cellular Structures: Actin and Microtubules - Fluorescence images of the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton of cultured epithelial cells with brief text descriptions. (Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) (Just above Beginner's Level)
- Wikipedia - Free online encyclopedia with basic overviews.(Beginner's Level)
Molecular Motors (Muscle and Non-Muscle)
Discussion Groups
See also theDiscussion Groups section of theGeneral Resources and Tutorials page.
Page last modified on November 5, 2020.