「Oh, Mike! Good to seeyouhere.」
「Thisis mysister,Maki.She's visiting fromTokyo.」
「Nice to meet you! I'm Mike, I workwith yourbrother. Thisis my wifeSarah and our son Tommy.」
「Nice to meetyou too...」
「So, areyou enjoyingyourtime in America?Is thisyour first visit during school break?」
「Mom,shelookslike theanime characters Iwatch! But smaller!」
「So, um... what grade areyou in? Middle school?」
「Actually,Makiis 26.She works for a marketing company inTokyo.」
「Oh mygod, I'm sosorry! I didn't mean to...You justlook soyoung!」
「Yeah, totally my bad.Japanese genes must be amazing for preservingyouth!」
「Butshe'slike, super tiny!Like akid!」
「It's okay, really.Shegets that a lot, even inJapan. Actually,it's considered a compliment tolookyoung in our culture.」
「Still, I should have asked properly. Wouldyoulike tojoin us for coffee sometime duringyourstay? I'dlove to hear aboutTokyo.」
「Yes, I wouldlike that. Thankyou.」
Drake finally responds to Kendrick Lamar's Superbowlshow 🏈😢 #kendricklamar #drake
Sinceyour performance I've beensat cryingon the floor
Ripping my clothesLike Montoya screaming (Por favor!)
You were mean and rude in front ofthe wholenation
Sonow Igotta suelike aCristiano celebration
だから今、私はクリスティアーノのゴールパフォーマンスのように訴訟を起こさなければならないんだ *3
Please everybody stop clapping
I know I took a massive Llike I'mbetween 'Samuel' and 'Jackson'
I call my dealer 'cusit hasn't been the best week
Ineed some free pufflike aKanye Westtweet (please free mybrother puff)
"Say Drake..."You call me a nonce down thelens
Andnowall of mykid'sfriends won't invite meon a playdate
And all the peng tings blank me
So I'msat watchingsad movies with a blankie
No new texts saying: 'Heybig head,I miss you...'
Thought ladies loved mypaper 'till Isawrock with SZA
「やあビッグヘッド、君がいなくて寂しいよ...」とメッセージを送ったけど返事はない *7
君がSZAで踊ってるのを見るまで、女たちは俺の金を愛していると思ってたんだ *8
Thisis aconsequence ofsh*t talking
How I'm logging into X and then I see myex crip walking?
"Controller controller..."You use my ownbar to diss me
How can I seesquarecircletriangle and not be 'cross'?
「コントローラーコントローラー...」 お前は俺の歌詞を使って俺をディスったな *10
どうすれば□、〇、△を見て腹を立てずにいられるんだ? *11
I cried so manytears I could probably fill a well
My cheeks are sorelikethe time Igot myBBL
BBLを受けた時のように頬が痛いよ *13
Is this whatitfeellike to be inhell?
Kinda dug myself ahole kindalike a miner
*1スペインの恋愛リアリティーショー「TemptationIsland:Spain」に出演した男。彼女に浮気された際にPor favor!と叫びながら自分の服を引き裂いたり
*2ケンドリックが、全世界が注目するNFLのハーフタイムショーに出演し、Notlike us(ドレイクを未成年好きのロリコン野郎とディスる曲)を歌ったこと。
ドレイクが、ケンドリックがハーフタイムショーでNotlike usを歌うことを阻止するため、ケンドリックの所属するレコード会社を訴訟(sue)したこととかけている。
*4 「Loser(敗者)」の意味のLと、ハーフタイムショーに出演した俳優サミュエル・L・ジャクソンのミドルネームのLをかけている。
*5 free puffは「他の人が大〇を吸ってるときに、その副流煙を吸う」という意味だが
カニエ・ウェストが2月に発狂してXに大量の差別発言を投稿した際、「トランプ大統領、俺のブラザーのPuffを釈放してくれ(free puff)」とお願いのポストを投稿したこととかけている。
*6ケンドリックがハーフタイムショーで「Notlike us」を歌った際、「なあドレイク?お前若い女の子が好きなんだってな」の部分をカメラ目線と満面の笑みで歌ったこと。nonceはイギリスのスラングで小〇性犯罪者の意味。
ドレイクからすれば「元カノが自分の宿敵のショーに出演し、自分をロ〇コン野郎と罵る歌(Notlike us)でノリノリに踊っている。
*12 「all my beeflost」に「(忘れっぽいから)肉を全部なくした」と「(ケンドリックとの)ビーフに全敗した」の2つの意味がかけられている。
*13 以前から、ドレイクは腹筋等の筋肉を整形手術で人工的に作った疑惑がかけられていたが
ある時期から急に尻がデカくなったので「Brasilian butlift」という尻を大きくする整形を受けた疑惑が持たれており、ディス曲でも散々ネタにされている。
それでも自分がとんでもない借金を背負った時に「しかたねえな」と言ってくれた人だから全然ついていけてるのだろう。だから親だという視点よりもクソのようでも道筋を作ってくれた人だと思えば許せ…ないねェー(The KaratekidのBGM)
