Iam workingas an engineer in theITarea, but Imanaged to holdit for some 2 years.
I do not have confidence yet, and Ifeel evenmore confident about my confidence for therest ofmy life,the excellence of my colleague.
If I do not desperatelydo it Iam working everyday withfeelings thatitis notamusing even if I receive a notification outside the fighting strength.
Still, inJapan, I think thatJapanhas much better skill thanCTO in thatarea.
Inthe future I thought that if I could return toJapan andcontribute to theJapanesesociety,Japan thatis visible from the outsideis bad.
Whatis bad, firstaspect ofpolitics.
Thepoint that democracyis not fully functioningagainstthe fact that there are stupid citizenswho blind the LDP, suchasAbe'sdescent.
That other partyis also notgood.Hope party? Whatis thatladylike that disciple of Ru Ooshiba? Rou Koike?
Themoreyou do not haveit, the stupidwill be clouded in katakana and psychology.You idiots,you guys say this. Ilove Katakanaanyway, Ilove psychology,100% I do not saybig things. Whatis Y's Spending. Do notfix whatyou normally call katakana.
Since the political systemisover in the first place, I think thatitis the cause of failure of not receiving popular people, especially elderly people,only short-term and useless policies absolutely. So wewill notattackonly the LDP.
Itis too fatal thatpoliticsis not rational anditis impossible to include the policy that should be done. Becauseitends with poppiness if I can not vote.
Unfortunately, the trend of changing the political system probablywill not happen ifit fails.
In recent decades, politicians have accelerated the declining birthrateand agingsociety to adistortion withoutlookon the preferential treatment for the elderly + measuresagainst the declining birthrate.
The decline inJapan's birthrate and birthrateis partly spontaneous, butthe world'slow birthrateand agingsocietyis not causedbynatural phenomena.
Thereis notany future that puttingall the energy to surrender the tax to the oldmanby tax freeover medical care.Itwas already late when we were discussing whether a largeamount of tax would be used due to politicians' old elderly votes or ten years ago, soitwas already late, we have not correctedthe orbitagain so far Iamgoing to politateon the same route.
An aged politiciandoes not think about a short-circuiting policy,the future. Citizens delight in the immediate economic policy.
Grass grows now,as thenation 's collapsehas become areality.
If the declining birthrate and the aging population advancedat this paceasitis, theJapaneseboatwillsink in20 years.Two years ago I thought I would have 30 years.
I gave up completely toJapan'spolitics. Defeatedentertainmentis not funny. I'm saying thatitisjapanese, but I do not dislikeit. To give up means toaccept failures.
Didyou have a businessanywhere other than bidding? I do not havepieces of creativity. Thereis no further ethics.
Whatisit, Mercari orDeNA or moral business orsomethingis a socialsin. I just confusedsociety,did not I? The country and the country came to know not ethics.
Ethics of theJapanese arelower than theJapanese think.
Although I derail for a while,accident happens in front of myeyes, the idiotswhotake pictures with smaho are not minoritiesatallNationalityis bad.
Even though thereis serviceonly where moneyis involved, do not say hospitalityas ifit were thenational character of theJapanese.
Itis not a minority to be a completely individualistsociety and people are troubled and help people.
At this time newcreative businessis born fromone to thenext.Itisat an unthinkable pace inJapan. Of course, there aremany doubtful businessesas to whetheritwill become money, butitis better thanJapanesesociety where thereis no brain except copying the business ofanother companyatall.
So almost no companywants to work inJapan.
Andthe fall of the company. Almost nointernational competitiveness. Even large corporationswill be crushed.
With this aging birthrate and declining birthrate,you can notcontribute even todomestic demandwith the elderlywho can not seethe future ifitis full of old people.
There are no people with a declining birthrate.It seems thatyoung people are supporting the LDPby thinking positivelyasbeing a seller's market completely.
Thereisonlyone personwhois not merely a policy of an aging population declining birthrate.Your futureis pitch dark.
Were I so stupidas towhom I thought ofgoing back toJapan? What?Itis certain thatat leastthe field of view and experiencehas been muchlower thanitwas now.
If I see myselftwo years ago, Ifeel mercyonly now.
Indeeditis visible thatitwill collapse inanother few decades Indeeditwill not be possible to return toJapan.
Why do I have to board asinkingship? Parents are theonly team to surrender,only you are to protectyourself.
Originally I decided not tomake children from the uncertain future ofsociety, not myself. I think that choicewas right.
Politician Now, ifyou are not stupid,it means thatyou are doing intentional bankruptcyactivities.
Itisgood thatyou areonly interested inbeing inspected. I do not knowanymore.
