• React,Vue, Angular などのフレームワークがどんどん複雑化
• 「最終的にHTMLを描画するだけなら、サーバーでやればよくない?」
•XSS,CSRF, CORSといった脆弱性に対処し続けるコストが無駄
🚩 3.サーバーレス・クラウド技術が進化し、APIの負担を減らす方向に
•AWSLambda,APIGateway, Cognitoなどのサーバーレス技術が進化
• 以前はReactを使用 → ReactをやめてHTMLベースに戻した
• React,Vue, Angularを全廃
3. Laravel(Livewire)
4. Shopify(GraphQLでデータを直接取得)
•フロントエンドを完全分離する構成から、「バックエンドがHTMLを返せばいい」 というシンプルな構成へ移行
📌 最適なアーキテクチャ
ブラウザ →サーバー(PHP,Node.js,Go) →APIGateway(Cognito認証)
📌 具体的な実装例(PHP + Cognito +APIGateway)
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$client = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient([
'credentials' => [
'key' => getenv('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'),
'secret' => getenv('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'),
$email = $_POST['email'];
$password = $_POST['password'];
try {
$result = $client->initiateAuth([
'ClientId' => 'XXXXXXXXXX',
'USERNAME' => $email,
setcookie("accessToken", $result['AuthenticationResult']['AccessToken'], [
'samesite' => 'Strict'
🚀 **「フロントエンドはもう不要」**という流れは、最新のクラウド/サーバーレス開発に携わる人たちが実感していること。
import requestsfrom bs4 import BeautifulSoupimporttimeimportcsvimportosimport re#ログインURLlogin_url = 'https://hatelabo.jp/login'#ログイン情報login_data = { 'key': 'あなたのユーザ名またはメールアドレス', 'password': 'あなたのパスワード', 'mode': 'enter'}user_name = 'あなたのユーザ名'#User-Agent ヘッダー(例:Google Chrome)headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT10.0;Win64;x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML,likeGecko)Chrome/58.0.3029.110Safari/537.3'}#セッションを開始session = requests.Session()#ログインresponse = session.post(login_url, data=login_data, headers=headers)print('login',response.status_code)# 集計データitem = { 'url': '', #URL 'title': '', #タイトル 'datetime': '', #投稿日時 'characters': '', #文字数 'bookmark': '', # 被ブクマ数 'trackback': '', # 被トラバ数}#CSVファイル名output_file = 'masuda_output.csv'#CSVファイルが存在しない場合はヘッダーを書き込むif notos.path.exists(output_file): withopen(output_file, 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8')as file:writer =csv.DictWriter(file, fieldnames=item.keys())writer.writeheader()# 集計page_start = 1page_end = 3for i in range(page_start, page_end+1): # 待機time.sleep(3) #増田一覧取得 page = session.get(f'https://anond.hatelabo.jp/{user_name}/?page={i}')print(page.url) # 応答のHTMLをBeautifulSoupで解析 soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser') entries = soup.find_all('div', class_='section') for entry in entries: header = entry.find('h3')timestamp = header.find('a').get('href')[1:] item['url'] = 'https://anond.hatelabo.jp/'+timestamp item['title'] = header.get_text()[:-1] item['datetime'] = f"{timestamp[0:4]}/{timestamp[4:6]}/{timestamp[6:8]} {timestamp[8:10]}:{timestamp[10:12]}" footersection_text = entry.find_all('p')[-2].get_text() item['characters'] =len(entry.find('p').get_text().strip(footersection_text)) item['trackback'] = int(re.search(r'92;((.*?)92;)', footersection_text).group(1) if re.search(r'92;((.*?)92;)', footersection_text) else '') if item['title'] == '■': item['title'] = entry.find('p').get_text().strip(footersection_text)[:35] # 待機time.sleep(3)bookmark_page = session.get(f'https://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/button/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fanond.hatelabo.jp%2F{timestamp}&layout=basic-label-counter&lang=ja') soup_b = BeautifulSoup(bookmark_page.content, 'html.parser') item['bookmark'] = int(soup_b.find('a', class_='count').get_text()) #CSVファイルに追記 withopen(output_file, 'a', newline='', encoding='utf-8')as file:writer =csv.DictWriter(file, fieldnames=item.keys())writer.writerow(item)