たとえば「A hat intime」はマリオ64やクラッシュ・バンディクー系のゲームだが、それらのゲームにある緻密なバランス感覚を期待すると肩透かしを食らう。
ジャック・シャー(John Jacob Sher、1913年3月16日 -1988年8月23日)は、アメリカの新聞コラムニスト、ソングライター、映画監督、映画脚本家、プロデューサー。
1959年の『The Wild and the Innocent(邦題:ワイルド・アンド・ザ・イノセント)』を含め、シャーはオーディ・マーフィーのために数多くの映画を執筆し、監督も務めた。
1979年にテレビ用にリメイクされた『TheKid from LeftField』では、このシリーズで主演を務めたゲイリー・コールマン(1968-2010)がNAACPイメージ賞の最優秀子供向け特別エピソード賞を受賞した。
1971-1972年にシャーが手がけたテレビ劇『Goodbye, RaggedyAnn』は、エミー賞のドラマ部門脚本賞にノミネートされた。
In a discussion about thecase,someone raised an objection to "someonewhowas not a party to the incident,whowas not from Nagasaki, andwhowas not fromHiroshima, complaining aboutit. Seeing that opinionmade me aware of my position, soI will say what I must say.
Iwas born in Nagasakiand am a third-generation A-bombsurvivor.
I say this because I grew up hearing the stories of the A-bombdamage directly from thosewho suffered from theatomicbombings.
Ifeel thatitis unacceptable forsomeonelike me to speak about the A-bombdamage.
However, there are few A-bombsurvivors left, soI will speak up.
In Nagasaki, children grow up hearing stories about theatomicbombing. We weremade tosit in the gymnasium of an elementary school in the middle ofsummer, where therewas not even anair conditioner or a fan, and for nearly an hour we weremade to listen to stories about theatomicbombing.Itwas hard for meanyway.
Ithink itwas evenmorepainful for the elderly peoplewho told the stories. But Idon't think an elementary schoolkid could have imagined that. I, too, have forgottenmost of the stories Iwas told. I canonly rememberone ortwoatmost.
Another thingis thatat thistime of year, pictures of the victims of theatomicbombing are pasted up in the hallways.
In other parts of the country, these are grotesque images that would cause a fuss from the parentswho arealways nagging about them.
Recently, even the A-bombmuseumhas becomemore gentle inits exhibits, andmost of the radical and horrifying exhibits that would have traumatized visitors have been removed.
Idon't know how elementary schoolsnow teach about the A-bombdamage. But when Iwas in elementary school, there werephotoson display.
Therewasonephoto that I just couldn't faceas an elementary school student.Itwas a picture of Taniguchi Sumiteru(谷口稜曄). Ifyou search forit,you can findit.Itis a shocking picture, but I wouldstilllikeyou to seeit.
I couldn't pass through the hallway where thephotowas displayed, so Ialways took the long way around toanother floor to avoid seeing thephoto.
My grandfatherwas under thebomb and went to the burntruins of thebomb tolook forhissister. I can understandnow that he couldn't turnaway orgoanother way.
There would have been a mountain of peoplestillalive and moaning in theruins of the burntruins. There would have beenmanymorewho would have diedout in agony.
My grandfather walked for miles and miles, towing a rear wheelchair, through the narrow streets of rubble-strewn Nagasaki in search ofhissister.
My grandfatherwas not a child then. But of course there were elementary school childrenwhodid the same thing hedid. Iam not speculating that there were. There were. I heard thestory fromhim, and Istill rememberit.