At the very least, pleasetry tomakeJapanese citizens work inthe world. If the hurdle of laborvisagoes down, thenyouwill be able todo it ifyou haveEnglish proficiency.
I had a lot of hardships. Althoughitis inferior to native, Iam working without problems.
関連:「 Sapokanikan /サポカニカン(タバコ畑)」
*1.Bleach a collar, leech adollar/From our cents: 「襟を漂白する(Bleach a collar)」とは、ブルーワーカーからホワイトカラーへ職替えするという意味。
*5. fissure 明らかに女性器を指している
*6. unstaunched daylight, brightly bleeding 陽の光を出血と重ねあわせている
旭茉莉(昆蟲白)、Happy New-Yearが言いたくて(南野陽子)、一直到底(Nipples)、赤い戦車(ヤプーズ)、南方蝶道(甜梅號)、
一個人的水道(甜梅號)、Airon the Gstring(Bach)、春夏秋(チャットモンチー)、激光中(羅文)、Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence(坂本龍一)、
恋愛スピリッツ(チャットモンチー)、安眠藥(歐陽靖 陳奐仁)、甜蜜蜜(薛凱琪)、MAY(斉藤由貴)、ダンシング・ヒーロー (荻野目洋子)、
雙失情人節(Twins)、青山黛瑪(何韻詩)、汽水樽裡的咖啡(何韻詩)、情歌(側田)、when i listen tothe fieldmice(mylittleairport)、
東風(Yellow Magic Orchestra)、Lucky(スーパーカー)、我有一段情(吳鶯音)、曙(ゲルニカ)、2EM12_KK_A09(ヱヴァ破)、
光榮之家(何韻詩)、北歐是我們的死亡終站(mylittleairport)、隆重登場(容祖兒)、電力組曲 C:電化の暮らし(ゲルニカ)、妮歌(何韻詩)、
Komm, SusserTod/甘き死よ、来たれ(Arianne )、ホープ(testpattern)、給十年後的我(薛凱琪)、安靜了(S.H.E)、女朋友(歐陽靖 陳奐仁)、
体操(YMO)、YouOnlyLive Twice(Nancy Sinatra)、小茉莉(楊丞琳)、Oh!(少女時代)、圓謊(容祖兒)、
管他什麼音樂(范曉萱&100%)、Blue Paradise(Martin Denny)、泡泡(魏如萱)、Sunny Road To Salina(Christophe)、Be True(容祖兒)、
優しいたそがれ(南野陽子)、最後的歌(楊千嬅)、Lepremier chagrin d'amour(France Gall)、眼球綺譚(戸川純ユニット)、愛しのキッズ(小島麻由美)、
月世界旅行(アポジー&ペリジー)、韻律泳(何韻詩)、飛べない翼(Lily Chou Chou)、手のなるほうへ(チャットモンチー)、ヒステリヤ(ヤプーズ)、
GreenGrass Of Tunnel(Mum)、夢伴(梅艷芳)、舊約(何韻詩)、再見...露絲瑪莉(何韻詩)、AXIA~かなしいことり~(斉藤由貴)、
沙堡壘(容祖兒)、A Wishful Way(Hopscotch)、ONE(斉藤由貴)、拳銃(チャットモンチー)、脆弱(謝安琪)、
想想(何欣穗)、リフトの下で逢いましょう(南野陽子)、ギルガメッシュ(ヤプーズ)、Roller CoasterRock(selfkill)、alove song(EGO-WRAPPIN')、
愛將(梅艷芳)、手のなるほうへ(チャットモンチー)、petsounds(the beach boys)、香格里拉(魏如萱)。
Table of Contents: ||||||
オープンソースソフトウェアとGIS | Open Source software andGIS | Open Source software andGIS | 1 (6) |
オープンソース概念 | Open Source concept | 1 (2) | |
オープンソースGISとしてのGRASS | GRASSas anOpen SourceGIS | 3 (2) | |
ノースカロライナサンプルデータセット | The North Carolina sample dataset | 5 (1) | |
この本の読み方 | How to read thisbook | 5 (2) | |
GISの概念 | GIS concepts | GIS concepts | 7 (14) |
一般的なGISの原理 | GeneralGIS principles | 7 (6) | |
地理空間データモデル | Geospatial data models | 7 (4) | |
GISデータとシステムの構成 | Organization ofGIS data and system | 11 (2) | |
機能 | functionality | ||
地図投影法と座標系 | Map projections and coordinate systems | 13 (8) | |
地図投影原理 | Map projection principles | 13 (3) | |
一般的な座標系とdatums | Common coordinate systems and datums | 16 (5) | |
GRASSをはじめよう | Getting started withGRASS | Getting started withGRASS | 21 (32) |
第一歩 | First steps | 21 (16) | |
GRASSのダウンロードとインストール | Download and installGRASS | 21 (2) | |
データベースとコマンドの構造 | Database andcommandstructure | 23 (3) | |
GRASS6のためのグラフィカルユーザインタフェイス: | GraphicalUser Interfaces forGRASS 6: | 26 (1) | |
QGISとgis.m | QGIS andgis.m | ||
ノースカロライナを用いてGRASSを開始 | StartingGRASS with the North Carolina | 27 (3) | |
データセット | dataset | ||
GRASSデータ・ディスプレイと3D可視化 | GRASS data display and3D visualization | 30 (4) | |
プロジェクトデータ管理 | Project data management | 34 (3) | |