92; → \
"C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN\db2cmd.exe" /c /wdb2 catalog tcpip node FOO remote server 10000"C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN\db2cmd.exe" /c /wdb2 catalogdb FOOat node FOOodbcconf /A {CONFIGSYSDSN "IBMDB2ODBC DRIVER -DB2COPY1" "DSN=FOO|DATABASE=FOO|SYSTEM=|UID=db2admin|PWD=password"}
さらに「 -DB2COPY1」が何なのかさっぱりわからん。「IBMDB2ODBC DRIVER」もあるんだけども。
だと「ドライバーの ConfigDSN、ConfigDriver、または ConfigTranslator が失敗しました」とあてにならないエラーが出てしまう。
classFoodefbar'baz'# return bazendend
CREATETABLE users (id INTEGER PRIMARYKEY AUTOINCREMENT, usernameTEXT NOT NULL, emailTEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE,passwordTEXT NOT NULL, created_at DATETIMEDEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);CREATETABLE tweets (id INTEGER PRIMARYKEY AUTOINCREMENT, user_id INTEGER NOT NULL,bodyTEXT NOT NULL, created_at DATETIMEDEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, FOREIGNKEY (user_id) REFERENCES users (id));CREATETABLE follows ( follower_id INTEGER NOT NULL, followed_id INTEGER NOT NULL, created_at DATETIMEDEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARYKEY (follower_id, followed_id), FOREIGNKEY (follower_id) REFERENCES users (id), FOREIGNKEY (followed_id) REFERENCES users (id));SELECT tweets.id, tweets.body, tweets.created_at, users.usernameFROM tweetsJOIN followsON tweets.user_id = follows.followed_idJOIN usersON tweets.user_id = users.idWHERE follows.follower_id = [特定のユーザーID]ORDERBY tweets.created_at DESC;
以下のCSV_DIR, FILE_PATHS,SETTINGSを書き換えてね。 <h3>o- *************************************/</h3>
//CSVファイルが置かれてるディレクトリのパス。投稿前にエラー出たら大体ここの設定ミス。 例:"C:\\Users\\sakuraimasahiro\\Documents\\iMacros\\Macros\\rentou\\";
const FILE_PATHS = {
textCsv:CSV_DIR + 'textNoAnker.csv',
replyTextCsv:CSV_DIR + 'textReply.csv',
baseWaitTime: 5,
waitTimeRange: 5,
waitTimeForAvoidingPunishment: 60 * 30,
mail: 'sage',
name: '',
noAnkerPostTextCsvStartRow: 1,
minAnker: 895,
filterText: ['自演かな', '自演わらわら', 'スクリプト使うの', '安価ガバ', '>>660', '自演で擁護', '最後' ,'あいうえお', 'かきくけこ', 'さしすせそ', 'なにぬねの', 'はひふへほ', 'まみむめも', 'やいゆえよ', 'やゆよ', 'らりるれろ', 'わいうえを', 'わをん', 'わいうえをん'],
password: '1234',
https://info.5ch.net/index.php/%E6%9B%B8%E3%81%8D%E8%BE%BC%E3%82%81%E3%81%AA%E3%81%84%E6%99%82%E3%81%AE%E6%97%A9%E8%A6%8B%E8%A1%A8 <h3>o- *************************************/</h3>
・importはできない。 <h3>o- *************************************/</h3>
関数 <h3>o- *************************************/</h3>
* ここから始まる。
var _TextCsvCursors = newTextCsvCursors(
SETTINGS.postSettings.noAnkerPostTextCsvStartRow> 0
?SETTINGS.postSettings.noAnkerPostTextCsvStartRow - 1
SETTINGS.postSettings.replyPostTextCsvStartRow> 0
?SETTINGS.postSettings.replyPostTextCsvStartRow - 1
var _LoopStatuses = newLoopStatuses(0,SETTINGS.postSettings.minAnker);
const _MyPosterName = new MyPosterName({
const _ThreadUrl = openPromptThreadUrl();
while (true) {
SETTINGS.ipSettings.checkIp && checkCurrentIpNotTheIp();
if (SETTINGS.roninSettings.checkLogin) {
if (SETTINGS.postSettings.replyPost) {
const targetAnkerNumber = createPostDOMList()