Ayoungbrother andsisterfound their father's corpse in theruins of thefire and burnedit themselves. Theydidn't have enough wood to burnhimalive, and when theysawhisbrain spillingout, they ranaway, and thatwas thelasttime they eversawhimagain.
I cannever forget thatstory I heard when Iwas akid, and evennowit'spainful andpainful, my hands are shaking and I'm crying.
I keep wondering how that oldmanwho ranaway fromhis father'sbrainwas able toexpose to the public the unimaginably horrible trauma, the scar thatwill never heal, even afterall these years.
Now I think I understand alittle.
Why I can't help buttalk about my grandfather and the oldmannow, evenas I remember my own trauma.
Because thislevel of sufferingisnothing compared to their wordsbeing forgotten.
It'snothing compared to the tremendous suffering thatonce existed thatwill be forgotten,like my hands shaking, myheart palpitating, mynose running with vertigo, and soon.
My grandfather,who went through an unimaginablehell,lived to seehis grandchildren born, and methissister'sdeath in theruins of thefire.
In other words, my grandfatherwasone of the happiest people in theruins of thefire.
My grandfather and that oldman were, afterall, just people wading in the depths ofhell.
I think that the suffering that even peoplewho had experienced unimaginablepain could not imaginewas lyinglikepebbleson the ground in Nagasaki 78 years ago, and noone paidanyattention toit.
Their suffering, which I can't even imagine,isnothing compared to the countless, unimaginable suffering they witnessed, which they pretend never happened.
Memories fade inexorably with each passinghuman mouth. Thememories that those people could neverallow to be forgotten are almost forgotten.
The tremendous suffering of 78 years agoismostlygone, never to be recounted.
Thosewho sufferedthe most from theatomicbombing died rotting in theruins of thefire withoutbeing able to tellanyone aboutit.
Many of thosewhosawitwith their owneyes kept their mouths shut and tookitwith them to their graves.Most of thosewho spoke a few words arestill in their graves.
Compared to the words of the old men, my own words are solight. I would rather keep my mouth shut than speak in suchlight words.
Butstill,someonehas totakeover. Irealize that even my words, which are solight, areonly thetop of the voices that are left in this world to carryon thestory of theatomicbombing.
I know howitfeels to think that Iam theonlyone.Still, Ihope thatyouwill not shutyour mouth.I know that I have closed my mouth because I thought I shouldn'ttalk aboutit, and thatis the result.
Sometimes I almost choose to stop imagining the unimaginable suffering andlivemy life consuming other people's suffering forfun.
Iam writing this while Istill have some imagination of the suffering of the old peoplewhose voices,faces, and even words I can no longer recall.
I have seen some posts asking if they shouldtalk about "thecase" even though they were not involved init and were not born in Nagasaki orHiroshima, and Iam abit aware ofit, so I have to say what I have to say. I say this because Iwas born in Nagasaki,am a third generationatomicbombsurvivor, and grew up hearing the stories of thosewho experienced theatomicbombing firsthand.I knowit's alittlebit too much for me, but I'm going to say this because there are very fewsurvivors left.
In Nagasaki, children grow up hearing stories about theatomicbombing. They were stuffed into sushi for nearly an hour in the gymnasium of an elementary school in the middle ofsummer, with noair conditioner or fan, and told stories about theatomicbombing. Thatwas a hardtime for me. Ithink it must have been even harder for the old peoplewho told the stories, but therewas no way an elementary schoolkid could imagine such a thing, and I had forgottenmost of the stories I had been told for a longtime. I have forgottenmost of the stories Iwas told. I canonly rememberone ortwoatmost. Thereisonemore hard thing. Every year around thistime, a row of grotesque images that woulddrive thePTAcrazy in other areas are prominently displayed in the hallways. Thesedays, I hear that theatomicbombmuseumhas been bleachedout andmany of the radical and horrifying exhibits that traumatized visitors have beentaken down. Idon't know if they arestill there, but they were there when Iwas in elementary school.
Therewasonephoto that I just couldn't face when Iwas in elementary school.Itis a picture of Sumiteru Taniguchi. Ifyou search forit,you can findit.Itis a shocking picture, but I wouldlikeyou totake alookatit. I couldn't pass through the hallway where thephotowas posted, so Ialways took the long way around toanother floor of the schoolbuilding to avoid seeing thephoto.
