In a surprising turn of events, the Head ofUX atDuolingo — Mig Reyes announced on LinkedIn that the company has decided to completely change the termUX design and replaceit with PX design. What is PX design you might ask? Well letsbreak this down based on what the company states. Mig Reyes’s post on LinkedIn sparked a debateTo begin with, they clear out that they are changing the name of the
JOHN: Hi (Uncle) Bob! You and I have each written books on software design. We agree on some things, but there are some pretty big differences of opinion between my recent book A Philosophy of Software Design (hereafter "APOSD") and your classic book Clean Code. Thanks for agreeing to discuss those differences here. UB: My pleasure John. Before we begin, let me say that I've carefully read through
Feb 11, 2025 RONI CARTA | LUPIN supply chain attack,docker, red team, artifact, bug bounty,pwn Introduction Back in 2021, I was stillearly in my offensivesecurity journey. I had already hacked several companies and was earning a steady income through Bug Bounty Hunting, an ethical hacking practice wheresecurity researchers find andreport vulnerabilities for monetary rewards. However, I wasn’
Hello,Rustaceans! TheRust Survey Team is excited to share the results of our 2024 survey on theRustProgramming language, conducted between December 5, 2024 and December 23, 2024. As in previous years, the 2024 State ofRust Survey was focused on gathering insights and feedback fromRust users, and all those who are interested in the future ofRust more generally. This ninth edition of the surv
[[toc]] Three years ago, I wrote a post about shipping ESM & CJS in a single package, advocating for dual CJS/ESM formats to ease user migration and trying to make the best of both worlds. Back then, I didn't fully agree with aggressively shipping ESM-only, as I considered the ecosystem wasn't ready, especially since the push was mostly from low-level libraries. Over time, as tools and the ecosyst
How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App On theTwitter thread, click on or icon on the bottom Click again on or Share Via icon Click on Copy Link to Tweet Pasteit above and click "Unroll Thread"! More info atTwitter Help thread#showTweet" data-screenname="sama" data-tweet="1889755723078443244" dir="auto">OPENAI ROADMAP UPDATE FOR GPT-4.5 and GPT-5: We want to do a better job of sharing our inten
Can we have a faster FFI for CRuby? Yes. Can we have a faster FFI for CRuby? I loveprogramming inRuby, and I advocate for people to write as muchRuby as possible. But sometimes you really really must call out to native code. Even in those cases, I encourage people to write as muchRuby as possible, especially because YJIT can optimizeRuby code but not C code. Taken toitslogical extreme, this
Our app was mysteriously using 60%CPU and 25%GPU on my M2MacBook.It turned out this was due to a tinyCSSanimation! In this post, I show how to find expensiveanimations, why some are so expensive, and how to make manyanimations much cheaper. Along the way, we'll learn how the browser rendersCSSanimations and how to useChrome's dev tools for performanceprofiling. The problem Whilebuildi
こんにちは。PR TIMESでフロントエンドエンジニアをしている夛田(@unachang113)です。 今回はPR TIMES社内でHTMLクライテリアを作成したのでその話をしようと思います。 つくろうと思ったきっかけ PR TIMES社内ではHTMLの品質に対するエンジニア間の共通の指標がなかったため、何を満たせば品質を担保していると言えるのかの指標やルールがありませんでした。 指標がないとlintを導入した際に何を入れると品質が向上できるのかがわからなかったり、HTMLの仕様理解が個々人ばらつきが生じ、プロダクトコードで品質を担保するのが難しくなります。 そこでPR TIMESの開発部のフロントエンドチームにおけるHTMLの品質を明文化するためにクライテリアを作成することにしました。HTMLクライテリアのつくりかた 日本CTO協会が作成しているWebフロントエンド版DX Criter
Implementations of the newJavaScriptTemporal object are starting to be shipped in experimental releases of browsers. This is big news for web developers because working with dates and times inJavaScript will be hugelysimplified and modernized. Applications that rely on scheduling, internationalization, or time-sensitive data will be able to use built-ins for efficient, precise and consistent d
In2022, I had an idea that could decrease the size of all newly-published npm packages by about 5%, andit was completely backwards compatible. This would have improved performance and reduced storage costs. I eagerly pitched this idea to the npm maintainers, convincedit was a clear win. But after a few months, my proposal was rejected. To be clear: I think this was the right call! Here’s what h
I started my career at HughesAircraft in 1972 while working on my Ph.D. at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). After designingairborne computers for four years, I graduated and then taught and did systems research at UC Berkeley for the next 40. Since 2016, I’ve helpedGoogle with hardware that accelerates artificial intelligence (AI). At the end of mytechnical talks, I often shar hi, i'm daniel. i'm a 15-year-old high school junior. in my free time, i hack billion dollar companies andbuild cool stuff. 3 months ago, I discovered a unique 0-click deanonymization attack that allows an attacker to grab the location of any target within a 250 mile radius. With a vulnerable app installed on a target's phone (or as a background application on their laptop), an attack
Bun is complete toolkit forbuilding and testing full-stackJavaScript andTypeScript applications. If you're new toBun, you can learn more from theBun 1.0blog post.Bun 1.2Bun 1.2 is a huge update, and we're excited to shareit with you. Here's the tl;dr of what changed inBun 1.2: There's a major update onBun's progress towards Node.js compatibilityBun now has a built-in S3 object storage AP
このようにJavaScript Runtimeと言う言葉が出てくるのですが、そもそも「Runtimeとは何?」と皆さん疑問に思ったことがあると思います。 そもそもRuntimeってなんだ 「Node.jsはプログラミング言語ではなのですか?」と聞かれるたびに、「プログラミング言語はJavaScript」だと説明しなければならず、では「Runtimeとは」、「Runtime環境とは何」……という堂々巡りになるので、そこの話も深堀してお話しします。 日本語の辞書的な意味は形容詞で「実行中の~」とあります。 名詞として使っているときもありますが、Runtimeの辞書的な意味では形容詞として使うことが一般的だそうです。 実は基本的には、Runtime System, Runtime Library, Runtime Environment のように使います。Node.jsはRuntime Envi