if (targetAnkerNumber !== null) {
const r = _TextCsvCursors.takeNextRowTextAsReply(targetAnkerNumber);
messageDisplay(`返信対象有り。アンカー先: ${targetAnkerNumber}`);
return {
if (SETTINGS.postSettings.noAnkerPost) {
const r = _TextCsvCursors.takeNextRowTextAsNoAnker();
return {
updatedLoopStatuses: _LoopStatuses,
return null;
if (p) {
_TextCsvCursors = p.updatedTextCsvCursors;
_LoopStatuses = p.updatedLoopStatuses.incrementPostCount();
`投稿回数: ${_LoopStatuses.currentPostCount()}`,
`minAnker: ${_LoopStatuses.currentMinAnker()}`,
`今回アンカー無し投稿取得行: ${_TextCsvCursors.currentRows().noAnker}`,
`今回アンカー有り投稿取得行: ${_TextCsvCursors.currentRows().reply}`,
} else {
`投稿回数: ${_LoopStatuses.currentPostCount()}`,
`minAnker: ${_LoopStatuses.currentMinAnker()}`,
`今回アンカー無し投稿取得行: ${_TextCsvCursors.currentRows().noAnker}`,
`今回アンカー有り投稿取得行: ${_TextCsvCursors.currentRows().reply}`,
wait(SETTINGS.baseWaitTime + randomRange(0,SETTINGS.waitTimeRange));
* @param {string} serverNameサーバー名
* @param {MyPosterName} _MyPosterName
retryTimes = 0,
) {
const r =
retryTimes === 0
? newValuesOfPost(serverName, _MyPosterName,postMail, _MyText).post(
if (r) {
consterror = createPostErrorMessage().analyze();
if (error.order === 'KILL') {
} else if (error.order === 'SKIP') {
} else if (error.order === 'TRUNCATE') {
retryTimes + 1,
} else if (error.order === 'WAIT') {
} else if (error.order === 'LOGIN') {
* @returns
function checkCurrentIpNotTheIp() {
const _IpAdress = createIpAdressFromCMan();
if (_IpAdress.includes(SETTINGS.ipSettings.avoidTheIp)) {
* @returns
if (
SETTINGS.postSettings.noAnkerPost ===false &&
SETTINGS.postSettings.replyPost ===false
) {
return kill('設定エラー。noAnkerPostとreplyPost両方ともfalseになってる。');
if (
SETTINGS.postSettings.noAnkerPostTextCsvStartRow < 0 &&
SETTINGS.postSettings.replyPostTextCsvStartRow < 0
) {
return kill(
if (
SETTINGS.postSettings.noAnkerPostTextCsvStartRow === 0 ||
SETTINGS.postSettings.replyPostTextCsvStartRow === 0
) {
return kill(
function openPromptThreadUrl() {
consturl = prompt('スレURLを入力');
* 開いてるスレのレス全て読み取ってPostListインスタンスを作って返す。
* 重すぎるので使うのやめ。どうやらインスタンスの大量生成が原因な模様。
constposts = window.document.getElementsByClassName('post');
return newPostList(Array.from(posts).map((e) => newPost(e)));
* 開いてるスレのレス全て取得してPostDOMListに格納して返す。
* @returns
function createPostDOMList() {
constposts = window.document.getElementsByClassName('post');
for (letindex = 0;index <posts.length;index++) {
return newPostDOMList(arrPostDOMList);
* 開いてる投稿結果画面に表示されてるエラーを読み取ってPostErrorMessageインスタンスを作って返す。
function createPostErrorMessage() {
ログイン出来ないんですけどの回答に「登録されていたパスワードは『password』ですが、入力されたパスワードは『password 』で末尾にスペースが含まれているためにログインに失敗していました」みたいな返答が普通にあるわけ
youtube の限定公開とかgist のプライベートとかでもURL知ってる人しか見れないものを非公開みたいな扱いでつかってるし
(blogに書いてた赤裸々な話を実名入りで利害関係者にばらまかれるリスクあるんだぜ。下手すりゃカード情報よりヤバいかもしれん。 )
Accepting the Terms Privacy Policy
These Terms of Service ("Terms") are a legalagreementbetween we andyou ("you").By installing or usinganyapplication ("Service")you agree to be boundby these Terms.Byaccessing or using the Service,you agree thatyou have read, understood,and accept to be boundby the Terms. We reserve the right, initssole discretion, to modify or revise these Termsatanytime, andyou agree to be boundby such modifications or revisions. Ifyou do not agree to the Terms, do not use the Service.