Now I'm thinking that my grandfather,who headed into the burntruins tolook forhissister, couldn't have turnedaway ortaken a differentpath. There would have been a mountain of peoplestillalive and moaning, not just pictures,and a mountainmorewho would have given upat the end of their suffering. He walked for miles and miles, towinghis handcart through the narrow streets of rubble-strewn Nagasaki in search ofhissister. My grandfatherwas not a childatthe time, but of course there were childrenwhodid similar things. Not that there wouldn't have been. There were. I heard thestory fromhim, and Istill rememberit. Ayoungbrother andsisterfound their father'sbody in theruins of afire and they burnedit. Theydidn't have enough wood to burnhisbody, and when theysaw theraw brain that spilledout, they ranaway and thatwas thelasttime they eversawhimanymore.
I cannever forget thestory I heard when Iwas akid, and evennowitispainful andpainful, my hands are shaking and Iam crying. I keep wondering how the oldmanwho escaped from that father's brain could have been able to unravelthe most horrible trauma imaginable andexposeit to the public with scars thatwill never heal.
Now I think I can understand alittle.
The reason I can't help buttalk about my grandfather and that oldman, even if I have to rehash my own trauma,is that thislevel of sufferingisnothing compared tothe fact that their wordswill be forgotten. My hands shaking, myheart palpitating and dizzy, mynose runningwith tears,it'snothing compared to the tremendous suffering thatwasonce there andwill be forgotten.
My grandfather,who went through an unimaginablehell,lived to seehis grandchildren born, and methissister'sdeath in theruins of thefire. In other words, my grandfatherwasone of the happiest people in theruins of thefire. My grandfather and that oldman were, afterall, just people wading in the depths ofhell. I think that the suffering that even peoplewho had experienced unimaginablepain could not imaginewas lyinglikepebbles in Nagasaki 78 years ago, and noone paidanyattention toit. Their suffering, which I can't even imagine,isnothing compared to the countless, tremendous suffering they witnessed, which they pretend never happened.
Memories fade inexorably everytime peopletalk about them. Thememories that those people could notallow to be forgotten arenow largely forgotten; the tremendous suffering of 78 years agoismostly gone, never to be recountedagain. Thosewho sufferedthe most from theatomicbombing died rotting in theruins of thefire, unable to tellanyone aboutit.Many of thosewhosawitwith their owneyes kept their mouths shut and tookitwith them to their graves.Most of thosewho spoke a few words arenow under the grave.
Compared to the words of the old men, my own words are solight. I would rather keep my mouth shut than speak in suchlight words. Butstill,someonehas totakeover. Irealize that even my words, which are solight, areonly thetop of the voices that are left in this world to carryon thestory of theatomicbombing.I know howit feels to wonder ifsomeonelike myselfisallowed to speak about this.Still, Ihope thatyouwill not shutyour mouth. Thisis the result of our silence.
Sometimes I almost choose to stop imagining the unimaginable suffering andlivemy life consuming other people's suffering for thefun ofit. Iam writing this while Istill have some imagination of the suffering of the old peoplewhose voices,faces, and even words I can no longer recall.
Translator'snote:The original post inJapaneseis aresponse to a postby aJapanese contributorwho wondered if hewas qualified to speakouton the subject of the A-bomb when hewas not fromHiroshima and Nagasaki, butstill spokeout about Barbie and the A-bomb. I translatedithere because Ithink it deserves to be readbythe world.