新しいプロジェクトでGRASSを開始 | StartingGRASS with a new project | 37 (7) | |
aのための座標系の定義 | Defining the coordinatesystem for a | 40 (4) | |
新しいプロジェクト | new project | ||
空間投影されていないxy座標系 | Non-georeferenced xy coordinate system | 44 (1) | |
座標系の変換 | Coordinate system transformations | 44 (9) | |
座標系のリスト | Coordinate lists | 45 (2) | |
ラスタとベクトル地図の投影 | Projection of raster andvector maps | 47 (1) | |
GDAL/OGRツールで、再投影 | Reprojecting with GDAL/OGR tools | 48 (5) | |
GRASSデータモデルとデータの交換 | GRASS data models and data exchange | 53 (30) | |
ラスターデータ | Raster data | 54 (16) | |
GRASSの2Dの、3Dのラスターデータモデル | GRASS2D and3D raster data models | 54 (2) | |
領域の統合と境界 | Managing regions and boundaries | rastermap resolution | |
ジオコードされたラスターデータのインポート | Import of georeferenced raster data | 58 (8) | |
スキャンされた歴史的地図のインポートとジオコーディング | Import and geocoding of a scanned | 66 (3) | |
ラスターデータエクスポート | Raster data export | 69 (1) | |
ベクトルデータ | Vector data | 70 (13) | |
GRASSベクトルデータモデル | GRASSvector datamodel | 70 (3) | |
ベクトルデータのインポート | Import ofvector data | 73 (5) | |
xyCAD描画のための座標変換 | Coordinate transformation for xyCAD drawings | 78 (2) | |
ベクトルデータのエクスポート | Export ofvector data | 80 (3) | |
ラスターデータを使う | Working with raster data | 83 (86) | |
ラスター地図を表示、管理 | Viewing and managing raster maps | 83 (22) | |
ラスターデータの表示と、カラーテーブルの割り当て | Displaying raster dataand assigning acolor table | 83 (3) | |
ラスター地図に関するメタデータを管理 | Managing metadata of raster maps | 86 (2) | |
ラスター地図のクエリとプロファイル | Rastermap queries and profiles | 88 (2) | |
ラスター地図の統計 | Rastermap statistics | 90 (1) | |
ラスター地図のズームと、部分集合の生成 | Zooming and generating subsets from | 91 (1) | |
簡単なラスター地図の生成 | Generating simple raster maps | 92 (2) | |
再分類と再スケーリング | Reclassification and rescaling of | 94 (3) | |
ラスター地図 | raster maps | ||
ラスター地図タイプの記録と値の置換 | Recoding of rastermap types and value replacements | 97 (2) | |
カテゴリラベルの割り当て | Assigning category labels | 99 (4) | |
マスキングとノーデータ値の取り扱い | Masking and handling of no-data values | 103(2) | |
ラスター地図の計算 | Rastermap algebra | 105(10) | |
整数と浮動小数点データ | Integer and floating point data | 107(1) | |
基本的な計算 | Basic calculations | 108(1) | |
“if"状態を使う | Working with ``if'' conditions | 109(1) | |
r.mapcalcのNULL値の取り扱い | Handling of NULL values in r.mapcalc | 110(1) | |
r.mapcalcでMASKを作成 | Creating a MASK with r.mapcalc | 111(1) | |
特別なグラフ演算子 | Special graph operators | 112(1) | |
相対的座標での近傍演算 | Neighborhood operations with relative coordinates | 113(2) | |
ラスタデータの変換と内挿 | Raster data transformation and interpolation | 115(11) | |
離散的ラスターデータの自動的ベクトル化 | Automated vectorization of discrete raster data | 115(3) | |
連続フィールドの等値線の描画を生成 | Generating isolines representing continuousfields | 118(1) | |
ラスタデータのリサンプリングと内挿 | Resampling and interpolation of raster data | 119(5) | |
ラスター地図のオーバーレイとマージ | Overlaying and merging raster maps | 124(2) | |
ラスターデータの空間分析 | Spatial analysis with raster data | 126(29) | |
近傍分析とクロスカテゴリー統計 | Neighborhood analysis andcross-category statistics | 126(7) | |
ラスタフィーチャのバッファリング | Buffering of raster features | 133(2) | |
コストサーフェイス | Cost surfaces | 135(5) | |