Users are responsible for periodicallyviewing the Terms.Your continued use of the Service after achange or updatehas beenmadewill constituteyour acceptance to the revised Terms. Ifyou do not agree to the Termsyouronly remedyis to discontinueyour use of the Service and cancelany accountsyou havemade using the Service.
We reserve the right to refuseanyuseraccess to the Services without notice foranyreason, including, but not limited to, aviolation of the Terms.
You represent thatyou are 13 years old or older. Ifyou arebetween theages of 13 and 18,you represent thatyour legal guardianhasreviewedand agrees to the Terms.
Intellectual Property/Ownership
All materials that are part of the Service (including, but not limited to,designs,text, graphics, pictures,video, information,applications,software,music, sound and other files, and their selectionand arrangement) are protectedby law from unauthorized use.
We grantyou a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable, limitedscope license to use the Servicesolely for the purpose ofviewing and using the applicable Services and for no other purpose whatsoever.Your license to use the Servicesis limitedby these Terms.
You agree thatyou arewillingly publishing the contenton the Service using technology and tools providedby us.You understand and agree thatyoumay not distribute, sell, transfer or license this content and/orapplication inany manner, inany country, oronany socialnetwork oranothermedium withoutthe explicit written permission of us. We reserve the right to remove and permanentlydeleteanyUser Content from the Service with or without notice.
You agree thatallyourcommunicationswith theCommunication Channels are public, and thusyou have no expectation of privacy regardingyour use of theCommunication Channels. Weis not responsible for information thatyou choose toshareon theCommunication Channels, or for the actions of otherusers.
Privacy and Protection of Personal Information
By using the Service,you agree to the collection and use ofyour personal informationasoutlined in this Privacy Policy. Wemay amend the Privacy Policy fromtime totime, and we encourageyou to consult the Privacy Policy regularly forchanges.
Acookieis a small data file that we transfer toyourcomputer’s hard disk, generally to quickly identify auser'scomputer and to "remember" things about theuser'svisit, suchasyour preferences or ausername andpassword. The Service sendscookies toyourcomputer whenyouaccess orview the content of us. The information contained in acookiemay be linked toyour personal information for purposes suchas improving the quality of our service, tailoring recommendations toyour interests, and making the Service easier to use.You can disablecookiesatanytime, althoughyoumay not be able toaccess or use features of the Service.
Third-Party Advertising Companies
Wemay use third-party advertising companies to serve adson the Service. We do not provideany personal information to third-party advertising companieson a non-aggregate basis. Our system and the third-party advertising technologymay use aggregate information, non-personal information, Ourcookiesonyour harddrive andyour use of the Service to target advertisements. In addition, advertisersmay use other third-party advertising technology to target advertisingon other sites. If advertisements are served toyou, a unique third-partycookie orcookiesmay be placedonyourcomputer. Similarly, third-party advertising companiesmay provide us withpixel tags (also called “clear gifs” or “beacons”) to help manage and optimizeonline advertising. Beaconsenable us to recognize abrowser’scookie when abrowservisits the siteon whichis a beaconis located, and to learn which banner ads bringusers to a given site.
Changing or DeletingYour Information
Youmayreview, update, correct ordeleteany personal informationby changing the applicable information inyourprofile pageonFacebook and/oranother socialnetwork (s). Ifyou completelydeleteall this information,your accountmay become deactivated. Ifyou wouldlike us todeleteyour record in our system, please contact us and wewillattempt to accommodateyour request if we are not legally obligated to retain the record.
We have put in placereasonable technical and organizational measures designed to secureyour personal information from accidental loss and from unauthorizedaccess, use, alteration or disclosure. However, we cannot guarantee that unauthorized third partieswill never be able to overcome those measures or useyour personal information for improper purposes. Also pleasenote that email and messaging systems are not considered secure, so we discourageyou from sending us personal information through thesemediums.
Policy Regarding Children
The Serviceis not geared toward children under theage of 13 and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children under theage of 13. If we learn that a child under 13has provided us with personal information wewilldelete such information from our filesas quicklyas possible.