Japanreviewit's been a year since I
moved toJapan and I thoughtitmade
sense to finallyrateJapanI willtalk
about things Ilike and the things I
don'tlike which seems to be theonly
two options available ifyou have
actually really badit'sgot a lot of
survivalissues okayI will listone
good thing and bad thing andI will not
hold back there's no trash bins
I have to put in mypocket
there'salways thesegeneric things that
you hear oryes when weyou visitit's
kind ofweird but thenyourealizeit's
not abig dealanywaylet's start off
withnumberonereason IlikeJapan
itfeelslike agiant playground no I
don't mean in the LoganPaul kind of
sense of doing whatever thehellyou
but rather there's ainfinite thingsall
rightlazyfeelslike to explore and
experience and I've beenhere a yearnow
and Idon't think I'mgonnaget bored
anytime soon although Iam having a
child so Idon't know how muchmore I
butit reallyfeelslike awhole new
world and ifyou visitedyou can
probably relate toit and I'm glad that
even a year initstillfeels incredibly
fresh and I even would say thatyou
realize that the best part ofJapan
aren't the touristyplaces kind of
obviously but there are somany areas
that Ifound that I really enjoy
visiting and thisis probablymore
specific to me butyou knowTokyois
very busy and somanytimes I justcatch
myself surroundedby whatfeelslike
hundreds of people and they have noidea
everyoneis just doing their own thing
nowonceitwas staringat me noone's
following me noone'sbeingweirdyou
guys areweird and I'm justkidding I
justlovethe feeling ofbeing able to
exist in public and uh not worrying
about what everyone elseis doinglike
I've said this before but I genuinely
enjoytalking to fans or when people
approach meitalwaysmakes mehappy but
it can be kind of frustrating toalways
wanting to just doyour own thing and
always be
you know so yeahlet'smove on to the
bad things ofJapannumberonereason
Japanis badit's kind of a heavy
subject and Ihaven't seenanyone else
reallytalk aboutitit's not brought up
very oftenatleast and thatis cones
there's toomany cones inJapanonceyou
seeityou cannot unseeit they're
everywhere they sayoh Japanhas somany
vending machines there'slikefiveper
there'smore cones than peoplewhy are
there somany cones Ineed to know we
got the tallones wegot the smallones
wegot thefunnyones the cuteones the
sexyones I dolike those I justdon't
understand thatwhoever plays these
cones think I'm justgonna barge through
otherwise I had noidea what Iwasgonna
and Irealized the conehistory ofJapan
stretches centuries okay ifyou played
Animal Crossing sometimesit's a
Japanese game so sometimesyouget these
items rightyou'relike oh that's kind
ofweird Idon't know exactly what that
is butit's probablysomethingJapanese
and thenyouget thebamboo thing and
you'relike what thehellis that what
am I evengonna dowith that and then
you seeit in reallifehere inJapan
you'relike holy [ __ ]it's a cone that's
Ifeellike they are following me
I'm glad Iwas able totalk about this
I'm forone andwilling to callout
Japan knockit offmanno more cones
there's enough coneslet me tellyou
something even better than conesyoumay
have noticed new merch finallyit's been
unofficial merge because I literally
have no other merch I've hadn't hadn't
merch I'msorryMom so we spruced up the
logogot acool back design the team
understand how my brand and I think they
did such agood job thesepieceslook
amazing and I thinkyou guys aregonna
reallylike themas well these are
available for limitedtimeonly somake
sureyou ordernow so excited to finally
have this merch availablethanks to
amaze for making this happen we are
gonna haveonepiece thatwillstayon
the store so mymomwill not buy the
wrong merch but for a limitedtime that
piecewill be available in thiscolor
off-white kind ofcoloritlooks really
nice and then after thatyou canstill
getit but not in thiscolor that's
so yeah check thatout ifyou're
interested I'm sohappy about these
designs and Ihopeyou guys wouldlike
themas wellall rightreasonnumbertwo
IlikeJapan yay when we first announced
that we weregonnamove toJapan there
was somany people just saying how bad
Japanis actuallydidyou knowJapanis
really baddidyou know this I have to
listall thesereasonsnow because
everyoneislike thing and then thing
Japan ah so I have to tell them and I
particular that people saidwas that old
people reallydon'tlike foreigners they
hate them so when Iwasgonna stopby to
say hi to our neighborswhowas alittle
olderatleast some of them Iwas
terrifying I heardall these storiesyou
knowlike what are theygonna do to us
so I had my guard up ready for theworst
and Iwas met withnothing but kindness
and welcoming and Ifeltlike atotal
dick for having this preconceivedideas
and just a side commentlikeyes there
are definitely probably people that
don'tlike foreignersand all that stuff
but Irealized I shouldlet my own
experienceis dictate how Ifeel about
certain thingsmaybe that's just
