BPG Image format
- (Apr 21 2018) Release 0.9.8 is available.
BPG (Better Portable Graphics) is a new image format. Its purpose isto replace the JPEG image format when quality or file size is anissue. Its main advantages are:- High compression ratio. Files are much smaller than JPEG forsimilar quality.
- Supported by most Web browsers with a small Javascript decoder(gzipped size: 56 KB).
- Based on a subset of theHEVCopen video compression standard.
- Supports the same chroma formats as JPEG (grayscale, YCbCr 4:2:0,4:2:2, 4:4:4) to reduce the losses during the conversion. An alphachannel is supported. The RGB, YCgCo and CMYK color spaces are alsosupported.
- Native support of 8 to 14 bits per channel for a higher dynamic range.
- Lossless compression is supported.
- Various metadata (suchasEXIF, ICC profile, XMP)can be included.
- Animation support.
The following archive contains the source code of thebpgenc,bpgdec andbpgview command line utilities (forLinux) and the associatedlibbpg library (read the READMEfile in the archive). It also includes the source code of theJavascript decoder.libbpg-0.9.8.tar.gz
Binary distribution for Windows (64 bit only)
UnofficialGithub mirror.
For Mac users, the BPG utilities are available in thelibbpgHomebrew formula.
- Mozilla did astudy of various lossy compressed image formats. HEVC (hence BPG) was a clear winner by a wide margin. BPG files are actually a little smaller than raw HEVC files because the BPG header is smaller than the corresponding HEVC header.
- BPG natively supports 8 to 14 bits per channel when most otherformats use 8 bits (including most of the JPEG implementationsandWEBP). It gives ahigher dynamic range (which is important for cameras and new displays)and a slightly better compression ratio (because there are lessrounding errors in the decoder).
- BPG uses high quality decimation (10 tap Lanczos filter) andinterpolation (7 tap Lanczos filter) to handle the chroma samples in4:2:2 and 4:2:0 formats.
- BPG can be supported in hardware with standard HEVC decoders andencoders (it uses a subset of the Main 4:4:4 16 Still Picture Profile,Level 8.5).
Technical information
The specification of the BPG file format isavailablehere.Licensing
- The BPG decoding library uses a modified version of FFmpegreleased under the LGPL version 2.1 as HEVC decoder. The BPG decodinglibrary excluding the FFmpeg code is released under the BSD license.
- The BPG encoder as a whole is released under the GPL version 2license. The BPG encoder sources excluding x265 are released under theBSDlicense. Thex265library is released under the GPL version 2 license. The optionalJCTVC HEVC referenceencoder is released under the BSD license.
- Some of the HEVC algorithms may be protected by patents in somecountries (read theFFmpegPatent Mini-FAQ for more information). Most devices already includeor will include hardware HEVC support, so we suggest to use it ifpatents are an issue.
Fabrice Bellard -