Disclaimer of Warranty; Limitation of Liability
You agree thatyour use of the Service shall beatyoursole risk. To the fullest extent permittedby law, We,its officers, directors, employees,and agents disclaimall warranties,express or implies, in connectionwith thewebsite andyour use thereof including implied warranties oftitle, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement, accuracy,authority, completeness, usefulness, andtimeliness. Wemake no warranties or representations about the accuracy or completeness of the content of the Service and of the content ofany sites linked to the Service; Weassume no liability or responsibility forany (i) errors, mistakes, or inaccuracies of content, (ii) personal injury or propertydamage, ofanynature whatsoever, resulting fromyouraccess to and use of the Service, (iii)any unauthorizedaccess to or use of our secure servers and/oranyand all personal information and/or financial information stored therein, (iv)any interruption or cessation oftransmission to or from the Service, (v)any bugs,viruses, trojan horses, orthe like whichmay be transmitted to or through the Servicebyany third party, and/or (vi)any errors or omissions inany content or forany loss ordamage ofany kind incurredas a result of the use ofany content posted, emailed, transmitted, orotherwisemade availablevia the Service.
In no eventwill We,its directors, officers,agents, contractors, partners and employees, be liable toyou orany third person forany special, direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or consequentialdamages whatsoever includinganylost profits orlost data arising fromyour use of the Service or other materialson,accessed through or downloaded from the Service, whether basedon warranty, contract, tort, orany other legaltheory, and whether or not We have been advised of thepossibility of thesedamages. The foregoing limitation of liability shall apply to the fullest extent permittedby law in the applicablejurisdiction.You specifically acknowledge that We shall not be liable foruser submissions or the defamatory, offensive, or illegal conduct ofany third party and that the risk of harm ordamage from the foregoing rests entirelywith you.
You agree to indemnify and hold We, and each ofits directors, officers,agents, contractors, partners, and employees, harmless fromand againstany loss, liability, claim, demand,damages, costs and expenses, includingreasonableattorney's fees, arisingout of or in connection with (i)your use ofand access to the Service; (ii)yourviolation ofany term of these Terms of Service; (iii)yourviolation ofany third party right, including without limitationanycopyright, property, or privacy right; (iv)any claim thatone ofyourUser Submissions causeddamage to a third party; or (v)any Contentyou post orshareon or through the Service.
Byvisiting or using the Service,you agree that thelaws ofUK, without regard to principles ofconflict oflaws and regardless ofyour location,will govern these Terms of Serviceand any dispute ofany sort that might arisebetweenyou and us.
Contacting Us
Ifyou haveany questions about these Terms of Service, please contact usat damonskimetsu.contact@gmail.com
## Accepting the Terms and Privacy Policy
These Terms of Service ("Terms") are a legalagreementbetween we andyou ("you").By installing or usinganyapplication ("Service")you agree to be boundby these Terms.Byaccessing or using the Service,you agree thatyou have read, understood,and accept to be boundby the Terms. We reserve the right, initssole discretion, to modify or revise these Termsatanytime, andyou agree to be boundby such modifications or revisions. Ifyou do not agree to the Terms, do not use the Service.
Users are responsible for periodicallyviewing the Terms.Your continued use of the Service after achange or updatehas beenmadewill constituteyour acceptance to the revised Terms. Ifyou do not agree to the Termsyouronly remedyis to discontinueyour use of the Service and cancelany accountsyou havemade using the Service.
We reserve the right to refuseanyuseraccess to the Services without notice foranyreason, including, but not limited to, aviolation of the Terms.
You represent thatyou are 13 years old or older. Ifyou arebetween theages of 13 and 18,you represent thatyour legal guardianhasreviewedand agrees to the Terms.
##Intellectual Property/Ownership
All materials that are part of the Service (including, but not limited to,designs,text, graphics, pictures,video, information,applications,software,music, sound and other files, and their selectionand arrangement) are protectedby law from unauthorized use.
We grantyou a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable, limitedscope license to use the Servicesolely for the purpose ofviewing and using the applicable Services and for no other purpose whatsoever.Your license to use the Servicesis limitedby these Terms.