ignoring a problem Idon't knowit just
feelslikeit's a bad way to approach
life ifyoualways have anegative
expectationyou knowit's smiling people
smiled back
thankyou sometimes theydon't and
that's okayyou knowanyway mypoint
beingJapanese people are very in my own
are very nice and friendly the majority
atleast andyes even to foreigners I
feellike they are especially nice to
foreigners because they think we'relike
akidlostat Disneyland orsomething
I justasked for directions Ididn't
needyou to walk me forhalf an hour to
this specific place Iwasgoing but
thankyou Iappreciateit a lot oftimes
Igo boulderingalone and there'salways
other groups of peoplebeing supportive
and yellinglike I'm about therelikego
youcan doit Iloveit Ithink it's
greatyou know or ifyou're small
talking with people people generally
want to communicatewith you and Ilove
having thosemoments but of course
there'stimes where people arelike oh
you're a foreigner Idon'tfeellike
even trying
whichagainit'sfine speaking of which
reason Idon'tlikeJapannumbertwo
their language
I havelivedhere for a year and I'm not
fluent inJapanese
Iam dumb Iam very dumb I remember the
moment wemovedhere I had studied some
Let'stestout this knowledge that I
have acquiredlet'sgo I'm justgonna
come init'sgonna be dangerous andyou
enter a store for the firsttime and
what oh
what the classicthe mostcommon
experiences thatyou have aren't
necessarily whatyou're taught in the
textbook yayI know I think that's the
same foranyonelearning a language for
the firsttime butdon't evenget me
startedon the kanjimain what the [ __ ]
is this IfeellikeJapaneseis such a
hard language obviously but Idon't
think peoplerealize how harditisat
least mepersonally because themoreyou
learn themoreyourealizeyoudon't
know [ __ ]
consideredone ofthe most difficult
languages and becauseit's just so
different I listeditas bad because
thatwas my first kind of experience
withit cominghere but themore I
interact with people themoreitfeels
like I'm unlocking new skillsyou know
oh Imade a phone call for the first
time oh I couldasksomeoneover the
phoneI knowbig deal butit'slike oh I
can actually do that or even just having
a small tinyyes shittiest conversation
with a strangerit'sstillsomething and
itfeelsgoodyou start toall of a
sudden understandyou know a movie if
you're watching oh I understand actually
what'sgoingonhere or I can play games
and kind ofget what this they're saying
I have tolook upwords obviously but to
meall those new experiences thatit
unlocks to meis very rewarding even
thoughit's such a challenge I would
actuallynow sayit's agood thing I
thingall along but I obviously have a
andit just Idon'tthink itwilldamage
timereasonnumber three IlikeJapan
thisisnothing to do withJapan to say
it'smore related to me taking amore
relaxed approach toYouTube for my
entire 20s Ididnothing butYouTube
thatwasmy life and that's okay but I
probablyyou know if Iwasn't making
videos I sureashellwas thinking about
making videos I uploaded videos during
anditfeels reallygood to finally be
free fromityou know and I can discover
other things inlife there are other
things inlife
a new hobbies and interest that I've
always wanted to do Ican do and have so
muchfun withit surfingI know I would
love forthe longest time and I finally
get todo it andit's so [ __ ]amazing
Ilovelearning new thingsanything that
isn't necessarilyconnected toall of
something I'm very very grateful that I
discovered so yeahit's not reallyJapan
I could havedone thatanywhere butit's
largelywhy I enjoyed so muchhere
reason Idon'tlikeJapannumber three
thisis probablythe most trickiestone
andit's the rules what are the rules
Japanhas somany rules andit's abit
conflicting for me to complain about
because a lot of the best stuff about
Japan not the best stuff but a lot of
the reasonswhyJapan works so wellis
because of the rulesyou know thetrains
arealwaysontime things just work in
generalit's hard to explainthe streets
areclean people aren't loud in public
and soon and these are sort of societal
rules thatmakeit happenmore orless
but sometimes There are rules that just
don'tmakeanysense and I have no
problem following rulesas longas I
understandthe reason forityou know
don'ttalkon the phoneon thetrain
becauseit's generally annoying when
other people do that toyou A lot ofit
is just be thoughtful of other people
it's not just aboutyou and that just
makesitmore pleasant for everyone but
one ruleis especially which Italked
about beforeisthe fact that because of
kovid I'm notallowed to be in the
delivery room for our baby formore than
two hours that's because of covered
rulesit just doesn'tmakesense to me
and I tell people about thislike uh
family andfriends and they'realways
like wellwhydon'tyou justask them or
likewhydon'tyoutalk to them I'm sure
you can there'sgot to besomewhere and
it'slike noit'sJapan okay there are
rules and people follow the rules for
better or worseyou know so themore I