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Scientific Facilities
The following Scientific Recharge Facilities are managed by staff in IB and MCB. For a more complete list of available facilities visithere.
Cell Culture
The Cell Culture Facility, located in 336 Barker Hall, supports research by providing cell cultures, media, supplies and expertise on a recharge basis for more than 40 different laboratories on and off the main campus. The Facility provides cell cultures for researchers to take to their labs for experiments, provides media and materials for checkout, and also allows use of laminar flow hoods, incubators and microscope for researchers who are using cells provided by the Facility, to use on site. Please contact us by email atcellculture@berkeley.edu or by phone at 510-664-4053.
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DNA Sequencing
The DNA Sequencing Facility, located in 303 Barker Hall, is a scientific recharge facility in the Molecular and Cell Biology Department. The Facility supports research by providing DNA sequencing, genotyping, DNA isolation, and PCR clean-up services as requested by members of up to 200 research labs on and off campus. Their phone number is 642-6383, websitehttp://mcb.berkeley.edu/barker/dnaseq/.
Fly Food
The Fly Food Scientific Facility, located in LL41A Koshland Hall, supports research by providing Drosophila food on a recharge basis to over 20 labs on campus and at LBNL that use fruit flies for their research. Food is dispensed to narrow polystyrene or wide resin vials, and to 6oz or 8oz polypropylene bottles. Please contact us by email atankillilea@berkeley.edu orloidap@berkeley.edu.
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Media Preparation
The Media Preparation Scientific Facility, located in LL41C Koshland Hall, supports research by providing bacterial, yeast, worm and Drosophila media on a recharge basis to over 20 labs on campus and at LBNL that use bacteria, yeast, C. elegans (worms) and fruit flies for their research.
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On-Call Glassware Washing
On-Call Glass Washers/Laboratory Helpers, located in GL81 Koshland Hall, are deployed to five buildings across campus on a recharge basis to replace career Laboratory Assistants who are on leave or vacation. Please contact us by email atankillilea@berkeley.edu or atsesosa@berkeley.edu or by phone at 642-5088.
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Refrigeration & Equipment Repair
The Refrigeration & Equipment Repair shop does repairs on a recharge basis for most laboratory equipment including centrifuges, PCR machines, electrophoresis power supplies, gel boxes, refrigeration, ultra low freezers and Co2 incubators. ContactJeff Davenport. For accounting questions contactib_mcb_recharge@berkeley.edu. The Shops Workorder Request Form (PDF available here) please fill out and email this toJeff Davenport.
Stem Cell
The Stem Cell Facility, located in 336 Barker Hall, supports research by providing human pluripotent stem cells, media, supplies and expertise on a recharge basis for more than 40 different laboratories on and off the main campus. The facility provides cell cultures for researchers to take to their labs for experiments, provides media and materials for checkout, and also allows use of laminar flow hoods, incubators and microscopes for researchers who are using cells provided by the Facility, to use on site. Please contact us by email atcellculture@berkeley.edu or by phone at 510-664-4053.
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Contact Information
Alison Killilea
Phone: 642-5956
Location: 336 Barker Hall
Hitomi Asahara
Phone: 642-6383
Location: 310 Barker Hall
Email: hitomi@berkeley.edu
Other Staff
Refrigeration & Equipment Repair:Jeff Davenport
Fly Food:Loida Pineda
Media Preparations:Sara Sosa
On-Call Dishwashing:Sara Sosa
Tissue Culture:Carissa Tasto