You agree thatyou arewillingly publishing the contenton the Service using technology and tools providedby us.You understand and agree thatyoumay not distribute, sell, transfer or license this content and/orapplication inany manner, inany country, oronany socialnetwork oranothermedium withoutthe explicit written permission of us. We reserve the right to remove and permanentlydeleteanyUser Content from the Service with or without notice.
You agree thatallyourcommunicationswith theCommunication Channels are public, and thusyou have no expectation of privacy regardingyour use of theCommunication Channels. Weis not responsible for information thatyou choose toshareon theCommunication Channels, or for the actions of otherusers.
Privacy and Protection of Personal Information
By using the Service,you agree to the collection and use ofyour personal informationasoutlined in this Privacy Policy. Wemay amend the Privacy Policy fromtime totime, and we encourageyou to consult the Privacy Policy regularly forchanges.
Acookieis a small data file that we transfer toyourcomputer’s hard disk, generally to quickly identify auser'scomputer and to "remember" things about theuser'svisit, suchasyour preferences or ausername andpassword. The Service sendscookies toyourcomputer whenyouaccess orview the content of us. The information contained in acookiemay be linked toyour personal information for purposes suchas improving the quality of our service, tailoring recommendations toyour interests, and making the Service easier to use.You can disablecookiesatanytime, althoughyoumay not be able toaccess or use features of the Service.
Third-Party Advertising Companies
Wemay use third-party advertising companies to serve adson the Service. We do not provideany personal information to third-party advertising companieson a non-aggregate basis. Our system and the third-party advertising technologymay use aggregate information, non-personal information, Ourcookiesonyour harddrive andyour use of the Service to target advertisements. In addition, advertisersmay use other third-party advertising technology to target advertisingon other sites. If advertisements are served toyou, a unique third-partycookie orcookiesmay be placedonyourcomputer. Similarly, third-party advertising companiesmay provide us withpixel tags (also called “clear gifs” or “beacons”) to help manage and optimizeonline advertising. Beaconsenable us to recognize abrowser’scookie when abrowservisits the siteon whichis a beaconis located, and to learn which banner ads bringusers to a given site.
Changing or DeletingYour Information
Youmayreview, update, correct ordeleteany personal informationby changing the applicable information inyourprofile pageonFacebook and/oranother socialnetwork (s). Ifyou completelydeleteall this information,your accountmay become deactivated. Ifyou wouldlike us todeleteyour record in our system, please contact us and wewillattempt to accommodateyour request if we are not legally obligated to retain the record.
We have put in placereasonable technical and organizational measures designed to secureyour personal information from accidental loss and from unauthorizedaccess, use, alteration or disclosure. However, we cannot guarantee that unauthorized third partieswill never be able to overcome those measures or useyour personal information for improper purposes. Also pleasenote that email and messaging systems are not considered secure, so we discourageyou from sending us personal information through thesemediums.
Policy Regarding Children
The Serviceis not geared toward children under theage of 13 and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children under theage of 13. If we learn that a child under 13has provided us with personal information wewilldelete such information from our filesas quicklyas possible.
Disclaimer of Warranty; Limitation of Liability
You agree thatyour use of the Service shall beatyoursole risk. To the fullest extent permittedby law, We,its officers, directors, employees,and agents disclaimall warranties,express or implies, in connectionwith thewebsite andyour use thereof including implied warranties oftitle, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement, accuracy,authority, completeness, usefulness, andtimeliness. Wemake no warranties or representations about the accuracy or completeness of the content of the Service and of the content ofany sites linked to the Service; Weassume no liability or responsibility forany (i) errors, mistakes, or inaccuracies of content, (ii) personal injury or propertydamage, ofanynature whatsoever, resulting fromyouraccess to and use of the Service, (iii)any unauthorizedaccess to or use of our secure servers and/oranyand all personal information and/or financial information stored therein, (iv)any interruption or cessation oftransmission to or from the Service, (v)any bugs,viruses, trojan horses, orthe like whichmay be transmitted to or through the Servicebyany third party, and/or (vi)any errors or omissions inany content or forany loss ordamage ofany kind incurredas a result of the use ofany content posted, emailed, transmitted, orotherwisemade availablevia the Service.
