Doyou think I'llfeel better if I forgive them?
You want to forgive them?
Ifit wouldmake mefeel better, I might.
But the I imagine them lookingall relieved afterwords,itgets under myskin.
"Piss off" ?
Yeah.. I'm a prettypetty person, aren'tit?
I begyour pardon, but couldyou leaveMiyake Hinataalone?
You might think Hinatahas been holding agrudge againstyou sinceshe quit school, thatshe's been suffering badly.
Maybeyou thinkshe spends every day crying, thinking about what happened toher.
But, but,
But that's nottrue!
Hinata-chanis having a super, amazingfuntime with us!
She's having a really fulfilling trip of the sortyou can'tgetwhere you are!
Hinatais already looking forward!
She's already walking!
She's takingher steps with us!
Unlike Hinata, I'm a real jerk, so I'll sayit outright.
You can'tliveyourlives in this halfwaystate forever!
You hurtsomeone andmade them suffer!
That's whatyouget for hurtingsomeone!
That's whatyouget for hurting myfriend!
You thinkyou can come crawling back now?
Piss Off!
fro theline of "Sora yorimo toi basho -- A Place Further Than theUniverse"