地勢と分水界分析 | Terrain and watershed analysis | 140(13) | |
ランドスケープ構造解析 | Landscapestructure analysis | 153(2) | |
ランドスケーププロセスモデリング | Landscape process modeling | 155(11) | |
水文学的、地下水のモデル | Hydrologic and groundwater modeling | 155(3) | |
浸食と宣誓証言モデル | Erosion and deposition modeling | 158(8) | |
ラスタベースのモデルと解析に関するまとめ | Final note on raster-based modelingand analysis | 166(1) | |
ボクセルデータを使う | Working with voxel data | 166(3) | |
ベクトルデータを使う | Working withvector data | 169(94) | |
地図の表示とメタデータ管理 | Map viewing and metadata management | 169(4) | |
ベクトル地図を表示 | Displayingvector maps | 169(3) | |
ベクトル地図メタデータ維持 | Vectormap metadata maintenance | 172(1) | |
ベクトル地図属性管理とSQLのサポート | Vectormap attribute management andSQL support | 173(14) | |
GRASS6でのSQLサポート | SQL support inGRASS 6 | 174(7) | |
サンプルSQLクエリと属性変更 | SampleSQL queriesand attribute modifications | 181(4) | |
地図再分類 | Map reclassification | 185(1) | |
複数の属性があるベクトル地図 | Vectormap with multiple attribute tables: layers | 186(1) | |
ベクトルデータをデジタル化 | Digitizingvector data | 187(5) | |
位相的データのデジタル化の一般原理 | General principles for digitizing topological data | 187(2) | |
GRASSでの対話的なデジタイジング | Interactive digitizing inGRASS | 189(3) | |
ベクトル地図クエリと統計 | Vectormap queries and statistics | 192(4) | |
地図のクエリ | Map queries | 192(2) | |
ベクトルオブジェクトに基づくラスター地図統計 | Rastermap statistics based onvector objects | 194(2) | |
ポイントベクトル地図統計 | Pointvectormap statistics | 196(1) | |
幾何学操作 | Geometry operations | 196(20) | |
位相的な操作 | Topological operations | 197(6) | |
バッファリング | Buffering | 203(1) | |
フィーチャの抽出と境界のディゾルブ | Feature extraction and boundary dissolving | 204(1) | |
ベクトル地図を修理 | Patchingvector maps | 205(1) | |
ベクトル地図のインターセクディングとクリッピング | Intersecting and clippingvector maps | 206(3) | |
ベクトルの幾何の変換と3Dベクトルの作成 | Transformingvector geometry and creating3D vectors | 209(2) | |
点からのコンベックスハルとトライアンギュレーション | Convex hull and triangulation from points | 211(1) | |
同じ位置の掘り出し物の複数のポイント | Find multiple points in same location | 212(2) | |
一般的な多角形境界の長さ | Length ofcommon polygon boundaries | 214(2) | |
ベクトルネットワーク分析 | Vector network analysis | 216(11) | |
ネットワーク分析 | Network analysis | 216(5) | |
直線的な参照システム(LRS) | Linear reference system (LRS) | 221(6) | |
ラスタへのベクトルデータ変化 | Vector data transformations to raster | 227(3) | |
空間的な内挿と近似 | Spatial interpolationand approximation | 230(19) | |
内挿方法を選択 | Selecting an interpolation method | 230(5) | |
RSTによる内挿と近似 | Interpolationand approximation with RST | 235(2) | |
RSTパラメタの調整:テンションとスムージング | Tuning the RST parameters: tension and smoothing | 237(4) | |
RSTの精度を評価 | Estimating RST accuracy | 241(3) | |
セグメント化処理 | Segmentedprocessing | 244(3) | |
RSTとのトポグラフィー分析 | Topographic analysis with RST | 247(2) | |
ライダーポイントのクラウドデータを使う | Working with lidar point cloud data | 249(8) | |
ボリュームに基づくは内挿 | Volume based interpolation | 257(6) | |
3番目の変数の追加: 高度のある降水量 | Adding third variable: precipitation with elevation | 258(3) | |
ボリュームとボリューム-時間内挿 | Volume and volume-temporal interpolation | 261(1) | |
地球統計学とスプライン | Geostatistics and splines | 262(1) |