In no eventwill We,its directors, officers,agents, contractors, partners and employees, be liable toyou orany third person forany special, direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or consequentialdamages whatsoever includinganylost profits orlost data arising fromyour use of the Service or other materialson,accessed through or downloaded from the Service, whether basedon warranty, contract, tort, orany other legaltheory, and whether or not We have been advised of thepossibility of thesedamages. The foregoing limitation of liability shall apply to the fullest extent permittedby law in the applicablejurisdiction.You specifically acknowledge that We shall not be liable foruser submissions or the defamatory, offensive, or illegal conduct ofany third party and that the risk of harm ordamage from the foregoing rests entirelywith you.
You agree to indemnify and hold We, and each ofits directors, officers,agents, contractors, partners, and employees, harmless fromand againstany loss, liability, claim, demand,damages, costs and expenses, includingreasonableattorney's fees, arisingout of or in connection with (i)your use ofand access to the Service; (ii)yourviolation ofany term of these Terms of Service; (iii)yourviolation ofany third party right, including without limitationanycopyright, property, or privacy right; (iv)any claim thatone ofyourUser Submissions causeddamage to a third party; or (v)any Contentyou post orshareon or through the Service.
Byvisiting or using the Service,you agree that thelaws ofUK, without regard to principles ofconflict oflaws and regardless ofyour location,will govern these Terms of Serviceand any dispute ofany sort that might arisebetweenyou and us.
Contacting Us
Ifyou haveany questions about these Terms of Service, please contact usat reposting23334.contact@gmail.com
## Accepting the Terms and Privacy Policy
These Terms of Service ("Terms") are a legalagreementbetween we andyou ("you").By installing or usinganyapplication ("Service")you agree to be boundby these Terms.Byaccessing or using the Service,you agree thatyou have read, understood,and accept to be boundby the Terms. We reserve the right, initssole discretion, to modify or revise these Termsatanytime, andyou agree to be boundby such modifications or revisions. Ifyou do not agree to the Terms, do not use the Service.
Users are responsible for periodicallyviewing the Terms.Your continued use of the Service after achange or updatehas beenmadewill constituteyour acceptance to the revised Terms. Ifyou do not agree to the Termsyouronly remedyis to discontinueyour use of the Service and cancelany accountsyou havemade using the Service.
We reserve the right to refuseanyuseraccess to the Services without notice foranyreason, including, but not limited to, aviolation of the Terms.
You represent thatyou are 13 years old or older. Ifyou arebetween theages of 13 and 18,you represent thatyour legal guardianhasreviewedand agrees to the Terms.
##Intellectual Property/Ownership
All materials that are part of the Service (including, but not limited to,designs,text, graphics, pictures,video, information,applications,software,music, sound and other files, and their selectionand arrangement) are protectedby law from unauthorized use.
We grantyou a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable, limitedscope license to use the Servicesolely for the purpose ofviewing and using the applicable Services and for no other purpose whatsoever.Your license to use the Servicesis limitedby these Terms.
You agree thatyou arewillingly publishing the contenton the Service using technology and tools providedby us.You understand and agree thatyoumay not distribute, sell, transfer or license this content and/orapplication inany manner, inany country, oronany socialnetwork oranothermedium withoutthe explicit written permission of us. We reserve the right to remove and permanentlydeleteanyUser Content from the Service with or without notice.
You agree thatallyourcommunicationswith theCommunication Channels are public, and thusyou have no expectation of privacy regardingyour use of theCommunication Channels. Weis not responsible for information thatyou choose toshareon theCommunication Channels, or for the actions of otherusers.
Privacy and Protection of Personal Information
By using the Service,you agree to the collection and use ofyour personal informationasoutlined in this Privacy Policy. Wemay amend the Privacy Policy fromtime totime, and we encourageyou to consult the Privacy Policy regularly forchanges.
Acookieis a small data file that we transfer toyourcomputer’s hard disk, generally to quickly identify auser'scomputer and to "remember" things about theuser'svisit, suchasyour preferences or ausername andpassword. The Service sendscookies toyourcomputer whenyouaccess orview the content of us. The information contained in acookiemay be linked toyour personal information for purposes suchas improving the quality of our service, tailoring recommendations toyour interests, and making the Service easier to use.You can disablecookiesatanytime, althoughyoumay not be able toaccess or use features of the Service.
Third-Party Advertising Companies
Wemay use third-party advertising companies to serve adson the Service. We do not provideany personal information to third-party advertising companieson a non-aggregate basis. Our system and the third-party advertising technologymay use aggregate information, non-personal information, Ourcookiesonyour harddrive andyour use of the Service to target advertisements. In addition, advertisersmay use other third-party advertising technology to target advertisingon other sites. If advertisements are served toyou, a unique third-partycookie orcookiesmay be placedonyourcomputer. Similarly, third-party advertising companiesmay provide us withpixel tags (also called “clear gifs” or “beacons”) to help manage and optimizeonline advertising. Beaconsenable us to recognize abrowser’scookie when abrowservisits the siteon whichis a beaconis located, and to learn which banner ads bringusers to a given site.
Changing or DeletingYour Information
Youmayreview, update, correct ordeleteany personal informationby changing the applicable information inyourprofile pageonFacebook and/oranother socialnetwork (s). Ifyou completelydeleteall this information,your accountmay become deactivated. Ifyou wouldlike us todeleteyour record in our system, please contact us and wewillattempt to accommodateyour request if we are not legally obligated to retain the record.
We have put in placereasonable technical and organizational measures designed to secureyour personal information from accidental loss and from unauthorizedaccess, use, alteration or disclosure. However, we cannot guarantee that unauthorized third partieswill never be able to overcome those measures or useyour personal information for improper purposes. Also pleasenote that email and messaging systems are not considered secure, so we discourageyou from sending us personal information through thesemediums.
Policy Regarding Children
The Serviceis not geared toward children under theage of 13 and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children under theage of 13. If we learn that a child under 13has provided us with personal information wewilldelete such information from our filesas quicklyas possible.
Disclaimer of Warranty; Limitation of Liability
You agree thatyour use of the Service shall beatyoursole risk. To the fullest extent permittedby law, We,its officers, directors, employees,and agents disclaimall warranties,express or implies, in connectionwith thewebsite andyour use thereof including implied warranties oftitle, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement, accuracy,authority, completeness, usefulness, andtimeliness. Wemake no warranties or representations about the accuracy or completeness of the content of the Service and of the content ofany sites linked to the Service; Weassume no liability or responsibility forany (i) errors, mistakes, or inaccuracies of content, (ii) personal injury or propertydamage, ofanynature whatsoever, resulting fromyouraccess to and use of the Service, (iii)any unauthorizedaccess to or use of our secure servers and/oranyand all personal information and/or financial information stored therein, (iv)any interruption or cessation oftransmission to or from the Service, (v)any bugs,viruses, trojan horses, orthe like whichmay be transmitted to or through the Servicebyany third party, and/or (vi)any errors or omissions inany content or forany loss ordamage ofany kind incurredas a result of the use ofany content posted, emailed, transmitted, orotherwisemade availablevia the Service.
In no eventwill We,its directors, officers,agents, contractors, partners and employees, be liable toyou orany third person forany special, direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or consequentialdamages whatsoever includinganylost profits orlost data arising fromyour use of the Service or other materialson,accessed through or downloaded from the Service, whether basedon warranty, contract, tort, orany other legaltheory, and whether or not We have been advised of thepossibility of thesedamages. The foregoing limitation of liability shall apply to the fullest extent permittedby law in the applicablejurisdiction.You specifically acknowledge that We shall not be liable foruser submissions or the defamatory, offensive, or illegal conduct ofany third party and that the risk of harm ordamage from the foregoing rests entirelywith you.
You agree to indemnify and hold We, and each ofits directors, officers,agents, contractors, partners, and employees, harmless fromand againstany loss, liability, claim, demand,damages, costs and expenses, includingreasonableattorney's fees, arisingout of or in connection with (i)your use ofand access to the Service; (ii)yourviolation ofany term of these Terms of Service; (iii)yourviolation ofany third party right, including without limitationanycopyright, property, or privacy right; (iv)any claim thatone ofyourUser Submissions causeddamage to a third party; or (v)any Contentyou post orshareon or through the Service.
Byvisiting or using the Service,you agree that thelaws ofUK, without regard to principles ofconflict oflaws and regardless ofyour location,will govern these Terms of Serviceand any dispute ofany sort that might arisebetweenyou and us.
Contacting Us
Ifyou haveany questions about these Terms of Service, please contact usat reposting23334.contact@gmail.com